Dear friends, the karmicons fabricated the karma as artificial currency for false endebtment and forceful pay-off of imaginary debts.
We, completely free of charge, have to pay them for unknown persons from other planets. We are paying them with pains and suffering and at the end with our life, too.
Karma is just a word
The Karmicons system is false because the consequential model of the world is not true. The Karmicons system is impossible because it’s not possible to digitally precisely mathematically balance different acts of different people. It is arbitrary as the karmicons made up their karma decisions; they add it or remove it, as they wish.
That’s why it’s not fair. Same as the legal system on Earth it’s not about the justice but executing the Law of Force, violence and punishing revenge.
The Karmicons system is not fair because it’s not beneficial for all. A system that is not beneficial to all collapses sooner or later. We don’t need it for personal development because all experiences are equal. They differ only by the simple fact, are they beneficial to our goal or not. And, of course, we have the right to decide how we want to live.
The karmicons are intruders and parasites. We can live without them much better than with them.
The Karmicons system is very violent, harsh and unpleasant. Especially to us humans is very devaluating, humiliating and destructive as it sees us as objects for collecting the experiences for higher beings. And as producers of negative energy which they feed on.
The karmic system is murderous and suicidal. With killing others it will kill itself at the end. it’s not interesting nor funny. And it doesn’t look well, either:)
Karma is just a word and just one of the many different explanations of the meaning of Life. there are other explanations that are more beneficial for humans and other beings. For example, the explanation of the natural Life which is not changing It to something else that is not. Life is Life.
Božo, implant in me, said you can never repay or balance karma and get rid of it because karma is not something you do or you do differently. The karmicons do the karma for others. And they do it by telling some words. That is true, they just say some words and karma is bigger, smaller, transferred to other person or wiped out.
Acts and facts remain the same, they only change the description. Karma is not an exact science because it is completely arbitrary. About karma are deciding beings that are very unstable and strongly imbalanced:) Today they could add karma to somebody, tomorrow they could wipe it out completely.
»Wiping out the karma« is just an expression because they can not wipe the concrete acts which are and will stay in Existence forever. You can eradicate nothing in Existence because is Energy cannot be destroyed.
Everything remains the same, karmicons just say something and then they think things have changed. They are so ignorant they even believe themselves.
The karmicons with intentional and scripted deaths kill only singular lives because they can’t kill the Life. Life lives and that it’s Its fundamental and eternal truth. They can kill others and on the long run them, as well, but Life will survive Its own killers.
Karmicons game is a play with life and death in which at the end die all, creators and players.
That’s why we change consequential model to simultane and end the Karmicons system forever. In the new and natural model, we will live as real beings, subjects, equivalent, equal and sovereign.
How to change the old model into the new? Same as everything. We decide different, release old and accept new. And how to decide? We just say from now on we will live differently and then we live like that.
We live so nobody will have to die for others to live. Awake and ascend. With awakening, we become aware that we are Beings of Pure Awareness and wonderful beings of Love and Wisdom.
With ascension, we change our physical bodies to light bodies and expand our awareness. Ascended we keep our personal identity and we live on as light beings.
In simultaneous mode, we will live naturally. We will have young, healthy and beautiful bodies, all possible abilities and activated all our talents. In Peace and Love, we will live with our darlings, families, friends, and neighbors.
We won’t grind for survival and selfish benefit for the elite but create for fun and benefit for all. We will play, sing, dance, shout and laugh forever.
Dear Palkies, here I am alive* from the book Letters to Palkies in which I present to Earthlings our wonderful planet and wonderful beings with whom we are ending the Karmicons system of Evil. We are very close to become fully sovereign.
Earthlings are still suffering under this Evil but with this book and good news it brings are coming better times for them, too. They are reading Letters to Palkies as science fiction, fantasy, and utopia. If they would know what you know they would read it as a fantastic reality:)
Dear friends, enjoy your new bodies, Peace, Friendship, and Love. I wish that the Earthlings will live like you soon, too.
All the best for all.
*I added this message in the book Letters to Palkies for Earthlings. All channeled messages in the past, parts of the old testament, text for Koran and a new-age flood of karmicons channeled lies were coming to Earth. Now is the first time that somebody from the Earth is sending messages to another planet. This time the messages are true, friendly and benevolent. The Good News.
To be continued.
If you want to know more about the karmicons and the future of the Earth read my new book Letters to Palkies. You can get it on Amazon.
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