Original title of the podcast is Are All Near-Death Experiences Staged Hoaxes By DARK ENTITIES?. I know they are so I changed the title of this article series in the confirmatory mode.
Because of the low audio quality and my learning English while speaking :), I prepared the edited transcript of our talk with Jeff. It is not a word-by-word copy of the podcast but rather an emphasis on the themes we spoke about. I also added some extra explanations so you will better understand my work and the future of Earth.
Thank you for understanding that English is not my first language so I did “uh, oh” search for proper words. Nevertheless, I suggest you (listen and) read the content and use what you find beneficial to you.
I know that my statements sound different than others in the NDE community and that you can’t check them all right now. Unlike other presenters, you can check the worldly part of my work. You have two ways to indirectly check my statements:
1. Learn to lucid dream using my suggestions in the articles Why is lucid dreaming so important? and How to find out who is incarnated in you?
2. Try my exercises for awakening, releasing your old Ego personality, easy, profound and constant relaxation of your body, stopping and exiting the mind at will, and entering and permanently living in Pure Awareness. When you experience the concrete and great benefits of my exercises, you will see that I know what I am talking about. With concrete experiences with my work, you can then indirectly assume that I am telling the truth about the space part of my work as well.
Here are also some answers to the comments of the podcast on Youtube:
1. I am positive, kind, friendly and loving being working for the benefit of all good people.
2. I don’t have any “Grandeur” issues as I have completely abandoned my Important Me and Poor Me issues using my exercises for awakening. Since 2006, I am fully stable living in Pure Awareness Since that date, I didn’t have a single harmful thought, feeling and emotion, and I didn’t say a single harmful word, and didn’t do a single harmful act.
3. Our multi-planetary and the multidimensional group is a team of highly skilled specialists. We are the new cosmic administration who have already liberated more than one billion galaxies, ended Karmic organization establishing a new model of life without limitations, diseases, poverty, crime, violence and death. We are Friends and you will clearly see that when we start with our work on Earth.
4. Words are words and facts are facts. Only facts will confirm or dismiss predictions, that goes for all of them, including mine. You don’t have to believe in my statements and predictions, it is enough that you want a better life for all. Stay positive and open to new possibilities.
5. Why there are many who came back from NDE with positive experiences? The karmic-cons, members of the Evil Karmic organization, are sadistic psychopaths who enjoy manipulating people giving them hope and then throwing them in despair. They are Evil being who can transform them into whatever they want: to another persons, “God”, “angels”, animals and even objects. They can also pretend that they are loving embracing you with love, but you have to know that that is just the nice energy without any real love in it or behind it. It’s just a charade to fool you.
6. Eventual healings are part of the karmic experiments on humans. If they would want us to be healthy, they would write incarnational scripts for our lives without limitations and diseases.
Here is our conversation with Jeff:
Now from beyond our dimension, this is the Jeff Mara podcast.
Jeff: Today’s guest is Senad Dizdarević from Slovenia. Senad is the author of many books including Letters to Palkies, a nonfictional book series about his awakening and the blissful realization that we are beautiful beings of pure awareness. Senad, thank you so much for joining us, and welcome.
Senad: Hello, Jeff, and thank you for inviting me.
Jeff: So let’s start here, can you just give us a brief overview of what Letters to Palkies is about?
Senad: In the book series Letters to Palkies, I present my meetings with different space people, my lucid dreams experiences and my revelation of the Karmic Organization, Evil and harmful organization, which is controlling, or more precise, was controlling the whole cosmos. I also write about my interplanetary relationship with Sanja, my girlfriend from our neighbor planet Palki. I have very good news for you as we have almost ended the karmicons control and we are already establishing a new model that I created for this cosmos.
Jeff: As you may know, my channel has a lot of videos about near death experiences. So, when someone’s body dies, and their consciousness leaves the body, where do they go in your opinion.
Senad: Based on my concrete and longtime experiences together with hundreds and hundreds of contacts and talks with humans and also energy beings from other planets, I can tell you that all who died were intercepted by the Karmic organization. They have controlled everything that was happening in our cosmos. From November 2020, we are ending their control and we have almost liberated all galaxies in this cosmos. Earth is the only one being under their blockage. Our galaxy and our solar system are fully liberated, there is only Earth left to be freed.
When a person died while the karmic-cons were still in control, they have already waited for him. When one dies, he exits his physical body with his energy body. The karmicons intercepted him and take him to the Karmic center on the home planet of his incarnant, a human from another planet who incarnated in his baby body while he was still in his mother. After that, they force him to make life review with a special tablet computer like an Ipad. When he finishes with a review, they switch his personal awareness and put him to deep sleep without dreams, and they switch on his incarnant who was put to sleep right after the birth of this person, and who slept all his life in deep sleep without dreams.
By the karmic theory and practice, we are not real beings but just incarnations of some other humans from some other planets. They claim that we are just one of many incarnations of our incarnants. They even call us “previous lives”. After an incarnant was awakened, he rested for 24 to 48 hours to reconnect his memory. After that, they teleported him home from where they took him before the incarnation.
Under the karmic control, all beings from 4. to 8. dimension were forced to incarnate. Only Earthlings weren’t incarnating because there are no lower planets under our dimension. That is also the reason that Earthlings are not familiar with the Karmic organization and their Evil work because there are no Karmic centers in our cities forcing and processing us to and from incarnations.
Jeff: Alright, so you’re saying that there is an organization called karmic organization are also known as karmacans.
Senad: Their names derive from karma, their organization is the Karmic organization, I call them the karmic-cons – the karmicons.
Jeff: So there’s an organization called karmic organization and the people within it are called karmic cons. And basically, after you die, the karmic cons greet you, or capture you can force you into a life review. And then kind of put you to rest 24 to 48 hours and then switch off your memory. And then we incarnate you back in and you don’t remember.
Senad: Your first part is correct, I will just repeat the second part. As I said, the karmicons don’t see us as real beings, for them, we are just theater roles and live costumes for some other person’s plays. So, the incarnation is a kind of jumping from one person with his energy body into the physical body of another person in his mother’s womb. They didn’t understand that when they switched incarnants personal awareness a new being started to develop with his awareness. This new being is a real and original being because our beingness is based on Awareness. So, before incarnation, there is one energy being – an incarnant, outside the mother’s body, and there is a physical baby body inside the mother’s womb. During the pregnancy, the incarnant enters and exits babies body many times. After the birth, the karmicons fix incarnant in the baby’s body and switch his awareness off. At that moment, a new being emerges and starts to develop. Before birth, there is only one being and one body, after birth, there is one physical body and two beings. One is sleeping and one is awake. After the death of this real and original body and his life review, the karmicons reverse the operation: they switch him off and put him into a deep sleep and they awaken his incarnant who was sleeping that person’s whole life. He or she rests for 24 to 48 hours and returns home. The karmicons claim that this life was incarnant’s one of more or many incarnations, taking us completely out of the equation as we don’t exist at all. Our life was just one of the incarnants drama plays and we were just one of his roles.
Jeff: That’s us on Earth. Yes, yes. So what is the point of that? I mean, are they just putting us in this drama on earth for somebody else’s amusement?

Senad: There are two main reasons for this. The karmicons are evil beings who feed with negative energy. The movie Matrix is a perfect example of it, it’s almost hard to show it better and more precisely. For them, we are just producers of negative energy, which they feed on. They are energy beings from higher dimensions, and they don’t eat solid food. They feed differently as they directly absorb energy from other beings. For example, humans on Earth eat solid food, vegetable, fruits, meat, and so on. In the process of digestion, the body extracts all nutritions. Our cells don’t eat stakes but they extract energy from the micro-nutritions from food. The karmicons, as energy beings, extract and absorb or directly eat, drink or inhale the negative energy directly from other beings without any digestive process. They are negative beings and like negative energy, so they like to feed upon persons who are afraid, sad, angry, and so on. They’re radiating the negative energy from their energy bodies. When we feel bad, are afraid, sad and angry, we attract these energy vampires and parasites inviting them to eat us alive. So, the first reason for incarnations, hard lives and suffering is that they use us as food. The second reason is, they are also stealing our experiences. In their world, there are no planets, no houses, no cities, nothing. They just float in energy fields. They’re using our experiences to fill their emptiness. Stealing our lives and experiences they even pretend that they are “spiritually developing”.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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