Are leftists and rightists Nazis and fascists?
Leftists claim that rightists are Nazis and fascists, while rightists claim that leftists are fascists. So they are both saying the same thing, and if they are both right, then they are both Nazis and fascists.
For the right, leftism is a communist dictatorship, and for the left, Janszism is a right-wing, Nazi, and fascist dictatorship. How to sort this out? Very simply – we need to abandon both directions and the old politics of division, contradiction, and conflict and create a new politics of unity, integrity, and harmony. To do this, the political system must be changed altogether, the state must be abandoned and the country must be introduced.
Although right-wingers constantly denounce left-wingers as communists and socialists, such denunciations are inaccurate. First of all, the left does not call itself that at all, because there is no Communist or Socialist party in Slovenia. And secondly, leftists who embrace democracy and capitalism are no longer real leftists at all. Just as non-believers who accept religion are no longer non-believers. Communism and socialism are not possible in democracy and capitalism, because they exclude them. Far more possible, and indeed increasingly present, are Nazism and fascism, which are based on the fundamental conflict between position and opposition in democracy and between the Elite and the mob in capitalism.
Whatever their fanatical work for the far-right domobrans state, the right-wingers, who are a large minority and will remain so, will never succeed in realizing the Home Guard dream of their state. They also obviously do not understand that they cannot hijack Slovenia and forcibly turn leftists, non-believers, and non-political people into religious rightists. They do not understand and refuse to accept that the majority of the Slovenian population (approximately 1 800 000 – one million eight hundred thousand) is not interested in the Home Army, religion, right-wingism, racism, chauvinism, nationalism, and all other forms of hatred. Most people want a peaceful, safe, and pleasant life, not the constant attacking, shaming, and contempt that Janša and his cronies engage in.
Karmic Ideologies of Evil
The Carmicons are the authors of all ideologies, including Nazism and fascism, and the distortions of communism and socialism. All ideologies are based on the false idea that some beings are superior to others and that because of their superior abilities and more advanced technology they can subjugate, abuse, and exploit lower, limited and helpless beings. This is why the Karmic Masters also founded the Karmic Organization, which has been systematically used for more than 70 million years to inflict violence on lesser beings such as humans and animals. Following the karmic formula of 50:50, Good and Evil, yin and yang, they also added communism/socialism to Nazism/fascism, which are originally based on the idea that all beings are equal regardless of their level of development, abilities, and technology, and in our case, also regardless of their gender, race/color, religion, nationality, education, sexuality, etc.
In their old and ugly habit, the Karmicons have corrupted Communism and Socialism, which are based on the natural truth of beings, and added to them selfishness, greed, Importance, narcissism, cynicism and sarcasm, psychopathy and sadism, and other forms of personal Evil that we see in both Nazi/Fascist and Communist/Socialist leaders. The corruption of Communism/Socialism has turned both into Evil Ideologies that fought and still fight Nazism and Fascism, even though they are exactly the same. Nazism/Fascism and Communism/Socialism (in the Karmic perversion) are both totalitarian, dictatorial, and autocratic ideologies that carry out all kinds of violence to maintain absolute control over the countries in which they are present.
To create conflict within countries, in addition to the conflict between countries with different ideologies, the Carmicons have introduced democracy, which falsely represents the power of the people, but in reality gives all power, control, and privileges to political parties that rule for their own selfish and greedy interests and not for the benefit of all. In reality, the authorities are only distributing the money that they forcibly collect and extort from the taxpayer, while fighting to control rich and powerful individuals, companies, and organizations through blackmail and bribery. By introducing democracy, the Carmicons have ensured a permanent conflict between the different parties and their ideologies, which in the black variant represent the religious right, the successors of Nazism/Fascism, and in the red variant the religious left, the successors of Communism/Socialism. The so-called liberals or neo-liberals who advocate capitalism, often presenting themselves as belonging to the left or right “center”, are in reality right-wingers, because they fight for a social hierarchy in which the rich are at the top and the poor at the bottom, or for a system of Elites and, rather, the Important and the Poor. The neo-liberals are equally about dividing people into two groups, except that they divide them based on wealth and poverty respectively, where ideology and religion do not matter so much, since their ideology is Greed and their god is Capital.
The essence of democracy is the struggle between the position and the opposition. It is an artificially imposed conflict that drives underdeveloped and primitive countries into new and new internal struggles and external, and occasionally civil, wars. Although the karmicons claim that conflict is the essence of the Story or even the mainspring of human development, this is not true, because conflict makes progress impossible. As long as both sides are in a struggle, they are constantly in a place where they are fighting over territory, people, and resources. It is a positional struggle that leads nowhere. We can see this very well for ourselves because after millennia of karmic political systems such as kingdoms, feudalisms and now democracies, humanity still hates, quarrels, fights, wages war and kills.
Real progress will only begin when we abolish democracy and capitalism and other karmic systems. You can read more about this in my book, Declaration on the Future of the Earth after the End of the Karmic Blockade, in which I present a concrete and comprehensive plan to abolish the old political, economic, judicial, and religious systems and introduce new systems that are ours and beneficial to all good people.
Evil is a cleansing agent for evil beings
Evil is a karmic means to exert control, domination and abuse, and exploitation of the higher over the lower. According to their false theory, they have deliberately created us as inferior so that they can humiliate us and experience themselves as superior. As “bad”, “guilty” and “sinful”, we were – still on Earth – mistreated, tortured, and killed in every possible and impossible way. This approach of the “justification” and even “necessity” of Evil as a means of “cleansing” the lesser and worthless has been carried over to planetary systems, following the “above as well as below” approach, and incorporated into the right-wing Nazi/Fascist and distorted Communist/Socialist and religious ideologies that they still practice today.
The greatest “Purifier” in the history of the planet was Hitler, and today his disciple and extreme Nazi-Nazi Putin is using a Russian broom to purge Nazis/Nazi-onalists from Ukraine and fight for a pure “Aryan” Russian race. Like Hitler, Putin is far from the Aryan ideal man or model representing the Aryans. On a personal and unconscious level, Hitler’s and Putin’s struggle against “less” or “worthless” others is their personal struggle against their worthlessness, hiding and covering up their inferiority complexes and fantasizing about their superiority by destroying others. Others must be dead for them to be “good”. As is the case with the Karmic Masters who have used and abused their superior abilities and superior technology to inflict violence on the inferior, the limited, and the powerless, all Evil, and especially violence, is a despicable, vile and cowardly act that represents the true misery of the Evil Karmic Masters and their human perverted servants.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover photo: Benito Mussolini, Italian fascist and dictator
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