Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychologist, a far-right, there are no others, and a fanatical believer, there are no others because belief in a false god is in itself a kind of fanaticism, which requires working hard at compulsive behavior and maintaining the illusion, said Sam Harris, American philosopher, neuroscientist, atheist – one of the Four Horsemen of Atheism, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett – and author of the documentary The God Who Wasn’t There, despite his statement (“Don’t be a slave to stupid rules.”), but fully in line with his second statement (“It’s better to do something badly than to not do it at all.”):
»(Sam Harris:) So then you are basically saying that the stupid people need their myths you know we smart people on stage don’t need them.
(Jordan Peterson:) »But well I am actually saying that to some degree if you are not exceptionally cognitively astute you should be traditional and conservative because if you can’t think well you are going to think badly and if you think badly you are going to fall into trouble … if you are not very smart it’s better to be conservative because then you do what everyone else does and generally speaking what everyone else does is the path of less error moving forward now that doesn’t mean that rationality is unnecessary.«
(Douglas Murray:) »What does it mean that all conservatives are stupid.«
(Jordan Peterson:) »That doesn’t mean it either.«
Douglas was just being polite because that doesn’t mean they aren’t either.
Instead of being clever, be stupid
Who could describe the religious right-wingers more accurately than a psychologist who says that the conservatives cannot think well and, above all, think independently and freely, so they have taken refuge in religion and in a right-wing ideology that thinks for them? Although, according to Peterson, the herd instinct is supposed to ensure that all members, simply by their sheer numbers, have “the path with the fewest mistakes” and thus a better path than going through life with their heads, it is precisely the religious and right-wing path that is the worst possible way to live at all, because the backwardness as an explosive mixture of the false religious illusion of the existence of god and the right-wing ideological hatred of non-believers, leftists, the non-political and the free-thinking, mentally and emotionally limits, distorts and perverts such a deluded person, and makes it impossible for him or her to know the truth, to evolve and to progress.
Instead of thinking with their heads, which is why they have them, the religious ones think with the Bible, which represents the collective mind that thinks for the believers. The believers have empty heads, which they fill with quotations from the Bible. Religious ones are like programming machines with religious propaganda, and they work on the same principle as all other machines of this kind – what goes in comes out. You can easily see this if you talk to a religious person because you immediately get the feeling that you are talking to the Bible. Religious people think that if something says something in the Bible, that alone makes it the Absolute Truth. They also believe that the Bible is “god’s Word”, even though it is public knowledge that it was written by humans, and by hundreds of different writers throughout history, who wrote, copied, corresponded, and edited this mythological fiction, while at the same time, the clerics themselves tampered with it, deciding for themselves what is and what is not “god’s Word”, and repeatedly changing it for their own personal and selfish gain.
Elementary school or less
Most religious and right-wing people fall under the “elementary school or less”, which makes them, as uneducated, semi-literate, and illiterate, easy prey for churchmen and politicians to exploit to support their greedy and hateful ideologies and selfish needs. Because of their narrow-mindedness, uneducatedness, and inability to think independently and freely, the religious also believe the myths, lies, and blatant nonsense that abound in the Bible. Even though religions have not presented a single concrete and verifiable proof of the existence of god in the entire history of mankind, the religious believe in him and pretend that he is real, even though none of them has ever seen or heard of him, and even though he has not yet appeared on Earth, because he simply does not exist.
It is typical of the very few educated right-wingers that, like Peterson, instead of advising the illiterate and semi-literate to go to school, get an education, develop and become independent, they prefer to send them to right-wingers, racists, nationalists, sexists, and haters of all-natural, non-religious and freethinking people, and to religion, where they will be further dumbed down. Instead of sending them on the path of reason, knowledge, and knowing, they are being herded into a herd of mindless superstition, where they will only regress further, become more conservative and degenerate in personality. Instead of sending the uneducated, the ignorant, and the naïve on a path without mistakes, they deliberately send them on a path with many more mistakes, because in religion and right-wing the worst mistakes and where the hard life only begins. But once inside the program, it is too late for many to come to their senses, for stupidity has driven out their natural intelligence and the arrogant one has taken its place.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover photo: The Dharma Dispatch
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