Dear Earthlings, I invite you to find out that you are wonderful Beings of Pure Awareness, Love and Wisdom.
Watch your reaction to this invitation: »Take a pen and a paper.«.
Do you feel different? Did you object it? Did you say, think or hear in your mind: »No way.«, »First, I will take a look and maybe later.«, »I am too lazy right now.« or »When I read I don’t write.« 🙂
Maybe you remembered how hard is life and you lost it altogether, again? 🙂
Now, that you listened to your mind and body, just take a pen and paper. We are not in a hurry. The next sentence will wait for you. Here we go, now write all previous objections and excuses.
With awakening, you learn that you are more than just a mind and body. With a short exercise, you can experience different states of mind and quickly learn that you are not your mind. You are Being of Pure Awareness.
You are Being and a mind is just a tool for thinking. With awakening you will learn this very important difference, divorce from the mind, become aware that you are Being and use the mind as a tool for thinking.
The difference between Being and a tool
Step by step:
1. Silence: listen to the silence and stop your thoughts. Be aware that you are aware. Now, you are a Being, separated from the mind. Stay aware.
2. Association, free flow of thoughts, that are or not connected with your present state: wait for thoughts to appear, don’t develop them, just watch them as they come and go like waves.
3. Thoughts that are describing the present state or happening: look around your room and wait for the mind to automatically recognize an object and name it or to describe a state or happening.
4. Free flow of thoughts with your continuation: wait for a thought to appear then develop it, repeat it and continue it with, for example, »this is good«, »this is not good«.
5. Intentional thinking: in your mind count to 10. This is the perfect example that you as a Being can use the mind as the tool.
Silence, you stop mind with listening to silence, count to ten, stop counting and stop the mind, silence.
6. Intentional thinking with associating: choose a theme, let us say an object, and wait for the associations to appear that are connected with that object.
Here you have more options. You can use the mind and continue with intentional thinking, for example, commenting; you can stop the mind; you can divert the flow of thoughts or allow the associations to freely develop.
7. Influence of other sources, reading and listening: when you read this sentence, you are experiencing external influence on your mind. When you read the book, the book reads you:)
You can react to that information or not. External influence on your mind is very obvious in the dramatic moments like quarreling when somebody in affect momentarily pulls you in the fight.
Before you are aware what is happening you are already fighting, again, though you said so many times to yourself that you won’t quarrel again and that the last time was the last time.
In internal silence which comes every time after you stop the mind, you noticed that you survived.
You didn’t think for a couple of seconds and you survived:) This is the perfect example that the body itself cannot think. You are the one that does all the thinking; you are the Being who thinks.
You are the Thinker and a mind is just a tool for thinking.
Awaken and become Aware who you really are
With awakening, you will become aware that you are the Being of Pure Awareness beyond the mind and body. You are Being who uses mind at will. If you want and needed it, you use it. If not, you stop it whenever you want.
With the exercises above you learned, and maybe for the first time, that you are not your mind. You and your mind are two different thinkgs:) (thinkgs intentionally)
Now you know that you can intentionally use your mind. You can start it, watch the free flow of thoughts without interfering, or accept the thought and develop it further. You can also intentionally think and stop the mind when you finish.
It is important that you see and understand the difference between these mental states and working modes of your mind. Are you thinking your own thoughts or are you just hear and listen associations of your mind, partial personalities or visitors from other planets or so-called »voices in the head«.
The difference is obvious. To notice it, you have to notice it.
Know that you are the one in your head, you are the operator who decides if, when and how much you will use the mind as a tool. don’t allow the tool to decide instead of you. Let alone to think that you are the tool.
The real you is Being of Pure Awareness beyond all the mental, emotional and body processes. You are the Player and not the part, Operator and not the tool. You are Aware Being in the material body.
If you skipped the exercises because of because:), write those objections and excuses in your diary.
If you decided not to write and maybe even got angry a little bit, you let one of your partial personalities to take over and answer in your name.
Maybe it was Angry, the son of Important I: »You won’t tell me to write! Do you know who am I?«. Or Weak, the representative of Poor Me: »I can’t even live let alone write. I can’t, I don’t want and I don’t like it. I would write if I would have a paper, but I have no pencil.«.
If you forgot yourself you can start over and over, second by the second, again and again. Stay aware, listen to the tricks of your partial personalities and write them down until you awaken.
You will recognize the partial personalities by their harmful behaviors and unpleasant thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, and actions. Anger, sadness, tense, offense, etc.
The visitors from other planets, so-called voices in the head will try to sabotage your awakening. They will threaten you, beg you to stop and try to bribe you. Don’t react and keep awakening your self. If you will feel unpleasant, breathe in, breathe out and relax. Then write their comments in your diary.
This is the 1. of 5 parts from the free book You are not your mind You are Beautiful Being of Pure Awareness.
All the best to all.
Read more about your Wonderfulness in the Book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get the Book 1 and 2 on Amazon:
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