From the start of our liberation of the whole cosmos on November 23. 2020, our space friends were regularly informing me every month around the 15. in the month with the new number of liberated galaxies. The controllers are so upset with our fantastic success that they have blocked our space friends to give me the update for May. Before I saw that every month we liberate approximately 100 million new galaxies, so I presumed that we have liberated approximately 500 million galaxies in the middle of May. Yesterday, our space friends somehow came through the blockade and told me that we have liberated already 620 million galaxies! I assume that until June, 15., we will liberate approximately 650 million galaxies which are about 50 million more at the monthly level. Bravo, our space friends!
They have also told me that they have already mapped 890 million galaxies. Since the beginning of this year, we are creating a space map from the 3. to the 9. dimension so we can manage it easier. We are progressing very well in this project too so we will very soon have a billion galaxies on our map. Some of them are uninhabited, but anyway, it is very important that we know our field of work. First time in the history of this cosmos, we are connected, and united. The old galactic managers were selfish working for themselves, they were united only in Evil.
Before I present you my speech to the new galactic managers, our partners, and friends on the 2. Space Conference, I will tell you some basic truths about Life and the natural order.
The Meaning of Life, and the old Evil and perverted Cosmic Order
Life is very simple. The only meaning and intention of Life are to live and survive. Beings need for their life different things depending on their kind. Humans need air, water, and food, together with clothes and homes. Everything else is not urgently needed for survival. Energy beings from the higher dimension don’t need even that as they don’t breathe, eat and drink. They are without clothes and planets. They live as energy beings in the energy fields in which they are at the same time beings and their environment. Despite these simple, and to all easily understandable life facts, higher beings had in their unawareness, ignorance, mindless, and violence perverted the natural order of Life, and done things which they didn’t need for their life and survival. With their extremely selfish acts, they have extremely harmed other and lower beings who couldn’t defend themselves from them. They have abused their higher abilities and technology to subordinate, abuse, torture, and kill us.
As unaware, ignorant, mindless (they have abused their higher abilities and technology for harmful intentions), and violent, they created their identity on the base of the hierarchical structure “more worthy” Important ones, and “less worthy” Poor ones (us, who else). They have filled their inner emptiness which was caused by their unawareness of Pure Awareness with the force and narcissistic and megalomaniac illusions about their Importance and Superiority. They fantasied and presented themselves as the Masters of Life and Death. They have perverted the natural power of energy into force and violence. Who squeezes a muscle, feels power. They fantasied that they are strong by squeezing us but they were just violent. With the perversion of the natural power into the harmful force, with the artificial and false identity of superior, more worthy, and Important Masters, they ruled the lower beings in this cosmos. They have executed cosmic violence all over the place fantasizing that they are Strong and Mighty.
They were empty inside, so the external fillers such as positions, titles, and privileges were very important to them. We can see this false identity creation phenomena also on Earth with (psychopathic) heads of state and government, politicians, and capitalist business owners and directors. As above, so below, ones and the others, the Masters, Lords and Gods, and their planetary servants or lower Elite, intoxicated themselves with their Importance and arrogantly, cynically, and sarcastically disparaged and ridiculed others. Just look at Trump: he is the true Son of God and King of Arrogance.
Since the beginning of our liberation of this cosmos, not even one of the 620 million-plus galactic groups that previously governed galaxies under the Evil Creator-Absorbing Karmic System didn’t come to us to talk about our cooperation in the new model. This is very significant as it shows that they are not yet ready to actively awaken, evolve and participate in the new way of life in this cosmos. They were the creators of the old universe of Evil, which fostered unconsciousness, ignorance, stupidity, and violence, and they were totally attuned to the old universe. The old Evil system has collapsed, and no longer supports them, so they have passively withdrawn, and left the administration of the galaxies to us. By yesterday, as many as 620 million groups of previous galactic wardens groups had peacefully withdrawn. All except one, which continues to control and blockade the Earth!
In this way, Existence shows us with whom we have been dealing before, and what beings have governed this cosmos before us. Fortunately, all the activities that are beneficial to end the blockade of Earth have already been completed, so there is a big chance that this blockade will fall quickly. The completion of these activities was not a necessary condition for liberation either, but it was what it was. In any case, it is good that we intercept all new dead Earthlings, that there are no more incarnations, and that we have removed the greatest majority of the karmicons servants or so-called voices in the head.
The history of this cosmos is the history of Evil
The history of the Earth shows us the history of this cosmos and the old primitive way of satisfying needs and desires. Violence, looting, killing, burning, raping, enslaving, torturing, and murdering prevailed. This has partly turned into a militant entrepreneurial business, where they continue to fight by other means, and into the war industry. It is still all about power, or force, and superior power and military power are still the most important. We can see in America how important a false power or force is also on a personal level, where many Americans are armed walking around with loaded guns. This is, of course, an expression of fear, insecurity, and powerlessness, which they try to override with weapons and a false sense of power or firepower. They are naked without a gun, and only when they put it on, first the gun and then their trousers, of course :), they feel complete and powerful. The Magnum 45 is in fact the brand of their personal firepower, and only then the name of the gun. 🙂 They are 45 caliber, powerful, piercing, and deadly. Just say something if you dare! A friend’s son, at the age of four, when asked what he was going to be when he will grow, replied, “Dangerous”. 🙂 “Dangerous to be safe”, says one of the visitors from other planets.
Each of us has needs and desires that we want to fulfill. We can do this peacefully in agreement with others for the benefit of all, or by force for selfish gain, and harmful to others. We can see that the old managers of this cosmos fulfilled their needs and desires selfishly, by force, and harmful to other beings. This means, of course, that they were totally personally undeveloped, and primitive:
1. Unaware: they were not aware of Pure Awareness.
2. Ignorant: they did not know that they were equal Beings of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom.
3. Mindless and stupid: based on ignorance and unawareness, they have created a false, harmful, destructive, and deadly Creator Absorbing Karmic System to rule by force. They were especially stupid because, in their infinite arrogant narcissism, they failed to realize that their system also applies to them and that they too will sooner or later disappear in this system.
4. Violent: they were unaware of the Awareness, and they were empty. They filled this emptiness with distorted natural energy and power, which they turned into the force. They have satisfied their needs and desires for basic survival, which they do not really have as energy beings, by force and harmful to others.
They have also shown us through their Evil acts that higher dimensionality doesn’t automatically mean higher personal development. In their case, it was the other way around. The higher they were, the more underdeveloped, unaware, ignorant, stupid, and violent they were. One can only ask who is at the very top of this cosmos: someone who is not interested in all this, has no connection with the old system, and lives in solitude, or Satan himself as the Creator of Evil and Hell?
With these four harms, the old managers of this cosmos have destroyed the natural order, which the new managers are now correcting so we can begin to live by the Truth of Existence, simultaneity, Life, Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom.
With the awakening of this cosmos, we are abolishing the old system, and introducing a new way of life. In the new cosmos will live awakened beings who are aware, knowing, wise and peaceful. We have awakened beings who are kind, friendly and loving, and who work and cooperate peacefully for the benefit of all.
Based on these basic facts about Life, Existence, and evolution, we can see the difference between the old and the new cosmos, and between the old and the new managers of this cosmos. This difference is literally the difference between Night and Day, between Darkness and Light, between Evil and Good. No wonder that not even one of the 620 million groups that previously ruled and controlled their galaxies didn’t come to talk about cooperation in the new model of life because they have been completely blinded by our Light. Instead of coming to the Day, like true vampires, they preferred to retreat into the Night. All but one of them, which is still resisting cosmic evolution, blocking the Earth, and thinking that their anger and vengeance will darken the Day and blacken it back into the Night. Never! The old cosmos of Evil is over, the new cosmos is one of Good, Truth, Peace, Love, Wisdom, Kindness, Friendship, and Cooperation.
Although the old managers didn’t come to us, they have unplanned and unintentionally, taken one step further in their personal development. Unlike the first, the only one, and the last group that is blocking the Earth by force, they have calmly withdrawn and left the management of the galaxies to us. In doing so, they have renounced further violence, the fourth stage of underdevelopment. That leaves them with three more stages, which they will abandon by awakening if they choose so. These are unawareness, ignorance, and stupidity. If they were to come to us to talk, they would also sort out the third, and the second step in one move, for they would learn the truth about Existence, simultaneity, and the false Creator Absorbic Karmic System. After completing that, they would only have to awaken and get aware of Pure Awareness. Perhaps they are gathering courage now, and they will visit us in the future. 620 million groups have peacefully withdrawn, while only one is still squeezing us violently blocking our planet, as if our evolution, freedom, and a new way of life is a great threat to them. This is not true, because they do not even need our galaxy, solar systems, and planets to live and survive. This has been shown and proven to them by all the other groups that have peacefully left their galaxies to us, and survived.
Creator Absorbic Karmic system
These are the three levels of the old space government according to the false Creator Absorbic Karmic System:
1. The Creator part of the universe: an individual, couple, or group who is, are, or have come from a higher or other cosmos, and govern our cosmos. By his/her/their/ Evil works, we can see what kind of person/people he/she/they are. If he/she/they were personality evolved, awakened, and aware, he/she/they would never have allowed Evil in his/her/their universe.
2. The Absorbic part of the cosmos: the planners of the Evil and Karmic Levels of the cosmos live in the Absorbic part of the cosmos, where the higher beings completely absorb or dissolve the lower beings into themselves and thus appropriate and steal their energy and experiences.
3. The Karmic part of the cosmos: the karmicons do all planned Evil. They live in the lower and lowest parts of the cosmos. There the planned Evil is systematically organized and concretely executed. In this part of the cosmos, the Karmic Organization rules and uses incarnation, all kinds of restrictions, diseases, injuries, poverty, violence, suffering, and death as tools for their dictatorship.
We are now abolishing this, the Karmic and lowest Evil part of the cosmos, and we are already very successfully creating a new way of life in this part of the cosmos. On the planet Palki, its inhabitants have been living for three and a half years without the Karmic system, and its dictatorship of Evil, and are very excited about their new life.
The current state of this cosmos also shows us what we still have to do. Immediately after the liberation of Earth, we will also begin the “liberation upwards”, as our space friends wittily put it. We must know that higher beings still have superior abilities which they can use for harmful, destructive, and deadly purposes. It is therefore imperative that we present the truth to them as soon as possible, and that they too begin to wake up, abandon harmful behaviors and actively engage in the new cosmos. This, of course, also applies to the “Creator” or “God” of this cosmos, the individual, the couple, or the group. When we also open their eyes to the Truth, to him/her or them, our basic work in this cosmos will be complete. Then we will move on, as there are most likely more undeveloped cosmoses ruled by Evil Beings.
Next week, in Part 2 of this article, I will present my speech to the new galactic managers of the liberated galaxies at the 2nd Space Conference on 5 June 2021.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for you after the end of the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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