Lies, only lies, and nothing but the lies.
Lying is twisting the truth and constructing things that don’t exist. It is one of the harmful behaviors of the partial personalities which is based on the fear of reality. Partial personalities are developmentally retarded, primitive, and very selfish. Part of life and personal development is calm accepting facts, despite they are not our choices, but bare facts on which we don’t have any influence. Lying is denying the truth because a liar can’t and won’t accept actual reality, and instead of that, he constructs another which suits him better. He is choosing the comfort of the lie instead of the discomfort of the truth. Liars lie because he is afraid of the truth, and he wants to benefit from the lie. He is afraid to lose something that he already has or to not get what he wants. Min, one of the visitors from another planet, just reminded me that truth and honesty walk hand in hand on the one side of the street same as a lie, cheating, stealing, and abusing walk on the other side.
Lying is also stealing from the truth. Slovene saying says that “who lies, he steals, and who steals, he eats flies”. That means that every time you say a lie, you eat at least one fly. And we all know who eats flies. 🙂
When a liar lies to others, he first lies to himself. He must first hide, suppress and kill the truth in himself and replace it with a lie. A lie is eating and corroding him as it wants to get out. The lie is suppressing the truth blocking its way to the surface. Liar feels this tension between host and intruder as unpleasantry and he needs to additionally work with it, deny, suppress, and hide it with another lie.
There are many other harms connected to lying. A liar can be ashamed when he lies. That goes for beginners as the professional liars, as narcissuses, manipulators, and politicians, are even proud to successfully lie to others and not getting caught. A liar can be also disappointed by himself when he realizes how easily he lies. He realizes that he is not as honest and not so ideal as he thought. He can also excuse and evade with another lie to cover the first one. There are many unnecessary complications with lying which make the life of a liar much heavier. On the other side, truth is so simple, natural, and pleasant. A lie is so heavy, while the truth is so natural, pure, and nice.
Lying is also undervaluing, contempt, humiliation, and mocking of others because a liar is throwing them garbage of lie instead of the quality of the truth. When he lies to them, he is telling them that they are not worthy of the truth and that for them a dirty lie is enough.
Liars live in two worlds, in a false and in a real one. These two worlds are colliding in conflict as the false one is forcefully covering, hiding, and suppressing the real one. There is a constant tension between the two together with a fear that the liar would be caught what would ruin his false world he is protecting for the price of the truth. An excellent example of fighting for the lie against the truth are the politicians who say that they lie to protect the citizens from the dangers of the truth. 🙂
False accounts and fake news
False representation is lying under cover. Today, it is very popular to create false profiles on social networks which liars use to lie, contempt, and violence upon others. Politicians even pay communications professionals to create hundreds, thousands, and millions of fake accounts of virtual followers to create their false political image. They use those profiles to contempt and attack others. That is an example of the total void, despair, and narcissistic delusions about their grandeur. That is the lowest of the lowest. To hide their dirty work, and to blame others for it, they use a method called “astroturfing” which means “the deceptive practice of presenting an orchestrated marketing or public relations campaign in the guise of unsolicited comments from members of the public”.
Then, there is also fake news which is the big internet hit last years, and conspiracy theories, of course, which are growing more and more on the well-manured field of the Corona pandemic. It is interesting, that politicians and mainstream media instantly mark everything that doesn’t fall into their program as fake news without any serious and professional research. The specialist for this kind of fake news marking and even loud public shouting Donald Trump who is a psychopathic narcissus very sensitive to critics not being aggressive to everything that is spoiling his ideal image delusion.
Artistic names are not real but they are not false too. Banksy, a street artist, uses one to anonymously create useful things. He doesn’t use his artistic name to contempt others. We can also understand people, especially activists, who work anonymously in (military) dictatorships because they can be sentenced to jail or/and death for the truth they say. Something completely different is false profiles in Europe and the USA where everybody can speak freely. On these two continents, cowards use false profiles to heinously contempt others.
If a short-legged liar is caught in a lie, he reds in shame. Some of them continue to play the fool and denying it and lying even more even though they know that they are caught. Others, religiously and sinfully accept the guilt and humbly waiting for the mercy of others to decide to punish or pardon them.
The karmicons heinously enforced lying to us to speak theirs and Satan’s language. They wanted to spoil our primal and natural Truth and reality, Pureness, and Goodness to corrupt and compromise us into two-faced half-breeds by their formula 50-50, Evil and Good, hand in hand. Satan speaks to violent languages. Lying is His theory, violence is His practice. When you lie and/or do violence, you widely open yourself to Satan and allow him to stream the negative energy of Evil through you harming you and others.
The karmicons teach people that lying is good.
We can read on the internet that there are permitted, white, and even good lies. In the Slovene article “The truth, deception and a lie” on:
there is some basic explanation about lies and lying.
»Is every lie really a lie?
Different authors speak about the three kinds of lies. The first one is a barely noticeable lie, the second is an exaggeration, and the third one is a true lie. In detecting a lie or in hiding the reality, we have to understand the concept and different kinds of lies. Common lies are:
• a joke,
• white lie,
• offensive lie
A joke and a lie
A joke intends to make fun so there is no trace of the stress of deception in it. That’s why the lie detector doesn’t detect a lie as a deception. When we make jokes, our voice stays the same and we keep the strength in our throat.”
“Did you lied to me? No, I was just joking.” If you tell a joke, you have to tell others that it was a joke before you part with them, because in the other case, a joke will turn into a lie as you will live others to think that it was true.
“A white lie
A white lie is a lie we intentionally say to not upset or hurt others, but despite that, it is a kind of deception. Voice analysis shows that a speaker has a cognitive problem that partially changes his voice. The power of voice is falling because is not the same as usual, and a good listener will hear it.”
The lie is a lie no matter what clothes it wears. Instead, to prevent others to get the truth, accept it, and personally develop, you keep him with a lie in ignorance and false reality. Tell him the truth, that is your part of the game, and what will he do with it, that’s his part. In any case, never use the truth as a weapon for violence upon others. If you knew to lie politely, you can tell him the truth nicely as well. The sooner the better, the best is right now.
“Defensive lie
A defensive lie is the most common lie. We want to protect ourselves so we say something that is not true. Sensible devices detect this kind of lie. They read a strong upset, stress, and disorder in our voice. Experienced listener quickly recognizes that something is not in accordance with other nonverbal indicators.
A defensive lie is the most common kind of lie.”
A defensive lie is just a run from the truth, cowardice, and incapability to accept facts. This kind of “defense” is an unwillingness to personal development and life in the truth. The liar who uses a defensive lie doesn’t protect himself but he is causing even bigger harm because he will have to live with a lie that will corrode him with its negative energy for a long time.
“An offensive or an attacking lie
The intention of offensive lies is deception. This kind of lie is less important than defensive as it is rarer. It is often used in the business world, and in situations when a speaker believes that he will gain something important with it. He is well aware of what awaits him if a deception will be revealed, and that’s the reason that stress is so strong. We have to know that there is always a detection of the high level of prediction and upset when an offensive lie is said.”
This kind of lie is just common violence upon others. As with all other kinds of lies, a violent person must first commit violence upon himself so he can do it on others. First, he must lie to himself to lie to others. He must suppress or kill the truth speaker in him so the liar can speak.

“How we detect a lie?
We use a lie detector to measure the level of fear, stress, and upset. When a person speaks, air goes from the lungs into the throat, where voice cords are vibrating some time with a certain frequency. Lips, tongue, and teeth create speech waving. Vocal vibrations generate a leading frequency that differs according to gender, and it is very sensitive to stress. Brains play a major role in generating humans speech waving. Everything brains do automatically reflects in voice. Different emotions, chaos, pain, sadness, etc are influencing the human voice. There is also a reflection of our self-confidence, fear, and depression. Emotions we detect with the voice analysis reveal some psychological models showing numerous situations in human thinking, for example, stress, chaos, hesitation, thinking, self-confidence or exaggeration.
Get the liar!
In our everyday life, we can’t put everybody we suspect to lie to a chair and interrogate. We can use our experiences to quickly recognize when something is doubtful. First, we have to question ourselves if deception is probable regarding the situation. There is less risk in the friendly circles, but when we examine moral issues, which are harder to speak about, a lie is more probable. A person who comes to a job interview is motivated to say something to make him look better which is not true. When there is a possibility for more chances to deal with deception, and regarding the situation, we have to watch for the message of the voice. Two-thirds of the information is hidden in the color of the voice. When the said statements are strong, and the voice is similar as usual, a person usually doesn’t lie.
When a voice is weaker, fluctuating, and changing, the probability for the lie is bigger. The power of the voice is decreasing. If that is connected to the changed color of the voice, with pauses in answering and sparsely speaking, a probability for the lie is higher. The voice is different, and an experienced listener recognizes it. We have to distinguish a lie from anger or depression. Anger will change the voice, it is easy to differ anger from fear which appears when a person lies being afraid to be caught.” Author: prof. dr. Matej Tušek, sports psychologist
This is a good business opportunity for resourceful entrepreneurs to develop mobile lie detectors or app for the smartphone. “Tell me something, and I will tell you if you have told me the truth.”
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the harms of lying and the benefits of being truthful in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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