I was waking up on March 12 when I heard a man voice from the other side:) “Elohim, dajpa (in Palki means intentional), it causes great power.”
Elohim is supposed to be gods, creators, and logoses – all three are the same.
“It” in the message meant the violence that the karmicons – intentionally, as the voice said, have been tormenting me with for the 15 years since my awakening in 2004. The Elohim or his messenger wanted to tell me that the violence is benefiting me to become “greatly powerful”.
That is a common lie because violence is not useful to become strong. Violence has nothing to do with power. It is just the brute force and perverted natural power. Power is an energy that is necessary for doing, keeping or preventing an act. Violence is the use of the brute force as harmful energy for violent doing, keeping or preventing an act.
All that are executing violence are only becoming more violent. All that are violated are becoming weaker or and because of the violence more and more violent themselves too.
“What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” That’s a typical karmicons lie for advocating violence as good and justifying the Evil as Good.
When I heard the claim about the violence which is causing “great power” I realized the third reason for the Evil and violence upon us. We are dealing with two kinds of Evil beings.
The first group is the so-called Archons. They are higher dimensional light beings above the 8. dimension. They are two-faced and half Evil half Good beings. The second group lives below the 8. dimension. They are the karmicons, 100% Evil, animals with higher abilities and technology, flyers, reptiles, snake-heads, hybrids, etc, who are controlling our galaxy, solar system and planet.
Both groups have concrete reasons for violence – their selfish benefits that are harmful to others. The first group is half harmful, the second one harms, destroys and kills with everything that it does.
Here are three concrete reasons for their Evil upon us. Power over us: our experiences, the negative energy of our suffering and praying energy of religious believers.
1. Two-faced halfers or Archons in their higher dimensional ignorance think that the cosmos is in the balance of Evil and Good and that we are all half Evil beings. By the Creator myth of Creation, they created lower worlds for their selfish and perverted needs.
The Archons are mentioned in Nag Hammadi (NH) library that was discovered in 1945 in Egypt. Here is a short description of the Archons from the excellent book of Slovene philosopher Marko Uršič, Gnostic Essays.
One theory says that god created the world, the other claims that our world was created by lower beings, demiurges or Archons who are kind of lower gods or demons.
“In some extreme theory, the creators of the world are fallen angels or demons, evil spirits, who diverted from the higher Light and created a kingdom of Darkness (matter, body, death). In this dark variation of creation, the Archons are bearers of the Evil… Shortly, in extreme “negative” gnostic variations the creation is the work of the devil, and the world is the kingdom of the Evil…).”
Classical religions, as cross-thianity, who are refusing gnostic texts, claim that god himself created the world as something good. Together with the Evil, of course:)
You have to know that all religions, which are based on the false myth about the Creator, were written by the karmicons. Then they forced incarnants, people from other planets, who they call “souls”:), to bring those to our world through their incarnations. The karmicons wrote all “sacred” texts for all classic and non-classic, heretic and (forbidden texts) as Nag Hammadi and many others, for example, so-called pagan.
The karmicons are playing on both sides and on all sides as this is their game of Evil. The only thing that is out of their reach is Pure Awareness. That’s why is very important that we awaken and live as Beings of Pure Awareness in which we are fully free. When we end the Karmic organization, we will be free in our everyday life as well.
Let’s see what the NH is telling us about the creation of our cosmos and who created the first Archon.
“Barbelo is gods Thought (Enoia), re-flexion of heavenly Father, and as such in fact one with Him. He watches in his image in the well of the Spirit. He puts his wich in the water of his light, in the well of pure water – light, that is surrounding him. His thought becomes act and birth, she, who appeared before him in the shine of his light. That is the first power, one that is before the others, who was birthed from his spirit. Pronoia (gods providence) of Everything. Her light is the image of the Light, perfect power, image of the invisible, innocent perfect Spirit. First power, glory, Barbelo, perfect glory of the eons… first thought, his image; she becomes the womb of everything, as she is before all, Mother-Father, first Man, holy Spirit… (4,23 – 5, 7).
Barbelo, first androgyne light, a reflection of heavenly Father and at the same time him-her-self heavenly Father as well, is the source of twelve eons (eternal spirits), who are flowing from eternal Light. Among them are Will, Life, Mercy, first angel Armozel, and Sofia (Wisdom). … Sofia has a special role, with her will start the creation of the world. ‘Birthing’ of the eons was happening only in the eternal Spirit, same as mirroring in the mass of non-material reflections. Sofia will birth the first Archon, demon creator of the world, Jaltabaot: this birth is a consequence of Sofia’s wish to birth the analogy out of her without the consent of the Spirit. (9, 29) She is invincibly strong, her thought wasn’t empty, and from her came something imperfect and different from her image (10, 1-4). Sofia’s horror with her own birth of the first creature is astonishing and shuddering:
(NH II, 10, 7 – 12, 9): When she saw the result of her wish, she turned him into the form of a snake with a lion face. His eyes were like burning fires, shining like a flesh. She threw him away, out of that place, so nobody of the immortals would ever see him, because she created him in ignorance. She surrounded him with shining cloud and put him on the throne inside the cloud, so nobody could see him, except the spirit, who is the mother of life. She named him Jaltabaot.“
How he must look before that she was so disgusted with him that she had to turn him to snake first, so she could throw him away:)
Jaltabaot then “connected with his madness in him and bred his kingdoms”. Among them were Atot, Harmas, Kalila-Umbri, Jabel, Adonai or Sabaot, Cain, Abel, Abrisen, Jobel, Armupiel, Melchior-Adonein, and Belial, who rules the depths of Had. We can easily recognize some biblical and other spiritual myths celebrities from his crazy cosmic crew.
Part of Jaltabaots madness was also his known claim: “I am God and there is no other God beside me!”:) From the NH is not clear if Jaltabaot is also Yahwe, Judeo-Christian God, who is also the author of the same VIP statement, or the late is just one of his lower demons. The family question whether Jaltabaot is dad or grand-dad of Jesus remains to this very days:) In any case, he is the grand cosmic abomination that his own mother, Sofia, threw away in her miscarriage horror:)
Jaltabaot and his gang of Archons, Rulers of his demon lower kingdoms of Darkness, created first man, Adam. The second name for Archons is tyrants (tyrannoi in Greek). The first name for the first Archon Jaltabaot is Satan, Master of Evil, Creator, and God of our world.
There is also another story of creation in NH in which our world was created by Logos, son of God, who himself throned “master Archon as ruler of all images and creator of the things below.” Logos wanted to create something good, but his first creation obviously went very wrong and was the same as Sofias: just another disaster:)
“Logos was the cause of being of those that came. He himself was very lost and surprised when he saw the imperfection instead of perfection, separation instead of unity, chaos instead of stability, unrest instead the peace. He couldn’t divert them from their chaotic tendencies, which he couldn’t resolve them. He was powerless since the Wholeness and excitement left him.”
With Sofia and Logos, so cosmically incapable creators, we can be happy that we don’t bark:)
In spite of the fact that Sofia and Logos are Gods children having all godly power, they are still so pity and powerless and they can’t repair a small creature named Archon:)
It is clear that only Jesus Christ will repair such a mess:) But not with his first attempt:) When he tried for the first time, he couldn’t unmess it too, so he will have to come and try again. Faithful believers are waiting for his return for more than 2.000 years and counting.
Anyway, by both myths, our world is a miscarried creation attempt of God’s children, Sofia, and Logos, while we were created by their two abominations, Evil Archon. That’s why we are so bad:) We are not accidentally on the bottom of the Creation:), farthest from the Gods Eyes, so He won’t see this perverted deformation in the mirror of his Pure Light and in the Well of the Spirit:)
Don’t be carried away with “strong” words as God, Father, Holy Spirit, etc and think that these fabrications are true.
When you read these myths you can get the feeling that there is an invisible hand writing them who is above the god himself. I write god with a small letter as is just a general name for a function as chief or boss:) In a quotation or in a paraphrase is God, because the believers write and read him as the Capital One:)
You have to know that Nag Hammadi and all other religious texts were written by the karmicons from Karmic organization. Under the Archons command, of course.
These myths obviously exist, but they are false. Energy and Awareness can’t be created nor destroyed. The Creator doesn’t exist and gods as creators of the individual cosmoses also don’t exist. There are beings who think that they are creators and gods, but they are not.
Existence was never created and Exists from ever to forever. All in the Existence is happening at the same time, simultaneously. No one is creating anything, we are just perceiving All that already Is and forever will.
Archons behave as the creators of the worlds below them. They think that they are gods. Shortsightedly can’t see and understand that there are higher beings above them which can absorb them and their “creations” in a second.
They don’t see us as real, original and independent beings. They claim that we are just their parts or even less, just live costumes and puppets for playing out their narcissistic illusions about their Magnificent Importance. They are very cowardly and they are afraid to come down to the lower worlds of darkness, poverty, sickness, violence, and death. They are very attracted to Evil, but they are too afraid to experience It personally so they are forcing us to experience It for them. After they forcefully Evil-aze us, they kill us or absorb, steal our experiences and flatter themselves thinking that they are “spiritually evolving”.
They are forcing us to endure all kinds of limitations, violence, and suffering, to fights all barriers, to persist against all unpleasantries to become “greatly powerful” for them. They need our power to overpower us. After we die, they sneakily steal our experiences and think that they are greatly powerful. In fact, they are unaware, ignorant, mind-less and violent. Extremely selfish, harmful, destructive and deadly.
Archons, if Evil is so fascinating you, divide into two parts, torture yourself with all the Evil of yours. We don’t want nor need your Evil and you to live and evolve. Evil is not necessary for life and development. Evil is not Good. Evil is just Evil. We don’ want and we won’t do your dirty job for your selfish and perverted needs.
2. The karmicons, who are 100% Evil, feed with the negative energy of human and animal suffering. They are not interested in the Big Game of Creation, because they are not the creators, let alone the Creators. They are destroyers, parasites, and vampires, who are abusing us and destroying all life. They also use the theory of balance of Evil and Good, but they are interested only in the Evil part of it. As psychopathic sadists, they especially like the practice of Evil and torturing humans and animals.
By the myth of the Creator, the god of this cosmos created Archons, who created the karmicons. Same as their fathers, they are also sneaky and heinous. They hide behind the Karmic organization, which is supposed to be a school of Evil and Good. The Karmic organization is not a school, it is just a big feast of negative energy of human and animal suffering.
3. Part of the Karmic organization are also humans who work for the karmicons as their servants. They are members of the Karmic Board (and Karmic Court), self-proclaimed gods and goddesses, so-called ascended masters, archangels and angels, etc.
They feed with the praying energy of religious believers. They are dependent on the praying energy of subordination, humility, and sacrifice for the “gods”, for them. They prefer the prayings or begging for mercy. They prefer the believers on their knees, powerless, crying up and begging: “God, have mercy.” That is the lower hand of Pity which gives them a position of the upper hand of Importance.
The karmicons fabricated religions exactly for this kind of abusement. They use the religions so they can pose as gods above the powerless and despair believers who are dependent on their mercy. Same as the other groups, Archons and animal karmicons, the human part of this Evil gang, think that they are greatly powerful. In fact, they are just cowards, heinous and sneaky criminals.
They wrote the scripts for the human lives in which they will suffer the Evil. Some of the humans, more of half of the Earthlings are religious believers, will even praise them as gods. The karmicons will pretend that that people are respecting them by their own will.
Let me repeat, firstly they force others to religiously praise them, and then they pretend that they like them voluntarily, honor them and pray to them because they are “sacred”. Bottom of the bottom.
There is a big difference between the Archons and the karmicons.
There are authors on the internet, transcribing one from another and without any of personal experience with none of those Evils, who use the term Archons meaning Evil beings that are in control of our planet. The karmicons are those that are in operational and direct control over us – animals with higher abilities and technology, different kind of flyers, reptiles, snake-heads, hybrids, etc, and their human servants. Archons are their Masters. The karmicons are Masters of Evil, the Archons are Masters of the Masters of Evil. The Archons are Satans, the karmicons are Satans servants.
End of Evil, for Good.
As you can see, there is a lot of work to do in this cosmos. We will start from below and first end the Karmic which is directly torturing us using all the kinds of violence. Then we will go higher and finish the complete Creator Absorbic Karmic system in this cosmos which is based on the false myth about the Creator. We will end this Cosmic Lie and live by the Truth of the simultaneity of the Existence which was never created.
We are real, original and independent beings and not just parts or incarnations of other beings. We are not just shitty hands for their dirty work of collecting experiences of Evil so the Masters in heavenly armchairs “spiritually evolving”, strengthening their cowardly muscles of selfishness pretending that they are “greatly powerful”.
We are equivalent, equal and sovereign and we have all the rights to independently decide about our lives. We will live as awakened and Beautiful Beings of Pure Awareness in Peace, Love and Wisdom for the benefit of all. Forever.
All the best to all.
Read more about the Karmic organization and Fantastic Life after we end them in the Book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet.
You can get Book 1 and 2 on Amazon:
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Thank you for all of this.
Several things I wish to share:
100% of all that we have today that is ascribed to be “Christianity” came out of the Council of Nicea in 324-325 AD. Constantine, one of the most brutal homicidal maniacs of the last 2400 years, along with his very political henchmen, took every available mystical and metaphysical document they could find, and then edited, and redacted, and changed, and altered them all in the process of creating a state religion for the empire of Rome (Readind the New Testament [King James Version] with an editorial bent reveals it to read funnier than the Warren Commission Report). The historical Jesus (The Chi-Zeus) was Yeshua (Joshua) Hesikiah, the Essence, who was stoned to death and hung on a tree in about 100 BC. His second coming was as Apollonius (Apollo [from the book of Acts], A-Paul-o, or Paul) of Tyana. Apollonius lived into his eighties and passed while in India. A later incarnation of his was as Francis Bacon in England. This entity also authored the book, A Course in Miracles. One thing that may be of interest to you is that the historical Jesus in the Bible was able to be unrecognized whenever he wanted to, as in not being able to be recognized by his followers when he returned after the crucifixion (today he would be labeled as a shape-shifter, and today shape shifters are referred to as reptilians.
I have thought long that this realm of materialization is indeed the seventh level of Hell, the outer darkness, the realm of eternal damnation, and reincarnation keeps us recycling back to here ad infinitum.
I’ve written a lot about all of this, but receptivity to it is exceedingly rare, so I keep my thoughts to myself pretty much.
Blessings, and Peace
Tom Gilbert