Before you read the new story I wrote for Palkies, and all good people, let us first see my message to my girlfriend Sanja about ending the old December holidays and creating a new one.
Dear Sanja, hi, here is my suggestion for the new santa claus:) together with a new New Year Letter to Palkies.
I suggest we end with St. Miklaus, Santa Claus, and Grandpa Cold. The first two are religious figures which disappear with the end of the cross-thian religion, and the third one is a Russian communist who leaves the scene with late Yugoslavia:)
St. Miklaus, Santa Claus, and Grandpa Cold
Who is who among the holy December men?
“Mikulás (or Szent Miklós) is the Hungarian version of Saint Nicholas, and a similar figure to Santa Claus.“
“Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa, is a legendary character originating in Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts to the homes of well-behaved children on the night of Christmas Eve (24 December) or during the early morning hours of Christmas Day (25 December). The modern character of Santa Claus was based on traditions surrounding the historical Saint Nicholas (a fourth-century Greek bishop and gift-giver of Myra), the British figure of Father Christmas, and the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas (himself also based on Saint Nicholas). Some maintain Santa Claus also absorbed elements of the Germanic deity Wodan, who was associated with the pagan midwinter event of Yule and led the Wild Hunt, a ghostly procession through the sky.”
Haddon Sundblom developed this cross-thian figure into a new actor in 1931.
“Haddon Hubbard “Sunny” Sundblom (June 22, 1899 – March 10, 1976) was an American artist of Finnish and Swedish descent and best known for the images of Santa Claus he created for The Coca-Cola Company. He used his own image for the famous Santa.”
That means that Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus are the same figures in two different hats. The only difference between them is that one is scaring children with monsters, and the other rides around with deer carriage and drinks Coke:) So, Coca-Cola Co. overtook Saint Nicholas and turned him into Santa:)
In Slovenia and some parts of Europe, and besides one cross-thian saint in two costumes, we have another December man, a real Grandpa Cold, which Tito, the president of the Yugoslavia, and because of the socialistic total ban of religions and their rituals, imported from Russia. Grandpa Cold is married to grandma Winter, and he is the only man among the three having relationship with a woman as the previous two are strictly cross-thian celibators:)
Santa Claus is god in disguise
One of the visitors from another planet says that all three men with beards are the symbolical representation of a cross-thian god who gifts good kids and punishes the bad ones, one of them with scary monsters, and the other two without gifts:) Strangely, they didn’t use their karmicons formula of Evil and Good, hand in hand, added a Dark Santa, Grandpa of Hell, or shortly Hell Pa, who gifts bad kids and punishes the good ones:) Rather not imagine what kind of dead, rotten, and stinking black cats this dark saint would throw through the soot chimneys:)
Sanja, we don’t have any religions, grand pa’s, and naughty children on Palki anymore:), so we create new persons who bring gifts in the wintertime. We all live in loving couples, celibate grand pa’s were single, we have a couple who brings gifts to all as we are all good.
Before I sent you a message with a suggestion for the new celebration, I wrote it on a piece of paper, I already found out that you like the idea and that you created a name for the new couple, Vina and Vun, “those who bring gifts and happiness”. Sanja, bravo, I like it very much. Our space friends are watching me so they brought you my message even before I did. They are great! They also told me that you have already made some sketches for their costumes and sent them to our designers. Bravo, bravo!
This is my message to Palkies for the Happy New Year 3.
Dear friends, let me first friendly hug you, all at once and one by one:) Dear kusto, you who have survived the Dark night, hearty welcome back to our beautiful planet and among good, nice, friendly, and loving people I wish you wonderful life, full of joy, happiness, and love. I am very glad that you all live in loving couples enjoying love at it’s best. Love is beautiful, the most beautiful is in a loving couple. Dear young girl Vesna and dear young boy Stefan, it is so lovely to see you together, hanging out and playing. You are Wonderful!
Dear Palkies, I praise you all with great pleasure as you showed how Love and Friendship are working together for the benefit of all giving all a better life. I am very happy with you!
Another great year is behind us and one even better is before us. Medvee z mami (our company) with our Super Sanja (my girlfriend) and Super Katerina (Sanja’s mother) and our superb team together with exceptional Darla (leader of our Centers for awakening) and Miša (leader of Planetary Council), and with our fantastic space friends will do everything so you will all live in nice houses with gardens and pools, equipped with the most advanced technology, and having best opportunities for education and creation.
Countries, thank you that cooperate with Miša and quickly implement all new rights from the new planetary constitution. It is very important that you give all the countrymen initial million euros.
Palkies are the Heart and Sun of this cosmos which is still suffocating, suffering, and dying because of the karmicons dictatorship. On Earth, every day dies up to 60.000 children suffering from hunger. You don’t die from hunger in one day, it is a slowly and painfully several months dying. Around dying children, there are flocks of the karmicons parasite vultures flying around them and feeding with the negative energy of their suffering. Palkies are the first ones in this cosmos liberated from this Evil. We have even buried their Death, which was still recently the absolute End of Life.
Our space friends had recently revived their known philosopher who lived and died 43 million years ago. That is the exact amount that heinous and corrupted karmicons stole from him. 43 million years of love, joy, and happiness. Space friends told me that he read my work and said: “Magra, that is the best description of Life.”. Magra means fantastic.
With our space friends, we cured in 2020 all inhabitants on several planets. On the planet Ifi, almost all of their inhabitants had cancer, today, they are all healthy. Do you even remember hospitals, waiting rooms, health cards, diagnoses, pills, and other injections:) With our friendly work for the benefit of all we are already helping many other humans and beings in our cosmos, healing them from heinous karmicons diseases and reviving them from the cruel Death. We are Life, we are the Heart and the Sun of this cosmos. We are Vina and Vun and we bring Happiness to all beings in this cosmos. We are the Gift of Life.
Dear Simona Brodnjak and all who are standing up for me to come home as soon as possible, thank you very much for your friendship. You are super! I wish that I would come home today, and one day Today will come. Let me loudly shout in my joy to see, cheer, and hug you all soon. Juhuuu, Jupiii in Hurrah!
Dear friends, you are Beautiful.
All the best to all.
Simona Brodnjak is one of many Palkies who we revived in life after being dead for a longer time. Space friends told me that after her return she strongly and publicly stood up for me to come home as soon as possible.
Sanja and Katerina joined my hugs and greetings adding theirs owns in the same message.
Part of my and our New Year message is also The story about Vina and Vun. In the Palki language, they are the ones who bring gifts and happiness. I wrote the story myself, and then send it to Sanja to add her part to it.
Dear friends, I and Sanja wrote a story about our Love, Goodness, and Beauty. This is our gift to you.
The story about Vina and Vun
In the old times, when Evil was darkening, cooling, and scaring people, the Sun was caught in the dungeon of Darkness, and Heart was imprisoned in the jail of Evil. When the Sun tried to shine, the Dark immediately extinguished it. When the Heart tried to love, Evil immediately choked it.
Flowers were gray, their stems twisted, leaves dried and blossoms never bloomed. When the time came to open up and bloom, they went dry and rot. Flowers didn’t smell nice, even their smell was bitter. In the sadness even Death dies, let alone the flowers would bloom.
Rare trees were standing alone in the country with their dry branches and dark leaves as dead scarecrows. The birds didn’t visit them to greet them with their singing. Even if they would come, they wouldn’t sing because the Evil ones took their voice and zipped their beaks. Their feather was ragged and their wings were too crushed to fly.
The songs were dying because of the Darklings as they couldn’t sing. Life was dead, only Death was living.
People were going around with their heavy heads watching down into the ground. Sadness was hanging upon the country as dark fog pressing and choking good people. Everything was black, black snow was falling, black tears were crying people and even the white bread was black. Day and night always were dark. Darklings were sticking to people as dark shadows biting and eating them alive. They were devouring them the whole life and finish them in Death.
When two friends met and look each other with sparkling eyes and hug with warm friendly love, the Darklings, dark beings in dark robes with ominous hoodies immediately came to them. With their stinking breath from their rotten, maggoty, and gap-toothed muzzles they extinguished the shiny sparks from friends eyes, and with the ice-cold, they froze the warmth of the friendly love. In a moment, they tear apart and saddened friends sending them away with extinguished eyes and cold hearts. Darkling was feeding with sadness and despair, they swallowed fear and devoured sadness.
Every time they appeared, the Darkness becomes even darker, and the cold was even colder. Those were hard times, times without Light and Love. People were watching into the sky to see who stole the Sun and Its beautiful light and nice warmth from them. All they saw was just the Darkness which watched them back with empty, dark, and cold eyes.
In the spring, new children came to joy in new life. Parents hid them before the Darklings so they could keep at least some of their natural joy in their hearts and shining light in their eyes. Despite their care, the Darklings were stalking the children trying to extinguish and choke them. New kids were without shadows, and the Darklings couldn’t stick to them. They were following them, jumping on them, and crampingly tried to bite themselves into their bodies, but they couldn’t. New kids were perfectly clean and the Darklings were falling off them as black stains from the shining white coats. New kids were very happy, vivacious, and playful.
Darlings did everything they could to extinguish and freeze new children but they couldn’t succeed because these kids were different. The shine in their eyes was stronger, the sparks were bigger and their hearts were warmer. When more of them were together and they shined like the Sun, the Darklings couldn’t extinguish them, let alone cold and freeze them. The evils were very shocked because the light and warmth of the children’s love and joy was weakening them more and more so they were becoming more and more fragile. Their thick darkness was more and more rare and gray until one day they finally evaporate.
Children gave their shining light and warm love to others and altogether were more and more lightning, sparkling and shining. All were very happy, hugging, singing and dancing. That was the new morning and the new day, day of Light, and day of Love.
Sun was shining, lightning and warming day and night. Even when was dark it was light. The Heart also opened and strongly loved all good people.
Flowers bloomed with their pleasant smell coloring the country beautifully. They smell so nice that even people blossomed in joy. Trees greened and invited birds to visit them. They flew immediately singing their best songs making happy all people. The Joy was smiling with people and laughter reded happy cheeks.
Grown-ups lost their shadows and people shined freely as suns without shadows. Loving couples, families, and friends were hugging, singing, and dancing. Their eyes were sparkling in joy and their hearts were full of love.
When a loving, nice, and friendly person does a good thing, smiles nicely, and friendly helps others, he sparkles a spark of love into the sky. All sparkles join into one big and beautiful Sun of Love. In the wintertime, when clouds cover too short days and night to quickly blanket the country, Sun turns into Vina and Vun and come down in the land of nice and loving people. Vina and Vun bring gifts to all people, children, and grown-up alike, and gift them with love, joy, and happiness. Together they rejoice, sing, and dance.
When Vina and Vun greet, gift, and rejoice all of their friends, they take each other hand, fly to the sky and hug into the Sun of Love. They will shine, warm and pet all good people until the next year when they will celebrate again and rejoice in their Love, Goodness, and Beauty.
Sanja wrote her part of the story, but I haven’t read it yet. We have illustrated the story and published it. Palkies like it very much, and they have immediately accepted Vina and Vun as their new friends. After our transformation into light beings with my Sanja, we will publish the story on Earth as well.
Dear friends, I wish that you awaken in the year 2021, become Aware, and find out how Wonderful you really are. I am also looking forward to liberating Earth with our space friends and bring beautiful gifts to all good Earthlings. Have a nice holiday and all the best to all.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic life after the end of the Karmic organization in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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