In the previous Space Report NR. 9, I wrote that we had done all the work and now it was just Earth’s turn. I was referring to the tasks that were on our to-do list before the liberation of our planet. On that list were also the to-do’s that we had intended to do after the liberation of Earth, but the Clouds (energy beings from higher dimensions) prioritized them differently and allowed us to start doing them earlier.
We have completed one, and now we are finishing another, and then there are only two non-urgent tasks left. I have already told the Big Black Cloud that the next time we are allowed to resume our space work, he should act on the principle of urgency and allow us to put the Earth in order. Even if the Clouds continue to take the approach of non-urgency and prioritize other tasks, we will have them completed by about the end of February, when I will also publish a new Space Report, present the projects we have done, and announce that there is only Earth left.
Now let’s continue with the title theme and see why money is not Evil.
Money is useful if it is used by useful people for useful purposes
One of my readers has been attacking me for a long time, demanding that we abolish money in the new cosmos. According to him, money is “a means of promoting competition and establishing differences between people of equal worth”.
The reader, who clearly does not understand what money is, added: “Money has no use and is unnecessary in a cosmos of good people where we are all equal. Until money is abolished in the whole cosmos, the blockade is unlikely to fall”.
He went on to predict that money must probably fall first, and then the blockade of Earth will fall as if this were a condition for the Clouds to lift the blockade.
This is utter nonsense, because we have already liberated 20 million planets on which people use money as a means of payment and exchange. If the abolition of money were a condition for the liberation of the cosmos, the Clouds would not have allowed us to liberate a single planet as long as money was in use.
Money is a universal means of payment and exchange for a variety of goods, it is very practical because it can be exchanged for most goods and services, and it is useful when used by useful people for useful purposes. Money is not about the equality of people, as this reader erroneously claims.
Equality in the new model of life is based on the fact that we are all aware beings of Pure Awareness and that as aware beings we have the same and equal value.
Equality means that all the inhabitants of our new cosmos have the same rights, such as the right to life (we have already revived all the good people who died, and after the completion of the resettlement of the Earthlings, we will also revive the harmful people from the past, but as adolescents or children, when they were not yet harmful, and with changed identities, different bodies and names), the right to a free place to live – an estate and a house, the right to a partner, the right to a million euros, etc.
Equality does not imply an obligation for all people to be the same and to have the same amount of money and other possessions. Those who were still in the old system, according to the karmic scenario, got more money and other things and fairly acquired them, kept them. We have confiscated all money and all property from criminals. Those who were unlucky with karmic scenarios got free estates, houses, millions, and other goodies with their new rights.
In the Karmic system, 99% were poor, so we gave them the experience of wealth. We have opened up new abilities and creative talents to all and they can create, and barter as much as they want.
Money plays different roles in different societies. In the old, karmic society, where people were deliberately limited, distorted, and perverted into Evil by karmic scripts and programs, money was a necessary means of survival.
Money was also used as payment for work, which was a prerequisite for at least a basic life. Those who did not work were not even allowed to eat, let alone live.
Money was also a tool for structuring society, dividing people hierarchically into the Elite and the mob, the Important and the Poor, the superior and the inferior.
Money was an important and primary identifier for creating and maintaining personal, partner, family, and social identity – whoever had more money was a better person. It was also a very important factor in choosing a partner – ‘see that you marry richly so that we don’t have to feed you for long’, the poor would drive their daughter away from home, while on the groom’s side, they would look at how much dowry she would bring with her, often marrying her just for this fashion accessory. These were marriages between money and money, not between two people.
Money was a means of creating and maintaining the image of a successful man. If you had money, you were a winner; if you didn’t, you were a loser. It was a prerequisite for personal and social success – most people only valued rich people, even if they got rich by criminal means, like most entrepreneurs and politicians.
Money was the Super Power with which the rich did things they could not do otherwise, such as corrupting corrupt people in decision-making positions, as if by supernatural ability.
When it comes to corruption, I always think of the Croatian politician who sold himself for 800 euros. If they had bargained for a minute or two longer, they would have got him even cheaper.
Money was god, idol, and object of worship, the reason for many criminals commiting robberies, including murder. People worked hard to get it, then were afraid to keep it.
The uncomprehending reader wrongly assumes that people in the new cosmos are the same as they are on Earth – selfish, greedy, fiercely competitive for money, and also willing to harm, destroy, and kill others in order to get rich.
On the new planets, we no longer have capitalism and the harsh exploitation of workers, but we have introduced a fair economy and a market economy in which entrepreneurs and their collaborators work together to create, sell, and share income. Employees get a great wage that Earthlings can only dream of; they get bonuses, a percentage of sales, or, once a year, a huge bonus. In our company Me and my Mum on Planet Palki, this means millions for all employees.
By abolishing the Karmic organization, and crony capitalism, and introducing new rights, we have abolished majority poverty and the subsistence lifestyle of 99% of the population, and given everyone a good life, education, creativity and entrepreneurship. Everyone can create at home and sell their products on the Space Market with a special digital program. Anyone who wants to can set up a business at home on a replicator for free in minutes. There are no living costs and no business taxes. There is plenty of free food and drinks in the replicators. People travel with teleport gates, which have to be bought, but that cuts out all travel costs for ever.
There is enough money for everyone, as all the adult inhabitants of our cosmos have already been given three million euros each, and the Palki have been given four million euros each. Since they all live in pairs, that means that each couple has at least six million in total. Most things are free, which means they still have most of the money in their account. Finally, in their new way of life, they no longer have to worry about money, let alone suffer for it in any way. The Space Administration will distribute more millions to the population, ensuring that no one is ever penniless.
Money does not express the value of people and their rights, but the sale and purchase or exchange value of products and services. Equality does not mean that all people are the same and that everyone should have the same amount of money or be without it. Some people will always have more money and other possessions because their preferences and paths differ. Some are more creative, entrepreneurial, and active, others less so or not at all, and still others have no interest in money.
Panties Police
I know that the reader, who is strongly allergic to money, and not only money, as you will see below, does not understand the simple facts about money and will continue to insist that money should be abolished and that “everyone should only be allowed to have one of each type of product” (!).
Such a dictatorial system would require billions of special panties policemen going from house to house, counting socks and underpants, leaving one pair for each person and, what, burning the others in front of the house, and that would be considered ‘fair’. If, after the Great Counting, someone was found to be wearing extra underpants, they would be stripped in the main square and spanked across their bare buttocks so that they would remember when they had tried to cheat the Party. Even Stalin’s Communists were not so “egalitarian”.
I know that the reader’s successor, who will be rejuvenated and personalized, will have a much better understanding of the concept, meaning, and role of money and will happily accept a million euros, as all the inhabitants of the new cosmos have done. Let me tell you that so far, not a single one has complained, let alone refused a million of free money.
Let me repeat and emphasize once again that money is only a medium of exchange and nothing else, not even close to being a means of assessing people’s worth, differentiating them, structuring them, granting them greater rights and privileges, power, and influence. In the new cosmos, politics and economics are completely separate, so you cannot buy voters with money because there are no elections at all. The state or country creates and spends as much money as it needs for the current year. Spending is controlled by the Planetary Council. There are no more taxes, so entrepreneurs keep their full income.
Politicians meet from time to time only to confirm that everything is fine, and entrepreneurs create as much as they want. They are all equal providers in the space market and sell their products at prices they set, without any restrictions, quotas, tariffs, or taxes. There is no longer any capitalism that exploits workers, because the employees of companies are also paid fairly for their work, and they are co-owners or receive a share of the income they generate together each year.
Along with the new bodies, all the inhabitants of the new cosmos have also undergone a personality transformation, removing imposed and harmful karmic personality traits such as selfishness, lying, manipulativeness, greed, exploitation and violent competition, so that they are completely different from their Earth counterparts. Life and business are also different because people and business people are honest, kind, and friendly and work well together for the benefit of all. If someone has a million or a billion more than others, it doesn’t mean that they are worth more than them, it just means that they got more money before in a karmic scenario or that they made more money in the new system. People don’t envy other people’s wealth because they are all millionaires and have enough for their daily lives.
Money is also no longer an identity asset and an artificial filler for the identity voids of the unawakened and the creation of Important ones, it is just what its real value is – it is a means of payment and exchange and a measure of the value of products and services and nothing else.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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