Janshism is a far-right Slovene front named by the soon ex-Slovene far-right premier Janez Janša who heavily lost the recent election due to his arrogant, cynical, and contemptuous attacks on free-thinkers, leftists, and non-political Slovenes. Freedom! Movement is a new political left party that won the recent election by mobilizing the entire Slovene civil society, left parties, and a lot of non-politic voters to stop the Janša oppression and to dethrone him which they performed perfectly with a vast majority of voters.
With these four articles, we conclude our pre-election, election, and post-election review of political developments in Slovenia. Although the present election is a local event, it is of great benefit to you to understand the insidious karmic politics that have been transferred to the planets through political systems, politicians, and their associates to control, abuse, and exploit the population.
Let me say immediately and clearly that I do not hate anyone, I do not hold any grudges against anyone and I do not harbor any vindictive thoughts or feelings towards anyone. I suggest that you do the same and do not smear yourselves with negative thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. With this series of articles, I want to present the bigger picture and enable the readers to have a broader understanding and upliftment from the karmic drama and tragedy. It will be very helpful if you see the current life on Earth and also in Slovenia as a big karmic theatrical show, in which the vast majority of unawakened and unaware people who behave in a harmful way towards themselves and others are performing, and among them, there is a minority of selfish, greedy, corrupt, corrupt, extreme fanatics, maniacs, bullies, perverts, perverts, sadists, torturers, and murderers, including the Elite and all the extreme right-wing people. Let me add that there are no ordinary or “normal” right-wingers; all right-wingers are extreme right-wingers and ideologues of Evil, of the division of human beings into superior and inferior, of hatred, violence, and death.
All the contradictions, conflicts, and fights are happening according to karmic scripts, whereby the karmicons have imposed all kinds of violence on people to fight with each other, instead of being friends and working together for the benefit of all. I suggest that you do not take sides, that you do not indulge in right-wing contempt for women and all different people, and left-wing retaliatory statements. Don’t hate Janša or any other politician, because by projecting negative energy into him and them, you are only feeding, reinforcing, and perpetuating him, and thus co-creating the negative and increasing his personal Evil. Do not despise anyone, but rather remain calm and pure. All these contradictions, hatreds, and conflicts will disappear in a few days, weeks, and months after the end of the Earth blockade, as most of the intolerant and violent ones will be removed in a few days, and the rest will be removed as soon as they clench their fists, curse, and swing.
Another electoral race is over. According to the karmic formula of winners and losers, the Important and the Poor, one side celebrates, and the other mourns. Both players and their fans celebrate and mourn. The left-wing winners dance and share their successes, while the right-wing losers are disappointed and console themselves that it was just (another) lost the battle, while the war is still going on.

Janshism is not dead and will kick, slash and spit for some time to come, but the overwhelming majority of voters have nevertheless removed it from power, thus preventing it from abusing the state, state institutions, and taxpayers’ money for selfish, greedy and harmful purposes. Until recently, the Janša government had only about 27% support, which also represents the electoral support and the final reach of the right-wing. This means, of course, that none of the left-wing and non-political people supported Janša, the SDS (his party), and their government, as they were told loud and clear in these elections. We should pass a law that immediately removes from power any government that does not have at least 50% support, which would be regularly checked because it does not have the support of the majority of the population. The fewer the supporters, the more violent the government, is because otherwise, it cannot govern. Fortunately, the Janša government will no longer abuse, teargas, and beat us.

These elections have also made it clear that the right-wing cannot win unless enough free-thinking people turn out to vote, or unless the left itself hands over power to them. Once the left and civil society come together, the right-wingers have no chance. Just like in the water preservation referendum, where the majority of voters predicted the failure of SDS and Janša in the parliamentary elections.
This year, it was mainly civil society and the non-political who won, who had had enough of the fearmongering, contempt, and violence (verbal and physical – tear-gassing and beating demonstrators), and who joined and supported the left against the intolerant, militant, hateful and violent right-wingers, nationalists and domobrans – against SDS, Janša and the Janshists.
This election has once again shown the incompetence of the SDS in controlling Slovenia. Whoever has a month or two to spare and hastily assembles a team can easily and convincingly beat them in the elections as a joke. This has now happened for the fourth time in the row: Zoran Jankovič, Miro Cerar, Marjan Šarec, and now Robert Golob. Not only all listed above had blown Janša out of power and government, but they are also breaking records in terms of the number of voters. This year, a record 400 thousand-plus voters (out of approx. 1,700.000 in total) cast their ballots for Golob and the Freedom Movement.
With the record defeat of the right-wingers, the end of the Janshist authoritarian, arrogant and contemptuous rule is finally here. Even the right-wingers themselves predict that Golob (a new left-wing leader) will rule for at least eight years when Janša will be 72 years old and no longer capable of running a government.
According to my information and knowledge of the current state of our cosmos, I think that we will see the end of the karmic blockade of the Earth already this term, or at the latest in the next four years. Freedom Day will also be the day when we will see all the current and old politicians who have been involved in creating and maintaining good for the Elite and severe deprivation and suffering for the majority of the Earth’s inhabitants (tens of thousands of children in Africa die every day from hunger alone; more than 2 billion people do not have running water in their shacks; more than 10 wars are constantly raging on the planet, not to mention the constant (domestic) violence and crime), remove them from the planet and choose new, honest and kind politicians who will work for the benefit of all good people.
The opposition lost, not us
In an old and ugly habit, right-wingers are incapable of accepting responsibility for their harmful actions, for which they regularly blame others. Jože Možina, a far-right historian, in his book The Slovenian schism, aims to distort the history of World War II in Slovenia, to excuse the Home Army domobrans and blame the Partisans and the Communists for their treachery and collaboration with the Nazis, he writes that the Partisans “pushed” religious Slovenes to the Nazis and, according to him, “forced” them to betray Slovenia and to serve as servants to the Nazis in the killing of Slovenes. This is, of course, a plain lie, because the partisans did not force anyone to go to the Germans. It is probably true that they expected and perhaps even demanded that the peasants give them food, but at the same time they were the only ones who resisted the invader and fought for freedom. The faithful Slovenes who betrayed Slovenia on the orders of the Christian Church and betrayed, hunted, tortured, and killed partisans, their families, and friends as Nazi collaborators, joined the Nazis willingly and were even paid for their dirty work.

Historical photographs clearly show that Home Guard domobran General Leon Rupnik voluntarily, with his right hand outstretched, swore allegiance to Hitler and, on his birthday, paid tribute to the Home Guard’s servility and collaborationist help in betraying, hunting, torturing, and killing partisans, their families and friends. The Home Army thought that with the help of the Nazis they would defeat the communists and take power in Slovenia. Fortunately, they did not succeed, because today Slovenia would no longer exist and most Slovenians would be long dead. The Home Army also forgot that betrayal never ends well for traitors, and it ended very badly for them too.
If the religious Home Guard had been true Slovenes, they would have fought against the Communists and the Nazis at the same time, instead of betraying their homeland and defecting to the Nazis. The excuse that they went to the Germans for weapons is just another lie. The partisans were also unarmed at the beginning, but they soon began to arm themselves, and they did so by taking weapons from the Germans, not by asking the Nazis for weapons to kill their fellow countrymen with. The Home Army seized the opportunity to kill as many infidels, partisans, and communists as possible with the help of the Nazis and to take power.
Možina also wants to blame the partisans for the rift between believers and non-believers, as if it did not exist before the Second World War. This is also not true, because according to the 50-50 karmic formula, they were divided into religious reactionaries and non-believers, free-thinkers, and progressives. The war, the partisanship, and the Home Army only accentuated this distinction and opposition, turning it from a religious and political conflict into a military conflict. It is obvious that the modern-day Home Army and the right-wing have not been able to accept responsibility for their actions and their harmful, destructive, and deadly consequences for themselves and their families since the end of the Second World War, and that they are not able to do so even today. It is all the fault of others, and they are just victims of partisans and communists who are long gone.
Janša wins, even when he loses

Janša, Twitter:
“I see this election mainly as citizens getting fed up with the current opposition, as they have practically been swept out of parliament. SDS did not use the funnel tactic in this election to siphon off all the votes that in one way or another were in favor of the government coalition.”
This is not true, of course, because Janša has created a new conflict by creating a new division between towns and villages, drawing the villagers to his side, while on the other side, with curfews, water cannons, tear gas, and beatings of demonstrators, he has strongly repelled the townspeople of Ljubljana (capital of Slovenia), who have been joined by the townspeople of other towns and cities as natural allies. In doing so, he took over voters who would otherwise have voted for two other far-right parties and prevented these parties from entering parliament. Janša was first in the villages and last in the cities, further cementing his limited electorate and making it impossible for him to increase his vote in any way.
Not accepting responsibility for one’s actions and blaming others is a typical defense mechanism by denying reality, distorting and twisting the truth into a lie. Unless a person, a partner, a family, a group, and an organization can accept responsibility for their actions, face them honestly, and change their behavior, there is no chance of development for the better.
The reason for Janša’s total defeat is the expression of the majority’s non-acceptance and rejection of freethinkers, non-believers, leftists, educated people, cultured and artistic people, civil society, and non-political people who do not accept him personally as an insensitive, ruthless, cynical, sarcastic and contemptuous authoritarian ruler who frightens, divides and carries out violence against people.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover photo: mikstone1.blogspot.co
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