“8) Vanity

We talked about appearance earlier. While sure, the way you look plays a part in being deemed “successful”, there is a fine line between loving yourself and really LOVING yourself.
It’s natural to want to look good for certain occasions, or even focusing on your appearance a bit every day.
However, there are people who put all of their focus on how they look and especially how they appear to others.
This kind of behavior is actually the opposite of attractive and can easily slip into narcissism.
Think about it: the more you feel the need to appear beautiful and successful to others, the bigger the chance you feel like a loser deep down.”
Vanity is an obsession with the attention of others, whereby the affected person performs all sorts of possible and even more impossible pirouettes in order to be noticed, admired and even envied by others. Addicted to vanity force themselves into the limelight, posing, strutting, and sticking themselves out loud. They obsessively monitor who is looking and who is not, and they count the looks. They are empty inside, so they need looks to fill their hollow emptiness. In a symbolic sense, they are thus full of foreign attention, enveloped by a screaming package. The more they scream, the emptier they are. The more they make themselves Important, the more they are Poor.
Vanity rarely travels alone; it is often in the company of its sisters, which includes conceit, arrogance, self-importance, selfishness, and arrogance.
Vanity is but one form of the emptiness of the unawakened who seek to replace the unawareness of Pure Awareness as our true Being with artificial fillers. In addition to the addictions to soft attention, there are much more serious addictions to hard alcohol and narcotic fillers. The alcoholic and the addict are like empty sacks lying crumpled and trampled on the floor in the sober state. When they get drunk and stoned, they rise like balloons and are suddenly “strong”, “brave” and “smart”.
The karmic people have deliberately imposed physical limitations, defects, and deformities on us to make our lives even more difficult. In recent decades, we have seen an obesity pandemic. Symbolically and in reality, they are thus imposing an additional burden on people to make their lives as difficult and unpleasant as possible, starting with the first look in the mirror in the morning.
Know that we do not really look like that and that. When the planetary blockade is over, we will all have new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies. Men and women will look like natural fashion models. Therefore, do not fret, despise, or torture yourself to the hilt to extort attention from others at any cost, but rather rejoice in your new body and your wonderful new life in the near future.
You will get rid of your inertia and other such disturbances most easily with my awakening exercises. The first step in awakening to Pure Awareness is to begin to observe yourself and to constantly monitor your thoughts, feelings and emotions, words, expressions, postures, gestures, and actions. When you see that you are thinking of others and fantasizing about their admiring or envious glances as you dress and groom yourself, stop, breathe in, and breathe out, and proceed to groom yourself for your own sake. It is important to distinguish between yourself as a person and your personality and your clothes. Dress yourself to make yourself feel good, not to attract attention from others.
When you awaken to Pure Awareness, you will know for the first time in your life that you are Someone, a True Being, and not just an empty bag and clothes rack to attract attention. Even if you were to attract the attention of others, it would remain on the surface of the packaging, because inside there is no one but an emptiness full of fear, insecurity, doubt, disappointment, sadness, and despair, disguised in a collection of branded images.
As an Awakened One, you will be filled with Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom. Then you will realize your true Worth and clearly distinguish between You and the clothes or packaging used to attract attention. Even as an Awakened One, you will dress beautifully, but your clothes will no longer be decoys for others, but an expression of your well-being.
“9) Gossiping
It’s crazy how normal gossip is in daily conversations.
I’m serious, pay some attention next time you’re at a social gathering and you’ll notice that gossiping about others is a crucial part of the interactions.
There is probably nobody who can claim they never participated in gossiping. I know I can’t.
However, there is quite a big downside to this popular form of entertainment.
No matter if the talk is behind someone’s back, essentially gossiping is just bullying.
As a matter of fact nobody is perfect and everybody makes their own mistakes. Does that mean we all deserve to be talked down behind our backs?
Certainly not. Only losers gain confidence out of tearing other’s down.”
Talking about other people is a part of our lives and is fine as long as it is not misused to spread lies about others, to betray their secrets that you were told not to tell and agreed to, and to criticize others in their absence when they cannot defend themselves. If you have something to say to them, have the courage and honesty to say it directly.
If you do speak about others, speak the truth and positive things. If the conversation turns to negative actions by others, present them as they really happened, do not dramatize, exaggerate, or comment in a hostile or hurtful way.
Again, the simple rule should be to think twice before you say one word about other people. Let me also tell you that even the best of friends have best friends, and it does not have to be you. That is why your secrets can travel by word of mouth, so be careful who you tell what to. It would not be strange if a secret you told your best friend came back to you after a while when another best friend told it to you.
“10) Lack of integrity

Successful people have a set of values and a moral compass that they don’t like to stray from.
A loser, on the other hand, has a flexible moral compass that he can adjust to his needs at the time.
They have to forsake their values in order to gain fame or wealth? No problem!
You see, truly successful people hold fast to their values and moral standards.
If you are prepared to forsake whatever you believe in to “succeed”, you will never be respected by other people.”
As long as you are unawakened and have a fragmented Ego-istic personality with many split personalities fighting each other for your mind, time, and money, you do not yet have a unified value system, because the different split personalities also have different “values”. These are based on selfishness, dishonesty, manipulation, and even violence. The best example is politicians, who are literally political prostitutes who sell themselves for bribes of as little as a few hundred euros, or, in the vernacular, ‘for the small potatoes’.
If you live in Slovenia, you have probably heard of Jelincic’s price list. The Slovenian National Party, because of its small size has had virtually no influence on events in the Slovenian Parliament. Its main role was to enable the larger parties, which were gathering votes to pass laws, to use their few votes to get enough votes to override. Jelincic as the party leader boasted that he had a price tag for his party’s votes. Pay up and we will vote for your proposal, even if you propose to throw us out of Parliament.
Let me add, for the sake of the truth, that there may be an honest politician out there, but we have not heard of him yet. That is why we keep reading about the repeatedly convicted Janša (Slovenian far-right leader), who goes from one court hearing to another, and Trump, who is almost living in court and, as it currently stands, there is a good chance that he will also move to prison for a long time.
Only when you drop the shattered Ego-istic personality, awaken to Pure Awareness, and create a new personality for yourself, will you become One and Whole, True and Honest, and stop submitting, humiliating, and selling yourself to others.
After the lifting of the blockade of the Earth, we will remove all politicians, heads of state, and government and their networks in a few days. The countries will be temporarily taken over by our colleagues from the planet Palki and run until the end of the resettlement of Earthlings on other planets. On this occasion, you will see what real politicians are like working for the benefit of the people, being good, kind, friendly, and honest.
“11) Not respecting yourself or others

We all know it’s rude to disrespect other people, especially when talking to them, but do you wanna know what makes you the biggest loser?
Disrespecting yourself.
Without self-respect you will never be on the winning end of life, trust me.
But how does one respect themselves?
It starts with setting healthy boundaries for yourself. Boundaries prevent other people from taking advantage of you, but they can also help you keep yourself in check.
The thing is, a lack of boundaries usually stems from a lack of self-worth, the two are interlinked.
A loser doesn’t have either of those.
Start setting boundaries by practicing habits that protect your energy, like saying no when you don’t want to do something!”
The karmicons have also corrupted respect as a form of opinion about others by associating it with money, power or force, and fame. As a result, people “respect” only those who have some or all of these, the Important Ones, and discard others who do not fulfill these conditions as losers and do not respect them being the Poor Ones.
A special form of “respect” is fearful respect, when people think they respect criminals and violent bullies for example, but in reality, they are afraid of them. The same applies to criminals among politicians, they want and demand “respect” or, in other words, to be feared by others.
Such “respect” is not a true appreciation or valuing of human beings, but only of their possessions, such as titles, positions, and privileges. If the rich, powerful, and famous did not have these “fashion accessories”, no one would “respect” them.
When you awaken to Pure Awareness, you will realize our common and greatest Value. Only then will the different values be placed in your true value system, in which Aware people will come first, no matter how much they have in their pockets.
You will also easily understand that work, which the karmicons, capitalists, and rightists place at the top of value, before and above man, who has no value without work – “he who does not work, let him not eat” – is no value at all. Work, or rather drudgery, will be replaced by robots, and people will become creators instead of workers. Along with the karmicons, capitalism, and the gross exploitation of human beings (there are still millions of slaves and child workers on Earth), the law salaries will also go to the dustbin of history. Greedy and selfish capitalists have given the workers at the end of the month just crumbs so that they do not starve to death and go back to the factory the next day. They worked so that they could work.
On the new planets, you will generate ideas, replicators will turn your ideas into products, and robots will do all the other work. Finally, you’ll have a break from all the dishwashing, floor sweeping, and other cleaning jobs. Your house and garden will always be clean and tidy, so you’ll have plenty of time to create, socialize, have fun, and play. One day closer.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
P. S. Last week, the Big Black Cloud visited Sanja, my girlfriend from the planet Palki, in a dream (as he had visited me shortly before) and told her that she would not be alone for long. I also got the news that there are more and more Clouds every day who want to move on. This is great news, so there is a good chance that the Earth will soon be liberated.
Cover: Vladimir Vishar
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicon’s blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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