Hitler was a god for the Nazis, but for the Slovenian right-wingers, Janša is the “Saviour”
Nazism/Fascism is a hierarchical system based on religion and the absolutism of god. God is supposed to be the “Creator” and Master of Life and Death, and believers are totally subordinate to Him and must do His bidding. This also applies to right-wing political parties. Hitler, who did not recognize God, since there is room at the top only for the One, nevertheless declared that the Germans don’t need any religion. What he meant was that they already have a god, that is to say, Him, they just have to worship and obey Him. Putin, who is the successor of Soviet Communism/Socialism, is firmly in collaboration with the Russian Orthodox Church because they share the same ideology of superiority and domination of the superior over the inferior and of the faithful over the unfaithful atheist and the unfaithful heretics (believers in other and false religions).
We can see that right-wingers are racist (the white race is superior to other races), nationalist (their nation is superior to other nations), xenophobic (native people are superior to foreigners), according to the Nazi/fascist formula, religionophobic (their religion is superior to other religions), atheistophobic (religious people are superior to non-believers), chauvinists (men are superior to women) and homophobic (heterosexuals are superior to homosexuals), who hate, despise and are violent towards anyone different from them.
On the other hand, leftists are much more equal and egalitarian, because they stand for human rights and freedoms, except that the Karmic poison of Evil, selfishness, and greed tarnishes their pure image and thus associates them with the openly Evil Right. It is absurd that today’s leftists accept and support democracy and capitalism, which politically and economically create, maintain and reinforce a class society that allows the exploitation of the superior over the inferior. This makes their “struggle for workers’ rights” and human rights a farce, since they themselves are capitalists and, as privileged politicians, members of the upper classes. In America, the left-wing Democrats are also members of the Elite of the richest, who of course fight first and foremost for their own selfish privileges, and the fight for equality and equal rights is nothing but a marketing bluff for electoral votes.
Leftists are naturally more evolved than rightists, because their infidelity makes them more free, autonomous, and independent, and encourages freethinking. Right-wingers are God’s servants, created by God, in their belief, to do God’s bidding, not to think with their own heads. They are God’s soldiers, not free civilians. That is why the left also advocates civil society, of which NGOs are an important part, while the right, on the other hand, hates all freemen, civil society, and NGOs, seeing them as anarchists who refuse to submit to the hierarchical system of Leader/Followers or Workers or Servants or Believers. This is why right-wingers emphasize duties, while left-wingers are more concerned with rights. For right-wingers, the only “right” is the duty to serve God, the Pope, and political leaders.
While freethinking leftists are more individualistic, monogamous rightists are communal, herd-like, and clan-like. Leftists are active and self-initiating, while rightists passively await their Commander’s command to be carried out with vigor. Even if they do something of their own accord, it is perfectly in line with their ideology of superiority, of praising their Firer and despising others. Left-wingers are supposed to talk and agree with each other and with others along the lines of equality and egalitarianism, while the hierarchical right-wingers are subject to a strict system of commanding and following orders.
(For Slovenian readers) Visit the ideological propaganda page of the Slovenian right-wing party SDS on the website https://nova24tv.si/ and you will see how the clenched, impatient, angry, and hateful right-hand fights against the left and all other hands.
Although in reality the right and the left are firmly working together to preserve democracy and capitalism, both of which provide privileges, the left is, at least in theory, much closer to the natural system that we will introduce after the end of the Karmic blockade of the Earth. Democracy and capitalism will be abolished immediately, as will all political parties and the position/opposition conflict system. There will be only one political group in Parliament, working for the benefit of all.
Between the left and the right, let me also mention the central liberals, who, unlike the herd-rightists, are individualists and are more interested in personal matters than in being part of a subordinate collective that worships the Leader.
The Christian religion of the Cross is the foundation of Slovenian Right-wing ideology

The acceptance of democracy and capitalism has led to a narrowing of the differences between right and left-wingers, but there is still a big difference between religious right-wingers and non-religious left-wingers. For example, while Slovenian right-wingers such as SDS, SNS, and NSI, together with neo-Nazi groups and the Home Army domobrans (WWII traitors and Nazi collaborators), who are also active members of these parties, are in favor of their own state based on the Nazi ideology of “one state, one nation, one religion” and a state of religious Home Army soldiers, left-wingers are more in favor of a free, civil and civilized society in which ideology would not play a major role.
Although right-wingers accuse left-wingers of being communists and socialists, in reality, they are very far from these ideologies, because communism and socialism do not know democracy and capitalism, but dictatorship and central economics, and in this respect, they are virtually the same as Nazism and fascism. The Slovenian right-wingers are angry with the left-wingers, who see them as the successors of the partisans and communists of the Second World War (it is important to remember that not all partisans were communists, some of them were also religious, but for the right-wing Home Army they are all communists) because they lost the war against them. The right-wing and religious Home Guard domobrans were a Nazi military unit created by the SS: “On 24 September 1943, when they were sworn into Hitler, SS General Rösener said: ‘I gave the order for the creation of the Slovene Home Guard … From small bands of White Guard legionnaires, the Slovene Home Guard grew up on my orders…'”. After the war they got the punishment they deserved, like all traitors everywhere in Europe.” (Source: Tit Turnšek, President of ZZB za vrednote NOB Slovenije, https://www.svobodnabeseda.si/narobe-svet-spomenik-zrtvam-in-njihovim-krvnikom/)
Under Nazi command, partisans, their family members, and all those who opposed the Nazis were betrayed, hunted, tortured, and killed. Home Army domobrans, together with the Nazis, wanted to exterminate the Slovene nation, kill part of it, displace part of it, and humiliate the rest. Domobrans thought that the Nazis would reward them for their betrayal of their own people and give them the administration of a province that they might call the Domobrania. The Home Army dreamt of having their own country, but the Nazis would not grant them this wish, because, like all other Slovenes, they saw them as inferior and worthless and would only exploit them for dirty jobs. They killed their own traitors and used foreign traitors for their murderous purposes. As long as they needed them, they used them, and when they had used them, they threw them away. They would have done the same with the Slovene Home Guard domobrans, who, if the Nazis had won World War II, would have been nothing more than Nazi dupes in the German state of Slowenien.
The fact is that the partisans liberated Slovenia and enabled the Slovenes to live in freedom. Life under communism and socialism is not ideal, as it is not under capitalism either. Although it is praised by right-wingers and left-wingers alike, capitalism is a harmful, destructive, and deadly system that encourages people to be selfish, greedy, exploitative, abusive, and violent in all its forms. In Slovenia today, more than 250 000 people (more than 10 %) live below the poverty line. This is the result of selfish, greedy, and exploitative capitalism as a system that allows the elite to live a good life and enjoy privileges, while the majority struggle to survive, living day to day, in poverty and misery.
Hate is the glue of the far right that holds them together in their struggle against the different
The Slovenian right-wingers and the Home Army domobrans are fighting against the left-wingers and the non-political. It is important to remember that the right-wingers are a minority, the left-wingers are much more numerous, but they are not as united as they are, because they do not share the same religion and hatred as the right-wingers, and by far the greatest number are the non-political ones, who are not at all interested in politics, and especially in politicking, but just want to have a good life.
The new Home Army domobrans are attacking the old partisans for their violence against them as Nazi collaborators and traitors to the Slovenian nation. They say nothing about the aggressor who came to violently destroy Slovenia and the Slovene people and about his Deadly Sin of betrayal of the Homeland.
In their fight for the Home Army country Domobrania, we can see 3 phases of activity:

1. Blaming the partisans for their own defeat by blaming them for the post-war killings as a preparation of the terrain in the sense of “we are bad, they are bad”, by saying nothing about their weakness but just attacking the partisans at every turn.
2. Equalizing the Home Guard domobrans with the partisans, as in Serbia equalizing the Chetniks with the partisans. In Croatia, too, activities are underway to make the Ustasha and the Partisans equal. In Serbia, Chetniks are already receiving combatant pensions and other benefits. The same would apply to Ustasha and Home Guard fighters and their descendants. (Serbian Chetniks and Croatian Ustasha were the same as Slovene domobrans – traitors and collaborators with Nazis.)
3. History is changed so that the Home Army domobrans become the main heroes and the partisans the bandits. In doing so, the Home Army forget that they acted as Hitler’s servants and traitors against the Slovenian people and that we all know this. It would not be strange if they wanted to falsely show that the Home Guard liberated Slovenia from the Nazis, while the partisans were Nazi collaborators whom the Home Guard heroically defeated.
Right-wingers even claim that the Home Army was the first and only real Slovenian army, while they see the partisans as communist invaders. The domobrans claim that the Nazi domobrans were the real army that fought under Hitler’s command to exterminate and humiliate the Slovenes, while the Slovene partisans were communist occupiers who occupied their own country to defeat the Nazis and liberate Slovenia. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Slovene premiers and far-right commander Janša have also set a date for the ‘liberation of Slovenia’, which is supposed to be ‘clean’ in five years. In the meantime, the right-wingers would finally defeat the left-wingers and totally subjugate all the non-political and non-believers, the Home Army would be proclaimed as heroes of the Second World War, and the partisans would be branded as occupiers, cursed twice, and excommunicated in the name of Jesus Christ. In 2021, Janša laid a wreath on the graves of the Home Guard domobrans for these purposes, blessed them, and announced the proclamation of their sainthood at the purification of Slovenia from the leftists and the non-political, and the establishment of a pure and Home Guard Domobrania. “One country, one nation, one religion.” And one Firer.
Domobranci, hold on!
In the article entitled (READER’S LETTER), The Worst Can Be Averted and subtitled I have had a strategy for the liberation struggle against communism worked out for several years because I have been expecting all this for a long time. on the website https://demokracija.si/prejeli-smo/pismo-bralke-najhujse-lahko-preprecimo/ we can read the domobrans tactics for the “final rescue” of the communists in Slovenia: “We, the Home Army domobrans, must be strictly careful not to provoke in any way. We must be careful of our behavior and language so that we cannot be accused of provocation. The people should ignore the threats and provocations of the Communists as long as possible.
Let’s trust the police and the army to protect us. Don’t be intimidated, democratic institutions still work. It is up to us to de-escalate the tension. We can prevent the worst. I still do not have the feeling that the ruined (alluding to Milan Kučan, the first president of independent Slovenia whom the far-right hates the most) will succeed in provoking a confrontation. Even if we are threatened with a naval strike, it is a strange bleating from the lame sheep. We Home Guard domobrans are ready to defend the homeland, but we are far from there. Hold on! Vote!”
Kari Karinger, Črnuče
The name is most likely fictitious, the writer is probably a member of the editorial staff, cowardly hiding behind a fake name with a fake name of the “reader’s letter” column. After liberation, I will publish the names, surnames, and photographs of all the cowardly liars.
It is clear from the record that the Home Army wants a country of its own, which it has not yet achieved. Despite their ardent desire and endless hatred of the left-wing, the non-political and the lesser and worthless, the dream of the Home Guard country Domobrania will remain a dream. It is also nice to see that they are scared and cowardly and afraid of confronting the communists. If they were brave, they would come out in the broad daylight in their (Nazi) Home Guard uniforms in front of Parliament and demand their country with their right hands outstretched.
The Home Army is increasingly openly, publicly, and violently demanding its Domobrania, playing the victim of the Second World War. This is their precious capital, which they use to cover up their real role as traitors and collaborators, attacking partisans, leftists, non-believers, and non-political civilians. We can see that they are deeply bitter, sad, and disappointed by their historical defeat, but also very angry, violent, and vindictive. As victims, they are fighting against the victors as losers, and they are trying to portray their defeat as a victory. Of course, they will not succeed in this drama, because people are not that naive and stupid. The fact is that nobody likes traitors, and nobody likes the Home Army domobrans, and nobody ever did. As traitors and collaborators with the Nazis, they betrayed, tortured, and killed Slovenes and lost World War II together with the Nazis. These are facts that cannot be concealed.
As I have already mentioned, towards the end of the Second World War, when the Home Army domobrans saw that Hitler was going to fail, they were already looking for a new Master to serve, but the Western allies of the partisans refused to take them as servants. The Home Army first betrayed the Slovene nation, and then they wanted to betray Hitler too, to submit to another Master and to be subservient servants to him.

On 17 July 2019, the Primorski puntarji (name of the group) posted a photo of Lojze Peterle (ex Slovene premier and also far-right activist) and a boy in a Home Guard domobrans uniform on Facebook, with the caption:
“Parading and photographing in the uniforms of former Nazi domobrans troops would be a criminal offense in many parts of Europe, but in our country, it has become a practice that no one disputes. The Home Guard domobrans operated under the direct command of the Waffen SS. Before the end of the war, the Allies had already declared these units criminal and denied their members the rights accorded to captured prisoners of war. At the end of the war, they were tried as criminals everywhere in Europe.
Appearing in these uniforms to rehabilitate the Home Army domobrans in public is shameful and degrading to the victims of the Second World War. In neighboring Austria, everyone in the picture could easily have received several years’ imprisonment for posing in such a way. In our country, no one is moved.”
This comment sums up the tumultuous reactions of readers and commentators to Peterlet’s posing with the Home Guard:
“Mira Juhtman
Shame on this old corrupt organ-grinder, the cunt lived for 30 years at our expense, now he’s posing with the Home Army, traitors to their own nation. Shame on Slovenia and the Slovenian people. He’s a common pig.”
Traitors are afraid of electoral betrayal
For two years, Janša and the Janssists have had the feeling that they are already living in their own far-right country and would like to stay in power by any means that allows them this delusional fantasy. The growing pre-election persuasion of the already convinced Janšists on (far-right TV and webpage) Nova24TV and other right-wing media expresses the enormous fear of the right-wing that the electorate will betray them and defect to other parties. Who would know betrayal better than the betrayers of Slovenia and the Slovenian people? It is not for nothing that they say ‘once a traitor, always a traitor.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover photo: modrijan.si
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