This is an address to the inhabitants of our cosmos, who are enjoying a new life on the 200,000 (in words: two hundred thousand) paradise planets in our new cosmos. The inhabitants of our cosmos know me well because they know what I and Sanja, my girlfriend from the planet Palki, her mother Katerina, Darla, our company Medvee z mami (Me and my mom), the Planetary Council from Palki led by Miša, and our fantastic space friends, have done for them. I am an unknown on Earth; the few who come across my writing despise me and send me to a mental institution. This makes my address to the inhabitants of our cosmos different, because we are very nice, friendly, and united in a great cosmic community.
Dear friends, I greet you all with warm greetings and a friendly hug. Thank you very much for all your kind messages, superb prizes, and wonderful gifts. When I get home, Sanja and I will be looking through them for the next thousand years. While you are already living in paradise, it is still hellish on Earth as the last planet suffering under the karmic boot. Despite all the possible and impossible forms of Evil that the karmic masters have imposed on the Earthlings, the blockade is slowly coming to an end.
In August, we learned that the controllers who were blocking our space friends were the Clouds, energy beings from higher dimensions who do not have human bodies, but are formless blobs of black glowing color, which is why I call them the Clouds. The Sivilis were the main ones, the Tebans were their managers and the Belenis were the workers for the dirty work. The Tebans and the Belenis are human and live in the 10th dimension.
In August there was a big turning point because one of the Belenis who had been with me since the beginning of the blockade, about eight years, and I started talking. Mil said he would like to come over to us. Since he was a nice guy who just read messages about what was happening on Palki and in our cosmos and, unlike the other visitors from other dimensions, did not torment me, I said that we accept him.
Mil had previously been in “sevuda” or “the mess”, a kind of dream world to which all adult white males must go, and for 50 years. Before they go, they have their memory blocked so that they only remember their name. Although there is no Karmic system in their dimension, they too have been working according to a system of Evil and violence that confines, tortures, and kills people in every possible way.

Zlatko, the nice guy with the golden smile, has been in my head for 13 years. Today, 13 years ago, he was forcibly implanted in my head by the karmic people. They have also blocked Zlatko’s memory so that he remembers only his name and nothing else. This year we learned that Zlatko was a multiple national fencing champion, that he is a gym teacher, and that he has a girlfriend, Maneja, who can hardly wait to come home. After many years, Maneja now knows where her dear one is.
Because of this similarity in the limitation of memory, I foresaw the possibility that the Belenis had also come from somewhere in sevuda and that they would return home after the dream mess was over. So I told Mil that we would first check if he had a home community, which he had temporarily forgotten because of the memory block. If he has no one, we will take him to us, but if someone is waiting for him at home, he will be able to return home if he so wishes.
We soon learned that all the 500 or so men who were in the sevuda were from Belenis, a 10th-dimensional platform planet. Mil returned from me first to sevuda, then within a few days to his home on Belenis, because the Clouds, who like the karmic people in our part of the cosmos wrote the scripts for our lives, had abolished sevuda for good, so all the Belenis returned home.
We have chosen Mil as the new leader of the Planetary Council of Belena. Our space friends who were lifted to the 10. dimension by the Clouds, are helping him and his team to abolish the old system and bring in a new way of life. Although the Belenis lived in a higher dimension, they were hierarchically divided into the Elite and the poor, who mined ore in the mines for the rich. We have already abolished that exploitative system so that the Belenis are also receiving all the goodies that all the inhabitants of our cosmos have already received, and that the Earthlings will also receive once the blockade of the planet is over and we move to new planets.
In the project of the blockade of our cosmos, we have seen the functioning of the old, double, and duplicitous system of Evil, which falsely claims that the cosmos is in the balance of Good and Evil and that both must be equally distributed everywhere. This is, of course, a Cosmic Lie and Cosmic Stupidity, since Evil is not necessary for Life, and at the same time, it is impossible to maintain such a system according to the 50:50 formula since it would mean that everyone would do first something good and then something bad.
First, you would tell the truth or the lie, because Evil favors Evil, and then you would tell the truth. You would hit someone, and then you would give them a hand. You would steal something from someone else and then give him a present. Every time a new baby would be born, one would have to be killed.
The unwitting, ignorant, stupid, and violent servants of Evil have worked themselves to death to keep this system going, at least for a while, according to this formula, which of course they have failed to do because it is impossible. Nevertheless, they have been working tirelessly to cause as much Evil as possible and to cause as much damage, destruction, and suffering as possible. According to their scripts, they have killed everyone who has lived, except for the last generations of us who are still alive. They have killed us all in advance because they have already written into the scripts the time, place, and manner of our deaths.
In our fantastic march against Evil, we have succeeded in abolishing the Karmic organization in our part of the cosmos, now we are abolishing the old system of Evil on Belena and Teba, next up are the Clouds above them. They too are still operating under the old system, helping and harming us at the same time, which is of course pointless, and unnecessary.
Mil, on behalf of the Belenis, has issued a decision that the Belenis are no longer participating in the blockade of the lower cosmos and our space friends. Yesterday we learned that the same decision has been issued by the Tebans and that both are demanding that the Clouds return their inhabitants to their home planets immediately.
I have made a recommendation, a proposal, and a request to the Clouds to lift the blockade immediately. We are ready to help them to abolish the old system and introduce a new way of life. I have made it clear to them that the old system is not their system, but that it has been imposed on them by higher beings who live above them. The Clouds call them “pinolis” or “the higher ones”. They hear them from time to time, but they have never seen them or spoken to them directly. I also told them not to waste precious time on the blockade, as they were postponing their evolution. I assured them that they would be delighted with the new way of life and that one of their first statements after the abolition of the old system would be that they should have done it a long time ago.
We look forward to them quickly accepting the hand of Wisdom that has long been offered to them and to them also banishing forever the Stupidity that has been planted in their minds by higher beings where it was pretending to be wise and important.
Let us now look at the characteristics of the old system, which we have fortunately got rid of for good.

A: The Old Evil System:
1. The System of Evil is based on the lie that there is Absolute Nothing from which the Creator created Creation. Absolute Nothing is a (theoretical only) state in which there is nothing, and not even that. There can only be something that has existence, and Nothing does not have it, so it cannot exist. Existence exists because it has its existence. After all, it is Something. This is also the answer to the famous philosophical question “Why does Something exist and not Nothing?”
Theologians and apologists, defenders of god, religion, and faith, in their myopic blindness and fanatical obsession, even claim that god is eternal and the World is temporary. In this way, they try to “explain” god and avoid the question, “If god created the World, who created god?” According to them, Absolute Nothing and Something can exist simultaneously, which is of course impossible. Absolute Nothing does not exist because it has no existence which makes it impossible to exist. The same is true for god: god does not exist because it cannot. Existence was never created and will never be destroyed, Existence is eternal and will exist from ever to forever.
2. Because of god’s “creativity”, the old system worked on a cause-and-effect approach. God was the cause, the World was the effect. The sequential interpretation of the World is of course false, since in the eternal Existence, All That Is everything is happening simultaneously.
3. According to the old ideology, Life without Evil is not possible at all, since it would be chaotic because of the imbalance.
We can all see that this is a plain lie, for in our new cosmos there is no Evil, all the inhabitants live only in the Good, and everything is in perfect order. Since the abolition of the old system we have not seen a single imbalance, let alone chaos.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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