Dear friends, let us rise from Evil and step out of the old Tomb of Death and see what we have created in the new and wonderful way of Life that also awaits all Earthlings after the end of the planetary blockade.
B. A new model of life in the Good:
1. Existence, which is composed of Pure Awareness and Energy (which also constitutes everything material), was never created and will never be destroyed. All That is is happening simultaneously.
This simple and understandable fact puts the lie to the old system of Evil, which, according to New Age theory, claimed that the Creator made the World out of Nothing and that we are only parts of Him with whom He accumulates experience. When He has accumulated enough, He devours us, because He no longer needs us.
The other theory, which is the more primitive and backward one, according to which the classical religions, including for example Christianity, operate, is that god is eternal, and every now and then he creates a world. So he is supposed to create ours, too, and that includes people.
How silly this theory speaks for itself when it claims that there is both eternity and Absolute Nothing, which is of course impossible. There can only be one, and it is that which has existentiality. Absolute Nothing has no existentiality because it is Nothing, and therefore it does not exist.
This means, of course, that god could not have created Creation out of Absolute Nothing, because it does not exist. This is of course also one of the key, logical, and valid proofs that god does not exist because he cannot.
There is only Existence, which has its concrete existence, Pure Awareness and Energy, and that eternally, from everlasting to forever.
According to this false myth, god also created all human beings in advance, along with their entire lives, and gave them free will to do what they want, or more precisely, to serve him. Those who bend their backs, kneel and prostrate themselves and worship him obediently and humbly, go to paradise, others, who do not believe in him, even if they are good people, are damned and go to hell forever.
All believers go to hell, because according to the various religions and even the divisions within each religion – within Christianity alone there are more than 45,000 different denominations or groups, all claiming to be the only true ones, and believers of others will go to hell. If, according to their interpretation, all these individual divisions are going to heaven, and according to the other groups, they are going to hell. This means, according to the karmic scale, that all go to hell and all go to paradise, which is of course impossible, absurd, and insane. Only the religious can believe such a thing and no one else.
There is no free will in Existence because Everything that exists has already happened and is happening simultaneously.
Especially absurd is the biblical claim that god created all humans in advance while giving them free will to do whatever they want, which is of course impossible. Either one or the other, but not both together. If he has already created everything, then humans are no longer free to do anything, but only to carry out what god predestined them to do at creation. Despite this understandable and logical fact, the religious blindly believe the lie of free will.
In the new model, there is no longer a Karmic System of Evil and a Karmic organization that used to weigh people down with the weights of Good and Evil. There are no religions, no gods and devils, no sin, and all such robberies. We are not going to paradise after a hard life, but we are already living in paradise, and living a wonderful life at that. This is true for all the inhabitants of our new cosmos, which Earthlings will soon join too.
2. Simultaneity: although we know that everything happens simultaneously, we live sequentially because of our limited perception or experience of the World. Things are indeed interconnected, but not in a cause-and-effect way, but in a simultaneous way, because the idea, the speech, the intention, the action, the immediate effects, and the later consequences happen simultaneously, only that we, because of our limited perception, see and experience them in the sequence of events on the timeline. Some of them immediately, others later. If we had extended experience, we would be able to see them in their entirety, all at once.
Simultaneity is not only real, but it is also very fair because it guarantees originality, equality, equality, freedom, autonomy, and sovereignty for everyone to make decisions about themselves and their lives.
In a cause-and-effect system, only a few generations lived together, usually three or four, the others were all dead. We have brought back to life everyone who has ever lived, and whole generations from the first family to the last family, who are now all living together at the same time. We give each deceased Earthling a new, young, healthy, and beautiful body, while also reviving their entire family of origin and moving them all together to one of the six new planets in our new cosmos. After the blockade of Earth is over, we will do the same with all living Earthlings as we move them to the new planets.
3. That a balance between Good and Evil is necessary for the functioning of the cosmos is a blatant lie, since even the karmicons themselves have not adhered to their Theory. The 1% of the Elite symbolically represented the Elite of the Karmic organization, and the 99% of the rest were the incarnants, who were being abused by the Karmic Masters for their selfish ends. Such an imbalance is not a balance.
In our new cosmos, there is no longer a hierarchical division between the superior and the inferior, there are no more Elites, nobility, and dictators. We have abolished the nobility, we have replaced all the old politicians with new ones who work for the benefit of all. We have removed the dictators, including Janša and other autocratic, Important, narcissistic, and arrogant politicians (as I write in the book series Letters to Palkies, many duplicates of Palki also live on Earth, including Trump, Putin, and Janša) from the planet, rejuvenated them to five or fifteen years – depending on how personality damaged, corrupt, cruel and bloodthirsty they were – and returned them to the birth parents or handed them over to other parents or the community for personality development and independent living.
We also removed the Palki Bill Gates for his planetary conspiracy against the Palkies, as he and his team caused a coronavirus pandemic on Palki, which our space friends neutralized in a matter of days.
In a true 50-50 balance, humans should live half the time well and half the time badly, and forever. The karmicons have skewed their scale, as 99.9% of the people died after a mostly short and hard life, only the Karmic Elite survived, and they also faced eternal death in the hereafter according to their system. This is not balance, but chaos, which they deliberately created, thinking that if they decided other people’s lives for a short time, it would be like that forever, but they were wrong. Their system of Evil ended up burying them.
In our model of Good, we all live well, and for eternity. Each planet has its supra-planetary group of people from higher dimensions who are extremely capable and monitor the health of all people with highly developed technology.
Death is part of all the old scripts and we all go through this experience, which the Palkies call “vatana” or transition. However, there is a big difference if you die in a karmic scenario, unexpectedly, agonizingly, and painfully, or if you know in advance when you are going to finish one last karmic act, without feeling anything. Our space friends have all the inhabitants of our cosmos in a permanent detection system, and when the time of death comes, the person is revived in a second, so that he feels nothing.
On Palki, a policeman ran off the road with his car into the deep, and in an instant, he was back on the road again. The same thing happened with a group of basketball players on a bus who, after instant and collective revival, laughed like mad when they realized what had happened.
All the inhabitants of our cosmos have been given a date on their home replicator for their passage so that they can prepare for their passage into eternity. They have also learned the name of their incarnant, and in the future, we will give everyone access to their karmic scripts. The same applies to Earthlings on old Earth, who will be given the same information when they move to new planets.
4. The new model of life is our system, which we have created by the Truth of Existence and Pure Awareness, of simultaneity and eternity, of equivalence, equality, and sovereignty. Our system is for us because we created it. That is why it is the best for our lives, desires, and needs.
In the old system, people were not real beings, but merely roles for their incarnants. The planets were not real planets, but only giant stages for karmic perversions. Cities were not real cities, but only dramatic stages for karmic theatrical performances. Clothes were not real clothes, but only costumes for temporary role performances. Things were not real things, but only props used by the actors in their performances. The world was not real, but artificial, and for that reason, it was mostly of low quality, as it was only for one-time instant use, and the karmicons simply discarded both the people and the objects after use or abuse, and built new stages on the graveyards of their psychopathic horror shows, triggering new and new orgies.
In the new life, we are all real beings, living as we wish. We are still partly influenced by karmic scripts, but they are minimal because we have changed them so much that they no longer affect the main things in the lives of individuals, couples, families, and society.
5. In the old system, Evil reigned supreme; in ours, there is only Good.
The old system was the Cult of Evil, in which karmic people sacrificed Good to Evil. The new model is based on the Truth of Good and is good for all good people.
The karmic people have deliberately limited people’s natural qualities, abilities, and talents. I would jokingly say that they have left most of them with only a little bit of counting and that only on one hand. As a result, most people were illiterate, poorly literate and uneducated, unemployed or mere manual workers, toiling for a living and dying day by day.
People were sick, confined, and injured. Many had already started eating pills before their 30s, and then, over time, they were just added to a tray that was increasingly piled up. Karmic ‘cures’, had deliberately added harmful side effects that made people even sicker during the ‘cure’, requiring new ‘cures’ for secondary illnesses that made them even sicker, and so on and so on to the black grave. Medicine was a business, and treatment was just a front to enrich the pharmaceutical companies.
The old system was chaos, war, violence, crime, sadness and despair. Many were addicted to smoking, drinking, and drugs. People committed suicide out of frustration, helplessness, frustration and despair.
Politicians, who were supposed to look after the people of their countries, collaborated with criminals. So did policemen and criminals, who often left their jobs to join criminal organizations such as the South American drug cartels.
Everything was poisoned – the water, the air, the soil, the food, even the furniture was glued together with toxic glues. So the karmic warlords made sure that we all got poisoned, got sick, suffered, and died.
The karmic people settled harmful, dangerous, and deadly animals on the planets: wild beasts like lions and tigers, snakes and crocodiles. To the larger ones, they added smaller nuisances such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs, lice, and fleas. Beasts hunted and killed other animals for food, and humans hunted and killed animals for fun and trophies as well as hunting and fishing, and tortured and killed them in bullfights. They also kept roosters and set dogs on other dogs, betting on who would be the first to be pecked and gnawed to death. They found this even more amusing, laughing and cheering loudly as feathers fluttered on all sides and the animals fought for their lives.
In the new model, we all have young, healthy, and beautiful bodies that cannot get sick and do not age. We have also opened up natural abilities and talents such as photographic memory, visualization, and several kinds of intelligence for education and creation. There are no grades in schools other than excellent because everyone understands and remembers everything easily. There are no more workers, now everyone is a co-worker. Equal and valued.
Crime, violence, and wars are gone. Now and then, according to the old karmic scripts, a smoker, a drinker and a drug addict still appears, but he is quickly lifted off the planet, rejuvenated to 15, and handed over to a community for personal development and independent living.
There are no more courts, police, or prisons. Even potential bullies, who are becoming more and more rare, are immediately lifted off the planet, rejuvenated, and returned to their parents as five-year-olds or as 15-year-olds in a personal development community. After all the old karmic scenarios have run their course, the addicts, criminals, and bullies will be no more.
There are no more harmful and dangerous animals on the new planets because we have changed their habits. Carnivorous animals now eat fruits and vegetables, and harmful animals such as snakes and mosquitoes have been changed into different animals. Snakes into fish, mosquitoes into butterflies.
In the new model, we have order, cleanliness, and peace. Cities are extremely clean, tidy and beautiful, with lots of parks and flowers. Cars run on energy from the environment, so the air is completely clean. There are no more factories dumping poisons into the sewers. There are no more sewers either because all the sewage is dematerialized at home in the toilets. After all, even the toilet bowls act as dematerializators. The same applies to washbasins, where the water path ends in the washbasins themselves, as there are no pipes leading out of them. Each house also has its dematerialization tank in which the occupants can dematerialize all waste. They can also do this on kitchen replicators, where they also dematerialize all food scraps.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover: Andy Black, Pinterest
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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