Dear friends, in the dark times when Evil is walking around Earth torturing good people with the heinous disease, I prepared a basket of jokes for you so you can at least a little relax and cheer up. Some of them are translated from Slovene so thank you for understanding if something will disappear in translation.
“Buy flowers to your loving woman but not forget to yours too.”
“When I can’t sleep, I count to five, sometimes even to half six.”
“Grandpa, where are you going?”
“I am going to vaccinate me.”
“Wear nice clothes so we won’t have to change you later.”
“When I arrive at the job I hide immediately because it is very hard to find a good worker.”
“Where are you going without a mask?! They will send you back.”
“I dreamed that I don’t have any money. When I woke up, I found out that my dreams have come through. Never give up on your dreams!”
“Remember, when you close one door, another one will open immediately.”
“I know, I also had a Zastava 101.” (the Yugoslav car.)
“Claustrophobia is a fear from the closed spaces. You go to the pub and you are afraid that it’s closed.”
“Afganistan school of terrorism. Lecture with the title Human-bomb. Listen to me very carefully because I will show you this only once.”
“Yesterday, me and my husband had a dinner with candles.”
“And what happened after?”
“Then the electricity came.”
“Tibet is hiring a postman for the full-time job.”
“It looks like you have an arrow in your head. In any case, we will make a test on Covid-19 so we will be sure.”
Safety first!

Tired man.

Online and offline.

Corona smile.

Before and after.

It’s all about that camera angle.

If you want, send me your favorite jokes, and I will publish them in one of the future newsletters.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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