The believers are guilty and indebted to god
Let’s hear the torments of Martin Luther who “almost despaired trying to satisfy god who hated him: “Despite the immaculate life of a monk I felt that I am a sinner with a bad conscience before God. I didn’t love this rightful God, a punisher of the sinners, I contempt him. I was a good monk, I was so strictly obeying rules so I would come into heaven If I could get there only for following monastery order. All of my comrades would confirm that … But my conscience didn’t guarantee me anything but it was just filling me with suspicions telling me: You didn’t do that right. You didn’t repent enough. You dropped that out of the confession.” (Karen Armstrong The history of God)

Martin Luther reached his breaking point by creating teaching about apologies. A man can’t be saved. God is offering him everything needed for the “apologizing”, renewing the relationship between a sinner and a God. God saved us with the good deeds and following the rules, he gave us the chance to repair the damage from the past and in the present, but not for the future. Good deeds don’t mean that we are already saved; He will decide that – He has already decided it only that we don’t know that and we shake in fear until then guessing if we are chosen or not. Luther named his faith the theology of the cross: “We can find God only in suffering and on the cross”. (ibid.)
To understand the karmicons cross-thian mythology it is very important to understand the symbolical and factual rule of the suffering. The karmicons crucified Jesus on the cross, tortured him, and killed him. In the symbolical and factual meaning, Jesus is an ordinary man who is on the karmicons cross where the psychopathic sadists are torturing him and finally kill him. For the believers, the suffering is holy as it is the only way to repent for their sins, apologize to god for their sinfulness, and pay off their sinful debts. The prayer: “O, Lord, have mercy on us” in fact means: “God, please, give us our everyday suffering, thornful bread, and bloody wounds. Nothing nice and good, give us only the ugly and the bad because we are not worthy of anything else. Thank you for punishing us and mercifully giving us the chance to repent for our sins.” Believers can pay off their debts only with the sacrificing and suffering and salvation in pains. With the hell here they can, maybe and perhaps, avoid the hell there. “Lord, have mercy on us, worthless sinners, and punish us even stronger. Thank you to merciless with us. Amen.”

Theologians tried to diminish their fear before god which didn’t scare them to cheerfully sin further, and at the same time to press harder their subjected believers, moved to their favorable priests and layman believers. If they, as big religious leaders were so sinful, how bad it was then with priests and ordinary believers who often didn’t even understand the basics of the religion; only priests could understand Latin. That is the reason why ordinary believers crossed themselves so often. 🙂
To show their commitment and responsibility and to diminish their fear at least a little, they were imposing new, more strict, and less understandable rules while they have sharpened the existing ones. That is why the Important-Poor and heroic-martyr believers are harshly limiting, torturing, and punishing themselves. In their perverted perception, they enjoy it because they suffer. Their ideal is complete and perfect identification with Jesus The Martyr, life on the cross as the intersection of fear, humbleness, weakness, and suffering. Only constant pain can keep them awake to not forget their sinfulness. They have pushed away, same as a god, the other part of Jesus – the Christ, allegedly a being of love and wisdom, to heaven from where he is inaccessibly reminding them of their Earthly worthiness. “Not worthy, not worthy.” “Lord, have mercy on us, we are not worthy, we are not worthy.” As Poor ones, they enjoy their worthlessness. They are crucified between Jesus and Christ which gives them a chance to suffer, even more, humbling themselves to the ground, and with ardent crying pity themselves. Pity yourself, and god with pity you.

Churches, cults, and drug dealers use the same methods: they intentionally chain their customers to themselves, create and maintain their dependency with fearing fears and threats before the hell of the abstinence crisis – it will be a life in the hell of the disbelief, independence, and freedom. When the Jews excommunicated a philosopher Baruch Spinoza from the Church, they accompanied him with these words: “Cursed be he by day and cursed be he by night; cursed be he when he lies down and cursed be he when he rises up; cursed be he when he goes out, and cursed be he when he comes in. The Lord will not pardon him; the anger and wrath of the Lord will rage against this man, and bring upon him all the curses which are written in the Book of the Law, and the Lord will destroy his name from under the Heavens, and the Lord will separate him to his injury from all tribes of Israel, with all the curses of the firmament, which are written in the Book of the Law.”
(When he sits, he is safe; Seno 🙂 )
During the reading of the ex-communication curse, one by one light goes out in the synagogue until the audience was in the complete darkness in which they personally experienced the darkness of the Spinoza’s soul in the godless world. (ibid.)
Apologizing/excusing and evasion are two different things
We have to distinguish between apologizing and evasion. By the karmicons etiquette, an apology is acceptance of the mistake, sin, and guilt, while evasion is nonacceptance and avoidance of guild. The perpetrator uses different tactics to blame others for his mistakes. He gains two benefits: he clears himself, and at the same time, he blames another person. 🙂 If he succeeds, of course. If not, he plays being offended and falsely accused even though is “completely clear” that all others are guilty instead of him. One of the visitors from another planet said that some wouldn’t confess the guilt even if others would pardon them right there. 🙂 Now, when we have already pardoned you, you can say the truth, did you do it? Yes, I did, but now I have already been pardoned. 🙂
There are two kinds of apologizing:
1. For the done act, “mistake” or harm. even though there are no mistakes in Existence, we can use that term in the everyday language.
2. As a polite word: “Sorry, (for bothering you), do you know where is the nearest confessor?” 🙂

An ordinary apology can go further with a: “Please, forgive me”, which will humiliate you further. It can also escalate to the dramatic: “I beg you to pardon me”. Begging a person is on the bottom of his existence because of the harmful act he did. Unforgiveness would be unbearable to live with so he is literally begging for his life. It befits that he is begging on his knees, with praying hands looking upward with crying eyes. 🙂
Apologizing is a procedure for the write-off of debt and guilt for some activities together with the guilty feeling for that act. There was damage, and, by the “etiquette”, the perpetrator should feel bad about it. Instead of explaining what happened, fix the damage, or at least decrease it, he is only increasing it with his apologizing and mourning: “Please, forgive me, I am so sorry”. By the same etiquette, a person which was harmed must act very upset, be angry and accuse the perpetrator as much as possible. In less developed societies, it befits to curse, insult and threaten the perpetrator, his mother, and even father in some countries like Monte Negro for example. 🙂 It’s not clear what is the worst, harmful act or their reaction to it. 🙂

Some use this kind of opportunity to act as professional drama actors and opera divas to scream (as they have just waited for the chance to scream out themselves and to move their tensions to others) as loud as they can as this additional violence would help manage the matter.
Others start to heavily cry to pull out of the perpetrator the bigger the best apology, and it’s only possible, in cash, right there. 🙂 The more they play being hurt, the more they are supposed to get.
It is very popular to apologize with gifts, for example with flowers. That is just an ordinary bribe and a very transparent try: if the affected one takes the gift, he should also accept the perpetrator with it. The late is risking that the offended one will take only the gift, but not him. 🙂 But it succeeds, then he knows how he will apologize in the future …
Interestingly, there is an excuse for the act which the perpetrator did and for the act he didn’t. For example, a school apology for the absence. He didn’t come to school, and now he even apologizing for it. 🙂
Intentional and unintentional harming
Harmed ones can request an apology for intentional damage because they were offended. Their honor can be saved only by the apology. In the old times, duel acceptance was a very popular form of apology in which two entered, but only one exited. If the offended one survived barbarically killing the offender and “saving his honor”, we could even find some meaning in that system. But, when the offender survived, he hit him twice. 🙂 For the dead one, it would be better to keep his life instead of honor, and didn’t play with his life. In this case, he lost both. 🙂 He has got the apology, but it won’t help him much here because he won’t be able to cash it in when on the other side, that’s not important anymore.

In the case of an unintentional, unpleasant, or harmful act, a perpetrator is apologizing in the same way as it was intentional. He uses the same words, he emotionally and physically behaves the same humbly waiting for the acceptance of his apology. While waiting, it befits to be Poor, sad, and watching upward. In the second the offended one forgives him, he can straight up, feel as usual, and watch straight. 🙂 All this charade is just part of the drama play in which a statement: “I sincerely apologize” is also just a part of the theatrical farce. Some don’t mind at all harming and damaging others and/or their property. They sorry only being caught at it, and now, they must even pretend that they are sorry. You have to know that sorrying is also not beneficial because it is just another name for apologizing. And it is even more harmful, even if it’s fake. 🙂
It is interesting and significant the not-apologizing of the Important which they cause to less worthy Poor ones. VIP status doesn’t allow the Important one to humiliate him before the Poor one, and to apologize to him. No way! The Poor one can be even happy that the Important one harmed him in any way giving him some attention at all. The Poor ones know that very well, and if they are harmed by the Lords, they run to help and servitude excuse the Lordship themselves so the Royalty doesn’t have to dirty their hands with so low acts as apologizing to servants.
Don’t apologize to nobody, nowhere, and never!
The apology is not necessary, the explanation is enough. With apologizing you put yourself into a lower, guilty, and Poor position where you all hurt and wounded wait for the creditor’s mercy to decide about your destiny. You are waiting with lowered and teary eyes to forgive you and to allow you to get up from your humble knees to be equal to him again. But, he has one of your mistakes in his pocket. He forgave you this time, but the next time, you will have to forgive him too. 🙂 If he is naughty, he can maliciously keep you down on the floor of your sorry begging for his pardon. Right there, where he likes you the most. 🙂
Instead of apologizing, you rather and better explain what happened. Instead of saying: “Excuse me” or “I am sorry” say: “Let me explain to you what happened”. Tell them the truth, and stay straight up on your legs and with a clear and forward look in your eyes. With the explanation, you will keep your equality with them. With calm and true explanation, you did your part fairly. What they will do with it, that’s their matter. You can also kindly explain to them the new approach telling them why you are not apologizing. You can also suggest they do the same next time. With that, you will benefit both of you, because you will keep equal position and friendly relation feeling much better with an elegant solution of the matter in hand.
All the best to all.
Read more about the very useful exercises for awakening which will help you to elegantly release all of your partial personalities and their harmful behaviors including Importance and Poorness together with humiliation, apologizing, and sorrow in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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