We are not stupid.
Before we reveal another false spiritual myth, I have to tell you that my previous article about criticism has only one part for English subscribers. In Slovene two parts article, I included two concrete cases with two obsessed critics of me and my work with their acidly poisonous comments. They are so primitive and delusional that they are untranslatable in English, so there is only one part of the article. This one also comes in two parts, and it really does as I have already written both parts:)
Karmic contract
The term “karmic contract” is false, because in the real contract there are two or more equal parties who willingly and freely sign a deal for the benefit of both or all included. In karmic business, they force the incarnant to sign his death sentence for incarnation. He won’t have any benefit from it, just pain, harm, and suffering.
We can often read in the channeled messages on the internet that we choose this life, and that even we “signed for this”. “Signed” means that we are supposedly beings from other planets who signed karmic contracts for this incarnation. That is not true. That is just the false karmicons propaganda which they use to trick and force us to accept the Karmic organization and their Evil as something Good.
Did you sign anything? I didn’t, because I am not stupid. Who would sign for the Evil? Who would give his voice and his life to Evil? Who?
In the article DANIEL SCRANTON – Processing for the Collective ∞ The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council –5-15-18 on page:
we can read that some of us are processing negative energy for others.
»And by processing those emotions that others in the collective are avoiding or suppressing, you are helping to move the collective along.
So why would you set it up this way? Why should it be possible for some to do the heavy lifting for the rest? You don’t all come to an incarnation with the exact same background, and you certainly aren’t born into the same circumstances. So those can help do, and those who are unable to help themselves receive the benefit.”
We didn’t prepare this ourselves, the karmicons forced us to live heavy lives via the scripts they wrote for our incarnants. With creating, keeping, and “processing” negative energies we don’t benefit from no one. In fact, with repeated and additional enforcing of negative energies, the harm is even bigger.
In the Existence, Everything is eternal and it is always at the same place. When we clean something up, it seems that it has disappeared forever. But in fact, the dirt is still in the same place, where it was, but we moved on to the new place where it doesn’t exist anymore. Because of our limited perception, we think that it has disappeared, while in fact, it will stay forever in its original place.
Processing is just another therm for cleaning negative emotions. By the karmicons false system, we clean negative emotions by feeling them in us. When we would feel them, their negativity would disappear. That is just another karmicons dirty lie and clear stupidity. With a (repeated) feeling of negative emotions (of others) they just become bigger and stronger. And that is exactly what the Evil karmicons want and need. By their old and nasty habit, by which they name their Evil the “School”, they also name dirtying “cleaning”. If you want to clean the dirt on the floor, you will remove it, and not first add a new one and then smear the spot all around.
We remove negative emotions and their negative energies with releasing harmful behaviors, and not with “processing” or feeling them again. We have a lot of work with our own ones, let alone that we would take upon us the negativities of others:)
»It may not seem fair to those of you who are doing this work and processing for the collective but remember, it’s what you signed up for. Some knew that they would be incarnating into families with opulent wealth, and others knew they would be incarnating into abject poverty. It’s a decision that you make before you incarnate, and then once you get here, you experience the reality of that life.«
Most of the people who suffer even don’t know that they “process” negative energy for others:) They just think that they live bad and they don’t see anything “spiritual” in the fight for survival:)
We didn’t live before. We didn’t collaborate in writing a script for our life. We didn’t sign the karmic contract. Even the incarnants don’t “make decisions for incarnation” as they are forced to go, sometimes with horrorful violence like torture with electric shocks.
“Remember that from a certain perspective, one is not better than the other. You are here to let go of those types of judgments.«
That is a typical karmicons claim that Evil and Good are one and the same and that there is no difference between the two. From the “certain perspective”, which is the perspective of Evil and Evil beings, of course. For them, Evil is much more “the same” as Good:)
For us, we see that there is a big and clear difference between natural and nice life in peace, love, health, wealth and friendship, and struggle in wars, crime, diseases, poverty, and hate. We are supposed to be here “to let go of those types of judgments« that Evil is Evil and Good is Good, and to equalize Evil and Good as one and the same, and accept Evil as something Good for us. Never!
»And so, your personal evolution is also accelerated by your willingness to feel that which is a part of the human collective consciousness, that which others have left behind. We salute those of you who are doing this work, and we want you to know that it will get better and it will get easier. And we are here for you if you need us. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Bravo to all who digest the decay of others:) We are here to load you even more of it:) If you want or not.
That is another karmicons lie that claims that Evil is necessary and useful for our personal development. We are not Evil beings and we don’t evolve in Evil. In Evil, we regress and decay perverting into Evil beings.
By some information, around 300 billions of humans lived on Earth. Now, there are around 8 billion, from which 99.999% are unawakened who live in a tragedic drama regularly producing new and new states and waves of negative energy. Fear, sadness, anger, violence, disappointment, vengeance, envy, jealous, greed, malicious, etc etc etc. unawakened are not capable of “processing” and “cleaning” the negative energy of others because they are still producing themselves. A few of us, who are awakened and 100% pure, we can’t “clean” the negative energy of others. Not even of one person, let alone of the whole planet. To clean the negativities of one person, we should live two lives at once, ours and the cleaning one in which we would start from the beginning and process and clean one by one negative experience, thought, feeling and emotion, spoken and written word, stance, mimics, gestures and acts from the whole life of a said person. Let alone for the whole planet. And let alone for the whole human history, all of 300 billions of them.
“Processing” and “cleaning” are just excuses for the further torture of humans. If they would really want to sort things out and to clean the planet, they would easily do that. They would write different scripts for incarnations and everybody would live nice. But they don’t as they need negative energies to feed with. As a proof of their manipulation, during the planetary “processing” and “cleaning” of negative energies, they are sending more and more incarnants with inscribed Evil and new harmful acts … If you have a flood in your home, your first close the tap, and not start picking up the water from the floor while the tap is still running. Let alone adding new water and spilling it on the floor pretending that you are “cleaning”:)
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed lying to you.”:)
We are Beautiful Being of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom. We are not the producers of negative and praying energy, processors of decay, and cooks, and waiters of the Evil beings. With the ending of the Karmic organization, we will close this twisted and pervert kitchen and restaurant of Evil who is falsely presenting as the “School” for life.
God loves those, who suffer.
Religious believers who are martyrly enjoying holy pains claim that. For who? For god! The more they suffer, the more god loves them. This claim is understandable when we know that “god” or gods are in fact the karmicons, members of the Evil Karmic organization who feed with the negative energy of human and animal suffering. They spice up the rotten decay with the praying energy of the religious believers who are god-fearing and groveling praying for mercy. “God, have mercy on us, sinners.” Despite their loud crying god remains deaf to their prayers:)
Some go to lunch while other fanatical believers tighten their cilicium*, a metal chain with sharp hooks which they tighten on their thighs under their clothes. Jesus didn’t go to lunch when he was on the cross, the blood drips from the wounds, but he suffered for all of us.
*“a means to mortifying the flesh without ostentation” (www.wordnik.com) Ostentation meaning “the pretentious or showy display of wealth and luxury, designed to impress” … The martyrs, they are rich with suffering, and they display their luxury wealth only to god:) To impress him, of course.
By the karmicons and cross-thian religion mythology, once upon a time, it was so bad on the Earth that god himself had to come down and incarnate as Jesus on this sinful planet to take upon him all the sins of men to clean them through his suffering on the cross. Unbelievable, a god himself couldn’t clean this dirty hole:) He couldn’t clean it the first time so he will have to come again. 2000 years passed, but he still didn’t land. Where is he? He doesn’t’ call or write. It seems that he doesn’t like the new cleaning action at all:) Who knows, in the old times, we would say the only god knows, how much time and soap he needed to clean himself from the unbearable stinking human sins. It is understandable that he is not attracted to jump again in this septic hole:) Which he himself created by his own image:)
Neal Donald Walsch: you only do what you want.
Let us see some claims from Neal’s daily newsletter. Neal is the author of the Conversation with God book series, and he believes that god wants us to know the next stupidities.
6.5.2020 »On this day of your life SENAD, I believe God wants you to know … … that no one does anything they do not want to do. You always have a reason–and usually, a pretty good one–for doing what you are doing and choosing what you are choosing. Be careful not to convince yourself that you are doing something against your will. Such a thing is impossible. Therefore, be honest with yourself as to why you are choosing to do a particular thing. Then, do it gladly, knowing that you are always getting to do what you want. The statement “I have no choice” is a lie. You can choose. You simply do not prefer the alternatives available to you, for whatever reason. So you select the outcome that you most prefer. Isn’t that power? Love, your Friend … »
A friend doesn’t say such nonsense:)
The only reason that we live our limited and heavy lives is the karmicons scripts for our incarnants. We didn’t collaborate in writing them. We didn’t choose this incarnation. We didn’t choose these lives. Neal says that if we want better, we just have to choose it. “For some reason” we don’t choose a better life like we can choose what we want. Ha, ha, ha. Why we would choose worst as we are not the masochist, “some reasons” are in fact the karmicons and karmic scripts. We didn’t have a word when they wrote them and we couldn’t choose anything, that is the truth about it. You can test Neal’s statement and choose something you like for tomorrow or even better, for today, and watch if it will come through. Recently, Neal had heart surgery. For what reason had he chosen this “result”? It that a “result” he wanted the most?:)
Neal will serve us another karmic lie on the next platter.
You came here to suffer.
12.9.2019 »On this day of your life SENAD, I believe God wants you to know … … that challenges are what you came for. And you are never, ever, given a challenge you cannot overcome. The purpose of life is to give you a chance to be the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are. When challenges arrive, then, move straight to clarity: This is what you came for. Now rise to this occasion, and know that you have every resource with which to create the right and perfect outcome. Love, your Friend…«
I didn’t come here in the first place, let alone to suffer. Evil, limitations, diseases, poverty, violence, and deaths are not necessary to realize that we are aware Being of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom. Neal claims that Evil is necessary for us to learn and develop “the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are”. Quite the contrary, to become aware, we have to release all challenges and fight with them. With awakening, we release the karmicons explanation of life as the fight of all against all, dramatization and problematization of life, us, and others.
Since 2006 and my stabilization, I don’t have any problems and challenges for which I would suffer and fight against with all means. I got rid of all of my problems with one move with releasing drama therm “problems”. Now, I have only errands which I calmly do.
It is very cynical to enforce harmful and destructive claims as “I came here for Evil.” Who is here for Evil, he is developing into Evil being and creating “the grandest version of the greatest vision” of Satan. As we know, 99.9% of humans on Earth are bodily, mentally, and emotionally limited. Most of them live in poverty. Is that a “right and perfect outcome” for which we supposedly come here? It is true that we have everything that we need to create this and very limited “version of the vision”:) Limitation, diseases, poverty, violence, crime, wars. To develop into aware Beings of Pure Awareness, we need different life. We will have it only when we finish the Karmic organization and its challenges.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the Karmic organization, incarnants and incarnations in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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