With the slogan “measures don’t work, so let extend them further”:) we are witnessing a crazy planetary corona show. In Europe, and besides the classical demonstration against government anti pandemic limitations, which are also very violent, we are witnessing a new form of civil disobedience, secret parties. Just yesterday, you went to a party to party, but if you go today, that is already a revolutionary act. The forbidden fruit is the sweetest, that’s why the revolutionary party people are having a lot of fun toasting to restrictive politicians. Down with the masks, up with the glasses!
As we saw in Brussels at a gay party with naked men, the politicians also like to party behind the shutters making fun of their laws. The secret party was particularly special for two-faced Hungary right-wing and ortho cross-thian politician Jozsef Szajer, who is in the front screamingly loud against gay marriages, while behind the back, he is ecstatically enjoying gay orgies:)
This kind of behavior is also an unconscious defense against fear against infection, disease, and death. When they are drunk and drugged, they feel strong, powerful, and invincible.
The initial fear of the virus is accompanied by a fear of the vaccine. Some say that the vaccine will be even worse than the disease:) It will be interesting if the numbers of new infected will be the same or even higher after vaccination. The current aggressive media coverage of infected, hospitalized, intensive-cared, and dead may be replaced by the same sensationalist and shocking reporting of mass harmful and deadly side effects or even direct effects of vaccines after vaccination. If there weren’t enough coffins, graves, and crematories before vaccination, what will only happen then:) Due to the lack of space, the government could issue a new decree: “Where you die, there is your grave.”.:)
Corona pandemic is the karmicons terrorist attack.
With intentional intensified pressures, people are becoming more and more tense, impatient, and violent. You have to know that the scriptwriters of the Karmic organization wrote the plan for the corona pandemic 80 years and more ago, as much as the main players of this criminal action are old.
Recently, I got a part of the bigger plan with the title Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 (soon, I will write an article about it), which has a very precise description of almost everything that is happening today, 10 years later. As we know, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci also predicted the planetary pandemic with great pleasure. Fauci even accurately predicted it for 2020.
Read more about the corona pandemic in my two articles in which you will see the bigger picture and understand this bio, techno, and genocide terroristic attack of Elite against the rest of humanity:
CoronaVirus: the Greatest Gift of god:
and CORONAVIRUS PANDEMONIUM on the planet Palki is neutralized.:
We can see that in this elaborated frightening of the people media, some doctors and politicians, of course, are actively collaborating. They want to become a part of the Elite, and they are ready to do everything to please their Masters.
One of the first things you learn at the journalism study is that media create reality. Media created “reality” which you see in the news, is not actual reality, it is a constructed media reality. In the process of their work, the journalist chose only parts of the events, and they present them as they wish. Doing that, they transform an actual event into a media event. Editors decide about the content, and owners decide about the editors. If the owner is left-winger, the content will be leftish, and vice versa. We can see the differences in media coverage between CNN and Fox, often wondering if they are speaking about the same event at all.
Another important thing to know about the media is that the capitalistic media are private companies working for profit, and not for the common good. National media in Europe are financed by mandatory and paid subscriptions, while private media are financing with advertising and money donations from their supporters and sympathizers. The main source is the ads. Media create some content, news, movies, series, and other features, and put ads in them. The more spectators they have, the larger audience they can offer to advertisers, and the more money they can earn from ads. Media are literally selling their audience to the advertisers.
And the third important thing about the media, to attract as much as possible viewers and readers to sell them to the advertisers, they present their content sensationalistically. “Shockingly!” is their most favorable screaming headline:)
We can see that in the second wave of the corona pandemic, according to the plan, of course, states have heavily increased the number of testing. In the spring, in Slovenia, they were testing between 1.000 and 2.000 persons, now they are testing between 6.000 and 9.000. When reporting the results, they strictly use the most shocking information. If there were a big number of new infected, they will publish that. If there was a big percentage of infected of the tested, they will use that. If these two numbers are to the law for the frightening effect, they will list the number of new patients in intensive care. At the end of their shocking report, they will underline it and spice it up with the number of death to hurt harder:) “Record number of the infected, record number of new patients on intensive care, a record number of new daily dead! Shockingly! Tragically!”
Fear has three basic forms. Some people become paralyzed and can’t do anything. Others retreat and hide, and third become violent. I read that the use of the antidepressant in Slovenia significantly increased since the begging of the pandemic. Add a significant increase in alcohol, drugs, pills, and domestic violence and we have a complete picture of the harmful effects of the intentional attack on humanity. Elite wants us to be afraid of them, and to subordinate, obey and execute their orders. Despite the form of fear, all fears are extremely harmful, destructive, and deadly. Fear is one of the main reasons for the violence upon others including self-violence and suicides.
Don’t be afraid of the fear, learn to calm yourself.
Being informed, recognizing obvious patterns, methods, and tactics of bio, techno and the genocidal terrorist attack on most of humanity, infowar, and only mental understanding are not enough to be calm and relaxed. Quite opposite, unawakened will be even more upset, frightened, and violent with these revelations of intentional Elite attack on most of humanity. Except if they are not a part of Elite:) You have to know that they are following media coverage and corona information, new infected and dead, different than the majority of the mob. For Elite, these are triumphant news from the front where they are winning. I suggest you regularly and several times a day relax your physical and energy body and mind. Use my exercises for awakening which will benefit you the most.
For body relaxation, use my exercise 1, 2, 3.
1, 2, 3: attention, relaxation, and awareness
I suggest you use the 1, 2, 3 exercises to go through all 3 phases – information, test with the personal experience and regular practice. Read, check and practice.
1. Lay down and relax. Feel your left foot and relax it. After you relaxed it, say in your thoughts: “I don’t feel my left feet anymore.” You will still feel it, but the idea is to move your attention to another part of your body. Do the same with your right feet, and then go up to your legs. When you finish with both of them, say in your mind: “I don’t feel my legs anymore.” You will still feel them, but you will move your attention to your hands. Left, right. Say the same for your hands. Now, relax and think the same for your torso.
After that, relax your neck, throat, mouth and tongue, face and whole head. You will notice that your tongue and face was very tense, without you even feeling it. When you relax all parts, including head, think: “I don’t feel my body anymore. You will still feel it, but it’s time to move your attention to your energy body.
2. Feel energy tingling around your palms and feet. That is shining of your energy body. In time, you will feel it all over the place of the physical body. Feel it for a minute or two or longer and then move your attention to your awareness.
3. Be aware that you are present, alive and relaxed. Your body will be fully relaxed. Then become aware that you are aware. Same as you would watch your eyes looking:) Same as you would take a step back into yourself. Become aware that you are aware.
At the moment, you will notice a very special state of Peace. In that Stillness, nothing is happening. If you stay a little longer, you could think that is “empty”. That is not true, as you will learn with regular practice. Awareness is not empty, it is full of Awareness.
At the same time, you will notice that you have completely stopped your mind and that you are in perfect inner silence. Be Aware and enjoy as long as you wish in your Natural State of Pure Awareness, and then slowly return to your energy and physical body.
With this exercise, you will realize that you have a physical and energy body and become aware of the Awareness. You will easily learn to move your attention from the physical and energy body to Pure Awareness. With regular practice, you will use these attention movements to stop your mind and thoughts at will.
Exercises for awakening
I also recommend you my exercises for awakening for gradual releasement of partial personalities and their harmful behaviors as fear and anxiety. With awakening, you will become aware that you are Beings of Pure Awareness, wonderful beings of Love and Wisdom.
1. Observe your thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, body postures and moves and actions.
2. When you notice that you think harmful thoughts, feel uncomfortable and expressing negative emotions, speak harmful words and that your body is tensed and or you are doing harmful actions, stop immediately. Stop and if it’s possible, sit or lay down. If it’s possible and necessary go away from the place of harmful action.
3. Breathe in and breathe out and relax. Breath deeper and slower.
4. Observe your body and relax tense parts until you are relaxed. Start with your feet and then move slowly up to your head.
5. When your body is fully relaxed move your attention from physical to your energy body. You can easily feel it near your hands and feet like a lively tingling. With the relaxation of the physical body, energy body will relax, too.
6. Be aware of your Awareness. Simply be aware that you are aware. With moving the attention from physical and energy body you will move to your Pure Awareness, to your Essence.
At the same time, you will notice that you have stopped immediately and easily your mind and all thoughts. Your physical and energy bodies will be completely relaxed as well. Be in your Pure Awareness for a while and enjoy it.
7. In this state review the harmful behavior and event. Don’t comment it, don’t blame and judge nobody. Just neutraly review it from the start to the end. Pay attention to your mental, emotional or physical reactions. If you react and harmful thoughts, feelings, emotions and body tensions appear, start the exercise from the beginning. Now you know how to do it:)
8. Harmful actions write in your awakening diary and empty your mind and body of harmful contents. Later you will use your note as a reminder for the next time when harmful behavior may appear.
9. Make a decision that you won’t do that again. You can use the simple statement: »I am loving being.« Add the new decision: »I don’t curse, I don’t blame; I don’t judge; I don’t lie; I don’t cheat; I don’t steal; I don’t fight etc.« Close your statement with: »I am always and to everybody nice, friendly and I am telling the truth.«
10. Observe your thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, body postures and moves and actions.
With regular practice, exercises for awakening will become your new way of life. After 6 to 12, months, depending on your oblivion, your Importance and Poorness, your addictions to harmful substances and activities, you will completely release all your harmful behaviors and stabilize in Pure Awareness. Once you will be out of the harm, you will become Peace and Joy, and nobody and nothing will ever upset, let alone frighten you. Even the heaviest media bombarding with info shock bombs won’t affect and move you from your Peace and Joy.
I wish you to awaken as soon as possible, and start living your relaxed, peaceful, and nice life regardless of the world drama around you.
All the best to all.
Read more about the harmful, destructive and deadly Karmic organization, which, luckily, we are already ending in this solar system, in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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