Why god made humans so indecisive?
Is this just a god’s experiment to secretly see what would humans do if they could decide for themselves? Maybe, this is an expression of Lord’s indecisiveness, by his image? Or, did he intentionally cripple down humans so they couldn’t be so strong as him, The Great Decider?
By the bible, and other religious texts, believers are not allowed to decide alone about anything, as they could interfere in god’s plan. He had already decided about everything when he supposedly made a world in a week. Humans, so weak, bad, and sinful, would only spoil his “divine creation” with their dirty rotten hands. Despite that he created the whole world, he has to humans a free will to act as they wish. Well, it’s not easy to be a believer:)
Believers say that they are Jesus’s sheep whom the Shepherd is leading through heaven’s green pastures to Father’s arms. Regarding the situation on the planet, it is obvious that the Blind is leading the blind into total poverty, harsh violence, heavy suffering, and bitter death. That is a way into the fall, and not in success, into the hell, and not into heaven. All according to “god’s plan”, of course.
If something bad happens to religious believers, that is a punishment for their sins. If something strange happens, strange are the ways of god. If something good happens, they did it alone, but with a help of god. Until things are okay, they live by themselves, when something goes wrong, they immediately call god. He is not answering, he can’t because he doesn’t exist. The only ones who hear them are the karmicons laughing to them and enjoying their suffering and despair. They are those “gods” whom believers pray on their knees waiting for the miracles of Evil beings.
So, why god made humans so indecisive?
We can read some of the answers to this strange question on the page: https://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-indecision.html
in the article: What does the Bible say about indecision / being indecisive?
»Answer: To be indecisive usually means to have a difficult time making up one’s mind. Indecision can also apply to team collaboration in which no solution is reached. An indecisive issue is one that is not clearly marked out. We are indecisive when we are irresolute or lack strong conviction about a matter. Indecisiveness is common when we have to make a decision that will result in unpleasant consequences. There are times when remaining indecisive is wise. We may lack all the information, for example, or the issue is of little importance and an opinion would only be divisive. However, for the most part, indecision shows a lack of willingness to commit to absolute principles and to speak up for those principles. In that sense, indecision is a weakness (John 12:43).«
First, get down on your knees, and we will speak later:)
The first paragraph is an introduction to god’s or “absolute principles” from the Gospel of John. As the bible says, god himself, who incarnated in Jesus, was also very uncertain and indecisive to accept his cup of human sins bitterness being tortured and killed to wash away the crusted dirt of Earth sinners. He supposedly said that wanted that cup to pass him away, as he didn’t want to toast to himself and his own “divine plan”:) When he found himself caught in the crosshairs:) on the cross, he even called himself in heaven with a questioning reproach “why have you forsaken me?”. They say that was the 4. Jesus’s or god’s thought on the cross. “My god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)
We can read in the article The Fourth Jesus’s Thought on the Cross on Slovene page https://revija.ognjisce.si/iz-nasih-knjiznih-izdaj/16762-cetrta-jezusova-misel-na-krizu
very strange but for believers understandable:) explanation of this Jesus’s cry to himself.
“His words are helping us in our abandonment or when somebody leaves us. We all know that ancient fear. To each of us, people who mean a lot to us, die. Often, people who are diverting from us, abandon us too. Jesus’s abandonment leads into a deep trust that god is with him and that he will be in god’s embrace in death as well, and into certainty that his death, in which he lovingly persisted until the end, become the salvation for humanity. Despite the trust that Jesus will come to us at the end, as he prays in this psalm, we have to think about that cry of abandonment.”
How can “his words” help us when they even didn’t help Jesus or god, who called himself:) How can Jesus’s abandonment and self ignoring be a way into “deep trust that god is with him” when he even didn’t answer his prayers?
As I say, common sense and faith are not in the same basket. One, or the other. To “understand” “absolute principles” above, it’s necessary to push common sense as far as possible and blindly accept obvious nonsense.
Let’s continue with the answers from the article What does the Bible say about indecision / being indecisive?
John’s absolute principle is in fact god. By this principle, indecisiveness is a weakness of those who are not faithful and didn’t surrender to god. Believers, who felt on their knees god-fearingly obey god, decided right being decisive even when they are indecisive:)
»Several places in Scripture show the folly of indecision. Lot’s wife perished because of her inability to decide between Sodom and obedience to God (Genesis 19:26). Joshua reminded the people of Israel of the necessity of choosing sides concerning their worship, and he clearly stated his decision: “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15). On Mount Carmel, as the prophet Elijah confronted Ahab and the prophets of Baal, he addressed the fence-sitting, indecisive Israelites: “Elijah went before the people and said, ‘How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.’ But the people said nothing” (1 Kings 18:21). Under conviction by the Holy Spirit, Felix refused to make a decision and sent Paul away until a time more “convenient” (Acts 24:25). Jesus warned us that “no one can serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24).«
We can see how much work they had in the old times deciding between old and new gods:) Interestingly, they didn’t understand that they will in both cases stay down on their knees subordinated to god, holy spirit, cross, religion, Church, holy water and holy oil, priests, and other holy Lords from “holy hierarchy” piling above them. No wonder that some of them didn’t hurry too much to change god as they didn’t enjoy very much being under the present one:) Cross is cross, every one is heavy and too heavy.
»Romans 14:15 addresses indecisiveness about personal convictions: “One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind.” God has given us His Word to instruct us in vital matters (Psalm 32:8; 119:105), but He leaves room for personal opinion and conviction in lesser matters as we strive to be pleasing to Him in all things. What the Bible does not condone is wishy-washiness. When we pray for wisdom, we are to believe that God hears and will answer (1 John 5:15; James 1:5). When we ask in harmony with God’s will, we must “ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind” (James 1:6). In other words, faithless prayer is spiritual indecisiveness.«
Yahweh, biblical god, first created the whole Creation, and then gave humans free will to create on their own:) He also divided things into big and important ones which he kept under his authority and small and non-important ones which he left to the believer to decide about while they do everything to please and satisfy him:)
Even though religious believers don’t have single evidence for god’s existence except for their faith:), they must believe in him “without any doubt” or they are just common castaways. If they don’t pretend strong enough that god exists, praying as loud as possible to drown out their doubts and suspicions, they are not strong and decisive enough. Because of the emptiness and void of their faith, their ship will quickly sink into the sinful abyss where the other god is already waiting for them, Yahweh’s black twin with the name Satan.
For the believers, decisiveness means that they crampingly hold the cross never leaving it out of their prayer. That is their only way to somehow get out of this sinful, pervert, and damn pot. I can tell them in their language, you don’t know what you do:) I know what is going to happen in the future when all religions will disappear including their stupidities, nonsense, and violence, and I can tell them the very good news, you will successfully take off yourselves from the cross forever, and you will live nice lives in freedom and in the wisdom of your common sense. Believe me, it will be a great relief taking off the cross of the victim from your sinful backs and fully breathe in the wonderful freedom.
»We must seek wisdom in order to know what issues are worth being decisive about (Proverbs 2:2–6). Social media blazes with scorching opinions on every subject, but many of those fueling the fires would benefit from being more indecisive. Our culture has substituted opinion for truth and passion for conviction. We need not have a hard and fast opinion on every subject, nor feel pressured to “take a side” when we lack all the information or education on an issue. Taking time to hear all sides of a matter is a mark of wisdom (Proverbs 18:13, 17).«
Believers who accepted the false myth about the Creator, religion, and faith without any checking at all, can’t speak about the wisdom. Social media are full of extremities, but they can’t compare with all the lies, stupidities, and violence in the bible. For the believers, it would be much better to be completely indecisive when they were deciding to fall on their knees, or, even better, it would very benefit them to decisively say NO to this heinous manipulation. They could also listen to their suggestion, and take more time to think about the false Creator, religion, and faith. Because they didn’t think it through, they one-sidedly decided under the pressure of stupidities that they become believers and god-fearingly give themselves to the karmicons mercy. Regardless of their living on the humble knees, it is still enough time to realize the truth, stand up, and live in freedom.
»But when it comes to the basic tenets of the gospel or the infallibility of God’s Word, we must not be indecisive (2 Timothy 3:16; John 17:17). More information is available to us than ever before in history, so there is no excuse for a Christian to be ignorant about God’s standards on the moral, civic, and relational topics of our day. Much spiritual indecisiveness is motivated by the fear of man, not a lack of knowledge (Galatians 1:10).«
That is correct, believers should be much more decisive about religion and faith, but not for it, but against. When I say “against”, I don’t mean to fight against it, but to act calm and smart, and not to chose such a harmful and destructive manipulation, Cross-thian Church, and other religions, can’t speak about the moral and fairness without lying as they are themselves criminal organizations, which caused the most Evil in the human history. In the name of god, of course. It is understandable, that all who are “spiritually indecisive”, and can’t decide for humble subordination to religion, are in fear:)
»When we adopt the mindset that our opinion can challenge the time-tested declarations of God, we are creating an atmosphere of indecision where it need not exist. Simply because a biblical standard makes us uncomfortable or conflicts with political correctness does not mean we should be indecisive about it. When nationally known preachers are questioned about specific topics the Bible clearly addresses, it is an insult to that same Bible to communicate indecisiveness. That is not diplomacy; that is merely cowardice. It is interesting that Revelation 21:8 lists cowards first among those who will be cast into the lake of fire. Clearly, God takes this seriously.«
I heard that one priest was so vividly describing hellish fires that believers hold their legs high to avoid the burns:)
This paragraph directly threatens all hesitant believers, let alone nonbelievers :), submit to the will of god, or you will end in hell. Unknowingly, that religion and faith are just hell in disguise:)
Fear is a very important and often used tool for scaring, forcing, and subordinating people. Religions and many business and political marketing are using it in two-parts approach problem-solution. First, they show the problem, lack of the product or the product of the political competitor:), and then they offer their product and or themselves as a solution. Religions developed this model to perfection as there is a problem on both sides:)
Regardless of how hard was life to free people, real horror starts with entering religion in which they found between two burning fires:) In the gray corner, jealous, vengeful, and violent god, in the black corner, Evil Satan, one worst than the other:)
It is understandable that the karmicons who invented Creator, god, and gods, are very serious about the religion as that is their tool to control believers holding them down on fearful, humble, and obedient knees. They threaten all who want to stand up in freedom and live independently.
»The minds of healthy Christians are settled on the things that matter and humbly teachable on the things that don’t. They continue to study to show themselves approved unto God (2 Timothy 2:15) so that they form godly convictions about even the “gray areas” of life. They are careful not to judge others who serve God differently (Romans 14:1–4), but they are decisive about God’s plan for their own lives. When we live in ways that are true to those convictions, we will not be shaken by every new idea or cultural whim (Matthew 7:24–27). Indecisiveness about what God has declared to be true has no place in the life of a Christian.«
It is obvious, that the most important thing in the life of “healthy” cross-thians, what the sick ones look like:), is to be subordinated to Evil beings who are making fools out of them. At the same time, they are very two-faced as they are the first ones to blame other believers and non-believers, attacking them, favorably with violence. Crusade wars are not over, they are just being fought in different ways.
A man from the space with the name Klun, falsely presenting himself as a god, answers Neal Donald Walsch in Conversation with god to his question what plans have a god with him, that he has no plan for Neal. Ha, ha, ha. I felt that Neal as an ardent believer didn’t like that answer at all. I assume that he wanted to hear and fantasized that his Father has some very special role for his son. Maybe he is even carving a cross to crucifix Neal wide open on some special occasion. But, no, god has no plan for him at all:)
In a joke, I could say that Neal is so special to a false god that he left him to himself. That is an excellent opportunity for Neal to complain and cry “God, why have you forsaken me?”. Or, he can see that as his adulthood in which he has to make his plan alone. Believers don’t like doing their planes alone because then they can’t go to heaven:) By the bible, everything is happening by god’s will, and if god has no mercy for them in his plan, they won’t go to heaven. If god doesn’t have any plans with them, believers could ask the devil for his plans with them:) If he also hasn’t any, says one of the visitors from another planet, then they are really left hanging:) Who to blame, who to pray to?
To be continued:)
All the best to all.
Read more about the awakening and exercises for awakening which will help you to easily release indecisiveness and all other harmful behaviors in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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