As above, so below.
Everything that is happening on the planet is the expression of the Karmic organization and their ideology of more valuable Important ones and less or not worthy Poor ones, Elite, and mob.
All political, economical, law and religious systems are expressing the Karmic system which is based on lies and is executed with violence.
Their fundamental lie is that Evil is Good and that we can develop and evolve only through a hard life, grinding, and suffering in all possible ways. Evil and suffering are not natural, and that is the reason that 99.9% of inhabitants of the planets who are living under the karmicons occupation doesn’t want their dominance and presence at all. Nobody wants to incarnate, to leave their life and go for long decades into hard lives. The karmicons know that, so they incarnate them forcefully. Those who reject incarnation, horribly torture, with electroshocks too, and children as well.
Jac from the planet Palki, who is here with me as an energy being from 2006, says, that forced incarnations were the most terrible thing for all Palkies. Even adults were crying when they got the call to go to incarnation. He said, that the karmicons, also Palkies, who worked in the karmic centers, whom nobody knew like there were complete strangers, were above all rulers, kings, presidents, and governments. They were the leaders of the planet. They were not just above the law, they were The Law. Luckily, we finished the karmicons organization on Palki so they don’t have to incarnate anymore. We will do the same on other planets.
We can see on Earth that as by the rule most of the persons on the positions of power and influence are more or less straight psychopaths, arrogant and Important, narcissistic, selfish, cruel, senseless, lying, manipulative, cheating, corrupted, hostile and violent. That is not by chance as the karmicons put created them by their image and them to rule the planet. Despite we have democratic elections in some countries, which is supposed to mean public and fair, all rulers were first appointed to their positions, and only then they were “elected”. Elected means that the karmicons have put in the scripts of the incarnants command that they will vote for their candidate. That is how they control the whole planet by political means. Just take a look at Trump and you have a clear picture. In the natural society, so damaged and destroyed person couldn’t be a janitor, let alone the president of the bicycle shed:)
Derek Chauvin is also their killer cop, a special agent of hate, and the mannequin of racism. He is a symbol of the karmicons direct contempt, hatred, and violence upon all of us. Paradoxically, and despite that Chauvin had played the karmicons role perfectly showing to the whole world who is in charge of who is doing who, he will be praised and punished for it. They will praise him as he well executed their command and played by the script, and punished for the negative karma, which he got with the kill, or more precise, murder, as all deaths are planned in advance, and before lives.
Once, somewhere, somebody will kneel on the neck of another person, choke him and pay off the karmic debts of the Chauvin incarnant. The karmicons won’t judge Chauvin as he is not a real being for them. He is just one of many incarnations of his incarnant, so all the negative karma falls on him.
(Only) white lives matter!
“I can’t breathe, please, please, please, please, man, I’m about to die, I can’t breathe, please, the knee in my neck, I can’t breathe, mama!, mama!, my stomach hurts, my neck hurts, everything hurts, don’t kill me.”
Floyd’s begging farewell speech is symbolically speech of the whole humanity which the karmicons are sadistically torturing and killing. Chauvin in the police uniform above, a civil, handcuffed, and powerless black man under. For the karmicons, we are all black men, preferably n****s and slaves, despite the color and race. Chauvin too, who played their role, is also just another of their slaves who they used for their dirty work.
I don’t defend him, but we have to know that Derek in his present personal state didn’t have another chance as he was programmed for that act before his birth. Only the karmicons, higher beings above the Karmic organization, or some unpredictable event could prevent that murder.
If Chauvin was awakened or at least awakening, he would have the chance to evade the kill. When the impulse came to kneel on Floyd’s neck came, he would skip it and remain neutral. As we saw, he followed the impulse and executed the programmed act, and in the front of the whole world choked the black man. Despite the court conviction, Chauvin will be permanently removed from the planet in the near future, along with all other criminals and psychopathic sadists.
“I can’t breathe!” is a planetary scream of the whole humanity who heavily suffers from all forms of violence. The karmicons are arrogantly ignoring us and they continue to sadistically strangle, torturing and killing us.
Blue rodeo
Police kill of George Floyd is a public demonstration of supremacist White Force. Three of them were riding him, despite he was handcuffed, on the floor and completely calm. That is a typically instinctive behavior of the flock attacking the prey. Wild animals are hunting for the food, psychopath cops rode Floyd for the fun as there were no security reasons for three of them to jump him like that. One of the cops pressed him to the groin with his knee to hurt him even more.
The scene in which a white cop with a knee on the neck is choking the black man is in fact a monument to American racism. It is possible that extreme right-wingers, ex KKK, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists would frame that picture and have it at homes and in their clubs at the special site together with the racist confederate flag. There is a rumor that they kept the KKK tradition and they regularly organize black man hunting for fun.
Maybe they will use the Chauvin choke technique for the initiation of the new members in their groups. Doing full Chauvin:) Same as the new members of the criminal gangs must first kill, best somebody innocent, before they are officially allowed to start robbing and killing. With the Kneel of the Death on the neck of live black man, and with his death, they join the club of the supremacist racists and narcissistic psychopath sadists. When they kneel a black man to death, they become the Knights of the White Force.
In the death video, we can see how Chauvin knees for 8 minutes and 46 seconds posing on the hunted prey trophy. He has caught his favored prey, live black man, and now he is posing for the photographs while Floyd is begging for mercy and dying. He was choking him down three minutes after Floyd lose his consciousness and fell silent, so he was sure that he is good as in the “only dead black man is a good black man”. With choking him to death, he symbolically took his right to speak and silenced him forever. That was straight overkill in which Derek was still killing George even after he was already dead. Three minutes of overkill was his symbolic expression of his psychopathic sadistic killing orgasm when he triumphantly enjoyed upon George’s dead body.
That was not his first rodeo as he had 18 complaints before the last kill. That means that was had already harassing 18 other persons before George. Only the complaint evidence knows how many of them were black.
The karmicons have written his way and determined the main characteristic of his damaged, twisted, and perverted personality with the name Chauvin-ist. That is a narcissistic psychopath sadist.
Very significant is also the first “official” autopsy report as Chauvin would write it himself:) Report said that there were no signs that Floyd died because of the choking. Pathologist wrote that he died because of the drugs and detention:)
Independent pathologists determined that George died because of the choking. Right after the new report, the official pathologist adapted his story and confirmed that he really died because of the choking. That is a good expression of the system protecting itself. They tried to show Floyd’s death as his fault and clean Chauvin as many other white cops who intentionally killed a black man without any consequences. Like in the racist jokes, they described their deaths as suicides:)
Don’t fight the system, rather create a new one.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller
Killing Floyd was a public street lynch. Before, they hang a black man on trees along the streets shouting »Hang him high!« so everybody can see him. Today, they killed him very low, but because of the video cameras, the whole world could see it. We can assume that if there were no recording of the kill, the official pathologist would say that George died of the natural death:) during a resisting arrest for which he would be post mortem charged to pay a fine and even go to prison. They would seize all of his property, if necessary endebt his relatives for the missing part, and put his body in the special prison for the dead people.
Searching for justice in this (karmicons) system is very naive. It is naive to think that the karmicons system would work fairly and for the benefit of all. That is a hierarchical system of Evil who works for the benefit of the karmicons and their Elite on the planets. Arrest, conviction, and prison for Chauvin and other killers are just preserving that system of the violence which requires a tooth- for- a tooth and an eye-for-an-eye. Violence for the violence, and death for a death.
In some variation, they could sentence Chauvin with a death penalty which would be just another violence. A death for a death is not justice. These are just two acts of violence. Two evils don’t make one good. The idea, that the punishment is just, is the karmicons false, twisted, and perverted theory and practice which they use to deceive and make people act vengeful and revengeful Evil. First violence is supposed to be bad, the second one, retaliatory punishment, a good one. That is not true, violence is violence, and every violence is bad, harmful, destructive, and deadly. Even the state one.
Do you know what we would do with Chauvin and Floyd on the planet Palki? We would immediately revive Floyd and remove Chauvin from the planet. In the future, we would personally transform him, rejuvenate him to two years of age, give him another body and name and return him back to the planet. No police and law procedures, no conviction, no prison, and no death penalty. We would be fully aware that Chauvin killed Floyd by the karmicons script and that he as unawakened couldn’t do differently. Because he is dangerous for society, he would be removed from the planet, but we would give him another chance. In the near future, and after the transformation of law systems on Earth, we would do the same here.
I read on the internet that Floyd was an actor in porn movies. That is supposed to be proof that everything in his death is staged:), and that he just played his role.
That is just another attempt to banalize his murder and show it as unimportant. Why are you so upset, it is just a black man. Or, to even charge him as guilty for his death as he volunteered for the “movie”. In fact, he did play a role, it was his last, in the police porn movie about the sadist cop. It was a group orgy as there were three cops riding him to the last drop of his black life. They were maniacally pressing him until their sadistic orgasm. Who knows, what would they do, if there were no cameras when the batons would start swinging and singing.
Chauvin is a psychopathic sadist who joined the police to officially and legally harass and torture people. That is the expression of the karmicons who created the Karmic organization as the school of Evil to they could freely torture and kill people. With the regions, they even made a step forward requesting that people are in fear of them, begging for mercy, obediently obeying them, and humiliated praying their Lords of Evil.
With the words of Jahveeh, common god of Jews, cross-thians, and Muslims: “I am a jealous, angry, and vengeful god.”. Their god is so hostile, let alone his believers.
American Psycho: State of the nation.
Chauvin’s performance is an expression of the penultimate phase of the psychopathic personality development, also of the development of the organization or and the state. The last phase of the evil specialization is when such and so twisted and perverted person, organization and state, starts teaching others how to torture and kill people, and that becomes absolutist system practice as in Nazism and Communism.
Racists were organized in KKK cells, masked and hidden white cross-thian men in white robes. White against black, clean against dirty, domestic against aliens, good against bad, more valued against worthless, and Important against Poor. Members of Clan mostly lynched black men privately on their private properties and private orgies. Burning crosses meant that they execute violence in the name of their god, and that is justified. Such murders weren’t considered as sins, as they were heroic, patriotic, and god serving acts. At confession, they brag with them, and they weren’t charged for them.
Today, racists are men in blue uniforms, who openly and publicly afford to lynch black men on the streets in front of the cameras and the whole world. Public violence is the next phase when they feel so strong and dominant that they don’t have to hide anymore.
Psychopathy, I use the term to describe damaged, destroyed and perverted personality, who thinks that Evil is Good, starts in childhood with a fanatic and narcissistic urge for attention. As kids, they become obsessed with subordinating and abusing others. They are the bosses, and everybody else is around just to serve them. There is no low, under which they will descend to get what they want. They like to force and extort obedience and servitude of others so they can, even more, humiliate them. They will do anything to come to the top, above others to press them below as Chauvin who was trumply shouting “I am above, you are below!” pressing, oppressing and choking Floyd under his knee. That psychopathic, narcissistic, and sadistic act is personal, police organizational, and political statement. White above, black below. It is also the karmicons hierarchical statement, we are up, you are down. Who is stronger, presses, and oppresses!
I read on the internet that several types of research show that most of the leaders on positions of power like managers, presidents, and politics, have all signs of psychopathic personalities. They are narcissistic, obsessed, and addicted to attention, extremely selfish, completely senseless, manipulative, lying, cheating and stealing, corrupted, humiliating and contempting, abusing, hostile, and (sexually) violent.
Did you see the movie American Psycho about the typical manager psychopath?
»A wealthy New York City investment banking executive, Patrick Bateman, hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he delves deeper into his violent, hedonistic fantasies.«
Like, if you want to be a good businessman, you have to be a psychopath. “Greed is good.” (Wall Street 1987) is just another paraphrase of the karmicons Evil is Good main philosophy, theory, and practice. “Killing is good!”, Derek Chauvin in 2020 police public street snuff reality show.
Systemic racism like in America is the legalized politic of discrimination between Elite and mob which favors white and contempt black and other races. With planned and systematic dehumanization they devalue them into worthless objects. Recently, in public buses in America, white people were sitting in the front, black in the back. But, only then, when they even allowed them to travel with the same buses as they. That was a truly revolutionary step when we know that before that the signs on the shops were shouting “No dogs, no Indians, and no blacks.”
Racist motive who favors white before black is a theme of the movie and series Snowpiercer. On the train with 1001 cars permanently circling the planet, the Elite is in a luxurious front while the Poor mob is poor, hungry, and dirty in the back. The train is horizontal-vertical of the hierarchical system and example of the utopic idea of the ideal society as the capitalistic corporation on the wheels.
Racism is a karmicons religion of supremacist believers who believe that they are more valued than others and that all others who are worthless are to be killed. They will keep only a few them as they need them for slaves. From this religion comes Nazism, Fascism, Communism, chauvinism, and racism. These are the riders of the Apocalypse. These are the faces of Hate, Evil, and Death.
We know that racism is an important part of American history. Racist had their own country. Racist southern confederation has fought a war against northern states to keep the slave system. Southern didn’t get over the loss of the war and the legal right to have slaves, and as much as they can, they still preserve slave ownership mentality and behavior.
Many of the extreme right, white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and psychopathic sadists managed to join the police and army where they torture black men as much as they can. That is why they brought them from Africa in the first place. To abuse them as slaves and to torture and kill them for fun. Ex-mayor of Minneapolis, where they killed Floyd, said that he knew for the group of the racist policeman but he didn’t do anything to remove them from the police. The extreme right, white supremacists, and Neo-Nazis have very strong support among Republicans and Trump who are openly protecting and defending them. They are the clenched fist of the White Force.
Trump is angry like a mad dog.
Trump, safely hidden in the presidential bunker, threats that he will unleash vicious dogs to protesters. He already unleashed them, mad, wild, and sadistic cops who are publicly beat, choke, and kill people on the streets in front of the whole world. Killing with perverted satisfaction, and almost smiling, they arrogantly ignore calls to stop as people are dying under their knees.
Before Trump ran to the bunker, he ordered the secret service to gas and shoot protesters around the White House so he could walk to the neighborhood church to pose with a bible in his hands. The same did Bush Jr., while towers of WTC were falling in the terrorist attack. Now, we can only guess, what will fall this time. Bush was holding a children’s book with fairytales upside down which was a symbolic sign of unconscious confession of guilt – something is wrong.
They say that it was obvious that Trump doesn’t know how to hold the book right as he never had one in his hands. During the terrorist attack, some say that he orchestrated it with his colleagues, Bush Jr. went to kindergarten to pose as innocent … Trump went in front of the church to pose as sinless. He wanted to create an image of the immaculate one, as a true believer. But, first, he had to forcefully scatter protesters. They were lucky as he didn’t unleash the vicious dogs to them.
The violence upon protesters doesn’t count as Trump’s sin as he is a political Jesus. He is Hero Martyr, to whom first Chinese infected voters to prevent their voting for him, and now, Antifa attacked him to spoil his second four years.
Read his triumphal statement on page:
“The front line was replaced with fresh agents, like magic,” he added. “Big crowd, professionally organized, but nobody came close to breaching the fence. If they had they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That’s when people would have been really badly hurt, at least.”
He came in front of the church to tell everybody that he is a god and a stick:) and that everybody must obey him otherwise he will vengefully unleash biblical cataclysms upon them. First vicious dogs, of course, his favorites:)
Mad, wild, and vicious dogs are an expression of his unconscious urge to control and punish others who would rise against him. They have to be obedient, silent and serving dogs, that is how he likes them the most:)
In the article Opinion | Bishop Budde: Trump’s Visit to St. John’s Church Outraged Me we can read how Trump abused neighbor church for his Jesus Hero Martyr performance.
“Yes, I was outraged by President Trump’s use of the Bible and the backdrop of St. John’s Church for his political purposes. I was horrified to learn that while he was threatening to use military force across America, peaceful protesters were being forcibly removed from Lafayette Park so that he might pose before the church for a photograph.”
As that wasn’t enough:)
“Instead, Mr. Trump used sacred symbols to cloak himself in the mantle of spiritual authority, while espousing positions antithetical to the Bible that he held in his hands.”
Instead of love, hate, violence, and vicious dogs:)
Holding the bible in his hand, Trump inaugurated himself again as the president of the USA. He used the holy book of the Gods Power to proclaim that he is the Boss and god on Earth. America first! in fact, means “I first!”. We can fully understand this statement only with a statement of the absolutist leader Luis XIV of France: »L’etat, c’est Moi.«, or »State, that’s me.« Trump is America! »America, that’s me!«
Despite it seems that Trump with the bible in his hand is like a criminal with a code of laws, in fact, he posed with a right book which is a manual of gods’ violence upon humans. Yahweh kills for every trifle. He is killing and killing through the whole old testament which is like a book of gods killings fantasies. “Kill ‘em all!” Trump used god’s manual to threaten everybody that he will viciously punish them if they won’t obey him. Unconsciously, he is telling them: “I am jealous, angry, and vengeful President God. Fear me or I will kill you all!”.
Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York state, commented on Trump’s posing with the bible that it was obvious that he doesn’t know how books work as he didn’t know how to hold it right in his hand as he never saw held one. Trump, not knowing “how books work” is a symbolic expression of his Important arrogance. He doesn’t have to know and obey the law as they don’t apply to him. He is above the law, he is the Law.
Trump then twitted:
»D.C. had no problems last night. Many arrests. Great job done by all. Overwhelming force. Domination. Likewise, Minneapolis was great (thank you President Trump!).«
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 2, 2020
With the emphasis on »Overwhelming force. Domination.« Like he was bragging that yesterday he enjoyed a good Sado-Maso orgy:) A truly vicious one:)
On the same page, I read an interesting comment about the protesters who dare to protest against the police state and racist violence:
Apodo 02.06.2020, 20:24:58 +6
The enemy was ruthlessly firing at our planes which were peacefully bombarding their cities …”
Read part 2 on:
All the best to all.
Read more about the karmicons psychopathic scriptwriters and sadistic directors in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2 on Amazon:
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