Last week I posted the second article Don Juan: reality or fiction? from my free e-book, Where are Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda? in several Facebook groups, 4 of them have »Carlos Castaneda« in their name.
Most of the comments were »Like«, some were constructive, and some rejecting the theme as not important – especially in one CC’s group.
Dear friends, my intention with posting the series of articles is first, to present the comparison between the Toltec system of transformation to a light being and my model of awakening with very useful exercises for releasing the ego, stopping the internal dialogue, and much much more.
And second, the title Where are DJ and CC? is not a rhetorical one, before the end of the book, I really reveal where are the two naguals.
In one group, the nervous one:), and obviously group of believers, or so-called couch warriors:), and not practitioners (Toltec warrior is not wasting his or her energy by criticizing anybody, let alone dramatically and endangered reacting because he or she released the self-Importance and fear), the first post with the title Where are Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda? was blocked, so the visitors started to comment on the 2. post: Don Juan: reality or fiction?
I assume that most of the commenters in that group didn’t even read the article:), let alone the free book. One of the dramatic and hostile reactions was that “they”, it was one person speaking in plural:) already know everything:) and that “they” don’t need new information.
Why the group then?:)
Another commenter was so “clairvoyant” that only by reading the headline Don Juan: reality or fiction? he “knew” that I didn’t read the CC books and don’t know anything about the Toltec exercises:)
I read all Castaneda’s book, many times over, tried and practiced all the exercises I could, Tensegrity included. I learned to lucid dream with the book Art of dreaming 30 years ago and I regularly lucid dream.
In Slovenia, we say that it is the hygiene minimum:) to first read the article and then comment it.
Some say that question about the truth or fiction is not important. It is.
Is it important if the bible is true or not? Is it important if the fake news is lies? Is it important if you are true or false? Is it important if you live in an honest partnership or not? Is it important if you live in truth or in the lie?
For me, it’s very important. I want the truth. Just the truth and nothing but the truth.
Significant signs of middle age and older unAwakened and unAware people is desperation, cynism, disappointment, resignation, and aggression even to those who want them good:)
Don Juan would say that the fear got them. They gave up and surrendered.
They express their capitulation to life and themselves with the same words: “it doesn’t matter, it’s not important”.
The same questions and themes were once important to them, but not anymore. Now it’s too late, it’s getting dark, it’s all over:)
They look almost alive, but they are already dead. The note on their tombstone says: “Died at 30, buried at 60.”:)
About the theories and facts. How to know if something is true or false?
Many readers of CC books accepted the Toltec myth about the Eagle, Eagles Rule, and Eagles Gift as sacred Truth without any chance to even check its truthfulness. They are taking it very seriously, even too seriously:), while claiming at the same time that “it’s not important” if it’s true or not:)
One chapter in my e-book is Carlos Castaneda’s Church of readers:)
I suggest that you check all that you can in CC work, and in all other authors work, in which you are interested, and see if it is true or not. In CC books you can check just some of the exercises, all the rest is pure theory.
There is no need to reject anything that you can not check. Accept that now you can’t check it. Stay open and keep the interest in the matter with the idea that one day you or somebody else will get a chance to check it, find out the truth, and report it.
Same is with my information about the whereabouts of DJ and CC. I know that you can’t check it, me either, but I have every reason to believe that the information is correct.
One day I will have a chance to find the truth about them.
If you want, you can check my exercises for awakening and see if they are working for you.
The question about the reality of CC stories will be actual until we finally find out the truth. Until that stay open to the new information.
If you are an administrator in the group, knew that the questions and themes are repeating in time. New kids are coming every day in the game and they want to know things. There is no reason to discard the theme (or a person for asking or commenting) just because it’s an old theme.
If you are an old or new member and comment, read the post first, and then comment. Be beneficial, contribute with your (new) opinion and experiences or let it pass by. Be nice, be friendly, be fair.
The truth is important, very important, and life important. It is important to know the truth because of the truth itself. With the truth we are sovereign, and men of knowledge, as Don Juan said. Without knowledge, we are just ignorant, and we depend on others who know.
That’s why is important if Don Juan is real, despite the fact that his exercises are truly useful. I can tell you now that he is real, he is alive and he lives in our cosmos. In a galaxy not so far away:) Read more in my free e-book.
And, life important, in the truth we live, in the lie we die.
The karmicons, members of the Evil Karmic organization who rule our galaxy and solar system, are claiming that we are not real persons. They say that we are just incarnations of other persons from other planets.
That’s not the truth. That is a big lie. But, for the time being, the karmicons rule, and after our first death, and life review, they switch us off and they switch on our incarnant. With that switch, we die the second time, and our incarnant returns home and live on. He lives, we stay dead.
In truth, we are not just live costumes for the karmicons drama plays, we are true and original beings.
We are already ending the false Karmicons organization. When we finish it, we will bury their Death with it, and we will live forever. All that was killed by the karmicons scripts in the lying karmicons system, will be revived.
That’s why the truth is important, very important, and life important. In the truth we live, in the karmicons lie we die.
All the best to all.
You can get the free e-book “Where are Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda?” when you subscribe to a newsletter for awakening, personal, partnership and family awakening on
P.s. In the book, I really reveal where are the nagual boys. They are alive, one more than the other:)
If you will like the book, write a nice review and post it in the comments.
Ich bin gespannt.
MfG Heike
Heike, welcome on my page. Curiosity is the first step to the rigt direction:) I suggest you read articles, free e- book, and try exercises for the awakening to Pure Awareness. With exercises, you will, among other very beneficial things, learn to stop internal dialogues in a second and stay in inner silence for hours. Thank you for your opinion about the free e- book and exercises. If you will have any questions, write to me. All the best to you.