LGBTQIA+ are karmic physical, sexual and identity experiments on humans
In addition to other and numerous horrific experiments on human beings, karmic experimenters have also distorted the bodies, genders, and sexual identities of many. To make people uncomfortable and unpleasant in addition to these distortions, they have deliberately created conflicts between harmed people as well, according to the 50:50 formula of Good and Evil, yin and yang. First with the individual with a distorted body and an altered sexual identity within him or her, and then between the hetero and the homosexual persons in society.
As psychopathic sadists, the karmicons particularly enjoyed making people uncomfortable when they discovered, feared, ashamed, and hid their differences. To take even more perverse pleasure in their suffering, the karmic scripts forced them to accept their physical and sexual identity distortions, fight for them, and even be proud of them. Such violent changes are no different from imposed physical limitations, impairments, and illnesses. Imagine if blind people organized a Pride Parade, marched through the city, waved white sticks in the air, rejoiced, celebrated their blindness, and told the whole world that they were proud of their darkness. Well, this is the culmination of the karmicon’s insidious, hypocritical, and perverse violence against humans, where many people have been forced to live with restrictions and accept them – some even as a divine punishment for “sinfulness”, others as a divine test of true faith, others as a “necessary learning tool” for personal development – and even boast about them in front of others.
Homosexuality is a sin, a disease, and a crime
As we know, since the beginning of history, and especially since the beginning of Christianity, homosexuals have been harshly and violently persecuted, despised, punished, and killed. Two thousand years later, it is the same and worse. The Nazis were particularly violent towards them, even carrying out horrific experiments on them in concentration camps. They also tried to “cure” them by hormone therapy, by inserting electrodes into their brains, and, in more recent times, by hard labor in camps to make them “real men”. Having failed to cure “homosexuals”, they allegedly wanted to “cure” them according to Hitler’s prescription of the “final solution” by deliberately infecting them with HIV. Conspiracy theories say that AIDS was created in laboratories to exterminate homosexuals.
I remember a scene from a film in which ‘sick’ left-handed people, who did most things with their left hand, were rotated to the right to ‘cure’ them and to rotate them again to the right. Strange that the Janschists in Slovenia have not yet remembered something like this and started to turn the whole country like a merry-go-round to the far-right. In 2020 and 2021, they pulled out all their tricks from the dark hat and started to turn it around, but the majority of the left, the free-thinking and the non-political, got too dizzy because of Janša and the Janschists, and they stopped this negative merry-go-round convincingly in the April elections.
Homosexuality as a sexual relationship does not exist
Let me say again clearly that homosexuality is an ugly karmic lie. Samebodyness and homosexuality are two completely different things, because even in the case of so-called homosexual relationships, for example between male “homosexuals” and female lesbians (lesbians is not in quotation marks because it is not a misuse of sexuality as in the case of “homosexuality”, which means “samebodyness“), it is, in fact, a heterosexual relationship between a man and a woman who are in the bodies of the same sex.
“Homosexuality” is no different from any other heterosexual couple dressing up in two costumes, for example, male or female, except that in this case these costumes are living bodies.
The next time you see two gay men or two lesbians holding hands, know that they are a man and a woman in same-sex bodies. With this behavior and understanding, all tension, intolerance, and hostility toward the victims of karmic violence could be dissolved in a matter of days. I suggest that you are among the first to stop being disgusted and angry with people who have been violently physically and sexually disfigured but to welcome them with kindness and friendship, like all other persons and couples. If you know any such person, couple or group, please send them, thank you, a link to my articles, as they will benefit greatly from knowing the truth.
A tale of Two Spirits people
Lia shared her opinion on transgender people on Twitter.
Lia Bordon @bordonchica
“New awareness thread. I write it for those who find transgender unnatural or abnormal. I hear those two things a lot, but it’s decent to have something to say about it. Let’s see what I am, unnatural, abnormal, both, or neither? Let’s go down the line.
The concept of natural refers to nature, something that comes from nature. Unnatural is that which is not like nature. I myself am undoubtedly derived from nature. I was conceived naturally, I was born into this world like everyone else. I breathe, I live, I feel…
I am a living organism coming from nature, so I can’t be unnatural. My transsexuality cannot be unnatural either, because it exists in nature. It indeed exists in a small percentage, but it exists. So I am not unnatural. What about abnormal?
Normal is defined as that which conforms to certain established, accepted rules, and requirements. We could say that normal is whatever is in line with the generally established social consensus, and abnormal is whatever deviates from this consensus.
The social consensus is just that, a consensus. That is why normal varies from society to society. Example: In Europe, it is normal for couples to hug and kiss in public. In traditional Japanese culture, you will not see this because public displays of affection are abnormal there.
Is that why the Japanese are abnormal? For some of our guardians of traditional values, they certainly are, even if they are not. They are just living what is normal for them. Without going too far, let us return to transgenderism. Is transsexuality normal?
In Europe, whose culture is based on Christianity, for many, it is not. The Christian worldview is binary when it comes to gender. It knows only two social genders and has prescribed roles for each of them. Men are the alphas, and women are the mothers and homemakers, at the service of the alphas.
I simplify because this is the basic premise of the patriarchal world. It is underlined by the thesis that God and the “book of all books”, written by none other than men, say so. But that is not the case everywhere. Let us jump across the pond to people whose culture is much older than our Christian one.
Indigenous North American peoples know more than two social genders. They know at least four: male, female, male with a feminine spirit, and female with a masculine spirit.
Two Spirits were highly valued in Native American communities in pre-Christian America, and families with a child were considered happy. Indians believed that people who could see the world through the eyes of both sexes had a unique gift from the Creator.
They were healers, shamans, visionaries, mystics, guardians of the tribe’s oral traditions, and bestowers of lucky names for children and adults… In short, they occupied positions of honor in society, and they were held in high esteem. Until the advent of Christianity, then it was over.
For the Indians, transgenderism was natural and normal, and they are not the only ones. Social gender diversity is also found in other peoples around the world; Myanmar, India, Madagascar and Samoa, Thailand, Hawaii, and even Afghanistan.
But let’s go back to Slovenia. We have already established that transgenderism is natural. In Slovenia, there are, statistically speaking, somewhere up to 20 000 people like me.
Small in percentage terms, but by no means negligible. So far, just over 100 have dared to enter the transition. Why?
Because transgenderism is abnormal for our “progressive” cultural environment. The problem is not transsexuality itself, because it is natural, but our cultural environment, which confines itself to the binary social role of the two sexes, and therefore equates transsexuality with the abnormal and stigmatizes it.
It does not have to be that way. Transgender people are just two-spirited people, we have always been here. We are not unnatural, still less abnormal. We are what everyone else is, PEOPLE who live, breathe, feel… We don’t want a special place in society, but we deserve an equal place in it.”
Although the Indian expression “two spirits” sounds very interesting, from a karmic point of view – it is their expression that they have written in the script for the Indians – it is false because they know very well that in this case the incarnate, or the person from another planet, is of one sex, for example, male, and the person they have incarnated into is of another sex, for example, female. This means that for the karmic person there is only one spirit and one body, not “two spirits” and one body. For the karmicons, a human is only an incarnation of another person, or in Indian terms, “man with one spirit”, and in the case of the transgendered, they have deliberately carried out a double distortion, a physical one (for example, a man also has female genitals) and a gender identity one (a man in a woman’s body).
From the true perspective of Existence and simultaneity, there are two persons in this man – the incarnate who sleeps in him and the man who lives his life. Both may be of the other or the same sex, in that the sex of the incarnate may have a strong and decisive influence on the person’s life, or not at all, and the person may, for example, not even know that he has an incarnate of the other sex within him.
Many people who know about incarnation from books, articles, and karmic channeled messages think that they are the incarnate ones who once lived somewhere else, now live here, and after death will return “home” again. Some, and the same according to karmic messages, for example in religions, think that they have a soul within them that will leave them after death and go to the higher realms. It is very clear from their statements on the Internet that they are not clear whether they are these souls or just soul vehicles, and whether their souls will pass on and they will die and stay on Earth. Many also have a very romantic attitude towards souls who are supposed “children of God” in white robes who have come to play on Earth, as described by Neale Donald Walsch in his book The Little Soul and the Sun. Let me make it clear that a soul is a karmic term for an incarnant who is a human being from another planet.
The life and behavior of an individual can also be influenced by a hybrid incarnant, whereby two persons, of the same or different sex, are turned into energy beings by the karmicons, merged into one being, and then incarnated into a child in the mother. I had such a hybrid because they merged Fedja with a Russian girl and then incarnated them together into me. I didn’t notice any particular influence on my perception of my sexual and physical identity, which means that the karmicons didn’t write that into Fedja’s script.
I should also mention Lia’s comment about naturalness and unnaturalness. She says that it comes from nature and is therefore natural. In reality, her body and sexual identity have been violently interfered with by the karmicons, which is not natural and is unnaturally distorted. In this sense, she is not natural, but this unnaturalness does not mean that she is sinful, sick, or criminal.
No more karmic distortions and perversions on the New Earths
After the liberation of the Earth, all Earthlings will be screened, stripped of incarnants, hybrids, and implants, and given new bodies, and their gender identity will be regulated and harmonized with the body’s gender. This will put an end to the violent karmic experiments on human beings and allow everyone to have a natural body, proper gender identity, and pleasant life.
All Earthlings who have died since December 2020 and have been taken in by our space friends will be given a new body that is either male or female. This is a way of undoing karmic physical, mental, emotional, and sexual distortions and putting things in their natural place. We will do the same after the liberation of the Earth. All people in our and the new cosmos live and will live in pairs – male and female, which is the natural partnership state.
On the six new Earth planets, this is already arranged. There are also no more black people and races of other skin colors, only white people live on the new planets. This closes, settles, and heals another karmic open wound ending the racial hierarchization and discrimination against people by skin color, contempt, hatred, slave exploitation, and abuse.
Speaking of good news, there are no more religions on the new planets too, because we are no longer transporting religious organizations and facilities, karmic machines for the mass enstupidment, subjugation, and humiliation of human beings, from the old Earth to the new planets. Together with new, young, healthy bodies, new estates and houses, a million euros, and well-ordered, friendly, and welcoming communities, the Earthlings on the new planets live in peace and enjoy themselves as in paradise. They miss nothing of the old – who would miss restrictions, disease, poverty, political manipulation, capitalist exploitation, crime, violence, war, suffering, and death? On the old Earth, the believers are obsessed and addicted to this Evil; on the new Earth, they have sobered up, come to their senses, and are living enthusiastically in true Freedom. I look forward to the blockade falling quickly so you too will experience life in Love and Wisdom.
All the best to all.
P. S. If you know any LGBTQIA+ person, couple or group, send them a link to my articles, as they will benefit greatly from knowing the truth. Thank you.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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