One of the readers wrote to me, that she doesn’t like children outside women’s bodies who would be created with artificial insemination.
I answered her that I didn’t say that we will have children that way as that won’t be needed. We already have artificial insemination, they are the karmicons experiments on humans which we will end completely.
In the world under the karmicons occupation, there is nothing natural. Everything is artificial, planned, and violent. Our more or less limited and deformed bodies are not natural. We don’t look that way, we are just the karmicons caricatures of the real us.
On the page:
I saw the karmicons dark humor making fun of humans: Khloe Kardashians shows stretch marks: I adore them.
“Khloe Kardashian, mother of her daughter True, and the Reality Show star is proud of her stretching marks which she probably got while pregnant. She is not ashamed of them, and she proudly showed them on photo wearing the swimming suit.”
Who with a pinch of common sense would say that he adores, for example, a prostate cancer showing it proudly around? 🙂 If you click on a link, you will see Khloe with proudly deformed lips. 🙂 Women, let me tell you that men don’t like it. No way!
Getting older is not natural, there is no such thing as “natural diseases” and “natural deaths”. That is just the karmicons twisted and perverted violence upon us.
Pregnancies and births are also not natural because the karmicons plan and execute them in advance. Couples don’t meet, fall in love, marry and have kids because of Love, but because of the selfish and distorted needs of the Karmic organization, and their experiments. They found two who are completely different, and intentionally put them together by their false, contradictory, and conflicted saying that “opposites attract each other”. 🙂 That is not true, opposites repel each other, and not attract. Attractions attract each other, and not opposites.
When you go on a date, you maybe think that you have accidentally met a girl or a boy, you like each other, and you start hanging out “naturally”, while all of your “spontaneous romance” is written in advance. You can read more about the planning and execution of the karmicons scripts in Michael Duff Newton’s books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. It is classical karmicons propaganda, but it will useful to you to know that all of your lives are prepared in advance. Not for you, personally, of course, but for your incarnant (or a “soul” as the karmicons call incarnants), a person from another planet.
The Karmic organization controls everything, plans, and executes all lives of all humans including their deaths. Newton partially and accurately describes that in his books, but he doesn’t tell the main things because the karmicons controlled everything the hypnotizees told him. They couldn’t tell him that humans from other planets don’t like to incarnate. They see it as horrible violence upon them because the karmicons rip them out of their families, partnerships, and friendships, they lost their jobs, some also rented apartments, and they go to unknown fearing what will happen at home when they return. Imagine, or rather not, that you have to go next week to incarnation for 80 years. What would you do?
Let me remind you that humans on Earth don’t incarnate. We have never before lived on any planet. Incarnants, persons from other planets, signed the contracts for our lives, and they were forced to do it.
Sanja, my girlfriend from the planet Palki, told me that adults are crying when they get a notice that they will have to go to incarnation. I also recommend you a book The Nine Steps: A story of birth and rebirth by Anne Givaudan and Daniel Meurois-Givaudan in which Rebecca, a girl preparing to go to incarnation, says: “When a child is born on Earth, people are happy, while in heaven, they cry. And when a person dies on Earth, here are crying, while in heaven, they are happy.”
Forced incarnations, enforced pregnancies, and painful births
In the future, we will have children outside of women’s bodies because pregnancy and birth are not necessary for having children. A birth without painkillers is the most painful thing in the world. Birth pains are the only ones having 10 on the pain scale from 1 to 10. Births could be painless, nice, and even orgasmic, but the karmicons intentionally made them the most painful as possible. They want to connect a mother and a child in devastating pain and spoil their natural relationship at the very beginning marking it with Evil. Births are also very unpleasant for incarnants, and most of them are outside the baby during the birth.
We will have children energetically, and without fertilization. Mother will give her energy for daughter, father for a son. New kids won’t be the combination of women’s and men’s DNA, they will have just mother’s or fathers’ DNA. Children will be completely independent beings with the mother’s and father’s energy and their DNA. Mother and father will unite their best characteristics and energetically transmit them to both the children.
We will always have two children at the time, a boy and a girl, who will be a loving couple, and not brother and sister. If parents will have another pair, they will be brothers and sisters between the pairs. With this approach, we assure all persons their original, nice, friendly, and loving partner from their childhood onward.
As you know, and by the karmic formula Evil and Good, yin-yang, 50-50, approximately half of people on the planet are alone, and half are married. Approximately one-third of married divorce, while most of them are living in unfriendly and harmful symbiotic partnerships in which they abuse each other. Most of them are living together for sharing life costs. 🙂 Most of them, especially women, would divorce long ago, but they can’t because of various reasons. The karmicons made that intentionally so the people must suffer being alone or in harmful relationships.
Love is beautiful, the most beautiful is in a loving relationship.
Having children who will be friendly and loving, we manage all kinds of things at once. Everybody has his loving partner. Both children are energetically and personally completely harmonized. They are very connected living in a perfect understanding without any conflicts at all. No cheating anymore. No more prostitution. No more karmic experiments with the sexual identity like homosexuality and transsexuality, sadism and masochism, and many other sexual fetishisms. No more sexual child abuse. The karmicons intentionally forced incarnants to these perversions to destroy the truth, beauty, and goodness of Love.
Our space friends have already found loving partners to all Palkies. Those who were already living in love, a very few of them, stayed together if they wanted to. Others, who lived in harmful, cold, and technical relationships, have got new partners. All singles have now their loving partners. Our space friends helped them with a special technology who compared different factors, the quality of their energy bodies, personal development, education, talents, abilities, and interests, etc, and found them a perfect partner. They introduced them, and if they like each other, they energetically and personally harmonized them. Until now, I didn’t hear for not even a case of mismatch. They are all very satisfied with their partners living in real, friendly, and loving partnerships.
As you can read in my book series Letters to Palkies, all Palkies have got new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies in 2017. All men and women are very attractive. All men have big penises. I told to our space friends to improve the characteristics of women’s sexual organs and add more senses inside vaginas, bellies, buttocks, breasts, heads, and mouths. These senses are very and especially sensible to partners’ touches, and they react only to them. I also told them to add new senses to men’s sexual organs. I suggested prolonging orgasm to 5 to 10 minutes, allow partners to have simultaneous orgasms, and activate men’s multiple orgasms.
Our space friends awakened all Palkies, and have removed awareness blockades. With awakening, they have become more nice, friendly, and loving. We have removed most of the violent persons from the planet, so the couple is living in peaceful partnerships.
Our space friends have also found partners for all children who are nicely playing. When they grow up, they will live as real partners.
After the end of the Karmic organization and their intentional limitations and destructions of DNA, all kids on Earth will be also healthy, capable, beautiful, nice, friendly, and loving. No more diseases, harms, and limitations anymore. That is how my friends on Palki already live, and they are very satisfied with their new life. We are still transforming the planet and improving life, giving all inhabitants starting million euros, free land and house moving them from the old buildings and houses to the new ones. When we finish it, we will start with new children. We will do the same on Earth.
Here are some questions for you. What kind of experiences do you have with partnerships? Do you live in true love in the perfect partnership? Do you maybe live in a harmful relationship, and you want out? Have you got rheumatism because of the cold partner? 🙂 Are you alone, and you want to have a loving partner?
I can tell you that all of your wishes to have a loving partnership will be fulfilled after the liberation of Earth. We will fulfill wishes that you even didn’t know you have. 🙂
All the best to all.
P.s. I invite all of you who want to check my statements about the karmicons to learn lucid dreaming. In lucid dreams, you will get precious information about your incarnant, and realize that there is a bigger game in play.
Read more about the wonders coming to Earth after the end of the karmicons occupation in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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