The Karmic State is a giant scam
What are the candidates fighting for when they fight to get into parliament? For a position, a title, privileges, and a well-paid and easy job where they share other people’s money – the taxpayers’ money, squabble for control of state-owned companies and strategic organizations like the police, the judiciary, and the media, which they can use to control the whole state.
The karmicons politics starts with the lie that territory is the same as a state, which is of course not true. A territory is an area in which its inhabitants live, and a state is a political organization that itself has no territory, inhabitants, or resources, but only empty places and empty institutions which are yet to be occupied by politicians and other civil servants. In karmic politics, the state and the territory are transformed into one, and the inhabitants become citizens through this deception, even though they are not even members of this political organization.
For the sake of understanding, a political party is also a form of political organization. It would be absurd to say that all the inhabitants who live in an area in which a party operates are automatically members of that party. Well, this absurdity applies to the state. As we know, none of us has joined the State as a political organization and none of us has a membership card. According to the false karmic policy, everyone who is born in a territory where a political organization called the State operates is automatically considered a citizen or a member of that organization. The same was the case in the old and dark days when the Christian Church was the State. All those who were born on its territory were automatically cross-thians. Any ambiguities about this status were settled by the Inquisition.
In reality, the state is just a parasite on the body of the territory and the people it selfishly exploits. On the planet Palki and throughout the cosmos, we have already abolished the state as a political organization and authority and replaced it with a country that operates publicly, transparently, fairly, and for the benefit of all. In the new countries, there are no longer any political parties, and there is only one political group in Parliament, which acts in harmony and for the benefit of all the citizens of the country. We will do the same on Earth. I tell you that you will be very surprised to find that politicians can also be very good, honest and kind people and you will be very impressed by them.
The state, as a political organization, is also a power that controls territory, population, and resources. Governing is primarily about collecting money through taxes, distributing that money, and controlling all the important institutions. The state is supposed to operate openly, honestly, transparently and for the common good, but according to the karmic formula of Good and Evil, it is also corrupt, twisted, and perverted. Instead of acting honestly and for the benefit of all, the politicians in power act primarily selfishly, greedily, for their benefit and the benefit of their party and their network. In other words, this means that they appropriate other people’s money and use it to benefit themselves.
The karmicons, following the 50:50 formula, which ensures that there will be at least 50% Evil in the life of an individual, a couple, a family, a group, and a country, have not only divided the minority Elite and the majority of the mob and the religious and the non-religious but have also politically divided the citizens into left-leaning, right-leaning, and non-political ones. Thus, left-wingers versus right-wingers, democrats versus republicans, libertarians versus conservatives, etc., fight for power and the governance of the state. The political positions of power in the state, as a political organization, are originally vacant, and the positions of members of parliament are fought for by members of political parties, who are elected by the electorate, or by the “citizens”, or by the inhabitants of the “state” territory. Let us look at how the Political System is described by itself:
“The political system
Slovenia is a parliamentary democratic republic with a proportional electoral system. All power in the country comes from the people and belongs to the people. All citizens of the Republic of Slovenia of full age have the right to elect representatives of the people in universal, multiparty, and free elections. Power is divided into legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative power is vested in the Parliament, which is composed of the National Assembly and the Council of State. Executive power is vested in the Government, and the judiciary is separate from both the legislature and the executive.”
That power derives from “the people and belongs to the people” is just another big lie. All the rulers, the members of parliament, the government, and the courts, were and are set, not elected. Elections are just a karmic farce to mislead the ignorant inhabitants of a territory. All politicians, office-bearers, and judges were set for their positions before they were born because the karmic people wrote it into their scripts. First, they wrote down who would be the Prime Minister, for example, and only then who all would vote for him as a candidate for Parliament. The same applies to all other political functionaries. This also means, of course, that all voters are pre-programmed as to who they will vote for. The only change that can be made is to wake up and not vote for the right-wingers. If the karmicons had determined that you would vote for, for example, far-right Janša, you would not do so as an awakened person but would vote for someone else or not go to the elections at all.
Let me make it clear here that the political system will not change whether the left or the right is in power because the system as a system will remain the same, except that the empty seats will be filled by other politicians. If the leftists win the Slovenian elections on April 24, the system will remain the same (democracy and capitalism will remain), and they too will be selfish, dishonest, and manipulative, except that life will be a little less uncomfortable and stressful than it is under the rule of the far-right, such as the SDS, the NSI, and the SNS. You will not be cursed, attacked, and scorned by the left-wingers, so you will feel less uncomfortable, but everything else will remain about the same. The left-wingers say that they will also liberate RTVSLO (national TV station), which has been hostilely taken over as a public media outlet by SDS and its Nazi, far-right, and Home Guard propagandists.
The hateful right-wing takeover of RTV SLO
Although right-wing and Janschist editors and journalists such as Jadranka Rebernik, Jože Možina, and Igor Pirkovič claim that RTVSLO is a public media house paid for by all Slovenians and that it should be pluralistically represented, which is what they mean, that it must also create content for right-wing politicians and citizens, there is a big difference between ordinary right-wingers, such as Republicans in the USA, and Slovenian right-wingers, who are descendants of the Home Army, who were traitors to the Slovenian nation, Hitler’s collaborators and paid Nazi soldiers.
Pluralism means that the left and right political options are equally represented in the public media, but it does not mean that the right-wing side can carry out Nazi and Home Guard ideological propaganda.
The classic right-wing “values” (in quotation marks, because the qualities of Evil are not worthy and useful, but harmful, destructive, and lethal qualities) are:
1. Religion (crusade against the otherwise religious or the heretical and the unbelieving, or Jihad)
2. The Christian family, in which the man is the head and the woman is the maid
3. The superior position of men over women (chauvinism)
4. The superiority of the rich over the poor (Elitism)
5. The superiority of the white race over other races (racism)
6. The superiority of the native nation over foreign nations (Nationalism)
7. The superiority of heterosexuals over LGBT inferiors (homophobia)
8. The right to be armed with an obsession for weapons, violence, and wars.
The Slovenian right adds to these “values”, which they even call “Western” or “European”, the domobrans patriotism, which is their priority. The Home Army combines all the above Evil qualities and activities in the struggle for their own Home Army state Domobrania. (domobrans were traitors and Hitler’s collaborator hunting, torturing, and killing Slovene partisans who were fighting against Nazi occupation and won)
As we can see, as well as fighting for parliament, the left and the right are also fighting for the media, especially for the state media, such as RTVSLO, and for PlanetTV, such as Telekom TV, which has become the new Nova24TV (far-right media house). The right-wingers need and use the media to fight against the left-wingers and the non-political and to propagate their religious and reactionary way of life, while the Slovenian right-wingers use it to promote the Home Army (domobrans “values”). This is not, of course, the idea of media pluralism, but rather one-sided and harmful political propaganda, a crude reckoning with dissent, especially free-thinking dissent, and this with all possible forms of media violence.
The right-wing takeover of a public media outlet like RTVSLO is taking place in three phases:
1. “Afoot through the door”. At this stage, they come into the house with a demand for “pluralization” or equal representation of left and right media content. Here and there, a Home Guard domobrans program already appears.
2. Putting right-wing officials in leading positions and changing the programming policy. More and more programs with right-wing content, propagate the right-wing ‘values’ described above.
RTV SLO is now at this stage.
Systematic removal of all left-wing media content broadcasting only right-wing content. TV News starts with “Comrade Janša, we are worshipping you!”
This is the only and true media “pluralism” for the right-wingers.
Domobrania, a promised land for Slovenian domobrans
The main aspiration of the Slovenian far-right, (Neo)Nazis and the Home Army domobrans is to have their state. The karmicons have divided Slovenia, like the USA, which had a civil war of the freedom-loving North against the slave-owning South, into two opposing sides, into leftists and rightists, into infidels and the religious, into partisans and the Home Army domobrans. According to the 50:50 formula, they have given each side one weakness for which they will constantly argue and fight. The right-wingers, like the Home Army, were scripted to be Hitler’s servants, traitors to the Slovene people, and collaborators with the occupier, who would betray, hunt, torture and kill the partisans. The left, on the other hand, spoiled the victory over the Nazis with the post-war killings of domobrans traitors for which the descendants of the Home Army and the right-wing still accuse them today. In this way, the karmicons deliberately split the Slovenes, distorted and smeared both sides, and thus ensured that they would be in a constant quarrel.
The main difference between the left and the right is that the partisans, or left-wing and non-political (there were also religious and non-political among the partisans, although the right-wingers do not want to admit it, because the Home Army betrayed, hunted down, tortured and killed all the partisans they could capture, as well as their family members and friends, regardless of their non-religiousness or non-politicality), by defeating the Nazi occupier and their domobrans and traitorous servants, they got their own country, Slovenia, while the domobrans failed to do so, as they cowardly fled as losers first to Austria and then to Argentina. That is why today’s descendants of the Home Army domobrans, united in the SDS and NSI far-right parties, are fighting so hard for power because they are working so hard to have their own country, Domobrania.
In Phase 1, which is now underway, they want to first lay the foundations for autocratic rule by the “One and Only” Great Leader, i.e. Janez Janša, in the manner of President Orban of Hungary. At this stage, we can see how Janša is ruling solo, ignoring Parliament and the Constitutional Court, but deciding most matters himself and ruling by tweets and decrees. In Phase 2, Janša would become a dictator like Putin, above the law, the court, and the parliament. He is the Law, God, and the Stick. Finally, in Phase 3, when he would set up Domobrania, he would become an absolutist Firer in Hitler’s way and Master of Life and Death.
Janša recently prophetically predicted that Slovenia would be liberated in five years. What does this mean? That in five years, he will rename Slovenia to Domobrania? Where will he imprison the vast majority of Slovenians who are against him, many of whom cannot even see him? In a giant concentration camp?
In the 2018 elections, the SDS polled 219,415 voters, the SNI 62,682, and the SNS 36,904, a total of 319,001. (Source:
Slovenia is currently home to 2. 108.708 inhabitants. What will happen to the 1,789,707 people who do not want to live in a domobranic state? Will Janša forcibly convert them to domobrans and cross-thians? Will they be forced to curse the communists and, with their right hand outstretched, take the domobrans oath to Hitler first and then to Janša?
Since much of the right-wing program is against foreigners – communists, socialists, non-political, believers in other religions, especially Islam and immigrants, they are joined in their crusade against all dissent by nationalists such as Jelincic’s SNS and other right-wing parties, such as the new parties Konkretno and New Land. The right-wingers are much more cohesive than the left-wingers because they are fighting for their state, which they have never had and probably never will have. The left-wing and the non-political are much more relaxed because, having already won their country as victors in the Second World War, they do not turn out in such large numbers to vote.
This year is different, because Janša, who is a born paranoiac, cannot live without an enemy and is constantly creating enemies and hatred, because it is only the enemy, hatred, and the fight against the enemy that create and keep him alive, has activated the greatest majority of leftists, who, with Friday’s cyclists (protesters on bikes against Janša and far-right), are relentlessly driving to oust him from his throne. Janša cannot exist without an enemy, so he desperately needs one. With his brutality and contemptuousness and his open policy of appropriation and subjugation, he is causing enormous resistance among the left and the non-political, who have become much more mobilized and united as a result and cannot wait to go to the polls and remove Janša and his autocratic, dictatorial and arrogant posturing. They say that Janša has hijacked Slovenia and now they want it back.
Funny, the same is claimed by the right-wingers who want to ‘liberate’ Slovenia from communists and socialists, non-believers, non-political, LGBT, immigrants, southerners, etc., etc. Janša has announced that this ‘liberation’ will take place in five years.
Let me say that the right-wing accusation of left-leaning politicians and voters as “communists and socialists” is inaccurate because communism and socialism cannot exist in democracy and capitalism, which are accepted by the left and the right as fundamentally political and economic systems.
Janša and the Janšists are openly hostile to the left, to the non-believers, to the non-political, and to all those who are different and inferior to them. The right-wingers are fighting to make all of the above disappear and to leave Slovenia to them, to turn it into Domobrania.
Far-right hatred against women and others
Right-wingers, who see women as inferior handmaidens to men according to the Christian ideological doctrine, are particularly violent towards free-thinking, independent and successful women.
We can read on the internet that a month ago, Janez Janša was convicted and sentenced to three months’ probation with a probationary period of one year for an offensive tweet directed at TV Slovenia journalists Eugenia Carl and Mojca Šetinc Pašek. For the offensive statement: “On a Facebook page of a public house, cheap services are offered by retired prostitutes Eugenia C. and Mojca P. Š.”. “The Court of Celje found him for the second time to have been demeaning and insulting to the two journalists” and sentenced him to three months suspended imprisonment.
This is just one of many examples of the open hatred against women, who are considered by right-wingers to be inferior to men and should stay at home and take care of their families, leaving public action, business and politics to men.
Let me remind you that right-wingers present themselves as civilized fighters for ‘Western and European values’, by which they mean cross-thianity, racism, chauvinism, homophobia, xenophobia, and all possible and impossible forms of intolerance, hatred, and violence.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
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