Who is not personally developed? He, who:
1. Is self Important – he thinks that he is more worthy than others, is narcissistically bragging, underestimating, subordinating and abusing others. He acts as the Master.
2. Is Pity one – he thinks that he is less worthy than others, he pities himself and complaining about everything. He is the Victim.
3. Lives in fear are unsettled and lost. He feels anxiety and has panic attacks or is strongly worried. Even without the obvious reasons.
4. Is sad and mourns, is lonely, misses other people and things and is disappointed.
5. Lies manipulates and cheats.
6. Is violent in thoughts, words – anger, curse, threatens, etc, emotions and actions – limits, fights, forces, and rapes.
7. Is addicted to people, substances, actions, and objects. Drinks alcohol, smokes and drugs. In any amount and for any reason.
8. Steals.
9. Is lazy, greedy, corrupted, envy, resentful, vengeful, hurtful, jealous, gossiping, ashamed, pessimistic, ironic, cynic and sarcastic, two-faced and heinous, selfish, arrogant, bluffing and posing, offended and affected, hating him and others, nationalistic, chauvinistic and racistic, competing to be better than others etc.
10. Is not able to use the mind deliberately. Thoughts are always running and jumping in his head, and despite that, they are upsetting and frightening him, he can’t stop them.
If you have only one of the listed harmful behaviors, you are not personally developed. You are not yet Aware who you really are and you still harm your self and others.
In invite you to start evolving. You will be amazed by your true Beauty as the Being of Pure Awareness, Love and Wisdom.
This is part of the article Who is “spiritually” or personally developed, and who is not? You can read it on:
and find out who is personally developed and how to develop.
All the best to all.
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