Dear friends here is 1. interview with journalist Andreja Paljevec for the December 2020 issue of Slovenian magazine Misteriji for spirituality, health, and personal development. Andreja is a freelance journalist, specialized in health, alternative medicine, parapsychology, and border sciences. She is also a hypnotherapist, and certificated yoga teacher, a very nice and friendly person. Because of the pandemic reasons, we made the interview by email. This is how we talked:
1. Where did you get the inspiration for your book series Letters to Palkies? Is it fiction or real meeting with space people?
In the book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet, I write about my real and long-lasting meetings with space friends. First, I met Palkies, as I dream in their dream world. My incarnant Fedja Mironovič is from the planet Palki, so I dream together with Palkies. In 2015, I started to cooperate with the Big Black Cloud, gigantic light being from higher dimensions, and with his team. He has so strong energy that he could burn whole planets, so he wears around him a very thick, dense, and luminous substance for the protection of others. In 2017, I started to communicate with “our space friends” who are part of the Cloud’s group. They care for the planet Palki.
All Earthlings have regular meetings with space people, especially with families and friends of our incarnants, and with the karmicons too. We meet them every night when we travel to dream worlds, on other planets, and space ships.
2. What is life like on Palki? What can we learn from them?
Palkies are living or have lived very similar to Earthlings. Their planet is approximately ten times smaller than ours, with 700 million inhabitants. Many states are the same as on Earth, for example, Slovenia, USA, Russia, etc. They are humans like us, they speak the same language as we, and they have the same habits as us. In 2017, I sent them the first Letter to Palkies, and the same month, the mass miracles have begun. For starters, we cured all ill persons and emptied all hospitals on the planet. Since then, Palkies are living in miracles. 🙂
Earthlings could also accept my useful suggestions, awake, and change the karmic systems on the planet, and together create a wonderful life for all.
3. What do you think about the conspiracy theories? Who is ruling the world in your opinion?
Temporarily, higher light beings are controlling this cosmos by the Creator Absorbic Karmic system. The karmicons, different kinds of energy, and physical beings are controlling our galaxy, solar system, and the planet. They are Evil beings, who are falsely presenting as good. Even more, they pretend to be our friends, teachers, counselors, and trainers. The karmicons from the Karmic organization claim that they keep the balance between Evil and Good, while in fact, they care that Evil is spread all around the cosmos. Part of the karmicons feeds with the negative energy of human and animal suffering. The second group feed with the praying energy of humble and Poor religious believers who god-fearing pray for mercy. All gods, religions, and faiths have been fabricated by the karmicons who enforced them to our lives via incarnational scripts for our incarnants.
4. The karmicons were supposed to write scripts for our lives which were enforced into our lives with the incarnants. How can we find out who incarnated in us?
(Andreja wrote the fourth question as she knew what I will answer at the end of the third. 🙂 That is co-called, and famous women intuition.)
Learn lucid dreaming. I learned with the Carlos Castaneda book Art of dreaming. Before you go to sleep, set up the intent that you will find your hands in your dreams, and repeat that ten times. In a couple of days or weeks, you will remember your intent-ion, and you will find your hands. At that moment, you will become aware that you dream. After that, set up a new intent that you will ask your “family members”, and “friends” in dreams, what is your name on their planet. You can also set other intentions, learn to fly, and visit other dream planets. With lucid dreaming, you will realize that dream worlds are true worlds, and that there are really other planets out there. When you will get the first information about your incarnant, you will realize that the Karmic organization really exists. For them, we are not real beings, but just incarnations of some other beings from other planets.
5. What kind of personal experiences do you have with the karmicons? How are you gonna destroy the Karmic organization?
I am meeting them in the dream world since 2014 also in everyday life. Don Juan of Carlos Castaneda said that Earth is a farm and that the Flyers, which are one group of the karmicons, are breeding us like chickens. A farmer cares that his herd is fatter and fatter, and the karmicons also care that their scripts are executing by their wishes and needs. After the meetings, they block our memories, so we can’t remember them, and their violence upon us in the dream time.
We will finish the Karmic organization, and move them into the special isolation energy field. They have galactic headquarter, solar centers, and planetary centers. They are a hierarchical military organization. With the end of the Karmic organization, life will change, as there won’t be Evil anymore. No more limitations, diseases, poverty, crime, violence, wars, and deaths. Humans will live in peace, love, and friendship, forever.
6. You see people as awakened and unawakened. What are the personal characteristics of the awakened one? What do you suggest, and how to awaken?
Unawakened people are merged with their minds and bodies. Their awareness is limited to narrow attention which jumps from the object to the object. Awakened one is aware that he is a Being of Pure Awareness. Unlike the unawakened who is more or less constantly afraid, worried, lost, impatient, tensed, and violent, awakened is always calm, nice, friendly, and loving. Use my exercises for awakening, and you will easily release all your partial personalities and their harmful behaviors, and realize your true identity of Wonderful Being of Pure Awareness.
7. Can you tell us more about the exercises for awakening, and releasing false Ego?
In 2004, unknown beings have awakened me – they have removed the karmicons blockade of my awareness. When I woke up, I was a completely different person. I didn’t know what happened, and I still don’t know how did it. I felt fantastic. I wanted to stay forever in that state of perfect peace, nice relaxation, and crystal clearness, so I developed simple, and very effective exercises, which are in fact new, and complete way of life.
Watch your thoughts, feelings and emotions, speech, and behavior. When you notice that they are harmful, stop them, breathe in and out, and relax. Become aware that you are aware. Decide that you won’t do that anymore, and write that harm into your diary for awakening. Gradually, you will release all your partial personalities and their harmful behaviors and fully move to your Natural State, in your true Home, in Pure Awareness. I tell you that you will be amazed and very happy with your Wonderfulness, and new, and very nice way of life.
8. You say that everything is happening at the same time … Do you have any insights into the future? What is coming to Earth?
The fact is that Existence was never created, It won’t never disappear, and that Everything is happening simultaneously, is very important. That means that Creator doesn’t exist and that we are not just parts and incarnations of other beings, but real, original, and independent beings.
I work also on the planet Palki, which is already in the future :), so I very well know what will happen on Earth in the near future. Here will be a little different because there is no Karmic organization and their centers for incarnations on this planet. One task less. At the latest after my transformation into a light being, we will start the same day with miracles and wonders. First, we will heal all sick. We will remove all criminals. Stop all wars. We will give homes to the homeless, and feed the hungry ones.
All Earthlings will get new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies. All that will be harmed, will be cured in seconds. All who will die will be revived in seconds. We will start to revive long-dead, only the good ones, of course. We will change all political, economic, and law systems so they will operate for the benefit of all. We will end all religions, cults, and sects. We will bring top space technology as replicators for food, clothes, and vehicles. New technology will operate by the free energy from the surrounding. Read more about all wonders coming to Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet.
9. What is your opinion about the coronavirus pandemic? When it will finish?
Corona pandemic is two-timed superficially created. First, the karmicons created it, at least 80 years ago when they prepared incarnational scripts for this time. The second time, Bill Gates and his associates created according to eugenics, racist “science” about the superiority of Important white races, and inferiority of all other Poor races. We stopped the pandemic on Palki in a couple of days. I called our space friends and suggested checking if the double of Bill Gates caused the pandemic on Palki. Besides the same states and languages, some double persons are the same as on Earth. After two days, they told me that they have removed Bill Gates, his family, and his collaborators from the planet. Among the Elite who was permanently removed, were also presidents of the states and governments. They wanted to exterminate 95 % of Palkies and create a new Master-slave system for the Elite and the mob. Corona pandemic is not just a one-time biological terroristic attack but is a new, enforced, and perverted way of life. We will finish at the latest when we start to take care of Earth.
10. Do you have a message for the readers of Mysteries magazine?
Dear friends, awaken and realize that you are in fact Wonderful Beings of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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