6. the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the European Medicines Agency:
in capitalism, all companies are profit-oriented, meaning they operate solely to generate profits for their owners and investors. This also applies to hospitals and the media, where medical activities and communication are entirely subordinated to the acquisition and maximization of profit. The hospitals and the media have made a huge profit from the corona pandemic and are extremely comfortable with the viral drama, so they will not let it slip through their fingers.
The state of emergency also suits the politicians very well, as it allows them to impose new restrictive laws and decrees and to put even more pressure on the citizens. They react to pressure in a self-destructive way, as can be seen in the huge increase in domestic violence, mental health problems, suicides, drugs and alcohol consumption. As the Daily Mail reports, in England alone, there has been an increase of nearly a million drunks since the start of the lockdown: »Nearly ONE MILLION more people in England are now addicted to alcohol as a result of Covid lockdowns, official data suggests«
Add the increase in cigarette smoking, the use of drugs and painkillers, and various forms of violence, and you have a true picture of the main harmful effects of the corona pandemic.
The corona pandemic is, in fact, a super-pandemic, which, in addition to the viral infection, is causing many other pandemics: a pandemic of business failures and unemployment, a pandemic of higher food prices, a pandemic of poverty, a pandemic of domestic violence, a pandemic of mental disorders and suicides, a pandemic of alcoholism and drug addiction, a pandemic of divorces, a pandemic of the destruction of friendships and social bonds, and so on.
7. Capitalistic healthcare: hospitals are capitalistic enterprises that operate for profit. Medical treatment is just a sideline, used as a tool to extract and increase profits. One of the transparent and shallow platitudes that are constantly repeated is that people must be vaccinated or the health system will collapse. Instead of scaring people and pushing them to vaccinate, either covertly or quite openly – people are supposed to be vaccinated to keep a company from being overwhelmed 🙂 – they should rather build more hospitals and adapt to the new situation. It is also publicized that they get huge funding for corona patients, which is why they love the corona pandemic so much. In Slovenia, and probably in the rest of the world, the corona has brought all the hospitals out of the red and made them rich.
Given that hospitals are capitalistic enterprises working purely for profit, it is absurd that they are complaining that they will be increasingly full of corona patients for whom they receive huge payments. It is like a pub owner complaining that his pub is full and more thirsty drinkers and hungry eaters are waiting outside the door. An enterprising pub owner would quickly turn around, order new tables, or, if necessary, quickly squeeze in new tables and chairs himself to accommodate everyone. Instead of opening new wards, taking in more corona patients and making a fat profit from them, the hospitals complain duplicitously that there will be too many of them. In doing so, they at least seem to forget, or outright pretend, that, according to the profit logic of “more clients, more profit”, it is better for them to have as many infected, as many sick and as many dead as possible (these empty the beds in which they can immediately put new clients). Someone here from another planet says that it would not be surprising if we end up discovering that the leaders of the anti-vaccination movement are the very pharmaceutical companies, politicians and doctors who are making more business and more profit. 🙂
Hospitals and especially doctors work closely with pharmaceutical companies, who bribe them to prescribe or sell or deal with their medicines and (legal, for example psychiatric) drugs.
As said, medical “experts” are also divided among themselves on the virus and the treatment. Some advocate vaccines, others more natural immunity and others, above all, less violent medical procedures. Some argue that ventilators are unnecessary and too aggressive and that this is the main reason for most deaths in patients with the virus. Putting someone on a ventilator is the same as taking them off life support.
It is no wonder that people do not believe and trust pharmaceutical companies and doctors, as can be seen in the number of unvaccinated people. This is also evident within healthcare organizations, as not all employees are vaccinated. The (karmic) relationship between the vaccinated doctors, who are paid extra by the pharmaceutical companies, and the lower-level medical staff, who are mostly unvaccinated, is clearly visible. Add to this the incredible and absurd fact that the pharmaceutical companies are not responsible for the harmful effects of drugs and vaccines, enabled by corrupt politicians through harmful laws, and you have a clear picture of at least half the (failure) of the corona pandemic as a financial campaign to recapitalize the pharmaceutical companies.
We can say that bribed doctors have signed a hypocritical oath behind the back of the Hippocratic Oath to help the sick, to do the bidding of the pharmaceutical companies as servants.
It is interesting and characteristic that they say almost nothing about natural immunity and improving the body’s natural abilities. Instead of pushing for free vaccination – it is free for the population, but countries have to pay, and pay handsomely, to the pharmaceutical companies (they pay for it with other people’s, that is, taxpayers’, money, and they get bonuses for it) – they would rather give out free packages with the means to improve natural immunity. If they do offer vaccines, they should be 100% effective and completely free of harmful side effects. If they are not capable of making such products, they should close the company. Let me ask you: would you buy bread in a shop that made you feel pain at the ‘puncture site’ or the bite in your mouth?
8. Pharmaceutical companies, or in other words, common criminals: companies that have been in litigation for decades and continuously for the harmful, destructive and deadly side-effects of their products cannot be believed and trusted. Such companies should be closed down immediately and their executives and ‘scientists’ banned forever from any work in this field.
If the “researchers” into the origins of the corona pandemic had followed the simple principle of “follow the money”, they would have quickly found out who benefits most from the coronary pandemic. It is, of course, the pharmaceutical companies, their investors and owners in the first place, while their political and medical servants are far below.
The corona pandemic is not only the creation of a new social system, the restriction of human rights and the subjugation of people, but also the recapitalization of the pharmaceutical companies. A few years ago, private banks were recapitalized by the state and the taxpayer, which is a total absurdity, and now the pharmaceutical giants are being recapitalized. What will happen when it is the turn of the military industry to be recapitalized?
For a long time now, pharmaceutical companies have stopped waiting for diseases to appear on their own, and have been proactively and problem-solving creating business for themselves. First, they create a problem, then they create a “solution”, which is just a new problem. With the help of corrupt politicians, they first sell harmful pesticides to poison food and water. Then they sell ‘cures’ to people who are sickened by it. To ‘cure’ the harmful side-effects of the first ‘medicines’, they sell them new ‘medicines’. There is also a reverse order: first, they create a vaccine and then a disease – in this case, a viral pandemic.
The essence of the pharmaceutical business is very simple: they deliberately and systematically poison people so that they can then sell them new poisons. Historically, billions of dollars have been paid out in damages for the harmful, destructive and deadly effects of “cures” and vaccines because of their dishonest dealings. They continue to sell poisons based on the ‘benefits outweigh the harms’ or ‘profits outweigh the damages’ method. They sell us the same phrase as false common sense: ‘The benefits of vaccination outweigh the harms of harmful side-effects. As we can read on the Internet, the first and even major lawsuits for damages for corona vaccines, harmful side effects and deaths are already appearing.
If elderly people die from covid pharmaceutical poisons, they claim that they die from associated diseases, not from vaccines, or they cynically say that they would have died anyway because they were already old. Bill Gates, who famously predicted a viral pandemic in a video in 2015, said, before the coronary pandemic began in 2019, that they would have to pay compensation for lawsuits over the harmful side effects of vaccines.
A long time ago, I jokingly jotted down the idea that pharmacists would like to see a chemical cocktail of drugs or harms added to drinking water and charged to people on a monthly basis, but then I read on the internet a few years ago that they were really thinking about it. They have succeeded with chlorine, so why not with other harmful and deadly chemicals? They are supposed to be doing it ‘preventively’, to ‘prevent’ disease. But in reality, they are causing disease and setting themselves up for the business of selling “cures”. The shoemaker likes barefoot people because they are the easiest people to sell shoes to. Pharmacists also prefer sick people. Why wait for them to get sick when they can help them and speed up the whole process? They already have the chemicals, they just have to invent the diseases and spread them to the people.
9. Revolving door:
“In politics, the “revolving door” is a movement of personnel between roles as legislators and regulators, on one hand, and members of the industries affected by the legislation and regulation, on the other.
In some cases, the roles are performed in sequence, but in certain circumstances, they may be performed at the same time. Political analysts claim that an unhealthy relationship can develop between the private sector and government, based on the granting of reciprocated privileges to the detriment of the nation, and can lead to regulatory capture.” Wikipedia
“A “revolving door” means, in concrete terms, that someone is first a director of a pharmaceutical company as a private company for a while, and then works for a few years as a politician or regulator in one of the agencies such as the FDA (“Food and Drug Administration”), the WHO (“World Health Organization”), the CDC (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”) and the EMA (“European Medicines Agency”). As the quote above says, he can also perform these two incompatible functions simultaneously and, as a politician or regulator, make laws for himself and his company that allow him to operate in an uncontrolled and harmful way, and as a watchdog, he has both eyes on the ball and authorizes, for example, vaccines without any serious analysis or even based on commissioned, bribed and fraudulent research, as has been proven on several occasions.
Yesterday, the news broke that the US Food and Drug Administration had approved the use of Pfizer’s vaccine. Given the ‘revolving door’ approach described above, through which employees move from government agencies to companies and back to government jobs, creating unhealthy and publicly damaging personal and business connections, we should immediately check who approved the Pfizer vaccine; whether they have ever been, or are now, employed by Pfizer; whether they are a shareholder of Pfizer or otherwise financially connected to Pfizer; and whether they were bribed to get this approval. One day we will find out.
Finally, let me add that the FDA, or Food and Drug Administration, is a private company that operates for private and profitable interests. Although it is a state agency, it is a private enterprise, because the State, as a political organization, is also a private enterprise that operates for its own and extremely selfish interests. The State has different, opposing and conflicting interests with citizens because it acts for itself and not for citizens. According to the principle “all for one, one for oneself” 🙂 the citizens finance the State through taxes and contributions, and the State finances itself.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
P. S. As this article is in several parts, I will send you an emergency message when there are important events for the planet, such as the liberation of the planet. I look forward to this being the very next message entitled Earth is Free! Hooray, juhuuu and yupiii!
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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