Did you hear the saying that one exercise is more worthy than thousands of readings? It’s a new one:)
There are 3 personal development phases.
1. Informing is a theoretical phase in which you gather information with reading, viewing, listening and talking about the matter.
There are thousands of different religions, cults and sects on Earth presenting themselves as “spiritual”. So-called spiritual life means that the spiritualities are more or at least so important that materialities.
I don’t use that term because is not accurate. Even monks in monasteries live some kind of “material” life. Only “spiritual life” in the physical body is impossible. Forced limiting, renouncing and even sacrificing as isolation in monasteries, hierarchical order, harsh discipline and punishment for sins, uniforms, head shaving, celibacy, rituals, etc are not useful for personal development. Quite contrary, they are very harmful.
The main point of personal development is awareness of the true identity of Being of Pure Awareness, releasing of old Ego partial personalities and their harmful behaviors, and natural, real and honest living of nice and friendly beings.
For that, you don’t need god, church, monk, guru, monastery, shaved head, prayer, and mantra. My superb exercises for awakening are enough. Personal development is becoming free and has nothing to do with limiting, tightening and imprisoning.
There are millions of “spiritual”, self-help and personal development books, articles, videos, and workshops. Most of them are religious and New Age mixtures of different religions, spiritualities, mystics, magics, astrology, numerology, channeled messages, etc. Even if you want to, you can’t read and see them all, let alone to check them.
2. Checking and testing.
During the information phase, you review different theories, compare them and theoretically accept or refuse them. In the info phase, you didn’t decide to try any of the offers.
I see that most of the readers of “spiritual”, self-help and personal development readers are still in the informative phase. They read an article here and there, watch a video or two, say a word and post a comment. Some of them even think that they are “spiritual” beings and that they personally develop:) They don’t.
The info phase is all about the theories, thinking, presuming and mentalizing. Without the practice of any sort yet.
No practice, no development.
They are just curious and attracted to this field, but they didn’t decide yet to jump, start practicing and develop.
All is just purely theoretical. They think that if they understand the meaning of the words, they understand the whole matter. They don’t. To really understand something, especially personal development matters, you need to have concrete personal experience. Only with the experiential understanding you will understand it’s theory. Only with the practice, you will understand the theory.
I repeat, personal development is not philosophy, in which everything is happening in the mental field. Personal development is a very concrete practice and way of life.
Until you check the offer, you can’t know it’s value. With your own experience, you will know and understand.
Besides personal experience, it is very important that you have a real, accurate and right explanation, as it is an important part of the whole knowledge.
Information + experience + explanation = complete knowledge.
An example. In the last message, I’ve sent you an easy exercise for stopping the mind and thoughts so you can create inner silence. I wrote that you just listen to the silence and you will easily and quickly stop your mind and thoughts. That was information or theory.
I suggest you take a step forward and check this theory right now. Listen to the silence – try to find it in the room:), and listen to it.
Do it, I will wait for a minute or two.
Did you find it? Did you hear the silence? Did you notice that you have stopped the mind and all thoughts in a second?
Congratulation, you have just made your first step toward the practice of personal development. You have checked the theoretical information and got a personal, concrete and practical experience. Now you know that this exercise works and is useful for you and your personal development.
Let us complete the information and experience with the real, accurate and right explanation, so you will know why are this exercise and your new ability to stop your mind and thoughts at will important for your life.
Until you think all the time, you are literally merged with the mind. When you are in the mind, even thinking, that you are the mind:), you live in a washing machine constantly whirling and swirling thoughts after thoughts.
Thoughts, especially dramatic and problematic ones, they affect your energy and physical body and create unpleasant feelings and emotions and cramp the body.
When you learn to stop your mind and harmful thoughts, you will relax and feel much better. In time, you will notice, that you can stay longer in the inner silence and without any thoughts at all.
With regular practice, you will learn to use the mind as any other washing machine. When you need it, you switch it on. When you don’t, it stays off and quite.
3. Life, practice, and wisdom.
When you choose a theory, check it out and see that is useful for you, you start to use it and that is your practice. Some practices as meditation, yoga and other bodywork can be useful as side exercises for a healthy life. With them, you can’t awake and become Aware. You can meditate and yogitate all of your life, but you won’t awake.
To awake, you need special exercises for awakening. With practicing, you will become more and more Aware that you are Being of Pure Awareness. My exercises are very efficient and final. When you release your partial personalities, Important I and Poor Me and their children – Liar, Narcis, Bully, Sad one, Complainer, and their harmful behaviors, and stabilize, which means that you don’t forget your self anymore, you don’t have to practice anymore.
With the release of partial personalities and stabilization, you awaken. During the awakening, you have trained yourself so efficiently that everything is happening automatically. You have moved from the mind to the Awareness and you live most of the time in the inner silence.
When you want to think, you switch your mind on, when you are finished, you switch it off. Your energy body is harmonized. Your physical body is always relaxed. You are calm and happy. You feel fantastic.
In this phase, you transformed the practice into a whole and steady way of life. Most of the so-called spiritual exercises are performed 3 x 5 minutes a week:) My exercises for awakening are way more than just exercises. They are a new way of life.
You are awakening with constantly monitoring your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, words, gesticulation and mimic of your face, moving and postures. When you notice harmful behavior, you stop it, breathe in and out, and relax.
Then you move your attention to Pure Awareness by being aware that you are aware, and enjoy. After a while, write the harm act into your awakening diary and decide that you won’t do that again. Live on, observe, stop, relax, be Aware, write and decide.
If the karmicons will stop you or try to sabotage your practice, don’t bother, start and continue exercising. Don’t allow anybody to sabotage your personal development. If you hear thoughts like: “That is senseless., You don’t need this., You know this already., You will do it tomorrow., etc, write them to your diary, but don’t accept and obey them.
Keep on practicing, as you will develop only in practice, not in evasion.
When you hear such thoughts, clearly distinct, did you intentionally think them or you have only heard them in your head or even in the space around you? With this distinction, you will know which thoughts are yours and which are foreign intrusions.
Know that the karmicons don’t like you to personally develop because you will stop to produce negative energy of worries, sadness, anger, etc, which they feed on. So, practice, develop and stop feeding the cosmic parasites.
You will benefit the most with the awakening, while at the same time you will cooperate in our action to end the Karmic organization and their violence upon us and create a new and good life for all.
Let me remind you of the great benefits of the awakened life. You will be aware that you are Being of Pure Awareness. You will be Calm, Whole, One, Tender and Benevolent. First, in your life, you will feel really Free.
You will feel Love inside of you. You will realize that you are the Source of Love. I wish you realize that you are Beautiful Beings of Pure Awareness, Love and Wisdom and that you live like one.
When you release all harmful partial personalities and stabilize, you don’t have to practice anymore. With the stabilization, you have transformed the practice in your new way of life. With regular practice, you will need 6 to 12 months to awaken and stabilize.
Here is the third part of the third phase. When you live as an awakened person, you don’t do any harm to yourself and others and you act for the benefit of all. That is the Wisdom way of awakened life. You can share your Wisdom in the form of your experiences with others, inspire and support them so they can realize how Beautiful they are as well.
1, 2, 3: attention, relaxation, and awareness
I suggest you use the 1, 2, 3 exercises to go through all 3 phases – information, test with the personal experience and regular practice. Read, check and practice.
1. Lay down and relax. Feel your left foot and relax it. After you relaxed it, say in your thoughts: “I don’t feel my left feet anymore.” You will still feel it, but the idea is to move your attention to another part of your body. Do the same with your right feet, and then go up to your legs. When you finish with both of them, say in your mind: “I don’t feel my legs anymore.” You will still feel them, but you will move your attention to your hands. Left, right. Say the same for your hands. Now, relax and think the same for your torso.
After that, relax your neck, throat, mouth and tongue, face and whole head. You will notice that your tongue and face was very tense, without you even feeling it. When you relax all parts, including head, think: “I don’t feel my body anymore. You will still feel it, but it’s time to move your attention to your energy body.
2. Feel energy tingling around your palms and feet. That is shining of your energy body. In time, you will feel it all over the place of the physical body. Feel it for a minute or two or longer and then move your attention to your awareness.
3. Be aware that you are present, alive and relaxed. Your body will be fully relaxed. Then become aware that you are aware. Same as you would watch your eyes looking:) Same as you would take a step back into yourself. Become aware that you are aware.
At the moment, you will notice a very special state of Peace. In that Stillness, nothing is happening. If you stay a little longer, you could think that is “empty”. That is not true, as you will learn with regular practice. Awareness is not empty, it is full of Awareness.
At the same time, you will notice that you have completely stopped your mind and that you are in perfect inner silence. Be Aware and enjoy as long as you wish in your Natural State of Pure Awareness, and then slowly return to your energy and physical body.
With this exercise, you will realize that you have a physical and energy body and become aware of the Awareness. You will easily learn to move your attention from the physical and energy body to Pure Awareness. With regular practice, you will use these attention movements to stop your mind and thoughts at will.
Now, you already know two ways to stop it – with listening to the silence and with moving the attention to Awareness. There is also the third one:) for the advanced practitioners.
Take a look with the “eyes” of the Pure Awareness. As the Look Itself would go from behind your body through your eyes into the world in front of you.
That is the Gaze without the Watcher, that is the Look of the Pure Awareness. Later on, and as awakened one, you will often watch the world in this manner as this will be your natural Look.
With regular practice, you will gradually move from your body and mind to the Awareness and become more and more aware that you are Being of Pure Awareness. One day, you will fully move to Pure Awareness and your Natural State.
Let me know about your practice, your experiences, and your development. If you have any questions, write to me and I will friendly answer you.
All the best to all.
P.s. There is a lot of very useful things in my books for you. The only way for you to get them, understand them and benefit from them is to use them. First, test them and then practice regularly. When the exercises and regular practice become your new way of life, you will understand and know how Beautiful you really are.
Read more about the theory and practice of awakening in the Book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get the Book 1 and 2 on Amazon:
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Bloody hell fire Seno you are right on! I learned these lesson some in childhood they made me stronger,when I broke everyone of those beliefs,then when I found my soulmate we both discovered unconditional ❤️ we were both in each other’s heart mind and soul that’s what life is all about love
Ellen, I wish you will be soon with your darling again, here on Earth, of course, and in new, young, healthy and beautiful bodies.
Have a nice time.
Hi I subscribed to your newsletter two days back but didn’t get free e book of donjuan……
Please send.
I have already sent you the book.
Nice read and all the best to you.