“4) Being self-absorbed

Some “successful” people are actually total losers. You wanna know why?
Because they couldn’t give a damn about anyone but themselves.
While, yes, to the public they seem like successful people who “have it all”, this behavior often breeds excruciating loneliness and misery.
Imagine having all the money you could ever need but nobody who truly cares about you?
Being self-absorbed will make you a loser regardless of your circumstances.
Care about other people, share your love and you will never feel like a loser, believe me.”
All harmful behaviors, including those on this list, are personality traits of Evil karmic Masters, imposed on people through karmic scripts. Natural, true, and aware beings have no harmful traits.
Don Juan tells Carlos Castaneda that our mind is a “foreign installation” installed in our minds by “inorganic beings” (karmic beings) and used to control us.
To become free and “abstract” (in nagualism this means that one has learned to control the mind, to be able to stop it at will, and to live in inner silence without the constant mind rumble), one has to get rid of this alien installation and re-create oneself differently.
We cannot just get rid of the mind, as it is an important part of the energy body and a very useful thinking tool if used for good purposes. We must give up the harmful use of this tool and learn to use it for useful purposes. In doing so, we start using the mind instead of it using us.
It is interesting that the karmic people, who play a double and duplicitous game and even pretend to be our friends, teachers, and guides, have written all the books about Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda in advance and have revealed them to the readers, that some inorganic or non-physical beings have imposed on us the mind as an alien control device, when in fact they are the “inorganic beings” who have installed limited, defective and corrupted minds or mental tools for thinking.
The reason why they advise us to get rid of these implants is because they are utterly duplicitous, as they seek to disguise their true role as aggressors and falsely portray themselves as our friends. Thanks to their programs, virtually no one on Earth learns to use the mind, to stop it at will, and to live most of the time in inner silence. With my exercises for awakening to Pure Awareness, you will learn this exquisite art with ease.
Whatever their manipulations, to let go of the old karmic Ego-istic personality, it is really necessary to learn to control the mind, stop it at will, and live in inner silence. Only in this way can we become aware of the presence of Pure Awareness at all in the beginning, and later move from the mind into our True Being permanently, and become true Beings of Pure Awareness.
“5) Arrogance

Arrogance is not a cute trait, I think we can all agree on that.
The thing is, there is a fine line between healthy self-esteem and arrogance.
You see, self-esteem means knowing that no matter what other people do or say, you are inherently worthy and good as you are.
Arrogance, on the other hand, means that you believe you’re better than everyone else.
Truth be told, arrogance is in reality the complete opposite of self-esteem. Arrogance is like a mask, concealing insecurity with feigned confidence.
When you are truly confident about your achievements, you don’t have anything to prove.”
This is another pernicious trait of Important people, who think that others are inferior and they are superior because they are male, white, Christian, right-wing, rich, and connected to networks of Elites.
After the end of the Earth Blockade, we will show you karmic scenarios for your lives in which you will see that the karmic masters have predetermined whether you will be rich or poor. The rich will not like it at all that they have “made it”, because they have been assured of it in advance by the karmic masters, and it would be a big question if they would have made it without it.
For those of you who understand more what I am writing about: everything in Existence happens simultaneously, so in this case it means that the successful people partly succeeded on their own and partly were helped by the karmic masters with their scripts.
In any case, success is not a license for arrogance, It is important to compare with others and to despise the less successful. Our true Worth does not come from our successes or failures, we are all already Worthy as Beings of Pure Awareness, which is our greatest Value because it enables us to be aware Beings.
“6) A lack of self-awareness
If you are worried that you might be a loser, chances are you’re not.
You might be asking yourself how I know that.
Well, losers have a total lack of self-awareness, and the idea that they might have to work on themselves doesn’t even cross their minds.
Losers are unable to analyze their own behavior and qualities because they wholeheartedly believe there is nothing wrong with them.
Have you ever taken the time to contemplate yourself, your thoughts and your actions? Congratulations, you are definitely not a loser!
Awareness is already half the solution to any problem! Being able to question your own motives means you are halfway to change!”
Although the author speaks of self-awareness, this is not really awareness, but more or less attentive observation of oneself. Pure Awareness expresses itself in three ways:
1. Consciousness – the person is conscious, but may still have distractions and is not yet partially or fully operational.
In this state, the person is more or less just a living organism.
2. Attention – the person knows what is happening to and around him or her, but is still only in the mind all the time. His attention is trapped in a constantly thinking mind, so that it is thrown from one situation to another, most often from drama to tragedy.
This is a typical example of the karmic role, in which one is completely oblivioned and, like an automaton, acts according to the karmic program without even knowing it. Although he thinks that he is the subject and that he decides for himself, he is in reality only an object in the karmic claws, playing their game.
3. Pure Awareness – this is the only true awareness, for the person has successfully stepped out of the mind and taken up permanent residence in Pure Awareness. During awakening he has learned to use the mind as a tool for thinking, stopping it at will and spending most of the time in inner silence. The awakened person is stable, calm, relaxed, truthful and honest, kind, friendly and loving.
Only an aware person is a real Being. By the time the karmic scenario is over, he will still be limited energetically, physically, in family, partnership, and financially, but he has already changed their program considerably and is no longer doing harmful actions.
The karmic Masters have deliberately limited all of us, installed their defective and corrupted minds in our heads, and thus imprisoned us in mental prisons. Awakening means stepping out of the mental cage into the freedom of Pure Awareness. If you have watched The Matrix, then you know what I am talking about. If you haven’t, definitely watch it. The Matrix has 4 parts.
I also highly recommend the Westworld series, where the karmic people themselves give a good demonstration of the purposes for which they use and abuse humans, who are presented in the series as androids (robots) and devices for pleasing the rich visitors, who abuse them in every possible way. The Westworld series has four seasons to date.
To move from Consciousness through the mind into Pure Awareness, use my Awakening Exercises to easily free yourself from karmic mental imprisonment and live in your natural Wonderfulness as a Being of Pure Awareness. You can find the exercises in this article: https://www.letterstopalkies.com/2019/10/03/how-to-become-wonderful-being-of-pure-awareness-free-book-and-exercises-for-the-awakening/
“7) Narrow-mindedness

“I am right and everybody else is wrong, I don’t even want to listen to what you have to say because I’m right anyway.”
Does that sound like someone you know?
Turns out losers have a tendency to believe that there is no such thing as a grey area.
When they have an opinion on something, every other opinion is simply wrong.
You see, in reality most situations have very different points of view with respectfully warranted opinions.
When someone does not have the ability to stay neutral, listen to an opposing view, and accept that their opinion is just as valid as theirs, even though it’s different, they’re a loser.”
Do you think that the karmic people accepted my opinion when I kindly, amicably, and with well intents presented my findings on Existence, Simultaneity, and Pure Awareness and urged them to abolish the Karmic organization? No, they didn’t, they began to attack me even more.
It is interesting, characteristic, and utterly hypocritical of the karmic people to speak through the author of the above article about the equivalence of different opinions, while they, in their Evil image, have imposed on us their false, harmful, destructive, and deadly opinion that Evil is Good. They have made us believe that life must be hard and that the only hard life is the true life. They have programmed us to believe that suffering is necessary, useful, and even indispensable for personal development.
We did not take part in the writing of the karmic scripts, so we did not have the opportunity to have our say. If we could write our scripts, our lives would be completely different. You will know what it is like to live in a real paradise after the blockade is over and you move to new planets where your opinion counts and you can live as you wish. This does not mean, of course, that you can be religious, right-wing (racist, nationalist, xenophobic – hostile to foreigners, immigrants and southerners, homophobic, misogynistic – hostile to women, etc.), harmful, violent, and criminal.
When you board the spaceship, our friendly space friends will not only give you a new body, but also new personality traits and awaken you (remove all karmic blockages to the awareness of Pure Awareness), automatically cleansing you of all energetic and personality limitations, harmful programs such as religious delusions, and other harmful traits, some of which are also described in this article. Then, in a new environment, in a family of origin that goes back to the first members of your family in history, in the embrace of a partner, with friendly friends, co-workers, and neighbors, you will begin to gradually evolve in personality and awaken to Pure Awareness. As new people with evolved personalities, you will let go of old resentments as you will understand that those people with whom you had misunderstandings that were imposed on you and them are no more. You will also be different so that in time you will become friends with them too. Old, artificial, and violent karmic roles will be abolished and you will have new, natural, and friendly relationships with new people.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover: i-piningm.com
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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