In Neale Donald Walsch’s email “I Believe God Wants You to Know”, we can read that god wants us to know the value of sin for daily life and to value it as the greatest value that gives meaning to our lives.
“On this day of your life
I believe God wants you to know …
… that had a person not sinned,
what would there be for you to pardon?
Ovid said that, and he was right.
Everyone who shows up in our lives shows up the way they are
showing up so that you can show up the way you planned to show up.
Are you showing up that way? Or have you forgotten why that
person who is “doing it to you” is doing it to you…?
Do not make the mistake of thinking this is all real.
Love, your Friend …”
Love is not meant to express such nonsense and a true friend would never tell such a lie to another. Even the statement that “you don’t think all this is real”, spoken in the Buddhist sense that our life is an illusion, is a plain and ugly lie. Our life is very real, we are real beings, and even Good and Evil are very real. If Evil were not real, it would not hurt, harm, destroy and kill so truly and powerfully.
By condoning and justifying Evil, in this case, sin, Neale is making evangelical propaganda for the usefulness, necessity, and even necessity of Evil for our lives. If there were no sin, what would we do?
To begin, let’s look at the basic seven deadly sins. To make the presentation seem more professional, let us learn about them in Latin, and the company of their corresponding demons:

1. Superbia: pride (arrogance and presumption) – Lucifer is associated with it.
2. Avaritia: greed – this is a characteristic of the demon Mammon.
3. Luxuria: concupiscence (impurity, passion, lust) – this gives Asmodeus.
4. Ira: anger – this energises Satan or Ammon.
5. Gula: gluttony – it is never enough for Beelzebub.
6. Invidia: envy – it does not indulge others Leviathan.
7. Acedia: sloth – Belphegor is a couch demon.
(Source: Wikipedia)
For good measure, let’s add lying, cheating, hatred, and violence among hundreds of other forms of harmful behaviors.
Knowledge of Latin is not necessary for a sinful life, as believers can sin in their domestic language.
While reading about the basic sins that Neal’s theory says all true Christians and non-believers should know and practice regularly, did a familiar face appear before your eyes? Are there any of these sins that are your favorites, and “enrich” your life? Have you perhaps gotten rid of one, but now that you have learned that the sins are so good, you miss it? Will you indulge it again, take it as your own, knowing that god would want you to know how important, useful, and worthwhile sins are? According to Neal, others can only forgive you when you are sinful, and until then, they can’t use you for any »good«. Only sinners are useful and meaningful people, all others have no meaning and are useless.
Now we also know why the Christian Church, its religion, and its believers have not changed, let alone improved, in the two millennia since the First Cross. Sin is a value that must exist, otherwise, there would be no religion. Satan is equally important to religion, alongside god, because without him there would be no sin, without sin there would be no forgiveness, and without forgiveness, there would be nothing. There would just be empty air, full of nonsense. But for the religious far-right, empty air is left-wing air, which is a new sin in itself.
For true personality development, it is necessary to drop all harmful behaviors of partial personalities, to drop the old Ego personality completely, and to create a new, useful, and honest personality of an aware Being of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom. You will get rid of the old sins and the old sinner in you most easily, thoroughly, and permanently with my awakening exercises, which you can get on the page
When you become sinless, don’t be upset if the faithful look at you as if you have betrayed them. They have plenty of other “angels in disguise” in this world who will abuse them, but they will be able to turn the other cheek, and forgive them their sins, just as the god who does not exist is said to forgive theirs.
Sins are also big business

Sinfulness and forgiveness are special forms of fervent faith and sacrifice for god and other believers or sinners, between whom there is no difference. A believer is a sinner, and a sinner is a believer. An unbeliever cannot be a sinner because he does not believe in god, Satan, and sin. Where the unbeliever commits a harmful act, the believer sins.
In addition to merciful forgiveness of others, there is also salvific forgiveness of self. How can a person forgive himself? First, he must sin, and only then can he forgive himself. To be good at forgiveness, the believer needs to practice much and regularly, when he is alone, and when he is with others, privately and publicly, at home, and abroad. If he wants to be good at forgiving, he must be the best at sinning. The next time you see a believer sinning, you will now know that he is training for forgiveness. If he is unable or unwilling to forgive himself, and if others are unwilling to forgive him, god will forgive him, or so believers believe. That is why priests sin big because they “know” that god will forgive all their sins, just as they “forgive their debtors”. Religious forgiveness is made so that believers can officially sin. Good and, of course, unbelieving people do not know forgiveness, because no one among them is acting harmfully, let alone sinfully.
As is well known from the history or farce of the Christian Church, for a while Church “dignitaries” even sold indulgences for money. The rich could buy more indulgences, but the poor were not forgiven for free by the parish. If marketing had been more developed in those days, the rich could also have bought sin packages with the same or mixed sins leased. The even richer could afford monthly and yearly packages, and sin a lot. They would organize sin orgies where they would sin together and worship each other. Birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays would be much wilder than they were, with sin on every side of the table. The Vatican Sin Bank would issue a special Black Indulgence Card, also called a Satanka, to the Pope, Cardinals, and nobility, allowing them to sin without limit for the rest of their lives.
I don’t resent them because I know what they are doing

Jesus, who did not (yet) know that He was a god or the Son of god, the Anointed and Only-begotten, is said to have told god on the cross to forgive the Romans who were torturing and crucifying Him because they did not know what they were doing. This is just more biblical nonsense. God knew very well why he would not forgive them because they were doing exactly what they were supposed to do to incarnated god as Jesus, as he himself deliberately ordered the Romans to crucify and kill him. The Romans may not have really known who they were crucifying, but they nevertheless did their job well, and made a cross over Jesus the man and, according to the biblical myth, by that act, they also made a god out of Jesus. Why would god forgive himself for an act that he planned, and carried out with the help of his Roman soldiers?
Another question remains to this day: when Romans saw that can easily convert a man to god on the magic Cross machine, why they have stopped with Jesus? Why they didn’t create more, and this time Roman gods?
Only the bad is good
“As a Jesuit brother, every time I sin, I realize how deeply God loves me, even though I am not perfect.”

This means, of course, that according to the Christian myth, god deliberately created bad and sinful people so that he could love them as imperfect if we assume in the same vein that deliberately limiting and deforming people is “love”. He who truly loves does not hurt, and pervert anyone or anything. He who loves does only Good and does not claim and pretend that Evil is Good. If people were sinless, god would not have mercy on them, and would not be able to forgive them. If they were perfect, they would be imperfect for him, for he could not use them for his own games. If they were perfect, he could not “love” or more precisely and truly, hurt them.
“This means that every crisis is an opportunity, every difficulty a chance to learn more about the universe and to draw closer to god.” (Source: (Vir:
According to this interpretation too, for Christians, sin is necessary because, together with suffering as atonement for a sinful life, it is the only way to god. Sin is the door wide open to god, who invites fervent sinners to himself. Understandably, this is why they knock on sin’s door with all four, and with five on top of that, so that god will hear them, open the doors of paradise for them, and let them in on his right. The left and far-right believe, he has reserved for the unbelieving, the left-wing, and the free-thinking, and has placed it with his twin Black Brother, Satan, in hell.
No gods, no religions: no sins, no forgiveness
In our new cosmos, where there is no more Karmic Organization and Evil, people are grateful to each other for kind, friendly and loving acts. It does not even occur to them to worship Evil, it’s lies and violence in a karmic way. After the blockade of the Earth is over, and you have moved to new planets where there is no more religion, crime, violence, war, and death, you too will be delighted to live a beautiful life of the Good and the Beautiful.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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