Let us now review the main similarities, same-ilarities, and differences between the Toltec system and my model for awakening. We will check the same content points with different names in my model.
1. The Existence
The Existence is Everything that Is. It has 2 parts, Absolute Awareness and Energy. We as being have those 2 parts, too.
Existence and Energy are eternal because it’s impossible to create or destroy the Absolute Awareness and Energy. The Energy is finite, the Awareness is infinite because it’s not “made” from the matter as the Energy.
Absolute Awareness is not being with personality because it has no personal identity. It is without personal and limited awareness as for example humans. It also has no energy and physical body and It is without the attention as the energy and mobile limited awareness.
It has, or It is just a static Awareness. It is just a Pure Awareness which is always the Same and doesn’t change. It doesn’t feel, think, speak and act. It has no intention, modus operandi and goal. It is not proactive, active or reactive. It just Is, It just Exists.
Absolute Awareness is not the Source, the Creator or god. It is also not a “soul” or “higher self”. Those two are in fact just some other beings from higher worlds. We are not them and they are not our “bigger” and “higher” parts.
Absolute Awareness is not void and emptiness. That is just a feeling that we can get because there is nothing material and moving in It. In ignorance, some call it Big Void but that is not true. Absolute Awareness is full of Awareness.
Pure means quality of the Awareness and Absolute stands for quantity and for the whole Awareness. Every one of us can be aware of the Pure Awareness which is at the same time our personal Awareness which is at the same time Absolute Awareness.
Besides unmovable Awareness, there is movable awareness or attention. We use attention to monitor what is happening in and out of us. Attention is our special sense.
We can become aware of the Awareness with attention. We attent that we are aware. Be aware that you are aware. That’s it. When we move the movable attention to the unmovable Awareness, they meld together. At that moment we become aware of our true identity of Beings of Awareness, Beings of Pure Awareness.
Unlike the Absolute Awareness which is only the Awareness without the being, we are Beings of Pure Awareness. We can say that we are Beings of Pure Awareness as we can speak. Absolute Awareness can’t speak because it’s not a being.
We are Aware Beings aware of our Awareness. At the same time, we are concrete personalities with energy and physical body.
As personalities, we are expressing characteristics of the Absolute of Pure Awareness. Those characteristics are our natural ones.
Perfect Peace, Oneness, Wholeness, Integrity, Transparency, and Benevolence are our natural characteristics. From these characteristics come others as Love, Goodness, Kindness, Friendship, Honesty, etc.
Don Juan presented two different attentions. First attention is for the world of objects, tonal, and second attention is for the world of nagual or the world without objects. He names this kind of “watching” or perceiving the world “seeing” or non-doing the world by seeing it directly and without the learned descriptions.
I call it the View of Pure Awareness. That is the View without the Viewer, Pure Gaze in the perfect Silence without a single thought. Just a Gaze that sees the World as it is.
Besides the two Don Juan has mentioned another one, the Third Attention or Unknown. That is the place where light and free beings fly passing the Eagle.
The Existence was never created and will never disappear. The Creator or God or gods are not the creators of the Existence, cosmoses, and beings.
Everything in Existence is happening simultaneously and not consequentially. That’s why the myth about the Creator and God is just a common lie.
The Creator Absorbic Karmicons system in which higher beings create, use and abuse, and absorb lower beings, which are supposed to be their parts, is a big scam. Harmful, destructive and deadly.
In the simultaneity, we are all real, independent and original beings. We are not just parts and incarnations of others. In fact, we are all Beautiful Beings of Pure Awareness, Love and Wisdom, equal, equivalent and sovereign.
2. Intent
The Existence is unintentional because all of It already Exists. That’s why as a whole has no intention, plan, wishes or needs to do anything.
We have a limited awareness so we think that things are missing. That’s the reason that we want and need them and we try to get them.
The Existence as a Whole doesn’t have any intention. All the intentions are ours and they are just expressions of our limited awareness and ignorance of the totality of the Existence.
As I wrote before if we would know that we already have something in the future there would be no need for the wish. We could be happy to experience it but we wouldn’t need the wishing part anymore.
The Intent is useful for us as it encourages the awakening one to act aware and intentionally. With intention, he will stop to waste time for self Importance and Poorness delusions and rather use it for actions toward the final goal in this part of his life, to transformation to a light being.
With the progress, his personal intent will become unbending. He is interested in the ascension and nothing else. He still sports, watches TV series and eats ice cream but these activities are the part of his path to the transformation into a light being.
“Nothing else” means personal Importance and Poorness which he has along with all the partial personalities or false selves or ego and with all of their harmful behaviors released.
Let us finish this part with the idea that the Intent is some Force or Universal Glue that holds Everything together. That is not true.
Part of the Existence is Absolute Awareness. It doesn’t “hold” anything together as It is just Aware of Everything that Exists.
The other part of the Existence, the Energy is just a total mass of all energy that exists and it is not a being who would plan, intent and execute anything less alone “hold” the Universe.
The claim that the Intents sticks All together, doesn’t stick:)
Here is the explanation for the term intention:) as it often happens that we speak about the same things with completely different understandings of their meanings.
When I say “I intent.” it means that I am intending to go or to do something. I intend to go to the beach tomorrow.
Intending means that we have already decided that we are gonna do something and that we are now somewhere before, in between or at the end of our activity.
3. The Creator Absorbic Karmicons system
Toltec myth about the Eagle is just a variation of the Creator myth about some Creator who created Everything from Nothing.
Don Juan says that the Eagle is from the Source of unimaginable size. The Creator is supposed to be the creator of the Universum. After the creation, he supposedly divided himself to the smaller gods, the Eagles, who rule their own cosmoses.
Don Juan didn’t mention the Karmicons organization, absorption, and incarnation. He said that Eagle gives and takes lives and devour all living beings after their death with their life experiences which are his food.
It is not clear whether devoured ones keep their individual identities and are sent back to new lives. But it is very clear to me how the Karmicons organization and the incarnation system works.
The Eagle supposedly allows to the impeccable warriors who transformed into the light beings to fly pass him to the freedom of Unknown but that means that they just leave this cosmos and fly to another one where another Eagle is waiting for them:)
Or they fly into the empty space between two cosmoses. However, I found out that Don Juan and his group are still in the same cosmos of the same Eagle! In our cosmos, of course.
Regarding Ema’s info about the name of the solar system and the planet where they live now (more at the end of the book), I assume that they become 5., 6., or 7. dimensional beings. Higher dimensionals don’t live anymore on material planets as they are pure light and they live in energy fields without any objects, suns, and planets.
Don Juan and his team could transform from physical to light beings on Earth, flew to another solar system and then transform back to human shapes energy bodies. If they became beings of the 7. dimension they already live most of the time as pure light beings.
In any case, they still live in the Eagle’s cosmos by their myth and in the Creator Absorbic Karmicons system by my explanation. Higher beings could still forcefully incarnate them and absorb.
Despite the simple truth that Creator’s myth is a common lie beings in primitive and retarded cosmoses as in ours still live by the Big Story. It is true that in our cosmos there is a being or a couple, man and woman, who think that they created this cosmos from Nothing. They think that they divided into other beings who divided into more other beings. Some of those beings from lower dimensions are incarnating in even lower beings and so on, down, down and down until they descend to us.
All of these dividers and divides think that life is consequential, one by one, ahead and forward, and that one day they will roll back to the start.
Probably you heard for the term God’s breath. First, god breath out and create the Creation, and after some time, when he sees what he breathed out, he breathes back in altogether, and Everything disappears. And so he breathes and breathes:) In and out.
Developmental retarded higher dimensional beings from our cosmos think that that is true and that one day the highers will absorb the lowers. And at the end, the so-called god and the goddess will absorb everybody and be alone again. Only for some time because by the same myth the highers gods will consume they too:)
They call this forceful absorption of lowers or “uniting” with higher beings or the highest being in the cosmos “one with god”:) In fact, that “union” means death with god because all that are absorbed vanish without the clue.
Why is this myth so life important for us? We live in this false Creator Absorbic Karmicons system which means certain death for us. Final and forever.
What we have to do to stay alive, read in my book “Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet”.
The Flyers that Don Juan mentioned in Carlo’s books are part of the Karmicons organization. I saw them many times. One group are black and approx. half a meter to 10 meters and wider across the wings. The second group is smaller, 15x15cm, 1cm thick, skin color. They are Aztefkijans.
Both groups together with non-human species as parasites, vampires, reptiles, snakeheads, hybrids, etc are the factual owners and Masters of the Karmicons organization.
That is an Evil organization who presents as a false school for personal development. In fact, they organized and systematically torture human and animals for the production of negative energy from human and animal suffering. The Lords of Evil are feeding with this negative energy.
The Eagle devours everything, the Evil beings are interested in the negative part of the menu only:)
The main method for the torturing people is a forceful incarnation in physical bodies on lower planets where are the biggest limitations, poverty, violence, diseases, harms, suffering and deaths.
To be continued.
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All the best to all.
Senad Dizdarevic is author of the Book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get the Book 1 and 2 on Amazon: