That is the title of a song and video in which young people ingeniously present a loophole in god’s law that they are happy to exploit. The text and the link to the video are in Part 2 of this article.
According to Christian doctrine, believers can only have anal sex until marriage. This is a very popular and regular practice among young Christian believers, who thus satisfy the Bible, preserve their love for Jesus, and please themselves.
Sexual disorders and violence against natural sexuality in the Christian Church
The sexual disorders that characterize religions, especially Christianity, are also part of the list of characteristics of fascism (and later Nazism). Interestingly, Christianity and fascism also coincide on other points.
Jason Stanley, professor of philosophy at Yale University in the USA, in his video The 10 tactics of fascism on his YouTube channel, outlines the distinctive characteristics of fascism, including sexual anxiety. (The 10 tactics of fascism | Jason Stanley | Big Think, YouTube,
“8. Sexual anxiety (Uncomfortable feelings about sexuality, such as fear, insecurity, panic, shame, and panicky fear of the differently sexed.)”
The original Christian sexual disorder is the “immaculate” conception of the Son of God, who is said to have been conceived by the Holy Spirit Himself. “Immaculate” means, of course, that the conception of a child through sex is slick, dirty, and sinful. Moreover, sex itself is dirty and stained and should be avoided by the faithful, and only practiced for the technical purposes of the procreation of children and the creation of new priests and nuns.
Among the most well-known of the Crusaders’ sexual disorders is, of course, their intolerance, hatred, and violence toward members of the LGBTQIA+ community. They are particularly intolerant of homosexuals, even though up to 80 % of the Crusader priests are homosexual, and have been sexually abusing children and young people in an organized and systematic way for centuries. (You can read more about Christendom’s primitive and hypocritically duplicitous attitude to sexuality in a series of articles in which I also expose the karmic deception and violence against people’s sexual and bodily identities, entitled Homosexuality doesn’t exist as a sexual relationship, Part 1 of 5, at
The third sexual disorder in the Christian Church is celibacy, the demonization of sexuality, the unnatural, violent, and harmful repression of sexual desire, and the prohibition of masturbation and sexuality. Here again, the well-known Christian hypocrisy is at work, since it is common knowledge that homosexual priests, with the money contributed by the faithful, go to prostitutes, and even more preferentially sexually abuse children and young people in classes, in churches, and even in the homes where naïve parents let sexual predators into their children’s rooms.
The purpose of celibacy is supposed to be abstinence from the depravity and sinfulness of sexual relations and to redirect sexual energy toward god, Jesus, and the Church. Priests are to work and sacrifice for god and the Church, not to enjoy themselves. They are to be married to god, Jesus, and the Church, not to the sin of fornication.
The Christian restriction of sexuality in adults, and also the adolescent celibacy narrated by the group of young people in the video below, aims at suppressing natural sexual needs and desires and sacred sacrifice to the god, Jesus, and the Church, and of course at controlling and prohibiting pleasure, in addition to subjugating and distorting (sexual energy and behavior) in young people. Young people should feel guilty about having sex before marriage, because by enjoying natural sexuality they betray god, Jesus, and the Church.
As Slavoj Žižek says when he describes a gang rape case in which three Mexican boys raped a young girl, the judge acquitted only one of them, “coincidentally” the one who had the most expensive lawyer, because he did not enjoy the rape. If he had enjoyed it, he would have been guilty, but he was acquitted despite the evidence of rape. Žižek goes on to make it worse by saying that a person can only enjoy something if he feels guilty about it. This is what he calls surplus pleasure.
Guilty pleasure
A priest may or may not feel the following sensations when having sex:
1. He feels nothing when having sex: this is how ordinary priests should feel, even though they should not have sex at all.
2. He feels ordinary pleasure in sex: this is what sinful priests feel when they cannot restrain their sex drive and take pleasure in sinning in betrayal of God, Jesus, and the Church. In the morning the sluttish sin, in the afternoon the humble pray for mercy.
3. They feel pleasure and guilt when they have sex: these are the more advanced priests who, with years of practice and hard work in the sinfulness of self-gratification, sexual abuse of children and young people, and sexual relations with prostitutes, have managed to reach the last step before the ideal level of sexual identity and sexual well-being in the presence of sinful fornication. Yummy and yuck, the abomination of despicable!
4. He feels only guilt when having sex – god, Jesus, and the Church salute and congratulate the dedicated and professional priest who has finally understood and felt to the marrow of his bones what dirty, sinful, and damnable sexuality means, and who has given himself completely, body and soul to the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit also joins in the joy of the Trinity with the song “You are guilty, enjoy!”
For the faithful, the ideal “sexual intercourse”, or holy masturbation, is to relive the Passion of Jesus on the Cross by, for example, tightening the cilice. This is a metal belt with spikes that the faithful fasten to their thighs under their clothes and stab them until they bleed. The fervent believers, who have the cilice permanently installed as a torture device and a symbolic cross which they never take down, because Jesus did not rest on the cross but was in constant pain, have an interesting saying about their masochistic practice. “When the others go to lunch, we tighten the cilice one more hole.”
Priests who practice celibacy, along with all those who tighten their spiked chain, are trying to experience the “Holy Orgasm” and relive the death of Jesus on the cross. This would be the climax and the culmination of their renunciation of earthly death and their consecrated sacrifice to the god, Jesus, and the Church, this would be the Sweetest Death. They are, of course, only pretending to be fervent believers. If they were serious, they would have been crucified and died on the cross, thus turning their words into flesh. It is easy to throw cold water on yourselves or to tighten your grip on the cilice, kill yourselves on the cross and show god, Jesus, and the Church what true believers you are.
God and Jesus do not have wives and sexual relations, so priests are not allowed to have them either. They identify themselves by celibacy with Jesus, who was married to the Church, even though Jesus – if He lived – was not a Christian, did not write or read the Bible, and was not a member of the Church, because it did not exist at that time. It is clear to anyone that the Church would never have survived the celibacy of its priests and faithful, for they would have died out after the first generation. Therefore, as the clerical Elite, they have chosen celibacy for themselves as a better, purer, and holier life, living as Jesus, who is the “Bridegroom of the Church”, leaving the faithful with the filthy and sinful sexuality that ensures new priests and nuns for the survival of the Church.
The main means of maintaining abstinence among the priests is said to be ice water as an anti-viagra and prayer to the Lord. We can see that neither works because the Christian Church is literally the biggest homosexual club in the world, where priests have regular and constant sexual relations with priests and with prostitutes, some with nuns, and most of all with sexually abused children and young people.
Many priests, too disgusted and bursting at the seams with forced abstinence, have expressed their suppressed desire for free sex with a joke: “Two priests are talking about celibacy and the first says: ‘I hear they are going to abolish celibacy’. The other replies: ‘Maybe our children will live to see it, but we certainly won’t.
Evil is the essence of religion
It is important to know that the essence of religion is Evil, Satan, and Sin, because without them religion as a machine to subjugate, control, manipulate and exploit the faithful cannot function.
The Bible says that humans are fundamentally bad, sinful, and cursed because they are the descendants of the first two sinners, Adam and Eve, who committed the Original Sin when they bit into the apple of knowledge, which caused god to cast them out of Paradise and banish them to Hell on Earth. Believers are also guilty of Jesus’ death – if He lived at all – and of their daily sins. They must suffer for all their sins if they want to go back to heaven. This means, of course, that once they are in hell, they must suffer, and they can only suffer for their sins. Without sins, they will not suffer and without suffering they cannot go to heaven. This is why the Christian Church has caused the evilest in the history of mankind because it is their duty, both ministerially and divinely, to sin to confess, to atone, to suffer, and to ask god for mercy and a return to heaven. Evil, hatred, violence, and even sexual abuse of children and young people are necessary for churchmen because without them they cannot fulfill their sacred duty. Although in reality, they are plunging deeper into hell by sinning, they naively think that their confession, penance, and suffering will soften god’s hard heart and that He will take them to Himself. Without sin, there is no hell and without sin, there is no heaven. With Adam and Eve’s sin, it all began, and with god’s punishment on Judgment Day, it will all end. Sin and punishment, hell and heaven.
I know this sounds crazy, but it is the way that believers believe in historical myths, fables, and fiction that do not stand up to serious and rational scrutiny. As I write elsewhere, believers have no proof of the existence of god. The absence of proof for the existence of god is a necessity for the existence of religion because the essence of religion is precisely to believe and to believe without proof. Proof of the existence of a god would be a burden for the faithful, who would then no longer be able to believe in fiction or fiction. We do not need to believe in real things, or things for which we have evidence, because we know they exist. This is also the difference between knowledge and faith as ritualized ignorance. If Jesus were to return to Earth today, the faithful would shout at him, “Shh, go away, disappear, don’t spoil our faith!”, because as a concrete being he would spoil their imaginary fiction.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
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