Before we continue, let me first point out the difference between facts and opinions, and remind you that, in addition to the physical war, there is also an information and propaganda war in Ukraine, in which both sides accuse the other as the culprit and portray themselves as the victim. Even in this war, planned and organized by the karmicons and carried out for them by the Russians and Ukrainians (and some other participants), according to the karmic formula of Good and Evil, yin and yang, etc., we have two completely contradictory interpretations. The Russians claim that there is no war in Ukraine, the Ukrainians claim that there is a war. The Russians also claim that they are only attacking military targets and that they are not attacking civilians. The videos from Ukraine clearly show that the Russians are lying and that in reality, as the aggressor, they are bombing mostly civilian targets, demolishing residential areas and killing civilians.
Despite the graphic footage and the Karmic agenda, some people claim that there is no war in Ukraine, that Ukrainians are shooting at their own people and that all the footage is false. They also claim that Putin is a good man and the Savior of the World and that Zelensky is a Nazi and a drug user. These same people also claim that Trump is also the Savior of the World.
Ha, ha, ha, ha. Trump and Putin are members of a psychopathic global Elite that is selfishly and greedily looking after its own interests and is prepared to destroy the whole world and kill all human beings just to fulfill its megalomaniacal quest for total control.
Putin’s and Trump’s fans are mainly people who do not watch television and get their information from social networks such as Facebook. Let me tell you, as a journalist, that there is a huge difference between professional media outlets and Facebook, and that the former is a much more reliable source of information than Facebook, which is the main vehicle for propaganda, manipulation and the spreading of lies. Every professional media company employs professional journalists, who must have the appropriate education to be employed at all. They have to check the news before they publish it. Their contribution is checked by an editor and only then can it be published. Journalists also constantly monitor how other professional media are covering the same story. If they publish a false report, they could lose their job. On Facebook, anyone can post whatever they want and no one checks it. Nevertheless, the professional media also report in a biased way, depending on their political orientation. In Slovenia, you can see how very differently, for example, left-wing and liberal POPTV and the far-right Nova24TV report on the same issues.
As a point of interest, concerning the corona pandemic, all the major media, irrespective of their political orientation, have reported exclusively in a one-sided way, in favor of the Elite, the pharmaceutical companies and the corrupt politicians who have scared people and forced vaccinations on them, and who have made it completely impossible for the media to meet in public, to debate and to present different opinions.
It is very important to separate general news from personal comments. News only presents the basics: what happened, where, how, why and who was involved, while commentary is the personal opinion of the journalist, who may see and present even the basic facts differently. A believer will see all events as God’s work, while a non-believer will experience and describe them more from a scientific point of view. In any case, stick to the facts and do not fall for propaganda. The primary purpose of journalistic reporting is to inform, whereas the purpose of propaganda is to create a biased opinion and to recruit for a particular side or cause, to organize groups and call for concrete action.
The Church blesses the killing of Ukrainians
Even in the new war, some Christians support violence. The Russian Patriarch of the Orthodox wing of the Cross-Christian Church has blessed Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. On the internet, we can read that Kiril supported the criminal attack on Ukraine: ‘Kiril, 75, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, sees the war as a defense against a West he considers decadent, especially for its acceptance of homosexuality. He and Putin share a vision of a “Russian world” that combines supposed spiritual unity with territorial expansion into parts of the former Soviet Union.”
While Putin is supposedly hunting Nazis across Ukraine, Kiril hopes to hunt down homosexuals and thus defeat two “dragons” in one crusade. Nazism is the true expression of Karmic Evil, while Karmic deliberate distortion of natural, sexual and personal identity is only evil against these people, and they pose no threat to anyone. Let me remind you that homosexuals were also on Hitler’s extermination list. As we all know, Hitler was a true demon of Evil and one of the greatest psychopathic executioners of mankind. Homosexuals or LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people are still the targets of contempt and violence from all right-wing political groups and individuals who hate anyone different. In some African countries, homosexuals are sentenced to death.
Let me take this opportunity to make it clear that homosexuals do not really exist because it is only a karmic deception, whereby a male incarnate is forcibly incarnated into a female body, or a female incarnate into a male body. The relationship between two “homosexuals” is in reality a heterosexual relationship between a man and a woman, except that they are both in the same, for example, male or female bodies. After the liberation of Earth, along with the new bodies, we will also arrange the sexual identity of all “homosexuals”, so that we can reconcile the male or female personality with the male or female body. We will do the same with other LGBT people.
Fortunately for us, karmic Evil on Earth is coming to an end. We have successfully ended the Karmic organization in this cosmos; all galaxies, solar systems and planets have been liberated, only Earth remains. Let us see what awaits us after liberation.
“What will we do on the first day of the liberation of the Earth?
As soon as the Earth blockade is lifted, our space friends will lift Sanja and me to their spaceship and assist us to transform into higher dimensional light beings. While we are being transformed into light beings, our space friends will already be active all over the planet.
They will temporarily remove all politicians, the Elite and the Corona Mafia from the planet so that they cannot influence and harm the creation of new systems. They will start by selecting new, capable and honest leaders who will work for the benefit of all.
They will stop all wars and dematerialize weapons. They will remove the invaders from the planet.
3. They will eliminate all paramilitary and terrorist organizations.
4. They will begin to eliminate criminal gangs and criminals.
5. They will feed the hungry.
6. They will begin to house the homeless.
7. The weak, sick and injured will be the first to get new, healthy, young and beautiful bodies. They will empty all hospitals, asylums and orphanages.
8. They will revive and bring back the dead, but only the good ones. Dead criminals, thugs and vermin will be moved into isolation.
9. They will bring back the passed ones who have been in our care since December 2020.
10. They will begin to lift to their spaceship good people en masse and give them new, healthy, young and beautiful bodies. Before that, they will scan them and only raise those who have no traces of nicotine, alcohol and drugs in them. They will have a month to give up harmful habits and addictions, get clean and prepare for a second chance. Those who have cleaned up will get new bodies in one month. Others who continue to smoke, get drunk and do drugs will be moved to special awakening communities. Those who refuse to participate in personal development and release of harmful behaviors will be removed from the planet.
Once Sanja and I have been transformed into light beings – a process that should take about four hours – we, together with Katerina, Darla (head of the Awakening Centers) and Miša (head of the Planetary Council) from Palki, and our space friends, will make a public presentation to the Earthlings. We will tell you what we have already done in the first hours after the liberation of Earth, what we are currently doing and what we will do next. All at once we will embrace you with friendly love and surprise you beautifully.” (From my new book Declaration on the future of Earth after the end of the Karmic blockade.)
We will end military violence forever
New politicians will adopt a planetary constitution with new rights in the first days after the liberation. They will also immediately pass the relevant laws to turn the old states that worked for the Elite into new countries that work for the benefit of all. Each country will also ensure complete demilitarization (disarmament):
14. Complete demilitarization of the country:
1. The country has stopped all military conflicts and interventions.
2. All military units with weapons and tools returned to their bases.
3. Sovereignty over the occupied areas is handed over to the home Countries.
4. All international and national military organizations (NATO, etc.) are abolished.
5. All military, defense ministries and missions are closed.
6. All (secret) military actions are stopped.
7. All paramilitary groups are abolished.
8. All weapons are deactivated, destroyed, or recycled into useful products.
9. All military vehicles, aircraft and vessels are disarmed and converted for use for useful purposes.
10. All barracks and military installations (training ranges, firing ranges, etc.) are closed.
11. The Country has shut down the military industry, the arms trade and all arms shops and fairs.
12. All companies offering mercenary services are closed.
13. All military academies and schools are closed.
14. All military courts are abolished, all military trials are stopped and all military or political prisoners are released or handed over to our space friends if they are criminals.
15. The Country has abolished hunting, closed all hunting clubs and disarmed all hunters.
16. The right of all to purchase and carry personal weapons is abolished.
17. The army and the military industry are abolished. The Country has withdrawn from all military organizations and alliances such as NATO. Such organizations are no longer active on the Country’s territory. The Country has also abolished all secret military intelligence organizations and their hidden bases and prisons.
This chapter is also from my book, Declaration on the Future of the Earth after the End of the Karmic Blockade, in which I present a roadmap for the transition from the old state to the new country. As you have seen, the above list is in the past tense, as I originally wrote it for the Palkies, who have already done all this and more. In the Declaration, I describe the political (abolition of the conflicting democracy of position and opposition and all political parties, especially right-wing ones), the economic (abolition of selfish, greedy and exploitative capitalism by maintaining the fair market economy), the judicial (abolition of punishment, courts, trials and prisons, the removal of criminals from the planet and the introduction of peaceful settlement of each other’s affairs), the religious (abolition of all religions, sects and cults), educational (free education for all), technological (introduction of state-of-the-art space technology such as replicators and dematerializers, and powering technological devices on free energy from the environment) and artistic (abolition of the “art” of the ugly and violent and introduction of a new art of the beautiful and pleasant) changes that must be urgently adopted if people are to live well in new lands that work fairly and beneficially for all. I tell you that you will also be delighted with the new politicians and the wonderful life that awaits you after the liberation of the planet.
I would like to see our miraculous life begin long ago. My girlfriend Sanja from the planet Palki and I have been waiting to come together since December 2009. I published the first book in the Letters to the Palkies series in spring 2019, the same year I also started publishing articles on my website. That means that Sanja and I have been waiting for 10 years before you even knew that we all had a fantastic future ahead of us. 13 years have already passed, and the rest of this time will pass too. According to what is happening in my surroundings (the number of karmic servants has decreased tremendously) and the information (everything is ready for us to start our work), everything indicates that the lifting of the blockade and the liberation of the Earth will come quickly. Subscribers to my newsletter will be among the first to hear the best news in the history of this planet, Earth is free! I will write the liberation article together with Sanja, who will come down to Earth to join me. We will also publish our photos, as well as those of Sanja’s mother Katerina and our fellow space friends, members of the new Cosmic Administration. Dear friends, get ready for a space party!
All the best to all.
Cover photo: The Moscow Times
Russian artist Andrei Molodkin has created a portrait of Putin from the blood of Ukrainian refugees called Putin in Ukrainian Blood.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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