What yin and yang the karmicons would be if the new god were not the opposite of the old. The old religions have prophets who are supposed to have personally met the god, like Moses met the god’s burning bush, or received divine instructions through angels, like Mohammed through the archangel Gabriel, while the new god has only appeared as a channeled sound without a picture. Unlike, for example, Yahweh, who is the common god of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, there are several new and channeled gods, who nevertheless claim to be all One and Only.
The old god, the jealous, angry and vengeful Yahweh, was the Lord and Creator of the world and men and was therefore distinct from men who were separate from him. Humans were inferior because they were not Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, as Yahweh was supposed to be. The old god had created a hierarchical system in which he was the Big Bos, and humans were his subordinate servants, slaves, soldiers, and workers. The master commands, and the servants execute. This position of god and his worshipers is also called duality, or the duality between god and humans. In this duality there is a hierarchy between god and humans, god is above, humans are below, god is in charge, humans are subordinate, god commands, and humans execute.
The new god is the god of non-duality. He is to be only the Creator of the Whole World and not of men in particular. According to this absurd, and impossible logic, he is also supposed to have created himself, and that from absolute Nothingness, which cannot exist at all. According to the New Myth, human beings are to be part of god and not separate from him as in the religion of the old god Yahweh. This means that the new god, who has no name, did not specifically create human beings, as Yahweh did, for example, out of dirt, and the first woman even out of a man’s rib, but “created” human beings by dividing himself and turning one part of himself into human beings and, of course, into animals and other living creatures, while the other part remained himself, i.e., a god.
In the new religion and the new god, All that exists is One, who is god or Creator and is not divided into two distinct things – god and humans, as in the case of Yahweh, who made a clear distinction between himself and humans. In the religion of Oneness, humans as individuals do not exist at all, since All That Exists is only One Thing and One god, which expresses itself in many forms. We are god and god is us. Despite this change, the exclusive position of the new god remains, who knows that he is god, while on the other hand, we think that we are only human. This of course also means that the new god feels himself to be Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, while we are limited to ordinary human life. Such a set-up, although “one” with the new god, is one-sided and runs from god to us, but not the other way around. That is, god knows that he is us, but we do not know that we are god. In this sense, he lives as us, with each of us and through us, while we are only aware of ourselves as ourselves and do not feel others as part of us, let alone feel god as ourselves. Such a set-up, despite the “Oneness”, has, in reality, two positions, god and us, where god knows that we are us, and we do not know that we are god and seem to be separate from him, even though we are all supposed to be one and the same One.
Here, of course, comes the peculiar phenomenon and question of the basic position of a god, since the new god, even though he has divided himself into all men and animals and thus lives billions of lives at once, must maintain his basic and personal position, in which he is god and which enables him to distinguish between himself and us anyway. This means that, in addition to all of us being a god but not knowing it, one of us is also a god who knows it. Whether this person is a human, an animal, a plant, or an energy being from higher dimensions is, of course, a separate question. From the channeled messages of the new gods, who all, in turn, present themselves as the One and Only, which is of course impossible, in most cases, this voice is male and comes from somewhere above.
The new god in Neale Donald Walsch’s books, according to the new religion, represents a new view of Evil, which is not supposed to exist in the way we understand it. Because god plays with himself, with his parts not knowing it and thinking they are human, god’s violence against himself or humans and animals as mere parts of god is not considered Evil. Evil is also meant to be god’s way of knowing himself even through evil experiences. As we shall see in the tale of the Little Soul and the Sun, which I will post in the article following the third and final part of this series, the little souls go into incarnations where they experience Evil and do violence to one another, while god remains in heaven and does not personally participate in Evil acts. This means, of course, that he sends others into severe inconvenience, fear, suffering, and death to gather experiences for him while he enjoys heaven. In the cases like this, the commons say that it is easy to be an electrician with another person’s hand.
According to this theory, in addition to god, everything that exists is also Energy – this would mean that god is Energy and Energy is god. The world we see and experience is supposed to be an illusion, and the real world is supposed to be with god in the higher world. Evil is supposed to be prearranged and our life is just an energetic play of light and dark, just a light show and an illusory play of light and shadows. The witty graffiti says that in reality there is only New York, and everything else is just light effects. This is supposed to be true for us too, according to the new religion – only god is real, we are just parts of him, life is an illusion, Evil is a game, and the world is a stage for illusory theatrical performances.
The new religion also has elements of Buddhism, which claims that there is no past and no future, but only a moment in which everything randomly emerges from an impersonal Mind – Buddhism does not recognize a god, it is short-lived and then returns to the Mind and disappears there. Likewise, after the end of the god game, the new god, who split up to realize himself through different forms, beings, and experiences, is said to be reassembled by the god and to continue as just one being. In this final act, which for us would be the “unhappy ending”, all human beings as individuals would disappear forever and be transformed once again into the One and Only god. Union with god in Oneness, or our personal and eternal death, is supposed to be the best thing that can be experienced. Some are so naïve that they are still trying, rushing, and can hardly wait to unite with god and die. I call this suicide with god.
A New Religion, a New Story
The old religion had its founding book, which was god’s story of the creation of the world, and the prophets or holy figures as the founders of the religion. For example, the Bible was not only mythological fables and the biography of Jesus, but also god’s code of commandments, offenses, and punishments. The Torah, the Bible, and the Koran represent the myth of the Creator and his creation, god and people, and the rules to be observed by the faithful and the rituals to be performed in worshipping god.
According to the old story, at the end of time, the god of the Judge, the Accuser, the Judge, and the Executor would judge all people and send some to heaven and others to hell. In the New Story, the god of all people, who are but parts of himself, is the Higher Self from which they came and to which they will one day return.
Unlike the old religion, information about the new god and the new religion comes through channeled messages, and without a personal encounter with the god. People hear his voice but do not see him. The new god presents himself as a friend, a teacher, and a guide who does not frighten or punish anyone. The new religion has no church, no rituals, no traditional god-fearing worshippers, and no religion because the new god does not ask anyone to believe in him. It is enough that one accepts everything that happens to him with the understanding that it is good for him, because in this way one learns about Good and also about Evil, which is both parts of the universe, useful and necessary for personal development, and therefore must be accepted and integrated into one’s personality.
We can see from this also that the new religion is also a typical karmic lie and propaganda of Evil as “Good”, necessary, useful, and even indispensable for life and personal development.
The new religion does not have a main holy book, such as the Bible, but there are several different channeled books in which different gods, all parts of the same One and Only god, present their doctrine.
The most famous series of books on the new god and the new religion is Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God, in which his god presents himself and his Story.
Behind the new and, of course, Karmic religion, there is a cosmic Creator-Absorbing Karmic System unknown until my disclosure. According to this system, which corresponds to the new god and the new religion and of course to the Karmic organization that has controlled our lives, the Creator is supposed to divide into energy beings living in the absorbing part of the universe, and these beings are supposed to divide into physical beings in the karmic part of the cosmos. In the lower part, people incarnate until they have gained enough experience in different fields. When they have gained enough, the higher energy beings absorb them into themselves, dissolve them into themselves without residue and appropriate their experience. When the energy beings of the absorbing part of the universe have also gathered enough experience in this way, the Creator absorbs them into himself. Thus all the people and absorbers or energy beings from the absorbing part of the universe disappear and only the Creator remains. The One and Only.
This is just a false karmic tale, according to which energy beings and humans are supposed to collect experiences for god but in reality Evil Beings psychopathically and sadistically torture and kill human animals and use their suffering to obtain negative energy, which is fed to the cosmic parasites, vampires and scavengers, karmic beings and absorbers who hide behind this false, harmful, destructive and deadly religion.
The new religion on Earth is for the more educated, individual, and independent members of the New Age community. In this religion, there are no prohibitions and restrictions, no intimidation, no offenses and punishments, no sins, no Satan, and no hell. The New Religion has no central organization, no buildings and temples, no gatherings of believers, and no rituals, but is more “free”. The faithful are civilians, there are no professional priests. According to this myth, all people are already “believers” of this religion, because as human beings they are parts of god.
Who would have thought that despite the “One and Only”, there are more of these gods? The most famous is the NDW god, there is also the HeavenLetters god, who no longer speaks, and the Circle of Light god. Each god also has its own story about itself and its worshippers, which we call religion. It is interesting that the gods take themselves so seriously that they expect, if not demand, that we believe in them and their stories, and have faith to boot. Those who do not believe in god are called non-believers.
According to the 50-50 karmic formula, about half of the people on Earth are believers, and half are non-believers, which allows karmic people to have pre-planned, staged, and enforced differences, contradictions, and conflicts. Religious fights against the unbelieving and the otherwise religious or heretical are fights for the Story, for God, and religion.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover: New Harbinger Publication
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