the pillow, of course.
Before we talk about the healthy sleeping and lucid dreaming, let’s first take a look and see what is good for the perfect sleep.
It’s very important that we sleep in a dark room so our eyes can really rest well. In the darkness, our body produces hormone melatonin which opens 3. eye and develops clairvoyance.
I read that in ancient communities the elders housed the children who were selected for future seers and shamans in caves where they lived for many years in constant darkness.
If you don’t have shutters on your windows, get them ASAP. Until then you can cover your eyes with the sleeping mask or dark cloth as the soft black velvet. There is also a special eye-wear for the lucid dreaming.
The best is to sleep in peace and silence so turn off all distractors. If you need, use earplugs or wadding. If you’ve set the alarm, make it louder, and in any case, set the two of them.
You will sleep better and longer with the lower temperature in your room. You can use the thinner blanket or cover your self only partially or sleep without it like in the summer.
It is very good that your bed is bigger than smaller:) 90 or even 80 cm is not enough for comfortable sleep. If you can, get yourself a bigger bed, 120 and more cm wide.
Have the main and head pillow as hard as possible and enough big as well so your head, face, neck, and upper body can fully relax and rest well.
Put the second pillow between your knees. I sleep with two pillows for 15 years and my sleeping is really super comfortable.
Recently I read that sleeping with the pillow between the knees helps the spine, prevents snoring and improves blood flow.
I started to use the second one for another reason. During my awakening, I noticed that I was squeezing my belly, and I was breathing high with my lungs. That is not the natural breathing with the belly.
Until we are awakened we hold our breath because we are afraid and anxious. Under the pressure, we hold the fear in the lower part of our body and in the lower chakras (energy centers). The standing negative energy causes different diseases in that part of our body.
First, I intentionally changed the breathing and started to breathe naturally with my belly (you can read more about it in my article “Learn to Natural Breathe and the Breathe of Love” on: )
Then I started to use the second pillow between my knees to relax the lower part of the body.
I have released all my fears long ago and I am always and fully peaceful and relaxed. I don’t need the second pillow for those reasons but I still sleep with it because is so nice and comfy:)
With Sanja and our team on Palki, we created a special pillow for this kind of sleep. It is very similar to the pillow that pregnant women are using to sleep on the side, except that ours is bigger and larger. I use the ordinary one.
For lucid dreaming is also important that you sleep in dark, peace and silence, and that you are relaxed. I remind you that is very important that you sleep enough and longer. That goes for ordinary sleeping and for lucid dreaming as well.
8 hours is just a “science” propaganda and is not enough. That is just superficial and aggressive structuring of our lives by the industrial standards for business purposes with 3 x 8 hours. 8 for work, 8 for travel to and back from work and for the preparation for the work:) and only 8 for the rest and sleep.
Natural sleep takes exactly as long until we are naturally awakened and we stretch with the smile:)
We feel when we have slept enough. When we are underslept we just zombie around with empty heads and blurred red eyes.
That is the reason that unawakened start their day with the coffee, cigarettes, and shots as very strong and extremely harm stimulants, ride the day with red bulls, and end it with the sleeping pills.
Let me remind you that the dreaming is, in fact, cosmic traveling to the dream versions of the real planets from which are your incarnants. In dreams, you can see life on another planet.
Learn to lucid dream and find as much information about your incarnant as you can. Read more about it in my article “What happens when we fall in sleep?” on:
and in the 1. book of Letters to Palkies on:
Sleep well and dream nice and lucid.
All the best to all.