6. After the abolition of the Karmic organization, there is no more Evil, Eli te and mob, Important and Poor, and Superior and Inferior in our new cosmos, and we are no longer hierarchically divided into higher with privileges and lower with duties to serve the Lords. Our society is equal and egalitarian and we all live in friendship, harmony, and accord. All the inhabitants of a country (formerly a state) are co-owners of the land and its resources. At the age of 18, everyone gets his free estate, a house or villa or mansion, which he chooses from a catalog and can exchange for another whenever he wants with the help of a domestic replicator, and a million euros.
When I was creating the new model, I also thought about the possibility of abolishing money, but I found that 99.9% of the people in the old system, in which money was an important medium of exchange, had very bad experiences with it because of deliberate karmic constraints. Wants and needs were high, and because of the poverty of the majority, people could not afford more than basic, cheap, and low-quality things. To finally fulfill people’s desire for financial freedom and independence, and to be able to afford what they want, we are giving the first million of money to all citizens at the age of 18.
The one million euros given to all the inhabitants of the new cosmos is not the only one million, let alone the last one million.
Many Palki employees, following my suggestion, have been given another million from the companies they worked for, because they have helped the owners to get rich over decades of work. Companies that could not give a million because they were smaller or less successful gave less. They embraced the new system of entrepreneurship and have allowed all employees some form of co-ownership, in this case with retrospective bonuses and high annual bonuses going forward.
Our company, Me and my Mum were delighted to celebrate our space business success in 2022 and donated €1 million to all Palkies. The Cosmic Administration donated €1 million to all space dwellers for the New Year.
This means that some have already received four million euros and all have received at least two million. Given that they have no house expenses and that they have replicators that are well stocked with top quality and free food and drink, which is regularly added, most of the inhabitants still have most of the money in their account.
At the end of the blockade of Earth, we will give everyone even more money and other fantastic gifts to celebrate our greatest success in liberating the whole cosmos.
Anyone who wants to get even more money has every chance to do so. We have developed a special digital creation computer program that allows anyone to create whatever they want and sell it on the Space Marketplace without having to open a business company. The basic version of the program, which is sufficient for most people and allows quality creation, is free. The advanced version for businesses and professionals is payable.
The good news for entrepreneurs – we have abolished taxes, as states or countries are funded by the resources they generate themselves. They print as much money as they need. It’s as simple as that. All funding for the countries is managed by the Planetary Council, which helps the countries to plan and use their funds well, and monitors how well they are delivering on their plans.
The karmicons had cutting-edge technology thousands of years ago, but their psychopathic orgies deliberately tortured people and forced them into hard lives. With this technology, they could have given people perfect bodies, abilities, and talents, and a paradise life on clean, orderly, and beautiful planets, but they preferred to torture them in hell.
We have developed such technology even further, and have given some of it to all the inhabitants of our cosmos, especially replicators, which are part of the basic equipment of every house, and which everyone gets, free of charge. Everyone also gets a free dematerialization container, which dematerializes all waste or excess items, so that they no longer need cans and rubbish bins. This also means no more garbage workers, garbage trucks, waste, waste processing plants, and incinerators. They can buy additional technology because we have given them all at least a million euro-equivalent money. I deliberately do not mention the name of the currency, to prevent the use of it for some other purposes on Earth.
7. 4 systems in the old system are modified and abolished.
Instead of a Politics of Hostility, we have a Politics of cooperation, and the new politicians are no longer selfish, arrogant, and corrupt, but honest, kind, and friendly, working for the benefit of all.
Instead of an Economy of Exploitation, we have an Economy of Shared Benefits, in which employees are also part-owners of companies, getting a percentage of the business or a high annual bonus for their work. Wages are at least three times higher than in the old system. There is no more classical production because everything is created by replicators. Working hours are shorter, holidays are longer and the working environment is much more pleasant. Robots do the heavy, dirty, and dangerous work. There are no more taxes because governments finance themselves independently.
Instead of the Justice of Punishment, we have Mediation, where people have a friendly talk and agree to sort things out. For example, if it is a question of territory, which was a common cause of dispute in the old system because neighbors fought to the death over two square meters, with our space friends and their technology we simply create additional territory, even for whole countries. I have suggested to our space friends that they also create a Crimea for the Russians if they so wish, but on Russian territory, so that now the Ukrainians have theirs and the Russians have theirs. I have said the same for Kosovo, Palestine, Israel, and other disputed territories on the old Earth, where they have been fighting and shedding blood for ordinary land for many decades.
There are no more police, no more courts, and no more prisons, because there are no more criminals and no more crime. If there is anyone who is still operating according to the old karmic script, they are instantly lifted off the planet, restructured, rejuvenated, and returned to their parents or the community for personal development and learning to live independently.
There is no point in lying in court or litigation or mediation cases, as our space friends can easily look into the past and show the scenes as they happened, including the thoughts and words of everyone involved in the events. They can also bring back from the past any damaged, lost, or stolen items and return them to their owners.
The religion of Division as a karmic system to systematically enslave, subjugate, and abuse people has been abolished. Religions lied to people that they were bad, sinful, and cursed and that they should be punished and suffer a miserable death for it. So they were mentally, emotionally, financially, and sexually exploited and abused. There are no gods anymore either, because in reality there never were any. The faithful have finally gotten a relief because they have been haunted and tormented by god and the devil.
Humans are in their true nature Wonderful Beings of Pure Awareness, Wisdom, and Love, good, honest, kind, friendly, and loving.
8. In our model, there is no longer a creditor-debtor system of life, as everyone has enough money of their own, with rare credit only for major business investments.
9. Life is finally what it is: Life is Good, in peace, friendship, and love, and this is for eternity.
10. In the old system, we were not real beings, but mere roles and living costumes for our incarnants. Humans were unconscious, ignorant, stupid, and violent, towards themselves and others, because of many emotional-mental limitations. Due to the hardships of life and the many pressures, they had shattered Ego personalities with many split personalities that were antagonistic and conflicted with each other and fought for control of the person’s mind, voice, and wallet with various tactics and even violence against each other.
With the new bodies, we have lifted the restriction of consciousness from all the inhabitants of our liberated cosmos, thus enabling them to awaken with ease into Pure Awareness. We have also opened up our natural qualities, abilities, and talents. The new people develop their natural personalities based on the qualities of Pure Awareness: perfect peace, oneness and wholeness, transparency, truthfulness, honesty, benevolence, kindness, friendship, and love.
The old karmic personalities were meant to be disposable for their dramatic performances, the new personalities are meant for real life in eternity.
In the Evil Karmic System, children were born with the worst birth pains to intone the mother and child with the negative energy of the mother’s pain and thus associate them with trauma. The Karmic Masters deliberately forced upon children numerous childhood illnesses and approximately 50 vaccinations by adulthood. Psychopathic sadists have especially targeted children with cancer and spoiled their childhood joy, socialization, and play with their peers early in life.
All this violence against children is the karmic stamp of property, the Mark of the Beast, with which they have branded their property.
We also limit the fertility of all the inhabitants of our cosmos with a new body, because we no longer have children according to the old karmic system, but create them in special institutions. They are about two years old when they start life, so we skip the unnecessary and unpleasant chores that are only a nuisance to the parents and the child. Children have no energetic, mental, emotional, or physical limitations. They are all awakened in the sense that they have an open pathway to the realization of Pure Awareness. They are also open to all abilities and talents as all adults.
There are no incarnants in children, so from the moment they come into the world, they are original, independent, and sovereign beings, living their own lives. The new children are not a substitute, part of another being, or just a role for the incarnant’s show. There are also no implants in the children, and there are no karmic servants around them who, as mostly evil “voices in their heads”, instill harmful thoughts and incite them to dangerous, destructive, and deadly actions.
In the old system, according to the karmic formula of half-and-half, half of the population was single and half in various proportions. About half of the married people were divorced, and there was insincerity, cheating, and violence in the partnerships. Women regularly and constantly “fell down the stairs” and walked around with “sunglasses” with one “lens”. Like humans, partnerships were not genuine relationships between best friends and loving partners, but couples were merely acting out the dramas and traumas of others and persons unknown to them because of the karmic debts of the incarnants in their incarnational vertical.
In the new model, we all live in pairs, and relationships are kind, friendly, and loving. Also, all single Earthlings and those who are not satisfied with their current relationship will get a loving partner. Love is beautiful, and it is the most beautiful in a couple.
Clouds, lift the Earth blockade!
We have sent this comparison to the Big Black Cloud with the recommendation, suggestion, and request to immediately lift the blockade of our space friends and Earth so that we can also lift the old Karmic system on our planet and move all the inhabitants to the new planets.
We are helping the Belenes and the Tebans of the 10th dimension to abolish the old system and together we are introducing the new one, now it is the turn for the Clouds.
It is obvious that the Clouds did not understand the Change that has come into our cosmos, they were not as enthusiastic about it as we are, and they did not immediately embrace it with both hands, but 8 years ago they put a blockade in place, thus severely hindering our liberation of our cosmos, the abolition of the Evil Karmic organization, and the introduction of a new way of life.
This means that they have been working according to the old system of Good and Evil, benefiting us on the one hand and harming us greatly on the other. This approach shows that their community is divided on the approach and that some are in favor of the blockade and others are not. Those in favor of the blockade were stronger, so it is still standing today. Fortunately for us, in 8 years it has been reduced from the initial 100% to 0.00000001%, as there is only one other planet, Earth, under blockade. This gradual lifting of the blockade clearly shows us how this harmful project is unfolding over time and that it will soon come to an end.
Recently and after a long time, I met the Big Black Cloud in a dream. I asked why the blockade. He said, “A blockade is like a river, only it is short.”
Given that this river has been flowing for 8 years and that it has narrowed down to a stream called Earth, there is every chance that it will also dry up soon.
We can see that the Clouds have learned nothing during the blockade, otherwise, it would have been shut down long ago. This means that they are not evolutionary-minded, but cling to the old system, even though it is not theirs, and is extremely harmful, destructive, and deadly for them too.
The understandable question is then why they do it. If you know any alcoholics and drug addicts, you know the answer. A drunkard will not let the bottle out of his hand, even if he dies on the spot. Even after death, he will cling to it as if it contained Life itself, and not poison. Because of their distorted and perverted experience of Life, of themselves and others, such people think that Evil is Good and that harmful behavior is good for them. They drink and drug themselves into unconsciousness and then even brag about it.
Since the Clouds themselves are not able to understand what the Change is, why it has come into our cosmos, that it is Good for them too, and they are still maintaining the old system and not listening to us, we have to wait for Existence to take an evolutionary step forward in their place, in which they will remove the blockage. One day they will still think the blockade is good, the next day they will change their minds and lift it. That is how Existence works.
We have sent them hundreds of messages, informing them in a friendly and beneficial way, warning them, and making suggestions, but they are still stubbornly holding on to the blockade.
We have recently prepared a new human body and some human experiences for the Big Black Cloud so that he can see concretely what it is like to be human.
I suggested to the Clouds that after the abolition of the old system, we move them to our part of the cosmos, give them human bodies, estates, houses, a partner, and a million money because their current life is running according to the scripts of higher beings from a higher cosmos and is extremely monotonous, undeveloped and empty. Clouds have no parents and no family, they are not educated, they are not creating, they are not playing and having fun, they are just floating. Their lives could have changed dramatically in the last 8 years since they descended into our part of the cosmos, but to their detriment and ours, they have failed to grasp the opportunity they have been given to evolve rapidly, to abandon the old way of life and embrace the new.
We have also sent the above comparison between the old and the new model to the Clouds and have assured them again that they will be delighted with the new way of life, so they should accept our proposal and immediately lift the blockade of our cosmos and Earth.
When we get a response, I will publish it. Until then: we, Earthlings, are one day closer to Freedom, and a wonderful life on paradise planets in our beautiful and new cosmos.
All the best to all.
P. S. Last news: on October 20, I received a message that the willingness of the Clouds to lift the blockade has increased in the last month. This is good news because, in addition to time passing quickly, we are also getting closer and closer to the end of the blockade of our planet.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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