How do you become a right-winger?
Being a right-winger is not easy, because candidates for reactionaryism have to abandon common sense and enter the irrational zone of twilight – of faith, superstition, myths, conspiracy theories, hatred, and violence.

The right-winger must:
1. Believe and belief (to dramatize the artificial and forced belief in a god by the many rituals with which the believer constantly struggles to deny, suppress and block common sense, and which keep the believer in a religious trance or frenzy) in a god for which there is no evidence that he exists.
2. Be a servant of god and humbly serve god, the Church, and the clergy, paying their dues for their leisurely lives. He must be equally subservient to right-wing political leaders, such as Trump, who abuse religion and religious for selfish gain.
3. Accept a democracy that deliberately and in advance divides society into two parts, the Position and the Opposition, the For and the Against, thus creating contradictions, hatred, and violence.
4. Accept capitalism in which greedy and selfish capitalists exploit workers based on inequality and grab the biggest share of the income collectively generated. It is crazy, for example, that poor religious right-wingers in America support the capitalist billionaire Trump, a member of the Elite, who sees them as worthless.
5. Be anti-development and preserve ancient and primitive ways of life, such as religion with all its ritualistic and cheap drama kitsch. Because of their backwardness, right-wingers are called conservatives, i.e. those who preserve the old.

6. Hate all non-believers; leftists; non-political; freethinkers; non-believers, leftists and non-political intellectuals (most people are non-believers, leftists and non-political); members of the LGBT community, even though up to 80 % of priests are homosexual, who, in addition to having sex with men, which is a grave sin in the Church, have been sexually abusing children for centuries on a regular basis, and massivelly; pornography, even though right-wingers watch it too; welfare recipients, who are claimed to be lazy, living at the expense of right-wingers, who are supposed to be hard-working, even though there are unemployed right-wingers too; single mothers, because they do not live in a family and are guilty of this themselves; women who cannot have children, thus sabotaging the “divine plan” and not giving birth to new believers, priests and right-wingers; prostitutes, even though they themselves regularly go to them to sin; dark-skinned and other-skinned people, who are called “black scum” and who must be exterminated Hitler-style; Jews, the murderers of Jesus and the shadow rulers of the world; the Roma; emigrants; peace-loving pacifists, especially those who are against weapons; ecologists; and all those who are in favour of protecting nature and the climate; vegetarians and vegans, and all those who defend the rights of animals, which are not sentient beings for right-wingers, but just pieces of flesh or carcasses; trade unionists; euthanasists, who defend the right to end life voluntarily because of too much pain and suffering; abortionists (those who defend the right of women to decide about their own bodies); NGOs – non-governmental organisations, whose 99. 9 % are left-wing, advocating for equality, equity and human rights and representing the majority of civil society, while right-wing NGOs are merely religious and ideological political groups advocating for the Church and various forms of Christianity – against non-believers, leftists, emigrants, abortion and other human rights.
The above list also represents the action plan of the right-wing, who are fiercely fighting against the equality, equal rights, and human rights of non-believers, leftists, and non-political, and not only for the reunification of Church and State but for a Church-State as it was in the Middle Ages. The Christian fanatics in the USA, for example, are demanding that all politicians in all positions should be Christians only and that they should be free to persecute LGBT people, and from here it is only a step to persecuting blacks, immigrants, and others on the above list.
Here we can see how different, opposing and right-wing religious people are from the much more peaceful non-religious ones, and how desperate the religious right are, who are becoming increasingly impatient, tense, angry, and violent because of the declining role of the Church, the constant sexual abuse scandals, the decline of religion and the number of believers. This is their fight for survival, which they cannot win, because in a few decades, most of the older believers, who make up three-quarters of the current right-wing, will disappear. Right-wingers have few children, so the number of clergy and right-wing voters is declining sharply.
Let me be clear that I am not advocating any karmic politics and economics, democracy and capitalism, left and right, capitalists and workers. As the author of a new model of life, I have also created a new politics and economics in which there are no political parties, no democracy, and no elections. The planet is run by the Planetary Council, in which the most capable (non-religious and non-political) individuals are in charge of the good of the whole planet. States, in the new sense, Countries, are governed by Country Councils, in which non-religious, honest, and capable people are chosen to work as one group of friends and colleagues for the benefit of all the citizens of the country. Capitalism is gone, replaced by a market economy. The difference is that the owners of the businesses are personality-changed, they are no longer greedy, selfish, and exploitative, and the employees are properly rewarded for their work. They share the income with the business owner because they all work together, so it is only fair that they are well paid and further rewarded for their work.
In our new cosmos, there is also no more punitive justice, no more police, no more courts, and no more prisons, because security is provided by a supra-planetary team of highly evolved space friends using special technology to remove criminals, bullies, and pests from the planet in seconds. They are screened, rejuvenated, personalized, and returned to their parents (rejuvenated to 5 years) or sent to communities for personal development and independent living (rejuvenated to 15 years).
In the new model, there are no more religions, superstitions, faiths, sects, and cults, because after a personality change and with concrete proof of the non-existence of god, people have realized this insidious and hypocritical karmic deception, whereby a fictional god as an omnipotent being has been used only to frighten, subjugate and exploit naive believers. The believers were the most relieved because they finally got rid of the nightmare of god and the devil and now live in peace, relaxation, and freedom.
7. Militarize and arm himself to the teeth, as the Church and right-wing politicians are continually inciting their crusaders to a final showdown with the unbelieving, the left-wing, and the non-political, to cleanse the planet and prepare for the 2nd coming of Jesus.

To all of you who are thinking of taking Peterson’s “advice” and going over to the right, I suggest you think again before you go down the road of superstition, conspiracy theories, hatred, and violence. For those of you who have already strayed from the path of the Good and are already walking the path of the right-wing, I suggest that you abandon this extremely harmful behavior, awaken to Pure Awareness and become non-religious, non-political, and free-thinking.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover: British GQ
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