As members of the Evil Karmic Organization, the karmicons have invented all gods, religions, and cults. Although there is no proof for the existence of gods, about half of the Earth’s population believes in them. This is a karmic formula of 50:50, half believers and half non-believers, thus creating differences, contradictions, and conflicts. By the same formula, they have also sent us two gods: a god who is separate from humans and a god who is One with humans. We know almost everything about the ancient and, for example, Christian god Yahweh, but it is crucial to know that this god, in his own words, jealous, angry and vengeful, created believers in his image who therefore follow him and, by the divine and biblical handbook, also hate all those who are different, unbelieving or heretical, left-wing, free-thinking and non-political.

In a new series of series and articles, I will introduce you to a new karmic god who, unlike the far-right, hateful, and violent Yahweh, is dedicated to the left, as he is much more peaceful, kind, and friendly, even though he is just as false and lying as his service counterpart Yahweh. The karmicons and their lieutenants have channeled many of the new gods of “Oneness,” but the new god has been presented in most detail in the book series Conversations with God and other books by the fervent Christian believer and author Neal Donald Walsch. To begin with, let us look at how Evil and the incarnation came about in the karmic tale of a false and lying god and false angels who do not really exist.
“The Little Soul and the Sun (Fairy Tale), Neale Donald Walsch
Once upon a time, when the time was not yet, there was a little soul who said to God, “I know who I am!”
God replied, “Wonderful! Who are you?”
The little soul cried out, “I am the light!”
“Yes, you are the light,” God smiled broadly and affirmed.
The little soul was unfortunate, she discovered exactly what all souls in the Kingdom of Heaven want to discover. “Hey,” she said, “this is wonderful.”
Soon, knowing who she was was not enough. She felt a restlessness inside and she wanted to become who she was. She went to God again (which is not a bad idea at all for all souls who want to become who they are) and said, “Hail God. Now that I know who I am, would it be right for me to be that?”
God asked, “Are you saying that you want to become what you already are?”
“Well, yes,” said the little soul, “it is one thing to know who I am, but it is another thing to really be it. I would like to feel what it is like to be the light.”
“But you are already the light,” repeated God, smiling again.
“Yes, but I want to know what it feels like to be light,” the little soul moaned.
“Well, yes,” smiled God, “you would think so. You’ve always been adventurous.” God chuckled. “Here’s something else …”
“What?” asked the little soul.
“Well, there’s nothing else but light. You know, I created nothing else but who you are. That’s why it’s not so easy for you to experience what you are if there’s nothing that you’re not.”
“How? ” asked the little soul, puzzled.
“Imagine it this way,” said God, “you are like the glow of a candle in the sun. There are millions of candles beside you, forming the sun with you. But the sun would not be the sun without you. It would not be the sun without any of these candles, because it could not shine so brightly. So how will you know yourself as light if you are surrounded by light everywhere, that is the question.”
“Well, yes, you are God, think of something,” said the little soul cheekily.
“You’re right,” smiled God again. “I’ve already remembered. Since you can’t see your light when you’re surrounded by light, we’re going to cover you with darkness.”
“What is darkness?” asked the little soul.
“Darkness is what you are not.”
“Am I afraid of the darkness?” cried the little soul.
“Only if you so choose. In truth, there is nothing to be afraid of unless you choose to be. You know, we only invent fear,” God replied.
“Oh,” nodded the little soul, already feeling better.
“For something to be experienced at all, the opposite of it must occur,” God explained to her. “This is a great gift,” he said, “because without it we would never know how something really is. We would not know heat without cold, above without below, fast without slow. We would not know left without right, here without there, now without then. And when you are surrounded by darkness, do not clench your fists, do not raise your voice, and do not curse the darkness. Be a light in the darkness rather than being angry at it. That way you will know who you really are and everyone else will know too. Let your light shine so brightly that everyone will know you are special.”
“Are you saying it’s okay if others see that I’m special?” asked the little soul.
“Sure,” laughed God, “it’s very OK! But remember – being special does not mean being better. Everyone is special, each in their own way. And many have forgotten that. Only when they see that it is okay to be special for you will they realize that it is okay for them too.”
“Yes,” the little soul danced, laughing and jumping for joy. “So I can be as special as I want!”
“Yes, and you can start right now,” God danced with the little soul, laughing and jumping for joy.
“What part of special do you want to be?”
“What part of the special?” repeated the little soul. “I don’t understand.”
“Well,” God explained, “being light is special, and special is made up of many different parts. There is something special about being kind. There is something special about being gentle. It is something special to be resourceful. It is something special to be patient. Can you think of anything else that makes you special?”
The little soul sat quietly for a moment. Then she exclaimed, “I can think of many things that would make me special. Something special is being helpful. There is something special about sharing with others. There is something special about being friendly. It is something special to be mindful of!”
“Yes,” God agreed. “And you can be all of that, or just a part of it, whatever you want at any moment. That’s what it means to be light.”
“I know what I want to be! I know what I want to be!” cried the little soul excitedly. “I want to be that part of the special that we call forgiveness. Is it special to forgive?”
“Oh, yes,” God assured the little soul, “it is something very special.”
“Right,” said the little soul, “that’s what I want to be. I want to be forgiveness. That’s what I want to experience myself as.”
“Good,” said God, “but there is something else I need to know.”
The little soul grew impatient. Always new problems. “What else?” she groaned.
“There is no one I need to forgive.”
“No one?” The little soul just couldn’t believe what God was telling her.
“No one,” God repeated. “Everything I have created is perfect. There is not one soul in this creation who is less perfect than you. Just look around you.”
Now the little soul noticed that many other souls had gathered around them. They had come from everywhere, from all over the heavenly realm, where word had gotten out about the extremely important conversation between the little soul and God, and they all wanted to hear their conversation.
Looking at the countless souls gathered, the little soul had to agree with God. None of them was less beautiful, less brilliant, and less perfect than she was. They were so beautiful, their light shone so brightly, that the little soul could hardly look at them.
“Whom will you forgive then?” God asked.
“Oh my, there will be no joy in that,” the little soul murmured. “I would like to meet someone who forgives. I’d like to know how that part of being special feels.”
And so the little soul learned what it was like to be sad.
Just then, a kind soul stepped out of the crowd. “Don’t worry, little soul,” she said, “I will help you.”
“Really?” the little soul beamed, “What can you do for me?”
“I can give you someone you can forgive.”
“Can I?”
“Of course,” giggled the kind soul. “I’ll come to your next life on earth and do something for you so you can forgive me.”
“But why? Why would you want to do that for me?” asked the little soul. “You are such a perfect being. Your vibrations are so high, your light shines so brightly, I can hardly look at you! Why do you want to lower your vibrations so much that your light is dark and dense? Why would you, who are so bright that you can dance on the stars with the speed of your thoughts, come into my life on earth and weigh yourself so heavily that you could do something bad to me?”
“Simple,” replied the kind soul, “because I love you.”
The little soul was surprised by this answer.
“You need not be surprised,” said the kind soul, “you have done the same for me. Don’t you remember? You and I have danced together many times. We have played together in many places at different times. You just don’t remember. We’ve been to all sorts of places. We have been upstairs and we have been downstairs, we have been left and right, here and there, now and then, male and female, good and bad, we have both been victims and villains. So we have come together, you and I, many times, each to bring to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to express and experience who we really are. And that is why,” explained the kind soul, “I will come into your next life and take on the role of the villain. I’m going to do something really terrible to you so that you can experience yourself as the one who forgives.”
“But what will you do,” the little soul asked excitedly, “something so terrible?”
“Oh,” smiled the kind soul, “I will remember something.”
Then the kind soul became very serious and said in a low voice: “You know, you are absolutely right about one thing.”
“What?” the little soul wanted to know.
“I have to lower my vibration very low and become very heavy before I can do something terrible. I will have to pretend to be someone I am not. That’s why I have to ask you for a favor.”
“You can wish all you want!” cried the little soul and began to dance and sing. “I can forgive, I can forgive!” Now she noticed that the kind soul had become very quiet. “What is it?” she asked, “what can I do for you? You are such an angel that you are willing to do this for me!”
“Of course, the kind soul is an angel,” God interrupted, “every creature is an angel. Remember, I have never sent you anything but angels!“
The little soul was even more eager to fulfill the kind soul’s request. “What can I do for you?” she asked again.
“The moment I find you and do the most terrible thing to you,” replied the kind soul, “the moment I do the most terrible thing you can imagine… So at this moment…”
“And,” said the little soul.
The kind soul became even quieter. “Then remember who I really am.”
“Oh, I certainly will,” cried the little soul. “I promise you! I will always remember you as I see you here at this moment!”
“Good,” said the kind soul. “You know, I’ll pretend to forget so I’ll forget myself. And if you don’t remind me who I really am, I won’t remember myself for a very long time. If I forget who I am, you might forget who you are, and we’d both be lost. Then we would need another soul to come into our lives and remind us who we really are.”
“No, we won’t,” the little soul promised again. “I will always remember you! I will be so grateful for such a great gift of the opportunity to experience myself as who I really am.”
So the deal was done and the little soul embarked on a new earthly life, delighted to be a light and something special. She waited anxiously to experience herself as forgiveness and to be able to thank another soul, however that soul would allow her to have that experience.
And in every moment of this new life, whenever she met a new soul and it brought her joy or sorrow, especially when it brought her sadness, the little soul remembered her conversation with God:
“Always remember,” He smiled, “I never sent you anything but angels!“
Translated from Slovene version, source:
God’s lies, illogics, and nonsense

You may have noticed many illogics yourself while reading the false karmic fairy tale for adults and children. In the second part of this article, I will introduce you to a whole bunch of lies and nonsense that stick out of this fairy tale lie.
Everything is fine with fairy tales, I like them very much too, but things get complicated when fairy tales pretend to be true, like the one above, and of course the Bible as one of the greatest karmic fictions. Believers who believe such lies are living in a fiction they think is reality. Understandably, they do not understand the unbelievers who live in real reality. For this reason, the believers hate the unbelievers and try to force them to lose their minds and move into fiction by all means, including violence, swords, and fire.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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