A world without Karmic organization, Evil, religions, gods, faiths, churches, and clergy is much more pleasant because in such a world people are completely different, free, independent, and happy. In our new cosmos, we have abolished all this Evil and I tell you that people are excited about their new life.
The line of Evil formed by the false Creator Absorbic Karmic System (theory), Karmic organization (practice), religions, gods, churches, clergy, believers, and political right-wingers is the main reason for most of the violence on Earth. The religious and the right-wing, the same, are convinced that as God’s chosen people they are superior to the unbelieving, the left-wing, and the non-political, even though their god Yahweh has declared them bad, sinful, and unworthy, cursed them and banished them to an earthly hell where they must suffer until a miserable death as God’s servants. Religious rightists are made in the image of God and are therefore intolerant, hateful, angry, vengeful, and violent.
It is important to know that the political left, and socialism and communism, are in their true and natural essence Good, because they stand for the common good of the whole of society, whereas the political right stands only for the selfish interests of the religious right and is in a constant struggle against the infidels, the leftists, and the non-political, and many others. The karmicons have deliberately distorted the natural Good of socialism and communism and turned them into their opposite, in which they were and are only on Earth still partly similar to the right-wingers.
Right-wing has never been on the Line of Good but has always been on the Line of Evil. The right-wingers, in Yahweh’s image, are hateful and violent and support exploitative capitalism, racism, chauvinism (Yahweh favors the Israelites while genocidally exterminating other peoples), misogyny (hatred of women), homophobia (Yahweh commands the killing of all homosexuals in the Bible), xenophobia (hatred of foreigners), carnivory and violence against animals (hunting, rodeo, bullfighting, dog fighting, cockfighting), wars (they can’t wait for another war to start, especially if it is against non-believers or otherwise religious), the arming of civilians (they are obsessed with guns), the Church’s organized and systematic sexual abuse of children, young people and adults, even though it is mainly their children who are abused by the perverted clergy because non-believers and leftists are not so stupid and cruel as to put their children in the hands of religious sexual predators.

All this Evil originates from the Karmic organization, which has imposed it on the people of the planets through religions and political right-wing. On the new planets, there is no more Karmic organization, religions, gods, churches, clergy, right-wing clergy, and other Evil organizations, groups, and individuals, so life is peaceful, pleasant, relaxed, and joyful.
Now let’s see how the author of the YouTube portal MindShift has chosen 10 gods who, in his opinion, are better than the Christian psychopathic sadist Yahweh.
»Divine Alternatives: 10 Deities I’d Prefer Over The God Of The Bible
»If we had to have a God, who would be the best God to have? If I was actually going to worship another being, who would deserve my worship? That’s a really hard question in general, and I’m going to give you a list today. And I’m not going to phrase it that way. This is not a list of gods I would worship, but this is a list of gods that I would much prefer if there has to be a Creator, and one of these man-made gods that we have obviously created for ourselves happens to be the right one, I’d want it to be one of these. And we’re just going to do a little comparison with Yahweh. Really, what this video is, is here’s all the other gods I would rather be real than Yahweh. If there has to be a God, this is my vote.
Now, this is very heartless to put together, and it could have gone a million different ways. A couple of caveats, and we’re going to get right into the list. I understand that some of the gods I’m going to list are not perfect characters. Most gods aren’t. You know why? Because they’re all made in man’s image. But most gods actually are better than Yahweh, which is why this list could have been so extensive. Even the gods that smite people and murder people and cause war, on average, seem to be much better than Yahweh. So maybe I should start with my initial gripes with Yahweh.

My Gripes With Yahweh: Some of the things that I’ve looked for in other gods that I would rather worship than Yahweh are:
1. gods that don’t kill children unnecessarily or at all,
2. gods that don’t rely on child sacrifice to make up for their own mistakes,
3. gods that don’t build us with an initial nature that is grotesque to them, that they can’t stand, that they can’t be in the presence of,
4. gods that don’t use horrendous things like rape and miscarriage as punishment,
5. gods that are at least consistent, maybe they’re bad, maybe they have punishments that seem harsh, but they always deal it out the same way every single time. They don’t break their own word.
6. Gods that will just let you die at the end instead of committing you to one of two, in my opinion, horrendous afterlives,
7. gods that don’t condone and endorse slavery,
8. gods that don’t kill you if you intermarry with another non-chosen group of people, as if there’s any real difference between ethnicities,
9. gods that are not misogynistic,
10. gods that don’t hate women,
11. gods that don’t get hung up on what you do sexually all the time,
12. gods that are not homophobic,
13. gods that will not test you, even though they claim to be omniscient,
14. gods that will not commit you to eternal punishment because of what you think,
15. gods that didn’t start out their entire world with a chosen people group while ignoring and/or murdering everyone else,
16. gods that don’t claim to not be the author of confusion and then write one holy book over 1400 years in 66 different books with over 40 different authors, most of whom were anonymous, and then say it’s the only way we can know their son, which is the person we have to know to plead our case when we die.
I could go on forever, but if we just stop the video right here as a quick summation of this God, and by the way, if you think Jesus negates any of these things, he doesn’t. He either adds on to them or he condones them in his silence. Not to mention that if you believe any of the Christian doctrines, he is the same as God. He was there at the beginning. They did it all together, or as themself or himself or whatever you want to call it, but that’s our Yahweh. So who could we worship instead that might be a step up, even if they’re not a great God?«
Contestant #1:
Let’s go with Mithra, a Persian God. Even though it has these Persian and Zoroastrian roots, it also really took off in Rome in the first through fourth centuries. In fact, a lot of people believe that there is some Jesus building around Mithra. Mithra is a god of light and truth. Now, some of these claims are also made about God or Jesus, and I understand that. I’m trying to look at the whole of the argument here, though. Did they also do all these other horrendous things? Isn’t it funny that Jesus was also a god of light and truth? This is a god of righteousness, a God who holds up justice and honor. He founds himself on holding up the cosmos and the order of the cosmos, as well as being the arbiter of moral integrity. When you worship Mithra, you really just think about the sun cycles and other celestial events. What a great thing, as opposed to burning the flesh of something that was once living and having to take life from it just to please your God. This God values fairness, something that Yahweh simply does not. So, on almost all accounts here, I think Mithra for the win.”
The above list of Yahweh’s crimes is not yet complete, as the Bible is an encyclopedia of Evil and Yahweh’s diary in which he describes his murderous crusade. Nevertheless, Christians claim that Yahweh is an honest, just, and even loving God. This is even though he tells them that he created all Evil and that he is a jealous, angry, and vengeful god. Crazy!
No wonder Yahweh is a psychopathic sadist, torturer, and murderer, for he is made in the karmic image of the karmicons, who are far worse than the worst psychopaths. To satisfy their formula of balance between Good and Evil, the Karmic people have invented other gods who are not as bloodthirsty as Yahweh. Among them is Mithra, the god of justice.
Once upon a time, people worshipped Mithra as a true god, but today we all know that Mithra was a mythological creature and that he never really existed. This is also true of the other gods on this list, whose shelf-life has long since expired. It is crazy that Christians think, believe, and still believe that Yahweh is real and that there is no difference between him and other fictional gods. This is the power of karmic programming, hypnotizing and brainwashing people into believing that fictions are real. Nevertheless, even this divine spell will one day wear off and Yahweh too will move to the graveyard of the gods, joining his other departed colleagues on the list.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover: Vladimir Vishar
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