Satan is the true AntiChrist
The most famous Antichrist is, of course, Satan, who was supposedly created by God as an angel, but then his angelic son rebelled against him, causing him to be cast out of paradise and into hell. To keep him from getting too bored at the bottom of Creation, he gave him dominion over humans, whom he angrily cursed for the sake of Eve and Adam, and also banished from Paradise. Humans were then supposed to be the first immigrants, against whom, interestingly enough, the far-right cross-thians of all religions and nationalities are fighting so fiercely today. “And all madnesses”, added one visitor from another planet. (“Of all religions” is, of course, a joke.)
God is supposed to be Lord of Heaven, Satan of Earth, and Hell. The Father and his Black Son, for whom God had to incarnate Himself as Jesus, defile Himself, torture Himself and commit suicide with the Romans on the cross to atone for man’s sins against Himself and thus defeat His other son and Prince of Darkness, Satan. Since he failed to do so in the first round, he will have to transform himself into a human once more and attack the Prince of Darkness in the second round. Apparently, he has a very long training, as sinners have been waiting for him for over 2,000 years. Perhaps he and Satan are even training together for the final confrontation – who else would be a better sparring partner than Black Rocky?
The story of God and Satan is, of course, a mere karmic fabrication to keep people stupid, subjugated, and abused. As we know, the karmicons have invented many stories to scare children and adults, and the tale of Satan is one of them. God and Satan the Tempter are said to fight over human souls. As we can see on Earth, the last karmic planet where Evil continues to increase, Satan, despite God’s “omnipotence”, wins this battle with ease, as his army of sinners grows day by day.
“True it is that all who deny the Father and the Son are antichrists. It is also true that there are many antichrists abroad today; and that ‘the man of sin’ of the tribulation period will be known as ‘the Antichrist.’ But seeing that Satan is at the back of all anti-Christian forces, and the instigator of all open hatred to God and His Christ, he can be fitly termed—Satan, the Antichrist.”—Herbert Lockyer
In Satan, the Antichrist, best-selling Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer traces the diabolical plan of Satan through both the Old and New Testaments, and forward through the ages, including the church period and during and after the tribulation. He reveals the spiritual weapons at our disposal, that we might remain resistant and vigilant in our faith by using both the Word of God and the blood of Christ in the promised vanquishing of this evil antichrist.”
Apparently, even prayer and wine are too weak to defeat Satan on Earth, who, with Evil in every possible form, is abominably ruling in the “Kingdom of God”.
You can easily recognize the Antichrist,
because she has one big eye and one small eye:
There are warnings against false prophets in the Old Testament of the bible.
An anti-Messiah figure known as Armilus said to be the offspring of Satan and a virgin, appears in some schools of Jewish eschatology, such as the 7th century CE Sefer Zerubbabel and 11th century CE Midrash Vayosha. He is stated to be the God and Messiah of the Christians, making him identical to Jesus Christ. He is described as “a monstrosity, bald-headed, with one large and one small eye, deaf in the right ear and maimed in the right arm, while the left arm is two and one-half ells long.” Being considered similar to, or even identical with Gog, his believed destruction by a “Messiah ben Joseph” (Messiah, of the tribe of Joseph) symbolizes the ultimate victory of the Jewish Messiah in the Messianic Age.” (Wikipedia)
One el is about half a meter long, so the left arm of the Jewish AntiChrist Armilus is about one meter and 25 centimeters long. If you see such a monster on the street, take a quick photo of it, post it on Facebook, and then report it to the nearest police station. From there on, it’s all in God’s hands. 🙂
Unlike the mythological instructions for recognizing the AntiChrist in everyday life, there are some serious things to know about the Beast.
In an article entitled “Five things to know about the Antichrist” at we can read how to be prepared for the Deadly Encounter:
“In the history of the West over the last 2000 years, there has never been a time when someone hasn’t been predicting the end of the world.
And now, with a seemingly insoluble climate crisis, pandemic surges, savage wildfires and hurricanes, and a renewed nuclear arms race seem no time to stop.
Many of us feel, as poet John Donne put it in The Anatomy of the World in 1611, “Tis all in pieces, all coherence gone”.
The Christian tradition tells us to be on the lookout for the Antichrist, who will appear shortly before the big finish. Vast amounts of Christian ink have been used to try and work out when he will come and just how we might identify him when he does.”

It is obvious that the world is not even prepared for the radical weather changes, let alone for the arrival of the AntiChrist, against whom the corona pandemic is a cat’s cough. Dear readers, how would you cope with the Demon? Do you think garlic would help? Would you get vaccinated if pharmacists “invented” a vaccine against the AntiChrist? Would you also take a second dose, just in case?
“Here, then, are five things to know just in case:
1. He is the Son of Satan
The Antichrist was a perfectly evil human being because he was completely opposite to the perfectly good human being, Jesus Christ.
Just as Christians came to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, so they thought that the Antichrist was the Son of Satan. Jesus was born of a virgin. So the Antichrist would be born of a woman who was apparently a virgin but was really a whore. Where Christ was God in the flesh, the Antichrist was Satan in the flesh.
In The Christian New Testament there are only three passages that mention the Antichrist, all in the letters of John (I John 2.18-27, I John 4.1-6, 2 John 7). They suggest the end of the world should be expected at any moment.
Over the first several centuries of the Christian tradition, the scholars of the early Church started to pore over an array of other Biblical characters, finding references to the Antichrist within them: the “abomination of desolation” in the books of Daniel and Matthew; “the man of lawlessness” and “the son of perdition” in a letter of Paul.
The book of Revelation describes a singular figure as “the beast from the earth” and “the beast from the sea” whose number is 666.”
Despite enough signs to easily identify it on the street, ha, ha, ha, ha, it is only in point 2 that we will know with more certainty from which land and across which sea this Beast will come:
“2. He is an earthly tyrant and trickster
By the year 1000, the main outlines of the first of two narratives about the Antichrist were in place thanks to a noble-born Benedictine monk and abbot named Adso of Montier-en-Der (c. 920-92) who wrote a treatise on the subject.
According to him, the Antichrist would be a Jew from the tribe of Dan and born in Babylon. He would be brought up in all forms of wickedness by magicians and wizards. He would be accepted as the Messiah and ruler by the Jews in Jerusalem. Those Christians whom he could not convert to his cause, he would torture and kill.
He would then rule for seven years before being defeated by the angel Gabriel or Christ and the divine armies, prior to the resurrection of the dead and the Final Judgement.”

What if Jesus was really the AntiChrist, pretending to be the Christ, and the Jews killed one by crucifying the other? It is interesting, but not strange, that Jesus went to Heaven and leave His sheep to the Wolf, Satan, and the Antichrist at God’s will. Faithful sinners do not understand this holy betrayal with the phrase “Strange are the ways of God”, but they accept it anyway with the prayer “Thy will be done, not mine”. Who protects them from the Beast after his departure? No one, because the cross-thian Church, which has abused Jesus for selfish means, is too busy with enriching itself and its worldly kingdom.
“3. Past popes have been accused
By the year 1400, another narrative of the Antichrist had arisen. Now he was no longer the tyrant outside of the Church but the deceiver within it. In short, he was the Pope or even the institution of the papacy and the Church themselves.
As the English religious radical John Wycliffe (c. 1329-84) put it,
… the Pope may obviously be the Antichrist, and yet not just that sole single individual… but rather the multitude of popes holding that position … along with the cardinals and bishops of the church.
This was the position on the Antichrist adopted by Protestants at the time of the 16th century Reformation. Martin Luther (1483-1546) was convinced that he was living in the last days. For him, the Pope fitted all the criteria for the Antichrist. The Pope, he declared, “is the true end times Antichrist who has raised himself over and set himself against Christ”.”
The Church is its own worst devil, says one visitor from another planet. The Church is the devil, Satan, and the Antichrist together, who else? Who will know this better than the priests themselves, and Luther was one of the greatest churchmen in the history of this Holy Lie and Crucified Stupidity? So Martin rolled up the sleeves and nailed the Vatican Church to the shameful wall of the local church door with 95 nails. With his theses, he has created the foundations for a new Church, with which he will defeat the false Church, Satan, and the AntiChrist, who disingenuously presents himself as the Lord of the World. He was just a little short of inventing a new god too and thus freeing him from the shackles of the Vatican prison in which he was held by the popes and cardinals.
“4. He is one and many
Within conservative Christianity over the last century, Antichrists have multiplied. “The Antichrist” has become a general category available for application to an array of individuals, collectives, and objects as the demonic “other”.
Generally, predictions of a tyrant outside the church now dominate the idea of a deceiver within it.

American presidents are well represented. When it comes to accusations of being the Antichrist, usually from the conservative religious right, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama have all been mentioned. Donald Trump is gaining popularity as a worthy candidate with ethics scholar D. Stephen Long suggesting he represents: “not a single person but a political pattern that repeats itself by taking on power to oppress the poor and the just”.
American evangelist Jerry Falwell, known for his controversial views on apartheid, homosexuality, Judaism, climate change, and the Teletubbies, once said: “The Antichrist will be a world leader, he’ll have supernatural powers”.
Hilary Clinton is, to the best of my knowledge, the only female candidate. US Republican politician Ryan Zinke who was US Secretary of the Interior in the Trump Administration from 2017 until his resignation in 2019, threw the accusation in 2014. She later reassured him, at Trump’s inauguration, that she wasn’t.
Osama bin Laden was a favourite until his death, as was Saddam Hussein.
Marks of the beast have even been discerned by some in supermarket barcodes and pet microchips and.”
Did you know that the US presidential election is really a fight for a new AntiChrist? Given that Janša (a Slovenian premiere who wrongly predicted Trump’s second victory) said before Trump’s defeat was announced that Biden would be the worst US President in history if he won, according to him and the above theory, this would also mean that the Americans have never had such a bad AntiChrist as Joe. In the 2008 elections, many people were very much rooting for Hillary Clinton, but instead of the first female AntiChrist, the American people chose the first Black AntiChrist.
Interestingly, even the AntiChrist candidates have their own AntiChrist candidates – Clinton had two. I also find the above statement that ‘Donald Trump is gaining popularity as a worthy candidate’ for AntiChrist very amusing. All he needs is a few thousand more lies, deceits, and curses and he will be ripe for the AntiMister of the World. Ha, ha, ha, how dark-humorously the c have mocked the people.
For those who like AntiChrist conspiracy theories, the last candidate for AntiChrist could be a coronavirus, or better still, a vaccine against covid.”
“5. He dies in the end

According to the Christian tradition, the Antichrist will finally be defeated by the armies of God under the leadership of Christ with the Kingdom of God (on earth or in heaven) to follow.
So, despite current appearances, Christianity holds firmly to the hope that evil will be finally overcome and that goodness will ultimately prevail.
The core idea of the Antichrist — of evil at the depths of things — lays upon all of us the ethical imperative to take evil seriously. Whether the end is nigh or not, we should work to minimise harm and maximize the good in the here and now.”
How will Cross-thianity overcome Evil, Satan, and the AntiChrist if some of the faithful think that the Church itself is the maleficent Impure Beast living at Vatican 666?
Jesus went to the right hand of the Father after His death – will the Antichrist go to His left?
In a political propaganda article entitled Sons of the Left and Sons of the Right
on the website, in which a churchman teaches believers the way of the left and the right, we can read that the right hand is the hand of God:
“The right hand in biblical parlance signifies a place of honor or authority: the right hand of God is an expression of nearness to God the Father and supreme power (cf. Ps 110:1; Ps 118:16). It is no accident that the Son of God (one who was “like unto the Son of man, cf. Rev. 1:13) placed His right hand on the apostle John when He spoke these immortal words to him. By this gesture he wished to confirm what had been said about himself, to express his power and his victory over death.”
while the left is of the devil:
“In the early Syriac theological tradition, interestingly enough, the term “sons of the left” is very common, meaning a group of evil, bad, adversaries, or those who are in error. “The whole company of devils, the sons of the left, are encamped / beside Satan, the leader of all rebellion,” sings James of Serug († 521) in one of his metrical homilies (De nativitate l. 59). The metaphor draws on the Gospel account in which Jesus says that at the Last Judgement he will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left (Mt 25:33). The former are to be saved because of their past demonstration of love for their neighbors, the latter are to perish for lack of it.”

What a family, what a mess. Even the Adams family can barely keep up with them in their madness. God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Satan, the Antichrist, all men who give birth to and kill themselves. And then the cross-thians fight homosexuality. The father is in the middle and the sons are on the sides like his wings. Jesus as the white wing flutters on the right side, while Satan the AntiChrist, his black twin brother, as the black wing haunts the left side. The Father made Satan out of the black under the nail, and Satan made the AntiChrist out of the rotten tooth. The only thing missing for perfect symmetry is the Unholy Spirit, the stinking twin of the Holy Spirit. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
In the conclusion of the article, the author, like a holy traffic cop, praises and pats with his right hand the right-wingers who sit on the right side of God, while he spits on the left-wingers, the “goats” who have gone astray and have yet to find their way to God’s right:
“The way of the resurrection is, therefore, the way from the left to the right, from sorrow to joy: “Mourning has retreated to the left, while consolation stands on the right side of the grave.” (De resurrectione FH 15.7) Any political analogies here are, of course, left to the reader. It is true that the Bible also records in its metaphor such statements as “The heart of the wise is at his right hand, but the heart of the fool is at his left” (Pr 10.2), but on the other hand we can also read in the revealed Word: “Long life is in her right hand, and in her left hand are riches and honor” (Prg 3:16), or “with the word of truth, with the power of God, with the armor of righteousness in her right hand and in her left” (2 Cor 6:7). “

Slovenian left-handed sinners, at the next elections, confess your sins, repent, convert to the (Slovenian) far-right Janschists and vote for Janša the Saviour (ex-Slovenian premier. Only in this way will you be able to get out of the left-wing hell and into the right-wing heaven.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
P. S. Another piece of church advice for new believers: only crucify yourself with your right hand, beware you accidentally make a mistake, and draw the Mark of the Beast on yourself with your left.
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