Criticism is a personal opinion about somebody or and something. Despite the negative tone, it can be positive and negative. A positive one is usually an expert opinion about some artwork. In everyday use, criticism expresses a negative opinion about a person and or his work. We can criticize ourselves or and others.
Most often, we express our opinion about things with “I like it” or “I don’t like it”. Sometimes, this opinion comes together with the reason why and the proposition for better.
Criticizing is a personal evaluation opinion about us or others based on factual or imaginary measures, which can change from day to day. Positive “criticism” can be useful, but only if offers propositions that are better for the goal. Otherwise, they are not to be taken seriously as the critic could visit that day a dentist or her smeared nail broke during her period:)
The ordinary liking or unliking opinion becomes complicated with the negative criticism as a dramatization of persons or and events as a problematization of life and expressing discontent with oneself and others. Dramatization is always only a personal experience of some event, and it has nothing to do with others or and the event itself. It expresses internal, hoarded, and activated dissatisfaction, and the strong affective reaction of some partial personality, who is full of fear, hostile anger, and vengeance. There is something wrong with us or and situation, it should be different and better. We blame us, others, or and situation for that. That’s the reason that we have to be upset as much as possible, be angry and curse all around:) Loudly or silently with critical eyes and angry stand. It is clear that that won’t help us or and the situation to become better, but we did what it has to be done in such moments. Exactly as we were taught to act:)
If you decide to comment on you or and others, be fair, and beneficial. Criticism or contentual opinion about a person and or his work must have 1. opinion, 2. reason why, and 3. the proposition for better. If your negative opinion doesn’t have 2. part, concrete explanation of why somebody or and something is not good, and 3. part, what could be better than that, it is just a common criticism, attacking and despise. With the criticism, you express your own negativity and strong dissatisfaction with you and your life. With the criticism of others, you blame them for your own failures and feelings of disappointment with you.
Criticism as a relation is a negative orientation toward hair-splitting search for mistakes, deficiencies, and weaknesses in us and or others. Criticism is a twisted wish and need for the better. Instead of calmly and constructively propose better, critics get upset, angry, and they attack what they think is worst.
In the energy field spectrum, criticism is very harmful, as it is an expression of hostility, malicious, and destruction. First and most, it harms the critic himself, who creates, points, and keeps this negative energy. With repetition, he is just making it stronger and more harmful. Criticism can only harm others if he accept¨s “indecent proposal”, get upset, and he too falls to lower frequencies of offense and anger. In that state, he could also start to attack the critic, and the conflict is on the table. If he emotionally and energetically doesn’t react to the criticism, it can reach and harm him at all.
Awakened ones are always in Pure Awareness, and we are completely non-reactive so the criticism can’t reach us. We can answer them, or not, we can present and explain our opinion, or we just go on. For me, rare negative criticism is an opportunity to further explain my work, and also to reveal, often hidden, hostile and malicious critics cowardly hiding behind false profiles who don’t create but just destroy.
Serious critic, for example, the art ones, thoroughly reads an article and watches a movie, and only then writes his expert opinion about it. From very rare negative criticism of me and my work, it is clear that they don’t read my articles and books, or they don’t understand them. They are just on the killing spree, to destroy as much as they can. Criticism without a concrete reason why and proposition for better is just an expression of a primitive, angry, dissatisfied, and aggressive person who thinks that he will feel better if he destroys others. Such criticism is full of “f..k” words, and other curses. Cursing as negative criticism is not a relevant opinion about the content. It is just a childish, arrogant, and narcissistic spit of an Important bragger.
Another and often sign of negative critics is one-sided hammering without any capability for the dialogue and debate about the content. That is how a narcissistic person speaks. He is not able to speak and commun-icate with others, he is just talking, or more precise, bragging. No matter what they talk about, they always talk about themselves. Most of all they are cursing, and they like despising others, like Trump for example.
Cowardly hiding behind false names
Anonymity is useful in totalitarian states where people write about dictators, corruption, and violence while in social media conversation it expresses fear and shame, and a safety wall to hide behind and anonymously attack others.
Negative and hostile critics in social media often hide behind false profiles because they are afraid and ashamed to present themselves openly and sincerely. Who are you afraid of and what are you ashamed of? That somebody will find you who you are and that they won’t take you seriously anymore?
One of the main reasons for masking is that people who hide behind the mask can do things that otherwise they won’t. They are too afraid or and ashamed of them. A very known and significant example is KKK, an American racist organization that hides behind white robes and hostile acts against black Americans. That is another reason for masking, to frighten, terrify, and scare others. A four years old son of my friend answered the fathers question what he will be when he grows up with “dangerous”:)
Most of the negative critics don’t reason and argument their open attacks and despise as their intent is not to have a constructive debate about the theme. Some of them completely skip the content, for example, the article, and jump straight on the author. Usually, without even knowing him. There is something in his headline or and in a lead that startle them so much that they just must throw up their acid spit.
Criticism is often an expression of hidden envy. A critic is not capable to create nothing of his own so he hides that with criticizing others. Instead of creating, he destroys the work of others and despises them personally. I think that I read that envy is a twisted form of the compliment and the praise:)
The third part of the contentual opinion or positive criticism is a proposition for better. In most cases, negative critics don’t propose anything. Symbolically and factually, and with their hostile attacks, they “propose” chaos, and hostility, aggression, and fight among all.
I don’t despise anybody. I see people by their present state of awareness. Are they still unawakened, or are they already awakened? Are they still harmful to them and others, or are they already act for the benefit of all. In my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet, I present a whole and complete model with political, economic, and law systems for the new and good life for all.
As a matter of fact, who and what exactly are negative critics criticizing when they criticize me?:)
I am very glad that there are very few negative critics of me and my work. That means that majority of readers like a new and better life for all. Those that are still critical to me, who and what they criticizing actually?
I was awakened in 2004, and since 2016, I am fully stable. That means that I constantly live as Being of Pure Awareness, in Peace and Bliss. From January 1. 2006, I didn’t have even one harmful thought, one harmful feeling or emotion, I didn’t say or write one harmful word, and I didn’t do anything harmful to me and to others. I am nice, friendly, and benevolent.
The main point of my writing is the fact that we are all aware beings, and that we have the Right to natural, healthy, peaceful, and nice life in peace and love. Those who are criticizing me and my work, don’t agree with my statement that we are aware beings:) What we are then, machines?:)
The second part of my work is exercises for awakening. With constant aware monitoring of your behavior, you can release all your harmful habits and develop beneficial behavior. The critics, they don’t agree with that too:) In their contrary opinion, we are unaware beings and harmful habits are good habits. You can check my statement right away. Are you aware that you exist? If you release smoking, drinking, and drugging, you will feel much better, and your life will be much pleasurable too.
The third part of my work is about the Karmic organization. I know that you can’t go to the city to the karmic center and see what they are doing in it. For now, you can only read about the Karmic organization in my and a few other articles on the internet. There are also some books about them, like those of Michael Duff Newton. But, beware, they are written under the control of the karmicons for their propaganda purposes, and as such, they don’t depict the real picture of this Evil organization. If you want concrete and personal experiences with them, learn to lucid dream. You can read more about it in my articles Why is lucid dreaming so important?, and How you can find out who is incarnated in you? And in my book series Letters to Palkies of course.
In the fourth part of my work, I present a new model of natural life that is good for all. By new constitutions, we will all become equal co-owners of land and sources with many new rights. Right to free and our own land property together with a nice house. Right to million euros of starting money. The right to free creative and communication technology like a phone and computer. In some countries, they will have to wait a little longer for the distribution of millions, so they will have the right to get free phones and computers immediately. Right to free public traffic, health, and education. Etc, etc, etc. Who is against it? Except for the critics, of course. And what they propose instead? Everything to stay the same? Poverty, diseases, violence, crime, wars, suffering, and deaths? Is that they are fighting against me? 🙂
In the fifth part of my work, I forecast a new and fantastic life on Earth without unpleasantries and any mental, emotional, and physical limitations. We will have new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies. No more deaths, as we will live forever. Who is against? Let me repeat once again. There is no need that you believe in this. It is enough that you want to live better. I suggest you check what you can, especially my exercises for awakening, and lucid dreaming. For the other goodies, just let the doors open and allow the possibility that things could happen this way. Do you want a better life or not? Is that a question at all?
Instead of criticism, you rather create.
Until you are oblivioned and negative, everything you think, feel, speak and write, and do, negative as well. When you release harmful behaviors, awaken, and become Being of Pure Awareness, you will feel fantastic and you will create beneficial things.
We calmly observe life, people, us, and others, and when we see that we could improve something, we suggest a new idea. We can make things better without any dramatization and problematization of the old. Calmly and relaxed, we release the old and create the new.
But, to peacefully and beneficially benefit us and others, we have first to change ourselves. With the awakening and release of harmful behaviors, we will also release all dramatization, problematization, and negative criticism, and other harmful habits.
If you are still unawakened, oblivioned, and negatively criticizing and attacking others pretending to be smart, stop with harming yourself, and others. Instead of criticism of others, you rather write your own article about the same theme and publish it. If you write a short comment, write what you don’t like, why, and what you suggest to make it better. And, stop cowardly hiding behind false profiles and present yourself with your real name and surname.
If you write, write something new, original and useful. If you use statements of others to illustrate, compare, and emphasize your work, be fair, and add the source of your quotes. If it is anonymous, then write, where you have got it. These are fundamental basics. If you write about something known, add something new and originally yours to develop the known and make it better and more useful. If needed, tell your readers clearly, what they can check, how, and where.
Awaken, and release harmful behavior as criticism.
Use my exercises for awakening to easily and permanently release negative attitude toward life, you and others, and also hostility, criticism, blaming, attacking, and other aggressive behaviors which first and mostly harm you. Let me maximally simplify it, be aware of what you are doing. Watch your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, your speech and write, your posture, mimics and gesticulation, and your acts. When you notice that you think, feel, speak or write, tense, and do anything harmful, stop right there. Breathe in, and breathe out and relax your body. Be aware that you are aware. Write the harm into your awakening diary. Decide that you won’t do that anymore. Then aware live your life on, and watch your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, your speech and write, your posture, mimics and gesticulation, and your acts. When you notice …
You can get my basic and advanced exercises for awakening in 1. part of Letters to Palkies. The link is below.
All the best to all.
Read more about awakening, lucid dreaming, and life on other planets in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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