If I were joking, I would say that by god’s will we have reached the end of this series of articles. Fortunately for us, the karmic monster with the working name god does not exist.

Things in Existence don’t happen by god’s will and neither do they happen by ours, because free will doesn’t exist because it’s impossible. Existence works in such a way that some of our wants and needs come true, while others do not. In the Karmic system, very few of our wishes came true, but in our new model of life, the inhabitants of the new cosmos are having wishes fulfilled that they did not even dare to wish for and wishes that they did not even know they had. Given that in the new cosmos, there are no restrictions on good people, because there is no need for them since they only do good (no police, no courts, and no prisons, let alone god, no sins, no punishment, and no hell), I can say with satisfaction that such a life is the same as if they had free will and did what they wanted.
Let me ask you three questions at the end of this series so that you can see if you understand Existence and free will:
1. How did the World come into being – by creation (god’s workmanship) or by evolution (gradual development)?
2. What came first – the chicken or the egg?
3. Who decides everything – god or humans?
The answers are at the end of the article.
Karmic monologic dialogue

Everything that happens on Earth is created by (I write in sequential language for better understanding the karmic people did not create anything, as everything already exists, but they are connected to the scripts for our incarnants and the programs for our lives, as they participated in them) the Karmic organization. To at least partially hide the fact that they are Evil beings, they have also added Good to their system, which for them is only a necessary Evil. They put the Good so that they can then corrupt and destroy it with Evil.
Symbolically and unconsciously, by the duality of Evil and Good, they as Evil beings fight against Good and defeat and kill it again and again. The super-heroic triumphs of the film’s positivists over the negatives and the false happy endings are just karmic black humor, because at the end of the Film, they, the Evil Ones, the corrupt, hypocritical, and deceitful, the vile, the backward, and primitive, the psychopathic sadists, the torturers, and the murderers, have always won. At the end of all of our films or lives, they have killed all people, both good and bad.
A karmic monologue is a monologue made up of two apparent dialogues, where in reality only one is speaking, pretending to be two – for example, a theist and an atheist, a leftist and a rightist, a rich man and a poor man. The speaker knows in advance what one and the other will say, because he, as the third or the one and only, makes up both of them, so he can easily keep them in a stalemate.
The believers cannot prove the existence of god, because the karmicons have not given them proof, because they do not have it themselves. Non-believers cannot convince believers that god does not exist and that they believe in fiction because believers are totally programmed and hypnotized. This is also the purpose, the means, and the goal of the karmicons – to perpetuate the contradictions, tension, and violence between the believers and the non-believers. This of course also applies to all other and deliberately divided groups of people, according to race, color, sexuality, nationality, politics, sportsmanship, etc.
People must be Evil for god to be “Good”

Religions are one of the four karmic systems that control people’s lives. In addition to the Politics of Hate, the Economics of Exploitation, and the Justice of Punishment, the Religions of Separation have also been used as tools to subjugate and exploit people. For the Karmic people, Evil is a necessary and fundamental part of survival, which is why Evil permeates all their systems and even their religion. Evil is also necessary for Christianity, which is based on the Myth of bad, sinful, and cursed people who are supposedly expelled from Paradise by the “Good” god Yahweh and sent to an earthly hell. Evil is the foundation, the center, and the main driving force of both the Karmic organization and of Christianity, as Evil enables the creation and the functioning of this black-magic religion, god, Church, religion, and faith.
A particularly black-humored Karmic trick is the introduction of Christian apologetics, whereby apologists – defenders of god, the Church, religion, and faith – defend Evil as Good, and in so doing depreciate themselves as bad people who must be punished for their own sins and even for the sins of others, namely mythological beings such as Adam and Eve and very likely Jesus. In Christianity one sees the power of karmic programming and hypnotism to hypnotize believers into believing, without any proof, that they are bad, sinful, and guilty, and that they must be punished and suffer a miserable death for the sins they have imposed upon them.
Christian apologetics is a defense of god as “good”, “pure” and “ideal”, although Yahweh Himself tells them that He is a jealous, angry, and vengeful god, that He created Evil and also commands them to kill all who do not believe in Him. To defend and preserve the god as “Good”, they shifted the blame for the creation and execution of Evil onto humans. To do Evil, people must have free will.
Apologists, fanatical believers themselves, smoothly ignore the fact that Yahweh is supposed to have created everything according to “god’s Plan”, and in advance, with humans and their good and bad actions included, and maniacally claim that god gave humans free will to do whatever they want and that because they are inherently bad, they do Evil.
Let me repeat that Yahweh Himself says that He is an Evil Being – the creator of all Evil, jealous, angry, and vengeful – which are the characteristics of Evil Beings – and that according to Jewish and Christian myth, He created human beings in His own image, which is why human beings are Evil. Apologists “defend” this schizophrenic and absurd schism between a pre-created world and the nevertheless free will of humans to do whatever they want, even though it is obviously impossible, by saying that humans cannot understand this dilemma or “god’s logic” because of human mental limitations.
Ha, ha, ha. Crazy how the karmicons make fun of “scholar” apologists, let alone ordinary believers. The only ones who, due to mental limitations or disturbances resulting from karmic programming, do not understand such a simple thing as logic, are precisely the apologists, the defenders of the karmic Lie, of god, of religion, and faith.
Evil is not natural and not necessary for human life. Evil is artificial and imposed, and so-called sins are only mistakes or harmful actions of unconscious people who need not be punished but helped to awaken to Pure Awareness, to let go of harmful Ego-personalities, and to develop new, aware and loving personalities with which they will no longer act in harmful ways.
Punishment is just another form of Evil that karmic people, even in the form of a fictional god, use to do violence to people. By lying that people are bad and need to be punished for their sins, they only add more violence with punishment, punishing people for their own “sins” or violence, because they have scripted and programmed them to do Evil. The heavily hypnotized believers humbly defend the system of punishment and violence, even as “just”. God, who says he is Evil, is supposed to be “just” and even “loving” when he punishes believers for what are really his sins since he is supposed to have created them in advance.
Do you see the identical lines between the workings of the Karmic organization and “god” as a karmic absolutist Mask under which they carry out the worst Evils in “god’s” or their own name? They lie and they do violence – lying and violence are karmic tools, lying as theory and violence as practice.
Christian apologists are ignorant of the basics of logic

Let us repeat the basics of logic:
1. A is A. Good is Good.
2. B is B. 2. Evil is Evil.
3. A is not B. Good is not Evil.
4. B is not A. Evil is not Good.
5. A is not A plus B. Good is not Good plus Evil.
6. B is not A plus B. Evil is not Good plus Evil.
7. B is not B plus A. Evil is not Evil plus Good.
Christian theists, apologists, and believers violate all of the above logical statements and claim, among other things, that Good is Good plus Evil or that A is A plus B, which of course is not possible and not true. Good is Good and Evil is Evil. A is A and B is B, full stop.
God, who says of Himself that He is an Evil being, is not Good or B is not A.
The same approach can be applied to “god’s will” and free will.
If everything is created in advance, then everything is created in advance, or A is A.
If nothing is created in advance – B – then everyone has free will to do whatever they want, or B is B.
If everything is created in advance – A, then free will – B – does not exist, or A is not B.
This is exactly what Christian apologists are saying when they say that god created everything in advance, but at the same time people have free will to do whatever they want. They even pride themselves on not understanding this themselves, because of “human mental limitations”. The important thing is that it is “valid”, that they have once again “successfully defended” god, even if it is not clear even to themselves how it is possible that in a world that was created entirely in advance, people can do whatever they want. They are the only ones, and they are the ones who are severely mentally limited in this matter because they do not understand such simple things as logic.
Religions and gods are the Karmic organization and the karmicons in disguise

To better understand the Religion of Separation as one of the karmic systems for programming, controlling, and exploiting the religious, let us look at the obvious similarities and commonalities between the two.
The Karmic organization acts as a god and as the Master of Life and Death. As “Creators” (there are several gods), the Karmic Lords created the whole cosmos, humans and animals, in advance.
According to religious Myth, the Creators – all the One and Only and all the One True – created All That Exists in advance, while the Karmic Creators created family networks of kinship some five generations in advance, or some 100 years into the future. At the very least, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren have already been assigned to the person who was born, as these are the generations living at the same time, i.e. within the approximate duration of human life up to about the 75th (male) or 84th (female) year (both in Slovenia).
Karmic agents forcibly incarnate the inhabitants of the cosmos, and in karmic scenarios, they determine the place or planet of incarnation, parents, sex, skin color, partners and family, religion or non-religion, nationality, sexuality, education, illnesses and injuries, and the time, place and manner of death. God does the same for human beings according to “god’s Plan”.
In the channeled messages, the karmicons claim that we are all free to choose our own incarnation, parents, and all other life experiences. So do Christian apologists, who say that people have free will to do whatever they want. Here one sees the power of karmic programming for apologists who are incapable of understanding the simple fact that things that have been done are things that have been done and cannot be changed, let alone freely, let alone re-created. What already exists exists. A is A and A is not B.
According to the Christian Myth, god created everything in advance, by himself, and according to “god’s Plan”, in which humans had no part since they did not exist at that time. Nor did they participate in the “creation of the World”, since god was to create it himself, and for his own purposes. Since he has already “created” everything in advance, nothing can be changed, which is exactly the same as in karmic scenarios and incarnations. Nevertheless, karmic script writers and apologists claim that we are free, that we go into incarnations voluntarily, that we write our own scripts, and that we can do as we please.
Neither is true – god does not exist, incarnations are forced, and incarnates do not write scripts and have no influence over them. The claim that we are free is just a black-humored karmic psychopathic sadistic racket against people, especially the religious, who are given the false hope that there is a “Good” god and eternal life in paradise after death for the diligent, and eternal suffering in hell for the disobedient, the unbelieving and the believers of other religions or the heretical.
After death, people fly in a second from the physical body that remains on Earth with the energy body to the karmic center on the planet from which their incarnate comes. After a life review on a tablet computer, which lasts about a week, they are made to look at a special monitor on the wall and while they are looking at it, they are changed into their incarnant by special technology, by changing their body and reactivating the incarnant’s personality and memory, and the human being is literally wiped out. The incarnant is then returned home, where he lives his life, trembling in fear as to when he will go back to incarnate next.
Believers are god’s servants and therefore they are not free and do not have free will

Free will is connected with freedom and with the will. To have free will, one should be free and have a will.
Believers are not free, they are god’s servants who must serve god and do his bidding. Programmed according to karmic scripts and under complete hypnosis, they even claim to do so voluntarily or “freely”. This is of course not true since they have never been asked if they want to be created by god, choose an identity as believers, bad people, and sinners, and accept that god will damn them and expel from paradise their ancestors Adam and Eve, that they must suffer, pay their debts to god, or else end up in hell – all of which, according to the Christian Myth, has been determined and imposed on them by god himself.
In addition to freedom, to exercise free will, we should have the will – the desire, the need, the interest, and the intention to do something. Believers had neither freedom nor will because god did not allow them to do so, because, according to the Judeo-Christian Myth, he “created” them all at once in advance, just like the whole of “creation”, and thus their lives in their entirety, with all their thoughts, feelings and emotions, words and deeds included. The claim that believers have free will is a plain lie and utter nonsense.
In Existence, only what has already been realized is realized
Finally, let me say that, despite their absolutist fear-mongering, the karmic people have not always succeeded in realizing all the scenarios they have imagined. They only realized the scenarios that corresponded to the events in Existence. As we can see, some of our wishes and needs come true, others do not. This is also true for the karmic rulers and all absolutist rulers.

Fortunately for us, the karmic scenario for me did not play out as planned. On the contrary – their scenario for Fedja, my incarnant, which would have completed the 1 + 18 incarnation project with the 18th incarnation in the incarnation cycle of his incarnate Simon Horvat (Fedja was Simon’s 1st incarnation in this cycle, and I was the 18th. and Fedja’s last incarnation), turned into a real catastrophe, as I changed their scenario, awakened, realized Pure Awareness, introduced the Evil workings of the Karmic organization, assembled a multidimensional, multi-planetary and multi-galactic team with which we abolished once and for all this cosmic Evil. With Sanja, Katerina, Darla, Miša, Me and my mom (our company from the planet Palki), and Seleni, our fantastic space friends, we have wiped out the Karmic organization from our cosmos in a few years, created a new model of life and a new cosmos where people live as in paradise.
Together with the karmicons, we also abolished all their gods, religions, and similar delusions, thus putting an end to the psychopathic and sadistic abuse of people, especially the religious ones, who lived in religious delirium between two fires – god and the devil, in a lifetime of fear, suspicion and doubt, and in a false hope that turned into utter despair after death, when they met the karmicons (evil people from other planets) and realized that they had been deceived. There were no angels, no Jesus, and no god on the other side, only the rude and violent karmic men who forced them to examine their lives, and then in cold blood turned them into their incarnants, thus wiping them out forever.
From 2019, all deceased Earthlings are welcomed by our friendly space friends, given new bodies, and relocated to new planets. Every day, they take care of around 180,000 Earthlings who are excited about a new life.
According to the latest news I have received from our space friends, all of their spaceship is supposed to be unblocked and all the devices are working smoothly. This is the first time in eight years that they have come close to Earth and since the controllers put a blockade on them and our planet. This means, of course, that the end of the blockade is very near and that soon you too will learn the Truth about our cosmos, the Karmic organization, “gods”, religions, and other karmic lies.
In the next article, I will ask you to learn to lucid dream and get information about your incarnant in your dreams, and after that, I will publish a new Cosmic Report with good news about the imminent lifting of the Earth blockade.
All the best to all.
P. S. Here are the answers to three questions:
1. The world never came into existence, because Existence is eternal.
2. Both at the same time.
3. None, in Existence, everything has already happened, Everything is happening simultaneously and will happen simultaneously from eternity to eternity.
Cover: Yaldabaoth, god of Evil, photo: Reddit
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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