We have taken three big steps closer to liberating the Earth
Last year (2021) I published two Planetary Reports on our activities in preparation for Earth’s liberation:
Planetary Report nr. 2: the “voices in the head” are leaving at
Planetary Report NR. 3: we have captured all Black Flyers at
Apparently, we didn’t take them all out, because on Tuesday, July 5, our space friends told me that they had received a signal, probably from the Big Black Cloud, to lift 17 000 humanoid reptiles, half-human, from Earth, or more precisely from caverns beneath the Earth’s surface, onto their spaceship. The next day, they also got a signal to lift 28 thousand Black Flyers, most of them in the caverns under Nevada in the USA, but a few thousand flying around the planet.
The Reptilians are peaceful and positive, so we turned them into human beings by agreement with them. They were also part of a violent karmic experiment that is coming to an end with the end of the Evil Karmic Organization. Our space friends have told me that they are very happy with their new bodies, and they especially like the human legs, which are straight, whereas before they had curved ones.
I have been told by our space friends that Black Flyers are animals that have no mental abilities. Like true scavengers, they fed on the negative energy of human suffering, on fear, sadness, anger, and other energetic waste. They also told me that they were sending special micro-electrical stimuli of negative energy to people, encouraging them to think and feel that they were unwell and to develop, reinforce and prolong that unwellness. Women, who are more energetically sensitive and have stronger emotions, were particularly targeted, and some of them also like to dramatize and thus feed abundantly energy vampires, parasites, and scavengers. We will turn the Black Flyers into White Swans and thus abolish their negativity and blackness all at once.
After two successful campaigns, the very next day, Thursday, July 7, our space friends received a new signal to remove 2.6 billion karmic lodgers, or “voices in the head”, from the Earthlings’ surroundings. By 9 pm, they had all been successfully lifted aboard the spaceship, where they were screened by our team and divided into two groups: the civil planetary inhabitants who had been forced by the karmic masters to go to other planets, and the karmic servants who were living and working in the karmic centers.
The inhabitants or “civilians” were given new bodies and returned home. They were thrilled that the karmic violence against them was finally over and that they were going home. We moved the karmic servants into a special room where there are other karmic people from the karmic centers and demonic energy beings from higher dimensions. We will deal with them after the liberation of the Earth. They are all in personality perverted into Evil, extremely hostile to human beings, harmful, destructive, and deadly. Fortunately for us, they will never harm anyone, anywhere, ever again, as they will be neutralized forever.
I have also been informed by our space friends that some four billion of them have previously been removed by the superplanetary groups that look after individual planets. These groups, like our space friends, have helped to liberate the planets from the Karmic Organization and to introduce a new model of life. In closing down the karmic centers from which they had forcibly incarnated the inhabitants into humans on other and lower planets, they seized not only the karmic workers and their technology but also the documentation showing how many inhabitants of each planet were in incarnations and where they were. All the incarnants were immediately and remotely extracted from the human race and returned home. In addition to incarnating, the Karmic people also used the inhabitants of the planets for forced labor for their Evil purposes, placing them in the vicinity of people on other planets, to whom they projected harmful thoughts, feelings, and emotions and, using special technology, also caused concrete harm and also so-called mental illnesses by disturbing and distorting the perception or experience of the world, of oneself and others. I have just suggested to our space friends that they find out why the supraplanetary groups have not returned the 2.6 billion inhabitants who were still present on Earth, along with the four billion. When I find out, I’ll report.
Perfect symmetry in the liberation of the Cosmos
In our campaign to abolish the Karmic Organization and its Evil, a pattern with five parts is visible:
1. First there was the Karmic Organization, which has terrorized the whole Cosmos for over 70 million years.
2. Then, in December 2017, with the healing of all the sick, we began the liberation of the first planet, Palki.
3. Within a few years, we had liberated the whole Cosmos, leaving only Earth.
4. Earth is the last planet still working according to the karmic program. The Karmic organization has been gone for many years, but their scripts are still being implemented, as currently, the controllers above the 8th dimension are still blocking our space friends and the liberation of the planet. We are now in this phase, with only the last phase to go.
5. The Karmic organization, the controllers, and the karmic servants are gone, the whole Cosmos is liberated, and all humans are living according to a new model.
This pattern is also characterized by the symmetrical unfolding of action activities, as the first planet, Palki was liberated gradually. This is also true for Earth as the last planet, while all the other planets were liberated at once. The controllers on Palki also interfered and restricted our work, so that we could not get everything done in the short time that we wanted and could have done. They do this on Earth too, whereas on other planets in space they did not interfere with our work and we were able to carry out all our activities very quickly and completely.
Considering that our project has several parts (if it were not for the violent interference and blocking, we could have done them all at once) and that we have already completed some, or more precisely most, of them, I can say that we are very close indeed to the last act, i.e. the liberation of the Earth and the beginning of the resettlement of Earthlings on the new planets.
Alak and the Big Black Cloud
I was recently visited in a dream by an elderly man with orange skin. Our space friends called him “Alak”, which means “the oldest”. He was very kind and complimented me on my work. He said that I had been given all the knowledge and that I had the ‘keys to this Cosmos’. Then he indirectly said something else about the controllers who are hindering us in our work. He said, “… they are scattered all over the Cosmos, their ignorance is greater than them”. This means, of course, that he knows who they are and where they have come from. The question remains why the Big Black Cloud, giant energy being from the higher or more probably the highest dimensions of this Cosmos, who has been helping me since 2015 but does not do everything I suggest, and now Alak, do not lift the blockade and allow us to help Earthlings into a new and better life as well. Cloud seems to have an active role, while Alak is more of an observer. There are not many reasons for their behavior and allowing the blockage, and the answer will probably come after the final liberation of the whole Cosmos.
Theoretically, there are only three possibilities why Cloud does not immediately remove the blockage: he may not, he can’t, or he doesn’t want to. Given that the Earth’s blockade is gradually decreasing, this means that he may, he can and he wants to, he just does it gradually. This also means, of course, that we will see the day when the blockade is completely lifted. Given that we are now finishing up the last job and returning the remaining appointees home, the liberation of Earth could come very soon.
Hybrids and implants
There are two groups of human inhabitants of the Cosmos left to sort out, who have also been violently ripped out of their lives by the karmic masters and stuffed into other people. These are hybrids and implants.
Hybrids are incarnation twins who have been merged into one energy being by the karmicons and incarnated into the head of an infant. My incarnant Fedja from the planet Palki was also merged with a young Russian girl, and together they were incarnated into me as one being.
The implants are inhabitants of other planets, which the karmicons put into one of the four energy cups, into which they also put the incarnants, (they can also put them anywhere in the energy body of a human being, Bozo was in me in the back of the body, behind the lungs) except that the implants are put as adult human beings into other adult human beings. Alida was put in me first, and she was in me for two years and nine months. During this time she was not allowed to speak, but she communicated with my fingers and my voice, as the implants can fully control the host body.
In 2010, Alida left and the karmic people put Zlatko, a young boy, inside me. Zlatko is still inside me, he can speak, but unlike Alida, who has retained the memory of herself and her life, he has no memory. About five years ago, Dalibor, a middle-aged man who was for some time a lodger near me, was also put inside me. He, too, can talk and he, too, has no memory.
It takes a long process to screen and remove hybrids and implants, so we will only help these people once Earth is finally free, as the controllers are still blocking our space friends and preventing them from being removed and sent home now.
To get the 2.6 billion inhabitants sorted out and sent home as quickly as possible, we have invited our friends from all over the Cosmos, especially from the 6th dimension, who know how to use our technology. By midnight yesterday, we had already doubled our team of space friends with about 450,000 top experts, so I estimate that we are now over a million. On Tuesday, July 12, our space friends told me that we had lifted, arranged, and sent home all the lodgers. This means that, as of Tuesday, we are ready for the final act of liberating Earth, lifting the blockade, and beginning the resettlement of Earthlings on the six new planets.
I am looking forward that this business with the appointees (lodgers of “voices in the head”) is really the last action before the final Action and that I will soon publish a new Planetary Report with the announcement that the end of karmic Evil is also on Earth and that a new, fantastic life is beginning for the Earthlings as well.
The evil controllers are returning to their Cosmos
The latest news: on Thursday evening, July 14, I received a message, I assume from Alak, because it was a different voice than usual, that the controllers who are blocking our space friends and the Earth are going to be transferred to their own Cosmos and “reconverted” or re-personalized, just as we have been doing for years with the personality-impaired, the retarded, the damaged, the twisted and perverted, the vermin, the criminals, the bullies, the psychopaths, the sadists, the torturers and the killers whom we regularly personally transform.
The very next day, on Friday, July 15, shortly before midnight, a new message came that the first controllers had already been transformed. I was also shown a scene of one man sniffing another, which was to tell me that the old and unchanged controllers were checking at the new and changed ones and seeing what they looked like in terms of personality change.
Today, Saturday, July 16, as I was returning from my walk, another message came through that some of the modified controllers were supposed to come back here, but they were immediately transferred back to their own Cosmos.
It would be very good if the news about the controllers is true because it would mean that all the work is done and now it is just a matter of the controllers and the lifting of the blockade.
We can see that the project to liberate the Cosmos and the Earth is fragmented into smaller parts. It seems that even the task of transferring the controllers to their Cosmos and personality changes has been broken into several parts and they are being transferred in groups. The answer to the question of why this is so, why this project is fragmented and why it has not been done all at once, is simple: because it is so in Existence. Today is Saturday, not Sunday, let alone Monday. I have been waiting for Freedom Day for a long time, and Sanja and I have been waiting for a long time to be together, but despite my and our great desire and our efforts over the years to make it good for the Earthlings and us, we cannot move the clock even for a second. Only when it is my time, our time with Sanja, and our time to live in freedom, only then will happen. Fortunately, time flies very quickly and I look forward to it soon bringing us our beautiful life. Given the way things are going and the beginning of the controllers being moved into their Cosmos and the gradual lifting of the blockade in this way, it could happen very quickly.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
Here are my other books for personal development:
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