A while ago, I took part in an expert debate on free will on the platform https://www.academia.edu. The topic of the debate was whether free will exists. Interestingly, I was discussing free will with karmic people who were talking through the participants, with the understanding that the karmic people did not know this, as they are no longer there, and the participants do not know this either, as they are programmed to act according to a prearranged karmic program or script and are not even aware of it.
This is my contribution to the discussion.
“There is no such thing as free will because that is not possible:
1. Existence – Everything That Is – has 2 parts:
A: Pure Awareness, which allows us to be aware. It has two expressions – unlimited and always still beingless Awareness and limited and movable attention. Most humans are unawakened and unaware of Pure Awareness and live trapped in a reactive and object-to-object jumping monkey mind. Awakening means becoming aware of Pure Awareness and permanently moving from limited attention to Pure Awareness. You can awaken with my exercises for awakening.
B: Energy, from which are all cosmoses, galaxies, suns, planets, human and animal bodies, and other material objects in various dimensions. Pure Awareness and Energy can’t be created nor destroyed, they are eternal. This is proof that “Creator” doesn’t exist because that is not possible. All religions are just false constructions of the Karmic organization which until recently ruled our cosmos (you can read more about that Evil organization in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet and in my articles on https://www.letterstopalkies.com/.
Pure Awareness is unlimited and infinite because it is just an immaterial state of awareness. It is not a Being, it has no personality, it doesn’t think, wish or need, and it doesn’t do anything. It just Is. Pure Awareness permeates the whole Existence, including the whole Energy worlds and beings. Energy is limited, and it floats like a gigantic bubble in Existence. All Energy, worlds, and beings already exist, the same as the entire Energy itself. That means that Everything in Existence is happening at the same time. There is no causality, just simultaneity.
We don’t create because Everything already exists. We are just perceivers of an already existing Existence. Furthermore, we have a limited perception that makes us believe that things appear, exist for a while, and then disappear when in truth, they were, are, and will always be in their original and eternal place.
Existence was never created, so we can’t claim that determinism rules Life because there was nobody to plan, create and determine what Life will be like. Because the whole Existence already exists, we also don’t decide about anything, as everything is already “decided”. Despite that fact, “decision-making” is part of our lives. Even if there were no “decision-making”, things would happen the same way. “Decision-making” is giving us the illusion that we have free will to decide about things when in fact we are “deciding” about things that have already happened in the eternity and simultaneity of Existence, but for us are in the “future”. We are part of Existence, and we experience Its Life as it goes, together with conscious decisions to do or not do something. Things can also happen without our decisions and with the decisions of others for us.
In any way, it is very practical that we have limited perception, so we can live our lives in a consequential and active way. It also gives us a chance to explore and discover ourselves and others, and “plan” and “create” our projects. If we would live from the absolute perspective of Pure Awareness and Energy perceiving Everything that exists at the same time, we would be All Present and All-Knowing, but immovable at the same time. In this Super State, we would be just an Absolute Watcher of Existence. If you move from the limited mind attention to Pure Awareness, you can easily experience the Gaze of Pure Awareness. You won’t “see” the whole Existence, but you will see how Pure Awareness is Aware of Everything That Exists.
You won’t notice the workings of Existence in everyday life, because we humans are an ineffable part of All That Exists. Existence was not designed and created, so it has no meaning in itself other than that it exists. Fortunately for us, in Him, there is a good enough connection between more or less orderly events that seem to follow each other and are quite logical, predictable, and useful. Imagine living in a “random” Existence in which we were constantly jumping from time to time and from space to space. For a few minutes, you would be a man in the Middle Ages, then you would turn into a mammoth in prehistoric times, and a little later you would be a two-headed man on Mars in the distant future.
Here is a simple exercise that can help you experience the Pure Awareness View immediately. Relax, stop your mind, and imagine that the pure gaze – the gaze without a viewer – is looking from the back of your head, through your eyes, straight in front of you. That is it, just the View and nothing else. No viewer no thought no comment. Just a Look of Pure Awareness.
Karmic Organization and the karmicons
Several experts from different fields took part in the discussion, and this is my message to one of them, Laimonis:
“Although the Karmic organization and the karmicons have “constructed” and written all the scripts for our lives – they have prepared them for our incarnants, not for us, to be more precise, the truth is that we have our own original lives which just coincide with their plans.
(“Constructed” or “created” means that they are connected to us and our lives as part of Existence. Since Everything already exists, no one can really create anything, yet we humans are interconnected in various ways and we “co-create” or perpetuate Existence with our lives. (Added later.)
First plane: The Existence – Everything that is happening is happening by the Existence, despite the karmicons or our wishes, needs, and plans. In some cases they match in some they don’t. That goes for all, the karmicons and for us the same.
(If our wishes correspond to a state in Existence that already exists, they will come true. If our desires are not realized in Existence, they will not. This applies to all people alike, including karmicons. (Added later.)
Second plane: The Karmic organization and the karmicons who thought and claim that cosmos is functioning by the causal-consequential model – one thing after another thing. In their misunderstanding, they thought that they create reality including us, Earthlings, as their toys for their perverted game. The truth is that Existence is functioning by the simultane model in which Everything is happening at the same time.
As I wrote above, some of the karmicon’s plans were successful because they were congruent with Existence which made them think that they are the “Creators” of Life. Now, after we have ended the Karmic organization in this cosmos, we can see that they were just ignorant liars and that we can perfectly live without their control and their incarnational scripts. They are gone and they don’t “create” anything anymore and despite that, the World is still alive and well.
Third plane: Our wishes, needs, and plans. In the old Karmic system, they were more or less congruent with the karmicon’s incarnational scripts by which we were programmed like robots. With the awakening and end of the Karmic organization, we start to live free and by our plans. This will be more present after the end of the karmicon’s blockade of Earth when life on our planet will be completely different than now.
(After the end of the planetary blockade, all karmic scenarios will be canceled. This does not mean, of course, that we will start living freely, as Everything has already happened, so we will only be able to experience what already exists. If our desires have come true in the “future” or the eternal present of Existence, they will come true and we will experience them, otherwise not. In any case, I assure you that we will live a paradisiacal life and that immediately after the liberation of the planet, even those desires that you did not even know you had will come true. (Added later.)
Existence, All That Is, was never created nor will be ever destroyed. It is eternal. Existence is composed of two prime Elements: Pure Awareness, and Energy. Pure Awareness is just a state, it is immaterial, invisible, immovable, unchangeable, and infinite. It permeates all Energy and also exceeds it into infinity. Pure Awareness and Energy can’t be created nor destroyed. To create any of the two, it would be possible only from the Absolute Zero which doesn’t exist because that is not possible too. The existence of the Absolute Zero would mean that there is nothing, and even that is missing. That is also the proof that the so-called Creator or god doesn’t exist as that is not possible.
Everything that exists, the Existence, exists from ever to forever. Existence exists All at once, and everything in Existence is happening simultaneously, all at the same time. Because of our perceptional limitations, we see things appearing and disappearing, but in truth, they are always there and will stay in their original existential positions forever. We are part of the Existence so we “co-create” it with our thoughts, words, and actions. We think that we are building things out of nothing but in fact, and because of our perceptive limitations, we are just experiencing the appearance of these things as being new and created by ourselves while in fact, they are all already present. We can feel needs, wishes, and intentions in the form of will – an energy connection (or aversion) to some things – persons, objects, or phenomena, but that is just an ever-present state of Energy Glue binding things together. Our will is the Will of the Existence and Energy since Pure Awareness has no will or any other inclinations, connections, or aversions because it is energy-less, without any needs, wishes, or intentions whatsoever, it is just a pure state of awareness.
So, there is a will as a specific Energy manifestation of the connectedness or relationships between persons, objects, and phenomena, but there is no free will meaning that we can decide, choose, and manifest (or prevent, stop, and reject) what we want (or what we don’t want).
Awakening to Pure Awareness gives us special knowledge because it reveals that everything we knew before awakening was enforced into our lives via our incarnants, humans from other planets. The Karmic organization was writing all the scripts for our lives including all the “science” theories, religions, and common knowledge. The Karmic organization is a gang of space criminals who are using their higher abilities and advanced technology to control and abuse all beings under their control and occupation. They have invented the Creator and gods to use their imaginary Absolute Power to command us.
With awakening, their Evil domination is finishing, and for the first time in the history of men, we can break the black magic spell, and start thinking out of their prescripted karmic programs or the Matrix, realizing the Truth behind their Cosmic Lie. Read more about the real and Natural Order, Existence, Pure Awareness, Energy, simultaneity, and awakening in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet, and on my page: https://www.letterstopalkies.com/.
I suggest you read my work openly, and without prejudices. I know that some of my claims can’t be checked immediately, and directly, but if you want to know the Truth, try my exercises for awakening into Pure Awareness, and you will very soon confirm my statements. You can be lost in the karmicon’s false theories, but you will find the Truth and your true self in Pure Awareness.”
Let me add that you can easily verify some of the points I have made in your waking dreams, where you meet inhabitants from other planets every night. If you wish, ask them, in addition to the name of their planet, the number of inhabitants, and your incarnant, who Seno is, and see what they tell you. You will know from their statements that I am telling the truth and that better times are ahead for Earthlings too.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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