We are not crazy.
Before we read the second part of the article, let me tell you that the author of the featured image The vulture and the little girl is Kevin Carter. He took this photo in South Sudan, in Africa, the home of fame. He got a Pulitzer award for this brilliant piece of the history of the suffering man. They say that the girl survived the mortal scene, but died 14 years later from malaria. The author of the photo also died very young as the karmicons killed him by the “suicide” at 33. This photo is fantastically showing us the Karmic organization and their predatory look at us being their prey. We are just food for them, and to be tasty, they first torture us as much as possible. They are parasitic and Evil vultures and they don’t care for alive, they are obsessed with the dead, rotten and stinking. Kevin, bravo, I am very glad that we will revive you soon and that you will take more pleasurable photos in your new life.
NDW: be grateful that you can suffer.
Here is another glory for Evil.
21.7.2020 »On this day of your life SENAD, I believe God wants you to know … … that life was meant to be FUN! It’s hard to believe sometimes, but it’s true. It’s all about point of view. Even our most difficult moments bring us gifts. And so life may call upon us to be a bit “philosophical” now and then; to embrace the “low’s” with the “high’s.” The trick, of course, is gratitude. Therein will you find both your peace and your joy. Love, your Friend …«
Life was meant to be fun, but for the karmicons, and not for us. Limitations, diseases, poverty, violence, etc are not fun for us, quite contrary. Unawakened suffer very much with them, and in the end, they die because of them. Suffering and dying are not funny. Except for the karmicons who immensely enjoy our suffering.
Billy Fingers says to his sister in her book Afterlife of Billy Fingers that life on Earth is made for us to be sad.
Same as in the Matrix where everything is made so humans would produce energy for the Machines while dreaming electric dreams.
Neal says that we must be grateful to the karmicons torturing and abusing us. As the “philosophers”, we have to accept Evil and (as) Good. Evil is their gift to us. The best way of gratitude to Evil beings is a religious one, on our knees, of course. Awakened ones are grateful for Good and not for Evil. Cross-thians being holy masochists are turning the other chick to the sadists, we don’t turn anything to them:) If it’s possible, we turn them off, and one day, we will remove them forever. That will be our Gift to all Good people.
NDW: you are the most beautiful when you suffer.
When else?:)
17.7.2020 »On this day of your life SENAD, I believe God wants you to know … … that beauty comes in many forms–and there is no form more beautiful than you. Just exactly as you are, this minute, right now, without changing a thing…you are beautiful. Beautiful enough to take God’s breath away. You do believe this, don’t you? Oh, you must. You must. How can I believe in my beauty if you don’t believe in yours? It’s for me you must believe, not for you… Love, your Friend …«
What kind of god is he, and how does he looks like, if he like and even loves so limited and deformed people?:) Who he made by his own image. Beauty really comes in different forms, but we all know what is beautiful, and what’s not. Let me tell you that there is not a single person on Earth without some kind of body deformation. What for? For suffering and feeding the Evil karmicons with negative energy.
In 2018, all Palkies have got new, young, healthy, and really beautiful bodies. They are amazed and very happy about it. On Palki, there are no more old, sick, and deformed persons. All of them are super beauties. When we start with our work on Earth, and when you too get new bodies, you will see what means a beautiful body. Until then, don’t fall for Neal’s stupidities, and don’t believe ta hat deformed, harmed and sick body is beautiful. And, don’t believe that for you, not for him:) Today, he is making us believe, that the deformed, sick, and harmed body is beautiful, tomorrow, he will request that we believe in god:) For him, of course, not for us.
NDW: family problems are the greatest gift
Why to suffer alone, when you can do it in the company:)
26.5.2020 »On this day of your life SENAD, I believe God wants you to know … … that all families have troubles in them. Problem-free families do not exist. Indeed, the challenges in families the are family’s greatest gifts. How else could we be healed of all the false notions we have about what it means to be human? How else could we learn of real love, and of true compassion, and of total acceptance? There is, of course, nothing to learn. There is only for us to remember what we have always known. And families give us the greatest opportunity to do that. Therefore, don’t condemn “Uncle Charlie” or “Aunt Matilda”. Rather, embrace them even more fully, and show them what it means to be fully human…so that they can find their way back home. Love, your Friend …«
Or, in short, there is no Good without Evil. That is not true and it never will.
Persons, couples, and families have problems only because the karmicons enforced them into their lives. They could also write different scripts without problems so people would live nice lives. But, how would then give them the “greatest gift”?:) Evil beings don’t have any other gifts than just Evil in It’s all perverted, harmful, and painful forms.
Neal claims that without Evil we couldn’t “all the false notions we have about what it means to be human”. Is it possible to say something more stupid, and calling Evil upon oneself? We can understand it when we know that Neal is a believer of cross-thian religion which claims that humans are sinners and must pay for their sins with suffering which is just another stupidity.
About being human, what does it actually mean for Neal and for the karmicons? To be bodily, mentally, emotionally limited, deformed, sick, poor, frightened, and lost? Living in violence and crime? With a lot of problems or “gifts” as Neal names them.
The only “false idea” about humans is that we must suffer to evolve. That is not true. We are not Evil beings, and we don’t need Evil to realize that we are aware beings. We are Sources of true Love, and we don’t need Evil to feel it. Compassion is just another karmicons trick to force people to tune in to suffering ones and add to the numbers of sad ones. If you see a suffering person, don’t descend to his level and lay beside him. Don’t pity him, stay in love. Instead of crying with him in the dark lift him up to the light and love.
We have never lived before so we couldn’t know “forever” that Evil is Good and we just have to remember it. Best in the family, of course:) Uncle Charlie and Aunt Matilda are in fact the karmicons for who Neal says that we don’t judge them when they torture us but “embrace them even more fully”. Here is another karmicons aunt killing on the planet, aunt Corona. Do we have to embrace her too?:)
Embracing Evil doesn’t mean to be human. Even if we would embrace all torturers, sadists, and killers on this planet, that wouldn’t help them to “find their way back home”. They didn’t come here from somewhere else, so they can’t go “back home”. After the death and life review, the karmicons will switch them off. That is their last station. Death is the “gift” of Evil, for which we should be grateful and “embrace it even stronger”. Never!
On the planet Palki, they already live without the Karmic organization and Evil. There are fewer and fewer problems on the planet and also in families. A day, when they will completely disappear, is near. Palkies are very nice, friendly, and loving. They don’t need the karmicons violent uncles and aunts to express what it means to be human. Let alone their other Evil gifts, like limitations, deformations, diseases, poverty, wars, suffering, and deaths. Palki is becoming a paradise planet. We will do the same on Earth. Let me tell you that Palkies don’t miss Evil at all, and Earthlings will live without It just fine too.
Who signed the karmic contract for us?
Simon Horvat from the karmicons prison on the planet Brot was forced to sign the karmic contract for me. Somebody else above the Brot was forced to sign for him, and so on, higher and higher. Highers sign for lowers.
Simon signed a contract for multiple lives, for 1+18. His first incarnation was Fedja Mironovič from the planet Palki, who incarnated 18 times. I am his last one, the 18. incarnation. By the false karmicons theory and violent practice, I am not a real being but just one of the Fedja’s incarnation. By the same system, Fedja is not a real being too, for the karmicons, he is just one of Simon’s 3.500 incarnations. Now you already know that the karmicons claim that Simon is also not a real being, but just one of the X’s incarnations, and so on.
When I realized the karmicons scam, I told my girlfriend Sanja from the planet Palki that I am Seno and not Fedja. First, she didn’t believe me, because she couldn’t. When one Palki went to incarnation, he always came back. One who left, and not one in whom he was incarnated. In 2017, I managed to pull my incarnant Fedja out of me with the help of my space friends. When Sanja heard that he returned back, she ran to see him. Right after that, she ran back home to see if I am still here:) And I was! With the extraction of my incarnant, I proved that the karmicons are liars and that we are not just incarnations of other people, but real, original, and independent beings. If you want to know who is your incarnant, read my article How to find out who is incarnated in you? on:
When we start on Earth, you will get new bodies and also the karmic script for your life along with a list of all incarnants from your incarnational vertical. Until then, you can get some basic and very valuable information about your first and direct incarnant with lucid dreaming. You will realize that the Karmic organization really exists controlling everything on the planet including our lives.
When we will sign off the Karmic organization, we will start to write our own beautiful stories of our new and nice life. I wish it would be today, and one day, it will be Today:)
All the best to all.
Read more about the Karmic organization, incarnants and incarnations in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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