Dear Friends, I invite you to participate in the Friends of the Earth project
I have decided to extend the pre-release campaign to all readers and to offer everyone a 50 % discount on the purchase of the Declaration on the Future of the Earth.
The Declaration of the Future of the Earth is a historical document that reveals that the Earth is a planetary prison under the occupation of an Evil Karmic Organization that controls everything that happens in this prison. With the Earth Liberation Declaration, we declare our independence, sovereignty, and freedom. Immediately after the liberation of the planet, we will begin to abandon the old karmic systems and create new systems for the new Earth that are ours, fair and beneficial for all. By abandoning the four old systems: political, economic, judicial, and religious, states as private political organizations of the Elite are transformed into countries of equal landowners who co-own the territory and resources of the land.
In the Declaration of the Future of the Earth, I present a comprehensive plan to abandon the old Politics of Hostility, the Economics of Exploitation, the Justice of Punishment, and the Religion of Separation.
Here is the Table of Contents:
I. The present and future of the Earth
Karmic Organization, Occupation, and Liberation of the Earth
The present state of the Earth
Liberation of the Earth: what have we already done?
What will we do on the first day of the liberation of the Earth?
What will be the near future of the Earth after liberation from the Karmic Organization?
II. The transition from state to country
The difference between the old state and the new country
List of activities for the transition from a selfish state to an equal country
III. A great business opportunity
Benefits, guarantees, and financial returns for the owners of the Declaration
IV. Declaration with investment
By purchasing the Declaration with a Return, you will get a book and a historical document with a roadmap for the renewal of the Earth, which you can use as an analytical tool to review the past and present of this planet, and as a checklist to monitor change in real-time. With the Action List for Change from Old Earth to New Earth, you can see what is wrong with the old systems, and what we will need to change to make life good for all.
By buying the Declaration, you reserve a new, young, healthy, and beautiful body for you and your family. Let me stress that money is not a measure, and is not a condition for our action, as all good Earthlings will get new bodies and other goodies. Because of the large population – currently almost eight billion – some will wait longer, possibly even several years, while you, the purchasers of the Declaration, who have shown your support for a new Earth by buying it, will be among the first to get a new body, and many other goodies.
The hungry, the homeless, the poor, and the displaced, and all of you and your families who have played a part in the renewal of this planet by buying a Declaration, will be among the first to receive new bodies and homes with the most advanced technology. By purchasing the Declaration, you become a member of the Friends of the Earth project, and you will be inscribed with golden letters in the history of this planet.
The author’s and the seller’s statement on his finances:
I am telling the truth, the truth, and nothing but the truth. I am kind, friendly, and honest. To prove that I am truthful, I am willing to take a polygraph test, ingest truth serum, and also blow into the singing grass.
On 6 November 2017, my girlfriend Sanja and her mother Katerina, and I founded a private company Medvee z mami (Me and my mom) on the planet Palki. First, we published my Letters to the Palkies, and then we started to work in other areas. In three and a half years, we have become the biggest and most successful company on planet Palki. Among our many activities, we have a huge car industry: we own companies like Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes, etc. In addition to cars, we also make airplanes, and other aircraft, ocean-cruise ships, and yachts, motorbikes, and bicycles of all kinds. We also have a huge tourism business with hundreds of hotel resorts all over the planet.
We own film and music studios, supermarket chains, restaurants, pizzerias, etc. We also have our land (country) called Sanadia (Palki for “Beautiful Land”), our bank, and our post office. We are the richest company on the planet, which assures all the buyers of the Declaration that, as co-owner of the company, I have more than enough money to pay out the agreed returns.
Because of the blockade of the Earth, Sanja and Katerina cannot send me money (gold or diamonds as universal means of payment everywhere in the Cosmos) for my work to prepare the Earth for a new life after the blockade ends. By your purchase of the Declaration, you will be contributing a lot to the development of the planet by helping many people to get my books and manuals for awakening, especially the series of Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet.
To all the purchasers of the Declaration, I thank you in advance for your friendly co-operation in the evolution of the Earth. By purchasing the Declaration, you will be benefiting Earthlings as good people and friends of the Earth, and you will also be earning a good income. And here’s a little bonus: you and your family will be among the first on Earth to receive new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies and many other goodies.
This offer is valid only for the honest people
By making a purchase, you also confirm the following statement:
A statement by the buyer that he/she is honest understands and accepts the terms and conditions of the investment offer:
“I declare that I am not a criminal, that I have no criminal history, that I have no criminal convictions, and that I am not under criminal investigation.
I understand that the author of the Declaration cannot tell me the exact date of the end of the Earth blockade, and the exact date of payment of the agreed return. I know that it may take several years or decades before the return is paid, and I declare that I will not demand payment from the Seller before the end of the Earth blockade, and I will not sue the Seller for payment before the end of the Earth blockade.
By purchasing an Investment Declaration, I accept all of the above terms and conditions.
No signature or authentication of the Declaration is required for this statement to be valid. The purchaser acknowledges this declaration of buyers honesty by the purchase of the Declaration itself.”
You will get your purchase price back in full, together with the return
When you buy a Declaration, you factually just put down a deposit, which you’ll get back in a lump sum, along with a great 50% discount, just for you, and a 20x return.
For the purchase of a Declaration worth (all prices are in Euros):
– €2,500, which costs you only €1,250 for you, you will get a return of €25,000 plus a deposit of €1,250, i.e. a total of €26,250.
– €5,000, which costs you only €2,500, you will get a €50,000 return plus €2,500 deposit, i.e. a total of €52,500
– €10,000, which costs you only €5,000, you get a €100,000 return plus €5,000 deposit, that’s €105,000 in total
The same applies to purchases of higher value Declarations:
– €25,000 – return: €250,000 plus €12,500 deposit
– €50,000 – return: €500,000 plus €25,000 deposit
– €100,000 – return: €1,000,000 plus a deposit of €50,000
– €250,000 – return: €2,500,000 plus deposit of €250,000
– €500,000 – return: €5,000,000 plus deposit of €500,000
– €1,000,000 – return: €10,000,000 plus deposit €1,000,000
I can tell you that with buying the Declaration, you will be extremely pleased, and excited about your wise decision to participate in the most important project in the history of this planet.
After you buy the Declaration, write me your name and address together with the price of your Declaration purchase via the contact form on my website :
so I can send you the bill. Use the same form to write me if you have any additional questions.
Send payment for the selected Declaration to my bank account:
Nova KBM SI56 0440 3026 5956 037.
Here is the BIC – SWIFT code: KBMASI2X.
The account holder is Senad Dizdarević, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe.
After purchasing a Declaration with the selected value, you will receive a digital version of the Declaration by email with the serial number, the purchase value (regular purchase price, e.g. €2,500, €5,000, €10,000, etc.), the guaranteed return, and the total payout. Later, you will also receive a printed Declaration with a special page with the same information.
I friendly suggest you take advantage of the 50 % discount pre-launch offer and buy the Declaration. Make sure you and your family will be among the first to get new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies, a 20-fold return together with a refund of the deposit for the purchase of the Declaration, and additional beautiful gifts from me, from Sanja, and our space friends. I guarantee you will love your friendship and cooperation with us!
I look forward to being good business partners, and true Friends of the Earth.
All the best to you and your family.
All the best to all.
P.S. Make sure you get your front row ticket for the greatest show in the history of the Earth! I tell you, you’ll be amazed at the fantastic and numerous benefits, the excellent cash return, and the additional valuable gifts for the Friends of the Earth.
P. P. S. The offer to buy the Declaration for the Future of the Earth is valid until the last day of the Earth Occupation. The 50 % discount offer is valid until 30 September, if our planet is still under occupation by then.
P. P. P. S. If you’ll read just one book this summer, read Letters to Palkies.
Cover photo:
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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On the first day you will get a free e-book Where are Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda?
The next day you will get the superb exercises for the awakening and releasing your harmful partial personalities or the false Ego personality.
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